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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I was bored earlier this morning and begun doodling on my computer. So I thought I would show off what I came up with and would like to get comments and/or criticism on how I'm doing. Also, if I should carry over and continue the image so that it's a full blown background image. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/flow01.jpg[/IMG] [b]Title:[/b] Light's Flow. [b]Medium:[/b] Adobe Photoshop 8.0. [i] - Mouse and Brush Render.[/i] [b]Time:[/b] 7:39 am - 8:30 am. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I celebrate the Lunar New Year, or usually referred to as the Chinese New Year. Thus, I spend the first and part of the second week of February sending red envelopes, buying fruit, and do some mad cleaning. Write around 50 Danzi Bos' with friends, run around like crazy apologizing to those of which I think that I may have hurt at any point in their life. Then...Come Feb. 9, I'll be at a gathering helping to send of fireworks. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [QUOTE=Methuselah][COLOR=Green][SIZE=1]I'm 14 (power to the One Four!) and I turn 15 in a couple of weeks. I've been on the boards since April this year and I can distinctly remember why I joined. *clears throat*[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]I'll make sure I send you two cards. One a joke for everyone thinking your 900+. The other one, an actual card saying your actual age. Both deserve a tribute. I must give a thanks to Metatron for what everyone thinks my age is. Since he has guessed the highest; 30. I'm actually 13. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=DimGray][SIZE=1][u][i][b]Sign Up[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Seigi. Ken. Yin. [b]Age:[/b] 16. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Please [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/girl.png]click here[/URL] . [b]Personality:[/b] Smart. Intelligent. Wise. Aloof. Ignored. Seigi seems to be very quite and shy and stays with drawn from most other people. However, this covers up most of what she really is. If she could has the piece of mind to speak, bluntly, she wouldn't. This is because she is smart and intelligent. Knowing already to think before she opens her mouth, not to confuse others. Usually making them feel odd, childish, or stupid. Seigi tries to avoid this when ever possible. Yet it usually turns out that her seriousness already causes those around her to feel like they must flee. In terms of education; she has received the highest markings. Thus Seigi doesn't hesitate to correct teachers and others when they're wrong. But of course, she tries to do it in the nicest way she can; without sounding as though she looks down upon others. Beyond all of her intelligence and wisdom of which has been drawn from conclusions...Seigi is a bit naive. [b]Extra Notes:[/b] Fear of failure. Also, a fear of being proven wrong. [b]Love:[/b] N/A. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» Please let me know if anything needs to be changed. [i]PS. - Jamie, remember... The Chapater System is your friend.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Being the request is of the beautiful and talented Jamie. I took a try as well. In the background, it's pretty much flooded with mistletoes. Anyways, I hope you like it. Let me know if you do/ would like alterations, etc. I wasn't able to find any love-y type of X-Mas pictures, so. My sincerest apologies. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21664&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21663&stc=1[/IMG] I hope you get Photoshop, I'd love to see your talent in full force. ^_~ Good-luck.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  6. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Snãyuè stared, peering out of the corner of which she had become accustomed to within her few minutes. It was as it had always been. Twice looked upon, but always into respect of her family name; Zhènyû. But, this bothered her not. For nearly half an hour before, she had finished in the area. Leaning against the pillar at the gather had proved most relaxing. She did, however, find it rather odd that everyone looked as though they were in a still painting. More so, she detested the atmosphere. It exasperated her. The placement reminded Snãyuè of an congregate matching. Her eyes genteelly fallowing those dancing. There movements so graceful and elegant. Suddenly they stopped. Gasps and whispers. Guest parting left and right noble Temozareila within great strides bowing down to the beautiful Anansee Jamethiel Bryson. Snãyuè found it all very suiting since both were well known for the way of which they held them-selves and for their tactics. [i]One would suppose...Green really must be the color of jealousy.[/i] she said to her self, [i]Not a women nor lady that has ever laid eyes upon her have not grown in jealousy or envy. Until now; I must be rather stupid or naive.[/i] The wary smile became one of real hints of joy. Xairiel Noctus Malebranche. Keagan Desslanoch. One a man of slaughter, the other simply seemed to count the corpuses the reaper took the burden upon him self to create. Biting his time. She watched as the two men seemed to drift off in opposite yet single pointed directions. Snãyuè drifted from her space. Like a ghost she darted in and out of the hoarding mass of nobles and lords. Around the clearing, she hoped to becom acquainted with either one of them.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] Please let me know if anything needs to be changed or altered. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [i][u][b]Sign-Up.[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Si. M. Korosu. [b]Age:[/b] 19. