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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. The "Ick!" part is because people loose train of thought when their in love, I don't like. (It just buggs me) And the it's true this is the whole poem. Every 6-7 months every one forgets what I've said or what I've done. Each time they say something different about and what I've done. They go and make a new idenity for me with out asking, and I end up having to go along with because it spreeds through the school so every one thinks it's true. Some how even the teachers get and think it's true... I have 28 different nick names now., and I can only remeber 16 of them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Spirits Fall Spirits fall along with the rain Falling down to earth, flooding the world with thoughts Rain will go as well as spirits The rain is like the spirits, the earth will break the spirit's fall
  2. It made think of electricity because old movies reels you had to stay there and crank them in a patteren to get the movies to play. I guess I just thought of it because in the poem it had said "the frames of this old film" and "What they made of our history, was a jerky mess of discontinuity". ^^; I guess it's another thing that just makes my think too deeply and start to see images. (Don't mind me, I do this alot)
  3. Cool! A heart that beats like a fire with passion...for some resone it kinda makes me think of Rurouni Kenshin....weird. :) Anyways I like it. It makes me think about things I wouldn't have thought about at this time. This poem is making strange images pop up in my head. Hee, these images are fun to see though. This poems really cool! ^^
  4. I'm glade I've never had a crush, or else I might turn and zone out all day thinking about him. That'd be weird I see that happen to too many people when they like other people. Ick! ^^ Also I've been thinking of a new story plot line. But I still have to finish their char. desings first and work every thing out for it. So once I get that finished I might put the story up on the OB. Anyways here's my next poem. (And yes this is basicly true) ~~~~~~~~~~ Past The names I have I did not choose These names are of my past, the reflect what I have done I never have the same name twice Forever changing to the public, it is the same as my past never the same Memeories of my past hunt me, with each past there is a new person created My past makes these people But they are all soon forgotten I have no true past any more It changes with the names I have The names, the scars, my past, they all change no matter how hard I try I'll try to keep my ture past with me, but I fear it's no longer my past
  5. At least you don't see them when your eyes are open, cause I do. ^^ I see very weird things weather my eyes are closed or not. People tend to aviod me because of that. And loce/crush...never had a crush or been in love so I don't know... ~~~~~~~~ Dark Shadow Darken mind fly around in my head Your shadow over comes me, then I'm gone from the world Fadeing with you is no burden Dark Shadow I'll stay forgotten, you showed me friend ship Dark Shadow, we shall leave this place Looming over my mind so well always be I am Dark Shadow's puppet And I glade to be of the Dark Shadow
  6. Opps, sorry to jump to conclusions. (sp) Anyway I have no clue of what it's really like for you right now so yeah... Anyways I liked the poem. It shows much truth, everything must end some day.
  7. Yeah, I know what you mean. Some times I can't think of anything to write that's about something sad, forgotten, or fading. But it changes my writting style when I don't write about something like that. Plus I like reading things about dreams, there fun.
  8. That poem was actullay written to the song desire. I wish it had lyrics, that'd be great to listen to. Anyways here's my next poem. (Sorry this is the only thing I'm thinking of right now) ~~~~~~~~~~ Tilte-none Looking for something that isn't there I keep searching for you... Yet you aren't real, only a image I've seen in a dream When the wind blows it sends whispers Whispering to me where to go, where to look, to where I can find this image I've faded from all the places I've wish to stay Forgotten because I've been look for so long Fading away from even my own memories I can't remeber who I am, all I can remember is this image This image I look for, it's been clearing my memories I've faded from my own mind The only thing I know is this image, here in my dreams, and whispering to me on the wind
  9. Cool! A different perspective of line 4 artical 5, a dream on the sleepers eyes. Not knowing if we are dreaming or if this really is reality, or if our reality is som one else dream. ^^ Always trying to catch some one in a dream would be really hard. Great poem, keep it!
  10. Seems to be related to the guy in your post. Am I right? Anyways some how I like the poem. Even though I usually don't like things too much about love.
