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Everything posted by Epsilon
Wow! Cool, San Francisco, very nice touch! The fragments give power, that's just so cool. And I think I shall try to help you make this in to a game. It'd be great to play, bet it'd be extreamly fun too. If this dose get turned in to a game I'm betting it'd be one of the grestest hits to. Keep up the good work!
If you really wanna know you'll be reading a while. The book is a Sic-Fi, it's done in honor of another book that I...well let's just say I could do anything any more so I abanned the idea. I couldn't go on writing it so I killed it off, and never finished it. So I made this one. It's about an andriod, space ships, the reality that humans can't really comprehend other life forms in turth and the hate it those they can't even begin to understand. Aliens, gun slingers, space ships, and other junk. Bu the name is because of the first ch. and last that started it all and what is ending it. Anyway I brought back the characters I've killed off, and the andorid dosen't know it's and android till it's damaged along with all the glass around it shadders. (The room was made out of glass so not too good) It gets something called the "Dragon Blossem" A power symbloizing the firend ship of all things living that was destory when first contact with humans was made. And I could go on for ever but I think I'll stop here. So far in the book I have 132 pages, and I'm only half way finished. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fire Burning brightly in the darkness, you may see it's very being with in True the heat that is it's heart causes pain, to stand against the pain is the courage of fire Look into the flame and see things that have never been Things that have never been and can't be The fire will refleact your shadow But you may not have one even then So then am I not a live being? The fire refleacts me, so am I not there? Only the ever lasting flame may tell Yet it tells me nothing, it will only whisper to fate and destainy
Heheee, funny. They won't go away so you knock him on the floor funny. I like and it rhymes I still can't do rhymes. Also I thought it was always 240, because that's what it had said in a post by Charles. But it also said he had things to edit so maybe your right.
Way cool! ^^ A form of death lurking around the coner waiting to take you away. That's how peranoid (sp) alot of people are. I like it. And thanks, I found out that you become a juinor memeber at 240 post.
Well it'd be nice to have a dream like that. Most times don't even go to sleep for some odd resone. And your welcome, I told you as long as you don't mind I'll keep reading them.
That must have been a good dream, till you woke up. The one you love, you will always some how met back up with them again. The thought of see your angel in a dream, and leaveing you again. I love the thought and feelings behind this. It's great, keep up the great work.
I think I like that title. ^^ I don't like making up titles for books, they always sound funny. The worst title I've came up for a book was "Broken Glass" and sadest of all that's the book I'm working on now. ~~~~~~~~~ Insane My insanity have over come me Let my tears of imagnary blood wars, my tears will fall like rain In said my mind I've locked my self way, I must be alway from reality Here in the darkness Being insane, and hated by the world Reality can not see the things I see, nor feel the things I feel My dreams are nightmares to others My insanity will fade along with me
I think I'll just look up the lyrics for the songs. Or maybe even down load Nu Nation, cause I think that's the one with the best lyrics form what I know of the songs.
Most people should beconsidered sane. And it's a good thing that we don't have any more nut cases running about. Here's my next poem, made out of titles again. But these are different titles from different pictures I've made. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title-none My shadow has disappered So have my voice and my body Red tears clam me nowStareing at what once was, and what is now What will become of me, now that the shame has me In your eyes is the refleaction, of what I once was I look around, but only to find my world go Right in front of my eyes I see The toy of broken dreams My dreams are shaddered, into little glass shards
How long is that cd in mintues? Cause it sounds pretty long to me. And the smilly face this I don't like smilling but I like to put up happy faces. Weird...
