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Everything posted by Epsilon
The first time I watched anime was when I was 4 or 5 it was 3 different shows Roin Warriors, Speed Racer, and Sailor Moon. I still love Roin Warriors even though now it's down sized, I have most of the action figures now. I've been collecting them for three years now and I still don't have them all. Anyways back on topic, anime just plan rocks and ever one should be able to know when was their first anime they had ever seen.
Yeah, yoru probly right about that. It's great to have a friend who stays by your side through every thing. That'd be fun, to know some one alaways cares. I like the poem and the toughts behind them. Although I don't really know why, since I tend to keep a certain amount of discentce from people. Still, great poem!
Cool, you can sing...well every one can sing but I'm means so that people clap. The only thing I can really do besides, write, and fighting styles, is draw. I'll be getting my site for my art work soon. And I should see some one about the voices, but I don't think I will....for certain resones. Ok, this time I'm posting two things. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Crazy... I was crazy once, they locked me up in the rubber room It's cold in the rubber room Cold as the deepest ground The ground....What to know what lives in the ground Worms....Wha!?! Oh well that's life!What's life? Life is a magzine that cost a dollar .99 Now that's crazy. Crazy.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ And then it goes on like that so I'll end there. It was made up by one of my friends, Cesaca. It was all most of the kids said for about a week. Ok, so that was just a fun one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sanity I'm finding my way back to sanity Friend to same is my name The shame of being different, the crowd of those forgotten Fall back into the shadows If my sanity is watching and seeing the light, for the first time in years Sanity is no different, from what I once had I'll saty for gotten and faded That is my sanity
Yes dayday's work is back on! To be free and see all around you, and to do as you please. It's great! Thinking too much can cloud your thoughts....or is it the other way around? No matter, I like it because it states one of the many things true.
Well, truly it's not a real song. When ever I'm alone I stare up at the ceilling and look at the stars on the roof in the dark. (Glowing stars, in a purple room makes you think of strange things) Then I hear little songs playing in my head. So this song exsist but only in my head. So, yeah...if I sing it out loud people think I crazy because of the lyrics to the song.
Hee...never thought of that. That's a really intersting point, about forgetting your past. Forget your past and then you'll have no place. Having something to live for, means you'll keep looking forwards and not wander what could have become of you in an alternet future. ^^ I'm rambling now, don't think of the alt. future thing.
So that's where it came from...*looks at sig*.... Wow, still very nice in poem form. Glade you posted these! You may not have been the one who made them up, but still great. I feel like putting a smiley face. (don't konw why) :)
I don't like storms them-self, I just like the rain. Rain and only rain. Anyways this next one is composed of different song lyrics because the song was made from this. The song dosen't have a title though, nether dose the poem. ~~~~~~~~~~ I can not awake, stop sleeping in this dream From this dream you soon awake This dream will be soon forgotten It will fade, and I along with it In these walls of fantasy, memoreies of the past The past will fade away Along with your forgotten shadows, and with your faded dreams
The flowing pain comes and goes only to one day stay. I like it! ^^ They're two different poems yet in the end they both relate back to one another. Trusting to be hurt in the end, the fact is the truth can hurt! Still I lthink the poems are great, keep up the good work.
Yeah, I think your right about see a cage lying around in the street. I had seen the cage lerterally(sp?) collecting dust down in our basment on shelf up high. The next one is made because of the wheather around here, we had three different types of storms. But the longest one was the huge thunder storm soo that's where I got the next poem from. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Storm Let the sound of thunder, let it block my voice The rain will wash away, every memorey of me The light of thunder, it will fade my image Once the storm has passed, I will still be here But not seen nor heard I will no longer be remembered
It may be a song, but it still sounds good as a poem to me. In fact I lliked it! Time passes (sp) by and there's nothing you can do about. I think that that band has a perspective on things from what I know of then. I wouldn't really know a whole lot though. Still good poem and... Congrats!
Wow! Really cool, I'll have to go out and get a copy of the book! ^^ Finnally you get reconized for your great work. "Crying Flowers" one of your great poems can be seen for years, and years to come. Once the books out I'll have to get it the first day it comes out.:D Oh, yes and Congrats!!!!
SYSTEM OF A DOWN...I'm kinda of a fan. The first time I heard a song of there's was when my friend wouldn't stop singing "Chop Suey." He had gotten it stuck in my head. So I kept listening to their music, I'm not a huge fan. But I still like their music, and so I don't hate them but I'm not their biggest fan.
