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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Hey digifan we live in the same area Im Fridley, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Small world, huh.
  2. Ok, I'll get off it. Yami*Maho Keno should post another poem s/he likes. Some of the peoms Yami*Maho Keno likes are very intersting and get you thinking deeply.
  3. *clapps* Wow, beatifully done. When your emotions get put into words it's like your taking from your heart, not just reading what you've felt. I love, it's great to hear from a writter like you. Both you and dayday are two of the best writters here by far. Having something to live for is why were all here, to make a resone why we're here.
  4. A hiden secret. It's great, every thing holds some kind of secerts. Creeping every where are secerts waitting for the right person. And thinking too deep into thought makes my brain hurt. Anyways most people couldn't just write something and like it with out thinking. So you must have a lot more talent then every one around or even you really thought.
  5. Yeah, probly most people do something like this. Mine was areally what I had had the main charcater say awhile before they had die. Ok here's another type of those, only it's from a knight that had once known the other character before they died. I have compliacted polt lines. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Leave now forget this place You shall not be remembered here So leave and carry not this bruden The bruden of all these lives destoryed I shall be the only one, I shall be the only one who carres Go before you dissapper Leave before you fade away, and are forgotten in this place This is the only place that you are a being Go away before you are forgotten
  6. No nothing like that! What I ment is it's just that no one can see any scars of the heart cause people don't just carry around an x-ray or rip open some one else's heart. I ment that their emothional scars that can be seen because they're not really there. It's all in the person's head. Plus if you do have a big hole in your cheast you might not bleed to death. I almost lost a part of my leg when a spring went and almost detached it from the rest of my body.
  7. Strange, I think to much and that's how I come up with poems. I like that poem most people feel that way. People often need to be alone, any ways talk to you later. And have fun playing baseball.
  8. I can't rhyme, when ever I do it comes out funny. I don't like to rhyme, it kinda bugs me since I've never been able to do it. And it was kindda funny to hear such a sad rhyme. Here's my next one, it's not really a poem though. Much more like a statement from the Dream Trilogy ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Life gose on, as so dose time A world of darkness, but only in my mind If this world of peace is of the light Then whay am I here? I shouldn't be, and never will I'm just a mistake, from hate and spite --------- Ehh...I gotta get off now.
  9. Wow, that must of souded nice as a song. It sounds great as a poem so I think when you had sung it, it must have sounded good as a song too. Also way better lyrics then I could have come up with.
  10. The farthest I had gotten in that book was only 131 pages....sad. Ok, I'm going to try and make a poem that rhyms. The poem won't make any sense cause I really can't rhyme. So mustly random words that fit togeter. ~~~~~~~~~~~ (No title) Water flows by as so dose time In the light and the might In the way to fight Pass the darkness and the light.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I don't know any thing that really rhyms, I can't write things that rhym. Nothing above even rhyms.
  11. Rain....just like tears! Rain like fire burning the soul longing to be the same. Too bad things are never the same when you need them to be. It's just like time, when you need time your already running out of it, and the cloacks couting down to fast. *.....a dress...Ick!*
  12. Heart transplant.....maybe, I don't know about that. But it sounds as if they've had their heart has been broken many times. If you think about your heart it can have scars but no body can ever see them, because they're no physhical. They're emotionally, if this so happens to be true then many people should be albe to relate back to this poem....but hey what do I know! I'm most likely wrong.
  13. I've read only one of his books. But I thought it was one of the best books I've ever read. The only book I've ever read of his was "The Right hand of Evil" but that was because I'm a huge S.King fan and I had too many of S.King's books to finish reading. I had read it because it was by the S.King book shelves so I thought he must be a good writer too. I think I'll go cheak out some more of his books now that I've heard some one else likes most of his work, and recomends them.