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Rank:[/b] Warrant Officer. [b]Specialization:[/b] Science. / Engineering. [b]Personality:[/b] Thoughtful. Quite. Sympathetic. Wise. Disciplined. Collective. These are the words that most would use to describe Si. Usually she can never been seen without a smile on her face. Nothing can faze her spirits even in the most dire moments, she stays indifferent. Si always keeps a positive appearance and tries to condole the other members when they're down. She seems to be able to relate or have a high understanding of others. However, Si is dramatically quite and does not work well along side others for a long period of time. Usually if working with a partner for more then a week she'll speak about the aggravation of the situation to those in charge. Or send in a request or complaint against her self. But being wise, she'll never disagree with her superiors or co-workers. [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands 5'7" and weights 105 lbs. [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/si003.png]Click Here.[/URL] [b]Bio:[/b] Starting out at age fifteen, Si was enrolled into the academy of the Unified Military. Si had detested the thought of anything 'Unified." Thinking that there was no such thing. And that any subject or matter relating to 'unification' would surely end in failure. 'History repeats it's self.' During her first year her classes had focused mainly on collecting and analyzing data. The girls persona and out look remained indifferent, it did so for the next year fallowing. [i]Year 3...[/i] Si's thoughts on the idealism behind 'unification' had changed dramatically. Although she still thought it'd end in failure Si loved the evidence that humanity was making great strides towards the ideal. It was what motivated her to plunge further into her commitment. Allowing her to become more active and understanding of others. Unlike the first two years, the third went by slower. Mainly due to how she spent her time. It had been managed out by one of her instructors. The instructor was one that was specialized in teaching engineering and a small amount of medicines. They grew to become best friends. the more she got to knew him the more she admired him, the instructor soon became a genus and a hero. Learning his study patterns and developing her own allowed her self more time to learn of the Unified Military academies out side of her own. After her graduation day, all of the relations she had drifted. Si grew to be one of those types; you could be recognized simply by righting or speech for her wisdom and intelligence. But at the same time, she grew more secluded with emotions. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wow, how in the world could I have missed this thread earlier. Oo You've picked a great scene to use. For 50 frames and still trying to keep most of the color. It's really a nice attempt, especially considering they're screen caps. It'd say you're doing a great job for your effort. Instead of having color screen caps, you maybe should have tried the whole banner in gray scale. It would have saved room when saving. Also, it could have prevented the banner from being diluted by the white space that comes when saving a gif. The only other thing wrong, I find is the way it loops through at the end. It's a bit choppy. The fourth thing I have to say is about the way you went about getting the images for the animation. Depending on the site of which you received the images from, you can rest your hand in water. You may want to check if you can download or save the trailer to your computer. Then mess around with the file from there. Crop it, add text, border, hues/saturation, effect, etc. Good-luck with learning the tricks and trades of animation. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]You've done a great job on choosing fonts. Since the ones you used are able to really soak up the effect and atmosphere of the shades or red and the black. They help make the image a bit more 'morbid' and add a bit of a serious touch. I think this is from the fact that the font of 'Pok'emon' has always been a type of bubble or 'chunky' type of text. Great job with placements and effects, D.W. I love the fact that the over hanging border line above, Dark Tomorrow, has a shadow that falls exactly to the corner bottom tips of the lettering. I also like the movement that fallows the hand. And how it seems to trail to the side in a more flowing movement then the 'fast' effect. Nice job on keeping the glare/shine to the Poke' Ball. You may want to change the border. It's very hard to see. I suggest either having three pixel lines. (Black, white, black.) Or have the two lines of black pixel together instead of one pixel apart. Also you may want to add a brighter shade of red somewhere to the single, thicker, stripe. Other then those two things. Great job. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I took a try on the banner. I didn't bother making an avatar though. But I hope you like it, please let me know if you would like anything, changed, altered, or added. Or if you'd like me to try again with a different image.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21571[/IMG]