Ok, I went back and looked at all the poems I have. The one that this one is like is the poem "This place...." Anyways, I wrote the next one when I saw a old cage sitting and collecting dust. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forgotten Cage I'll stay here in my cage My forgotten cage, sitting in the shadows My little place That has been fading, fading from your mind Fading from this world The forgotten cage, it wil keep fading My little place will be gone Fading, till it's thrown away
^^ I like it, reaching out to some one. That's a great poem. No one can keep a secret forever, it'd be nice if someone could. Still I love the thoughts and feelings to this poem.
Yeah, it's I like reading about this stuff too. But when it really happens to you or some one you know it's not very fun. I think I put something up like this poem before... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Alone Left alone again Forgotten and faded Alone in darkness, never to see the lightHere in my loneness, in my void to stay Forgotten, faded, broken, and alone I'll stay alone Here in the shadows, the shadows I've made
I've had this game for nearly 2 years. All the people I talk to about it dosen't even know the name. So I've decided to ask some smart people about, of course all the people at the OB. If your a video game freak like I am you might have heard of the game known as Rhapsody. A game with magical puppets, you play as a girl, and find her love while fighting off this really big evil. Who just like is destroying everything in her path. Anyways I've found a game just like it, only you play as a guy. In the game you find a letter from your dead parents. Also that your from a race that's had all died out years ago, the Tribe known as the Cucrotheatros. This tribe had the power to give a puppet life. Your ment to save the world from being controlled by the Evil Goddess. And stop a huge war that's been going on for years. At the same time, get ride of your foes, same your kingdom, save the other ones known as crimson eyes, get ride of Lolita Vorless, get the three iteams, and bring back your sister after she dies. And watch the anime grapgics, it looks like a Anime show rather then a game when playing. So I was just wandering if any one has heard of eather Rhapsody, or Eternal Eyes. If you've even play? What do you think of the graphics? Or if you remotey even been reading what I said above.I'm putting up a picture of what it looks like, so if you've seen it tell me. [URL]http://media.gameshark.com/cube/image/eternaleyes.gif[/URL]
I guess I'm not contenplating matters fast enough like I once did of my life. I need to stop playing so many video games, it's turning my brain to mush. Ok, I'll try writing like I use to again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Unknown To be unknown, is to be forgotten Unknow to the world, once found I'll fade Fading from my place, a place my shadow once was My shadow is gone It has been fadeing for years Unknown is what I am Both unknow and forgottn Can I never come back? Must I stay unknown and forgotten? For unknown and forgotten, is my sercurity and memoreies
Wow, cool. Having a 3rd I would be fun. You could help people that way. Sleep through the memoreies, and seeing you blink back tears. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Sorry about getting on your neavers, and I'll try to write the way I once did. :)
Ok, I have nothing to say whats going on above. But for what this post was made for I'd have to say Cirm. Crim could beat Tsukusa, if there was a placement for the battle. I place my money on Crim! I belive in Crim's great power to fight, he has the will to win. :)
More people should read your work, they would probly like it. Or they read your work but just don't say any thing about it. If my friends were part of the OB they'd like it, they should join and read your work that be fun. And thanks for not minding me asking questions, or reading your work constently. ^^
Very nice! ^^ Having different song lines that aline back into your own thoughts. Never thought of that before, I like the idea. All thoughts in this all come together with in a collection of one person.
What do I belive is fighting for....my honor code. Probly sounds goffy and sad but I do have an honor code. Most people say I want to kill any one and every thing, that gose against my honor code! How come no one else has "written" honor code to law only to them-self? Anything that is part of my honor code I'll stand up and fight for. And I won't say my honor code cause it's really long. ^^ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But PM me if you would like to know what's in my code.
Yay, I got it again...Still weird but cool! ^^ I know none of my concern, but how many years are you talking about? Anyways I think that was my seconde favorite of the one you've posted so far. ^^ I think I'll keep reading your work as long as you post it, that is if you don't mind hearing from me so much.
Mages...terroritest(sp?), swords, and monsters. Really big, and great journey ahead in the story I think. I love reading this, to me...Every one should read this! Fantasy and just alittle bit of Sic-fi. It's great,and Yay! ^^They got rid of Perry...evil Perry.