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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. ^^;;; *under stands cough, same here* Only I was an out cast since I was um.....gotta think here....I think 5? Cant remember, any ways back to the poem. I like it, never reaching where your ment to be. Just because you have some where else to be before you reach the end. Going far enough till you reach the end. I like. ^^
  2. That's true. *nodds* I have two different virsons of one story just becuase I didn't feel like typing it up while I was writting it, I did it at the same time. They're the same yet differen't . Your story is probley good, as I can tell from all your other writtings your a great writter. ^^ So I'm guessing your good at comeing up with plots and writting stories.
  3. Cool, that could be turned into a plot line then a book. It'd sell well if it was. ^^; Anyway I really like the poem. One thing begins, other things end, and some become exposed. And new door ways to a different roads open. The thoughts are great, so it's great. ^^ Survie the test to see the light and to live freely.
  4. I don't think you'll be able to find it for a few years if you wanted to read it. It has a very fun plot line. The next one is because of the comic book I've just started to read. It's very....um....vil....um...funny, and lots of gangsters and abusive. I guess that sums it up well. ~~~~~~ RedMoon In your eyes I see then moon But it's lined with blood and sorrow In your eyes I see Azlar's death, and the "Sun's" new begining The RedMoon tells all, of your past and of your future But the life potion may change the tide, it may change the RedMoon in your eyes
  5. Very good, it sounds like an out cast. Hee...an out cast, alone and dritfing around. ^^ I like it indeed, I can relate! The child always being alone, then once they grew up they see a child the oppiste then they where.
  6. The past of the shadows, lies, and dreams, and the life of them all round out into one. Their past is their life and their life is their past. Tells the truth of their life. ^^ I like it.
  7. Kinda, it reminds me of Tsukasa and Morgonna. Morgonna trys to keep Tsukasa away from the real world, and anything that may harm him. Just for her own selfish resones.
  8. Ok, this is a poem because of the book Dark Messenger. ~~~~~~~~ Travel Travel south, you'll find the goddess Travel east, and you'll come to Zoma Travel north, you'll find a broken toy Travel west, you'll find death The west and the north are one The toy marks your death, and the death is the toyTravel or travel not, you'll find your fate
  9. Kinda sounds as if they were writting down their dreams along with their thoughts on dreams. It's soudns as if the person was thinking deeply while they wrote it. And the heros it's great! ^^
  10. Telling all the things, that'd be nice if some one had the answers to life. Longing to know about the world and the things in it. It's great. ^^ Speak to the heart, tell all the things.
  11. That's a great one! ^^ Being pulled by an unknown force back into the lonelyness (sp) I really like, the force wants to protect yet it's hurtting at the same time. It's longing to have you there and keep you there trapped. And the person is longing to be free.
  12. Ok, this next one is because of the video game I'm working on. If you see digitalshadow's sig, thats the game I'm working on. ~~~~~~~ Video The back round fluter all around In never stops spinning, it goes round and round It creates confusion in my mind But it's only a fake memeory Some one else's mind, recorded into mine It's just like a video, of some one else's memeory
  13. I knew I was gonna be wrong. I haven't gotten to see the Matrix two yet, or the ani-Matrix. I guess I 'll have to go and see them.
  14. Even though it was a hypothetical question, and you don't want an answer I'm going to give a short answer anyways."Think of the sun" ~~~~~~~~ Speak... They all pass by even you do too, not wanting to hear what I want to say You ignore my voice when I call out I try to speak to you, yet you go on by passing me like all the rest If you wish to be a stranger to me, I'll try not to speak
  15. Yeah, I get can get confusing alot of times. ^^; People loose track of what I say. The poem is good, thinking about other people having no thoughts of how you feel when they pass you by. It's great!
  16. Your reading level often tells the out come of your speed, vocb, understanding, and accuracy. Therefore you'd be able to do more then some one can ususally do, because it's like your spliting different parts of your brain to different task. The more task you can do that need more higher level thinking the higher you think therefore the smarter you get. So basically multi-tasking, with different class of thinking.
  17. I like it. ^^ Even if you don't know why you wrote it that really dosen't matter. Writing things like this usually helps people feel happy. I really like the last part that says "prey for me" that made it a really nice ending.
  18. Seeing a child playing all alone in a field...kinda reminds me of .Hack//sign. Something you couldn't find, being lost, in a place so big. I like it, ^^ it sounds as if there's a memeory behind it.
  19. Phantom of the Megaplex....the last time I saw that was...I don't know. I've seen it once but I can't remeber. ~~~~~~~ Shadows Shadows creep around They're faded and be forgotten from this world Shadows come for the light, and put a vail over it's eyes They come and go as they please, till forced back by the light Shadows they rise, and fall with the sun and the moon
  20. Actually today I'm free from getting into fights and I'm doing 6 things at once on the computer. The OB, working on a pic, my site, editing two different storys and graphic design. Just because I can spell well dosen't mean I can't read have a 11.9 level of reading! Anyways about the poem. I love it! Alone yet every thing is a live and closing in. All with no thoughts and yet moving of it's own free will. And the thing about not beliving it would all come to pass part.
  21. Wings...that'd be fun. To fly any where, well any where you won't get shot down that is. Still I'd love it if I could fly. But I wouldn't want angel wings. ~~~~~~~ Phantom... Phantom is the ghost I see Hunting the memories, that had long since faded Replying each act of life in my eyes Near the phantom and he'll disappear Phantom will fallow the moon, in the mist of night he shall apper The phantom to keep the memories, to keep them form being forgotten
  22. I like it. ^^ Them not leaveing you alone when trying to think. Or when you feel like you need to be alone. And trying to get your ideas out but they're crowding them in.
  23. There like invisable tears, always crying but can never be seen. Walikng as you go with a fake smile to cover up the pain that's felt. I like it. ^^ And I'll post a story soon.
  24. Yep, in the game the kingdom that ruled in the war became a fortress of darkness. It fell along with the people, Vorless, and everything else they had worked for to save before the kingdom went dark. I don't think anyone has heard of the game before, but it's a great game. ~~~~~~~ Fake Wings These fake wings hide the scars Your wings are black, covered in the dark ashes of burned dreams Your wings were broken long ago These fake wings have no meaning, only for show to draw the atteion away from your tears Those fake wings make them drift a way from youThe loneness that you get from those wings, all to make sure no body gets close Those black wings have made you fade All of this because of fake wings
  25. Wow, cool! Having the point that you listen, but they don't. Yet they think they do, and seeing through the tears. A crimson fire that is one with tears. It's great!
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