  11. [QUOTE=Sauce-head]I don't have a bad impression of women, I just don't like these tests and games they play. And my post prior to this one wasn't targeted just at you, but to pretty much every single person who has responded to this thread (nobody has responded positively as of yet).[/QUOTE][COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I think that this is due to the fact of how people have different experiences and levels of relationships. Since they, most, people don't have the same experiences within relations as you do; it is differently seen through their eyes. You might want to take a look at how you are deciphering things. Or put it more in a term which you know everyone can relate to. Not only that but on a first level rather then having to read five post to get one topic. [i]Moving on now...[/i] I can only agree with you partly on few of these matters. Care a bit about your hygiene, health, personal affairs. You should probably care about your health in the first place. Oo Don't dote upon the girl of which your aiming for, and don't call repeatedly. [i]However[/i], everything else...I disagree with. I think guys should show Chivalry or be a gentlemen. Even if it's not that often. I especially disagree what you think about 'sleeping around.' The better women, is the one leaving. [quote name='Sauce-head']I never said women are below men, I am talking about men (as individuals), an individual should always put himself/herself first, then friends and family, then relationships, most of the time, a relationship will end up not working - and if you put that person you are in a relationship on a higher level than yourself/friends/family, the relations with your friends and family will weaken (I always put my friends and family before girls [Oh, and when I say girls, I don't mean girls as a sex, just as a girl I may be in a relationship with). And if that is being sexist, so be it, I'd rather be sexist than lose my friends and family.[/quote]Correct me if I'm wrong and I'm sorry if I am. But isn't the ranking order, traditionally; 1.) Family. 2.) Friends. 3.) Relationships. 4.) Self. It seems like a more logical ranking then yours'. Read through all of this thread. Think of it from an average man's point of view. Then an average women's point of view. Both would be similar opinions on much of the 'rules' or 'formulas' you've stated. Both opinions would probably lead back to the same point that has been stated over and over again. 'Be your-self.' It's un-logical to think one could manage a stable relationship other wise.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Wow. That's actually really good for a first try. First of all. I really love what you've done with the filter effects. Mainly how you have used the Artistic > Sponge Filter. I find that it is extremely difficult to pull off. However, I think you've done it perfectly. The texture of the over all banner is done well. Looking as it was really painted. Secondly, the font you've chosen is really contrasting to the rest of the image. Due to the fact that you either had the setting on 'Strong' or 'Soft' rather then 'None/Sharp/Crisp.' Those of which would have made the text a little faded. The color goes well nicely with the Papyrus text. Third. Color scheme. I adore the fact that you have absolutely no white within the banner. Also that what would have been considered 'white space' has been filled with some shade of grey. Pretty shade of purples on your banners. The only thing wrong. Border. There are a few ways of how to go about doing this. The first has been mentioned by, Juuthena. [b]1.)[/b] Using the pencil brush. Selecting size and color. Then lining the edges. [b]2.)[/b] Just copy and past into MS Paint and then transfer back to PS. [i] - This is the approach I use.[/i] [b]3.)[/b] Making the banner two pixel sizes shorter on all edges. And fallow the options listed below- Layer. »»» Layer Style. »»» Blending Options/Stroke. »»» Okay. »»» [b]4.)[/b] Click the little star on your menu of tools. Go to squares and or rectangles. Set to transparent and insert. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Syris stared front wards to the boy and his 'pets.' The was in a ready position to fight by the way he was holing his staff. There was a rather loud, 'bahaa' to the left and a few feet behind. One of his eyes drifted to the ram, it was slowly turning and coming to his side. He waited. Turning his full attention back to the boy. Silently he laughed to him self as he took one small step back he bowed, in fake, apologies. After all did the boy not have a weapon? Or something he used of the sort. Syris could easily have calculated mathmatically and logically the boys speed and the gravity and density of the staff the boy held. Along with the pace that his animals could move. But he was near for what he came for. Syris knew so easily he could have already left and the ram would have come back within hours. "I take it as though I have, indeed, offended you." Syris's eyes glanced to his side. The ram was there, he stayed hunched still bowing and waiting for his reply. The boy stared at him oddly. "You didn't answer my question." The ram stopped. Three inches away from Syris's curved hand. It stared as his hair fell around his neck. With a jump Syris grabbed the animal by it's horn. It 'bahaaed' but in vain failed to get away. Syris grinned turn his attention back to the boy. He grinned. "My name is Syris Irwin Nine. I'm here due to the fact this fellow of mine likes to play. And has lead me hear as a result." Syris glanced at the Bomb Crag, or rather; Crag Beast. It was an unusual sight for him. The animal type of 'Crag' had deemed 'his' little plot of land on the island un-worth for comfortably living. There was a pretentious attitude as he began. "As I may, will you tell me the one of which I have sorely insulted?" Syris heard a small grunt as the boy opened his mouth to speak. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, I had taken a try to make a anner and avatar set as well. Please let me know if you like it, or would like to have anything changed or altered. Shredaa, you're really doing well with color choices and contrast. -^^- [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21558[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21557[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Syris sighed a bit distressfully. It had hidden again, the ram had always seemed to like 'hide and go seek' inside the forest on the other side of Raia. To the fact, it was rather annoying. The thing always hide in the same spot. Never really getting all that more intelligent; it might have been better off with him. Walking through Syris stopped. His head tilted to one side, the thing's white tail was sticking out from under a scruff of leaves. Reaching down to grab the tail he stopped. Standing straight, Syris turned. It was nothing. The wind, most likely. He looked back forwards, but the tail give away was gone. Maybe, it was more intelligent then he had thought. Or at least for something of it's species. Syris looked around again, scanning the area he saw a horn disappear. There was then a thump. He could see the thing skipping away from him in a playful manner. "This is rather a poor excuse for an animal." he said out loud, to him self. Feeling a bit insulted; his mood changed. The animal was doing as it felt best wasn't it? Even if it was idotic to play such games. It was a ram. A delicousy to other animals on the island. It was open pray. With another sigh, Syris begun to chase after. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Great plot O-Ushi. Please let me know if anything needs to be changed. [i]***Edit: Darn, Methuselah beat me to first sign up. XD[/i] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][u][i]Sign-Up.[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Snãyuè Zhènyû. [b]Age:[/b] 25. [b]Description:[/b] The women is of the average height. Standing exactly 5'5" she weighs lightly. Being only 117 lbs. Snãyuè looks rather frail. This is further taken due to the fact that her eyes are 'slanted' and that she is albino. With eyes a lovely shade of pastel pink, they have a vivid red creeping in. The women's eye lashes full and fluttering. She has chosen to line them in black so as though for them to be seen. Her cheeks look as though they have been dapped with a light rosary pastel. Snãyuè's hair falls straight down. Oddly cut it is short like a boy's in back, but gradually becomes longer to look as though her hair reaches far past her breast line. She has short curving bangs that come down and ends one inch before her brows. Snãyuè's lips are lined in a light pink. It all allows her to have some sort of contrast to her always pale complexion. Below her left eye are three rubies embedded into her skin. One thing of her wardrobe stand out excessively. Around Snãyuè's neck is a dim grey ribbon, in the back it is tied in a small bow the two ends that fall loose flow around. Ending right before her waist line. To the side of the ribbon is a pale red moth. The moth is composed of three diamonds, two rubies, and the rest of it is lace. This small thing seems to determine the rest of her wardrobe. On her upper half she wears a dim grey liner. Zipped; it is tightly fitting, it's neck is a 'v' low cut. Accenting her slim body the liner has no sleeves. Rather it is held up by her chest. On her arms, she wears slate grey gloves. Feeling of the material is silk it breaks off at her pointer finger, from there it merges to a black pattern that goes along the top of the glove in a rectangular pattern. It then jumps at her wrists then fallowed by two black strips that turn to embroil the rim. Snãyuè's lower half is not complexly done as her upper half. It is kept rather elegant and simple. Wearing a flowing skirt, shaded in the same shade of grey, it falls loosely and trails behind her for two feet. In the front it is over lapped at the top. Forming a slit mid way that goes all the way down it allows her legs to be seen as she walks, or to cross them as she sits. She wears white stocks and a black garter belt. The lacing of black straps can be seen around the tops of her stockings. There are rubies placed lining the last, round, strap. For foot wears she wears dim grey ankle boots. [b]Personality:[/b] Rather strong mentally, she shows few emotions on her sleeves. Joy seems to be the only feeling shows. And ironically, to those out side the empire it is the only thing they know that Snãyuè may even feel. However, no one seems to notice her attitude change when fighting. Or behind closed doors. Anger. Spite. Lust. Revenge. Pride. Hatred. Fear. These are what motivates her to fight. However, beyond all of this there is one thing that fills her souls, which is the fear of always being alone. That fear has caused her to do what she does and how she dose it. She acts much as though shess a ghost. Snãyuè has been able to fool everyone around her and her-self. She's intelligent and smart enough to tell her-self. Reassure her self, that she knows what to do to keep those around her under heel. Rule with an iron fist, but show the people nothing but joy and happiness. And they shall, in turn, stand by you. [b]Weapons:[/b] Snãyuè can easily fight in hand to hand combat and martial arts as the rest of the Zhènyû Empire. However she rather rely on her speed and skill wielding an Butterfly Ore. [i] - It is measured to be 2 feet in length, and the blades extending to be 1 more feet added on each end. Totaling to 4 feet. The slim blades face opposite on each side, one has a smoothly cut edge, the other is jagged for tearing the opponent apart. The handle smooth and embroiled in the middle with a moth, it is made of pure steel. Rather heavy she must wield it with two hands.[/i] [b]Introductions are in Order:[/b] [i][b]That was then...[/b][/i] Little Snãyuè: I hate coming to these things. They're boring and irrelevant. To anything. Her mother smacked her. Snãyuè looked over to her; a bit hurt. Her mother then unrolled her papers back into perfectly flat state. Mother: Bite your tongue, and don't be a little brat. You're normally such a good child, when alone. Why can't you behave within the same manner when in public? Right now, this day has absolutely nothing to do with you. It is about your father and the Zhènyû family name. She stared at her mother for a moment. Abruptly, she stood and bowed not lifting her head she began apologizing, and promising to her mother not to complain. One eye looked upwards to see her mother's approving nod. Snãyuè sat back down. Her mother patting her head. Mother: One day, you'll have to fight as well. Little Snãyuè nodded and turned back. Now her full attention to the arena in front of her. [i][b]This is now...