  11. Wow, great. Time dose what ever it so happens to feel like. No one can stop it, no matter how hard they try to. The voices that it claims become it's own, yet it still can't speak...so I think. Keep up the great work! ^^
  12. Hmm....here's my next one. Done to the music of Outlaw Star, so it's like none other that I've put here before. Desire is probly the only one I write like this. So after this one I'll go back to my normal writings. ^^ So yeah... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Desire Longing to be free Of my own free will, no limts to my power To be an outlaw To travel round space, with no concern at all Throw it all in the wind, and take my chances Never fade.... from the space cop's top wanted This is the desire of my life Just to be free and drift My desire will never be forgotten
  13. Ohh...sorry to say I got lost at the line "unbuttoned themselves to illness or death" other then that I under stood. But as you can see I got lost so...yeah. From what I had understood of it I liked it. But I also go with dayday, I like electricity.
  14. Hee...never thought of it like that. I always thought it was "Beatiful Hybred often have torns." Or something like that.
  15. Wow, very cool. Time to see destainy, to see what may lie ahead in the future. ^^ It may be short but it's great that way. Even if they are short that dosen't mean their not good. Destaniy, fate, and time, I love to read about all three of those too.
  16. Hey dayday try to get some sleep, your ment to get at least 6 hours of sleep each night. ^^ And thanks XBebop. ~~~~~~~~ Broken Pawn The broken pawn is on the floor Again lifeless and dead The puppet known as J-Pawn, it is gone once more Fading from the memories, that it had souly created The broken pawn is gone, in a furry of smoke Broken pawn is no long in this place, the broken pawn left in ashs
  17. Nope, rhymeing dosen't really bother me. keep rhymeing if you whant.^^ Having a reflection that dosen't show who you really are. I like it, my reflection is no where close to who I'm. Most fav. part in the poem is the second to last line.
  18. It might be better if you don't get it. I guess, but it's all a matter of opinon. Ok, this is my last post for now...that is till I get back on. ^^ And I'll be on in maybe hours or maybe even mintues.^^ ~~~~~~~~~ Time Flow by on your own will With nothing in your way, controll the lives of others But wish to controll your self Time in controlled by destainy, destainy by fate, by time In this thought long for your freedom And wish for your power over me Time has a soul of it's own, same as a human Never forget that time is the same One line aways controlled, by something you can not see
  19. At least I got one out of two right. ^^ Now I get it, roses don't hurt people with their trons on propose. But they do anyways because it's some what a form of defense to protect it's self. And that it's not their fult.
  20. No I have some funny things going on in my head when I get too deep into thought. I know this because when I space out I start thinking what no one else has normally thought about. I sooner or later talk about it to some one else and their already lost after a few moments and these are the people who never get lost. ~~~~~~~ Fallow Fall into the shadows Allow you to lead me to a place of shame and sorrow in my life I had once left behind Own my soul, for I'll fallow you to the ends of the earth I'll allow you to take me there, and I' shall fallow you where ever you shall take me Fallow you, just ask and I shall fallow
  21. Cool, it's like the rose is a person. Trying to protect the one you love even though it brings pain. Yet still willing to protect it. It's great! ^^I love reading your work, because it's things easy to relate to...That is when I'm getting to deep into thought from reading.
  22. Thanks. Yeah, some times I can get comgfuseing and get carried away in what I write. ^^; It's a bad habit of mine to get too deep into thought.
  23. That'd work, but I don't have as much free time as others do. I have classes to go to every other day. And then I have writting for books, and art to stick to. Even with school out I still have classes, but I guss like two hours before I go to sleep I'll go out side and do some work. That might work. ^^
  24. Ok, I'll start editing it then. ^^ Great, other people like elements too. My 3 favorite elements are fire, earth and electric. What's your fav. elements? I love it when ever I hear of fire. Ok here's another poem. ~~~~~~~~ Eternal Life Going round in a link Fire, earth, wind, and water All going round on a wheel Creating new elements to help the others along But often times they destroy each other, just as humans do It's an eternal fult, but it can be a mended by helping The eternal cycal of life hold both the elemens, and also humans Humans help the element, and the elements help up to live The basic elements are stronger, they have more will to create a new Fire, earth, wind, and water Are all in the chant of life to go on and make a new
  25. Wow, really cool! Having something to hold close to your heart all through the seasons, that'd be really cool. I like it, from the sound of it it has a great meaning. ^^
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