There's nothing wrong with you. Or if there is it's nothing to worry about, casue know that you sane compared to me. So then there isn't anything wrong with you. Here's a new one, it's part of the fade one. Poems inside a different poem. ~~~~~~~~ Drifting Away I'm drifting away, away from sanity I've left it behind Drifting away, from your memories I'm going away Away into the shadows I'm Drifting away, from the heart I once knew Drifting away, away from the world
That's a song? O_o Well then if it really is it must be a good one. Glade you posted that, it sounds very nice. I like it, thanks for posting it dayday. (Don't know why but I feel like posting a happy face.) :)
I find that most people like the words that aren't used every day. From what I know I don't hear people say eternal every day. Or maybe I don't pay attenion and they do use it alot. My favorte word so happens to be fade, go figure. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forgotten and out of reach Away, I've got to get away Drifting away Eternal sadness
So I can IM you. That'd be another way to learn to rhyme plus it'd take less time to have lessons that way.
The Pink and Red Haze was the sakura flying around in the wind. In China at one point it covers most of the ground and almost every thing around the trees. The song was from disc 3 of Chrono Cross sound track, the song is just the ending theam. (I die alot in that one game, it's sad) It is sung by Yasunori Mitsuda on the sound track. Here's my next one. My poems seem to be getting longer. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Eternal Dust The screams and clashs of swords, the sounds they hunt this place Long ago the war of souls was once here The eternal dust of their ashs linger here In this place were so many were lost Their souls hunt this place, calling out from the eternal dust Calling out for more, more to join them in their eternal fight
It dosen't matter to me how I learn to rhyme. Which ever way is the easyest to do I guss. So I don't know eather...Your IM name is daydayangel79802 right?
I'm listening to a Japaness song so I'm getting a strangeimage in my mind that can be a poem. So I think I'll try it out as one. (Pink and red leaves: sakura) ~~~~~~~~~ Pink and Red Haze Tree leave flow around in the wind Making a pink and haze in front of my eyes Both the pink and red haze, it brings back the memories of that day That day when I had lost all to a singal match Think through that pink and red haze, it has left me blinded from your shadow I can't hear your voice through the wind So I'll walk on through the pink and red haze, having no thoughts of you that last day The last day when you were still here Pink and Red Haze leave me with no thought
Very nice poem, about destainy all comeing back. The one thing no one can understand nor ever will. And I think I will would like to take some lessons from you on rhyming.
I need to stop falling a sleep to .Hack//sign music. Mostly "The World" and "A Bit of Happness." They both have the person going crazy. ~~~~~~~~ Tilte~none Being alone here in this place, it brings back the nightmares It locks me in away from reality Too many voices calling out from these walls All in vain they will fade away I will fade from this world, back into the nightmares I'll leave this place and, become one of those voices
Your's sounds much better. Your better at rhyming then I am, I don't like rhyming. I like your's better because it really rhyms, and becase it easyer and better to read.
I never thought of that... I think I need to start reding non-fiction books. When I do I tend to think more things. Ok here's my absract poem. (I think this may be the longest poem I've put up) ~~~~~~~~~ Forgotten again.... Forgotten again.... Forgotten again.... Left alone.... Left alone.... Left alone.... For my.... For my.... For my.... Insanity.... Insanity.... Insanity.... To over come.... To over come.... To over come.... My life.... My life.... My life.... Forgotten again, left alone For my insanity, to over come my life....
Wow! really cool. All in the end coming togeather to make a meaning, of a being that is gone and lost. ^^ I guss in my next post I'll try abstract too.
Yeah, in the story the knight kinda looses it....He's the only one who can remember things from the truthful past after the war. Ok here's my next poem. I wrote this because I just finish reading "The Eyes of the Dragon" by S.King, and a "Mist" book. ~~~~~~~~~ Dragon's Eyes Gleaming red, with the pain of the past The forgotten past of the kingdom In the dragon's eyes you shall see, the world be for you dissapper Be forgotten And in your new world Fade from insanity, get away from it Dragon's Eyes will show, what has be and what may be
Wow, a dragon's thoughts and feelings but at the same time just a human's heart. Having pain that never fades and always running from it, that's a real nightmare.
very nice, and I guss it would be easyer to decide what it's like after you finish it. That's a great alphabet poem. Favorite line is the "fading" part.