[/b][/i] She looked over to the man who stood beside her. Shaking her head in disapproval. He was true, that this was only going to be her third fight within the arena. But she was too prideful to back out, even if it cost her her life. And still...She smiled. More happily then before. Standing up straight she picked up her Butterfly Ore and slung it across her back. "This opponent is different from those you've seen thus far." She nodded. "I know, but I know I'll win. I'm fighting to up hold my self. I'll never fail." The man started to laugh. "Looky now? Who's the bigot between us?" Snãyuè laughed as well but she hurried down. She stopped as the man turned his view and looked down to the arena to watch the current fight. Silently the women turned and wrapped her hand around the mans neck. One finger moving done into the pressure point below he's neck. The man felt the texture of the glove as begun to break the first few layers of skin. He swiped his right leg to knock her off balance, which would have been easily done if not for the fact that she had known all his moves and tricks. The man could feel her hand grow tighter around his neck. "Never again, doubt me for a second." "No, I won-" the man was loosing air too quickly. She released his neck, watching as he fell upon his knees. Her smiled turned into a smirk. Snãyuè kicked the man in his upper neck piece right were his spinal cord connected into the joint which broke to two different parts. One which linked the nerves to his brain the other to his skull. With the medulla throbbing he could not say a word. Snãyuè's laughing subsided. "Wish me luck." With this she left the man still clutching his throat trying to return to his normal breathing patterens. Snãyuè disappeared into the flooding crowds of people.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I want a book for Christmas. Specifically one on the Ego or Diazo philosophy. Or maybe someone to draw me a picture. Oo The weirdest gift I've ever gotten? Last Christmas from 3 friends. A large box with...A children's drink. One for little 5 year old Viennese children, but the contents on the bottle was in Korean. Across the top it read "Panda Love" in English. And it had panda's dancing all over the bottle. Along besides the drink inside the box were three blocks. Each one had a letter and a number. A-1. B-2. C-3. Across the top on the box, written on the wrapper. It read: To my dearest friend... PANDA JUICE. Yeah...What's worse is the fact that I actually liked the juice. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I would never pay for toners or manga textiles. XD Here is an example for brushes. Forgive for the image quality, but it was done in about 10 minutes in Adobe Photoshop 8.0 As you can see, your able to change the sizes and quality of the brushes and toners. You can also add film grain or simple add dots if your willing to experiment. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/si002.jpg[/IMG] [i]Brushs by Truly Sarah.[/i] [URL=http://www.truly-sarah.com/]Truly Sarah.[/URL] [URL=http://veredgf.fredfarm.com/vbrush/main.html]V Brushs.[/URL] Those are the two most used. If you want more PM me. Unknown Brushs use to have specific toners for Mangas. But that selection was taken off about, well, I think last year. Please remember to read their Terms of Use before downloading. Or you can learn to make your own tones, textiles, brushes, etc. from here; [URL=http://www.pixel2life.com]Pixel2Life.[/URL] I hoped that that had helped you in someway. Good-luck.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I may be able to help, however. I don't know any places that specifically do manga textiles. You may want to simply try to make your own. I've been making mine for quite a while. Usually, it will depend on your experience with the program you are using and the type of manga your making. Along with art style, time limit, etc. EXP: [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/b1.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/b3.gif[/IMG] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/b4.gif[/IMG] Before,I recommend to most people who don't have a few days on end to mess around with manga textiles to use brushes instead. I could give you a few links to brush resources if you'd like. If you don't mind me asking, what program do you use?[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][i][u]Sign Up.[/b][/i][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Syris. Irwin. Nine. [b]Age:[/b] 18. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] Syris stands 6' feet and 7' inches, weighing only 130 lbs. Making him rather tall compared to those he meats he often leans or bends over to look down upon them often times to see things from their level. The man's black and graying hair is short falling no longer then an inch past the lobe of his ear. It is short in the back and gradually grows a bit longer within the front. His slightly slanted eyes are a deep brown contrasting to his never tanning skin. Syris has always looked a bit pale with his wiry smile. There are always a few loose, long, flow strands hang down in front of his face. He wears things that rather simple and basic. A black long sleeved shirt, with a tri-point collar. This collar rounds over his white, round neck, vest. The pattener on the vest is slimming, making him seem...A bit lankier then he already is. Syris wears a bright red tie. On his lower half, he wears black pants. Only the right side having a pocket, a chain drops down linking to one of the loops. Inside is a silver watch. One of which he is never seen without. He wears plain white socks and dark grey shoes. [b]Personality:[/b] Silent. Quite. Responsible. Avoidant. Sarcastic. A bit blunt. Keeps his cool. [b]Bio:[/b] As a little boy he lived a bit East of the village. He grew up naive and alone. In a family of three; Father, Mother and little Syris. His parents were often away in Raia and would only return during the night. The