  14. Ok, I think this is from a book that had gotten destoryed by a magnet. The book was called Lily Daggers....I had loved making that book, but sadly it's gone now. :bawl: Anyways these are the only titles I remeber from it. One day once I find out what I was writting again, I'll start typing up the book again. (I pick really funny names for my books) ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Title.....(don't have one) White lily fade from this place Be forgotten of 100 years, only to return to sorrow The pain been made for you and only you, in the shadows of the war There you will be forgotten You can't escape the pain But you may try, try to be remebered here
  15. It's a better ryhm then I could do. I'm really bad at ryhming. Still if ryhming throws you off balance that was still really good for something you don't usually do.
  16. My biggest dueling mistake was when I had all my toons on the feild, but forgot to attack with my toon blue eyes to take out my foe on the next turn. He then used some spiecal 'cards' and took me out on the next turn. The duel was over and I lost, just because I forgot my blue eyes toon dragon. :( I lost one of my favorite cards too...
  17. Ohh....very cool! ^^ Don't know why but I like reading about fallen angels, you can't truly change your self even if you tryed for years. And the last part was the greatest, asking for forgivness from your angel. It's great!
  18. Being forgotten, fading away, and sanity are all mostly the same to me. Here's another one made out of titles...but they're titles to chapters and a few of these have yet to be written. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Broken Glass The glass shards scarrted round Broken live come and go, always just to pass I've waited so long, so long for my broken dreams I faded out of reality Reality has passed me by Forogtten I stand, with the broken glass
  19. Very nice, the word "help" repeating over again only with a different meaning each time. I like it, because of the concept and all the meanings it could have.
  20. ^^ I like it, having a fall of blood. Blood is like water always flowing and never stopping. Destory not each, but our-self, running from the gods of man to be free. The point of thought behind this one sounds as if you had been thinking about all the things of the past.
  21. *clapps* Very nice, a poem can be anything you want it to be. ^^ And yeah I went back and looked again your right there were 9 but now 10. I agree a poem can be anything, most people who don't poetry say it's nothing but words they should try to read more. Keep up the good work!
  22. Soon once finish looking for hours if there were any Digimon left they gave up. They both gathered large rocks, and made a hill of rocks, they then gathered ashs from both the south, east, north, and west of the village, and put it among the village. They then headed away from the bruned village till they walked to enter a small forest. Past the forest Fossikmon and Siaga found an entrance to a grounp of montains. To the inside to the moutaning broader was a cave, this cave they didn't enter because they didn't know where it would lead to so they stayed. They soon made camp by night fall, their camp next to the cave opening. Their fire light burning brightly, they both soon fell asleep. But in the middle of the night Siaga awoke, she felt her self drawn to the cave. She went in as Fossikmon slept, going further in to the cave bats flew around but to her they were not there. The bats lead her to a larger bat type creature. Siaga backed away as the creature started to walk towards her but it jumped up right in front of her. It but it's hand on her shoulders, and stared into her eyes. Something then fluttered around, she saw him in full view...it was a Myotismon! All went dark, when his cape lifed her eyes were dead and cold they had gone gray like she was no longer there. The Myotismon smiled and walked with her out of the cave back to where Fossikmon slept.
  23. O_o An alternet world, with magic, swords, and monster things...Cool! And I was wrong about it being short, oh well. To me the other world just sounds really cool. And the Astral Fragments, yeah from their propose the crystals just sound important and real powerfu. l love this chaperter the most because of Ally in the crystal. This story and plot...it's better then mine. Keep it up! ^^
  24. See you do have more then just one person reading this! ^^ Those 8 are still great, and I think still more people who read these will get the courgae to write something and tell you what they think. I like reading these over and over again as I do with most things I like to read.
  25. Ohh....very cool! Diging tunnels to get a glowing crystal....thingy. I don't know what to call it yet. I love it when Scott hits the terrorest with the side of his blade. Hee...that's always fun to read about them getting knocked out. I love this book, this chapter wasn't as long as the rest though. But it tells alot and helps build up the plot. Keep up the great work.
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