boy had no one to really talk to. When ever his parents came home, they were tired. And talked simple of that place; Raia. He'd just sit and study during the day. However. When night fell, he'd sit on the three steps leading to the home's door while his parents slept. To the East near the city, there was always booming sound. Large and beautiful light of summer like colors would appear. Often trailing with green and grays. Every few nights...The boy could smell smoke or sulfur with strong winds that blew in his direction. Gigantic shadows would fly over head before the night was over. This only enchanted his imagination. Eventually, his parents came home less frequently as he grew. One day nearly the age of 12; they simple did come at all. Being curious as to why he left the next morning to the of Raia. When he arrived there; it was loud and busy. Teaming with life compared to his normal surroundings. Syris wonder around Raia for many hours till sunset. At this point he made a friend of another young boy. Unknown if the boy was older or younger, the child had certainly more experience with the night and told Syris what had been going on for years now. The boy explained that his parents would most likely be at the hospital, he took him there to see if it was a correct guess. Sure enough he was correct. His mother and father had been seriously injured, helping to clear area's civilians out of 'red zoned' attack areas. Syris returned home during the attacks, seemingly unnoticed. The boy waited at home and his parents returned two years after. never speaking or knowing than he had been to Raia. Syris went again age 16. This time a more unpleasant meeting with the village; he never met his friend again. [b]Animal:[/b] Ram. [b]Animal's Name:[/b] N/A. [b]Animal Description:[/b] A genearl ram that had one day started fallowing Syris around. It has brown skin/fur with a lightly gray fluf. Both horns upon it's head seem to be perfectly curved. It's black horns are lined with a white lace. It's eyes are a vivid red.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Seeing as I am not yet out of high school. I cannot relate to most of your conversations referring to collage life and after for about 2 years. Meh... I get straight A's and B's. The rarely ever seen C's or D's. But my grades are often times over looked by my parents. I am the youngest child of four. They have more important things to worry about. My brothers, my sister, work, etc. So I really cannot complain about school. Rather then only thing I can say that I'm not good enough is Martial Arts and my current carrier work field. I currently work in graphic design and am a free lance writer. For graphic design, I'm an apprentice and often times have to go out and find my own jobs. During this time, I really feel that I'm not good enough. I'm less experienced then those I'm competing with. I can't see any shade of blues other then primary and two pastels. Doing me a great disadvantage, since most seem to like blue. Giving me the feeling that I can never be good enough. With writing, I'm probably one of the youngest authors you'll chance to meet. Especially in free lance. So I look to other's work who do the same classifications in writing. Along with the same writing style, I often times worry about how poorly I'm doing. Personally, I can't find as much inspirations as other authors and journalist. Martial Arts, I recently landed another apprenticeship. The man is 1990' Olympics competitor K. Kim. When I had first applied, most of the styles I practiced weren't even on the minimal requirement list. And you needed at least three years under each style. He made me an exception though. And now, whatever I do...I feel as though I failed, because I am his only student that has to get more help them anyone else. I'm five years behind his other students. It makes me feel a bit ignorant and dumb.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]"Ah, Good day," he yelled out. "Welcome to Salem my good sir." Waving as the man came over, he greeted him politely. The man nodded his head in reply simple for courtesy of acknowledgement "Goody day, Priest." the man smiled wirily. However, the Priest smiled in good just. "How are you...Hm, I've never seem to have gotten your name," The man laughed lowly, "I am well, and my name is Daniel Pearson." "That is good to hear my friend, I am Priest Terry M. Smith. A great joy to meet you." his eyes darted to the street then back, "I hope you've been enjoying your time here?" He found the Priest irritating. "Actually I ---" Suddenly, the man was cut off. A shift of black flew by. Then, along side it, a girl came running bye. Bumping into the man making him shake slightly. He quickly regained his ground. The Priest laughed lightly and the man grunted. Mumbling words underneath his breath. However, unsure if the Priest had heard him...Daniel went silent, noticing the girl had stopped the cat at her feet. The Priest and girl yelled something back and forth. Seemingly, Daniel listen to only certain portions of the conversation. The Priest turned back to him. Slightly happier then before he apologized for the girl. Adding in a small joke. Not funny by the least bit, but the Priest meant not to be by the sound of his voice. "What was it that you were going to say?" [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Thank you, KibasWifey. Beatifully done, everyone. You've all been able to hit the characters right on the mark. -^^- »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» »»»» [b][i][u]Sign-Up.[/u][/i][/b] [b]Position:[/b] Keeper of Angel. [i] - Guardian of City.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] AI-SI. [b]Age:[/b] 50. [i] - AI-SI appears to be 13.[/i] [b]Type:[/b] A.I. [b]Location:[/b] Rose Red. [b]Weapon:[/b] None. [b]Occupation:[/b] Guardian of the City. [i] - Care taker of the Angels/Dream.[/i] [b]Persona:[/b] Being the oldest of the A.I.s' she may be one of the most intelligent. Knowing and certainly able to handle the situations that arise. She's very reliable to the other A.I.s', the Dreams/Angels, Crew, and everyone she chooses to meet. Mute. She cannot speak to others, and most show them or write within the air. Often leaving trails of glittering data. Having to do things with actions rather then words, she'll allow her eyes to speak for her. AI-SI seems to be the most cheerful of the three creators and holders. The girl like doll is hyper during the day to make everyone their happiest before the night comes. When the stars should appear she becomes more secluded, listening only to the Angel's songs. [b]Apperence:[/b] Although she is 50, AI-Si still has the appearance as the day she was created. Although that was far more then 50 years ago...She hasn't lost much of her innocent look. Standing 5'01" and weight 99 lbs. She looks rather thin. Most of her paint has dulled creating her to look pale. But her eyes are as vivid as ever. Their beautiful green color gives a feel of comfort those around her. But looking to her over all appears often times takes the comfort away, and drives it into fear. AI-Si.'s hair is cut shortly, five inches above her shoulders and curves around her face. She has long bangs around her face. Although she is very elegant looking, her hair is in multiple shades of grey. A companied by two strikes of pure black and the brightest white. Both on opposite lobes of her head. From the area of where her ears would be...There is a large, crudely, done wing jetting out on each side of her head. They are totally made with metal however on the outer side it is lined lightly with dusted wings. Her mouth has been stitched shut with black, unbreakable, thread. Never can she be seen wearing anything else. This is due to the fact that it cannot be dirtied or torn. And will digitally repair it's self. She wears a white feather duster that falls down to the back of her knees. This white covering is embroiled in large white, satin laced, bows. They are tied largely, and the ends flow freely. Underneath, AI-SI wears a light grey long sleeve shirt. It is rather plain, being the only thing distinguishable is the floral pattern that goes vertically. On the collar it is rimed with black feathers, as well as the end of her sleeves and the shirt it's self. On her lover half she wears a pure white pinner. Fanning out lightly for nearly 8 layers. AI-SI wears a light grey skirt over it. The skirt is rather odd in it's design. It appears to have three different sectors, all over lapping in strides. They are rimed with 'flower' cut lace. On the mid of her thighs there are two large white bows that trail as she wakes. They are rimmed fashionable at the to of her white socks. This is there simple for design due to the fact that they are elastic socks. On her feet she wears white ankle boot. The tops are rimmed in fading black feathers. Around her neck there is a light pink band, from it hangs two keys. [b]Biography:[/b] Not much is known about the oldest A.I., other then she's been active far longer and knows more of the works of the city of eternal snow. Or rather, she knows why the A.I.s' were created. AI-SI knows the secret of which humans keep locked away within them. This is why many believe her to be as she is. Originally, the plan for her design was of a ten year old, but it was remodeled exactly three times. Each one going up in her expected age. Bring about the question of how she could have been maintained for so long. Only the oldest of the Crew seem to know the answer, it is something she shares with no one else. Meant to be a plate mate for children she has gone on much above the act more to a motherly figure. This role she has gladly taken on. Especially since she is able to watch over others and interact with the Angels/Dreams. AI-SI looks up to them, due to not only their voices. But their powers to predict and they them selves. During the night she has little to no interaction other then the Lit. and any human who should happen to stray. Other then this, she has little business with anyone until the dawn should come. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][i][b][u]Sign Up:[/b][/i][/u] [b]Role:[/b] The Village Priest. [i] - The Village Priest is very young and has a very open mind, he isn?t even sure about his own religion any more. He does believe in Witches and if he ever met one, he would protect them. But he does keep his opinions to himself for fear of being thrown from the Church.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Terry M. Smith. [b]Age:[/b] 26. [b]Gender:[/b] Male. [b]Appearance:[/b] Rather tall, Terry stands 6'7" and weighs 175 lbs. Being slim and nearly 7 feet he towers over most he meets. However he finds this not to be a problem. His hair is a deep black. It is cut short but is long for a males of his status. Being in the fact that it goes three inches past his cheek bone. Four strands near the front fall loosely and further then the rest. They are dyed bleach blond. Terry's eyes are a crystal baby blue, that seem to be too innocent and untainted by anything to be more then that of a child. However his skin is extremely pale. Making him look forlorn and distant. Still he has a rather handsome face. Over all, he has a neatly kept appearance. However, it is rather hard to tell. Being that the fact is, he wears nothing but black and white. And rarely some shades of grey. His upper most he wears a long sleeve, white, dress shirt. Over this he wears a black over jacket. Buttoning down the front in silver buttons, it seems to end shortly. Due to the fact that the shirt underneath goes up three inches from the collar of the black shirt. But disappears underneath his band. On the sleeves end, the white shirt's cufflinks round over. They are bound together by a silver cross shaped pendent. On his lover half he wears plan, black, pressed, pants. White socks and black shoes. Other then what he wears, man seem to focus on two other components of his usually look. The first is that he wears a silver rosary, Catholic. But beyond that, when see closely, has an extremely amount of detail. Along with embroilment written in Latin. The other thing upon interest are his glasses. [b]Occupation:[/b] Village Priest. [b]Personality:[/b] Personality: A very intelligent person, and is smart enough to know how to use his intelligent. Not only this but the man is wise far beyond his years. Allowing him to be much more open to other's. Making his persona contrast to other priest one may meet. Causing confusion. Terry rather seems to love doing so. Being extremely honest, he knows not to hurt others. Thus being kind and not brutally so. Nice, kind, and tries to be witty. He always seems to fail on the last part. But he continues to try to make others smile. However, he is a man of many faces. Often he can hide his feelings to the point of which one will believe he is thinking nothing at all. And rather; that he his lost within him self. This fact could never be further from the truth. He cannot recall a signal moment when he was not thinking of something. The subjects most on his mind is usually the battle between Religion and Science. Or War and Peace. Terry cannot bring him self to comprehend the two. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in 1979, Salem. Terry Michael Smith grew up in a rather small family. A mother, a father, and a sister. And of course; the traditional family dog. A golden retriever, if he can recall correctly. The boy grew up perfectly normal, for someone within his location. And the visit from the teens this year, 2005, as would appear is certainly not his first brush with witches. But it will be his first time truly believing. As a child Terry grew up peacefully. In the smaller town of Salem, years ago, the town was a bit slow moving. It'd always take everyone a few months to get use to the changes that happened to the cities that were closer. But they adjust just fine getting along with many. Age ten, Terry's view of the world was largely changed. Upon on his birthday; he had learn of the church's conspiracies with witches. Going in upon the town console with his father for the first time he learned of a suspected witch. It had sent a shiver done his spine. Mainly because the suspected witch had been a close friend of his; he didn't want to loose her. Luckily this didn't happen; for upon hear it...He told her the next day, the girl and her family fled Salem. Never to be heard from again. They had left the place behind. Terry's father had gotten word of this from the fact that he had prayed that he had done the right thing. The pray had been over heard by both his mother and father. Terry was punished in the most server way he's father could think of. Which was being spanked for nearly three hours straight. He was then told to forget about the affair and girl. The boy did so immediately. Forgetting totally about those who had fled. Never again did he pay any attention to the talk of witch craft. The thought of the town's console had been drilled into his head. However, Terry often times fond his mind wondering to the thought of witches and how they defended the laws of science. Instead...He turned his mind solely to science. Five years later his sister left the town for collage. A few years went by, he had never heard a word from her. A year later Terry had fond from his father that she had been disburdened by the family. They had all turned their backs to her. His sister had become an atheist while she was away. Terry did as well, learning not to face the wrath of the power of religion. His family being deeply rooted in their faith of God and Religion the young man felt as though he'd be broken and left with nothing. But his sisters actions had left a mark on him. Terry brought about his bravery, and became more interested in science and mathematics then his Religion. On his 18th birthday, the boy had returned home. He had gone away to collage age 16. Proving his intelligence and wisdom to the town, they brought him back into their depths and waves of Religion. Much like suffocating what he had learned and taken in at collage was forgotten within a week. AT age 20 Terry started his training to become a Priest. This was achieved at age 22, the fallowing year after...His father and mother both died. One from cancer and refusing to take or use the proper treatment. His mother died simply died of a broken heart. Seeing as though his sister never returned, even for they were being sent up to the highest of Heaven from their graves. He begun to have disbelief in what he was doing. This all has affected him greatly, each ordeal leaving a mark upon his mind. ------------------------ *** I
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]As always I love your shading. You've gotten down blending of colors. Most of the comments that I could have made have already been stated. You're getting to good for me to critic. I'll be the first to post next time. v_v ----------------------------------------- [b]Imi Kagami.[/b] Wow, her boots are really...Shiny. O.o I, now, understand what you mean about drawing females. Her chest is a bit off, but the rest of the image is alright. I like the color scheme, but you might what to use a redder red. Or a more settle shade. I also really like her design and expression. She seems to be a rather strong character. [b]Fallen Angel/Imric Kagushi.[/b] First of all the wing. I cannot find anything wrong with the wing. It's a bit sketchy near the upper most, unlike most of the picture with has clean lines. But I love the how the style is on the breaking feathers. I think most of the anatomy looks good. The few things I can find wrong have already been stated. The flower in the pants, or is it a tattoo, is a nice touch. [b]Imric Gift.[/b] Other then he looks really hot. I cannot say anything. :P [/SIZE][/COLOR]
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