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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. As the two walked into the low cave it seemed to form into a tunnel. The farther they got the less light there was. All they had left to guild them was the side of the tunnel. Going through it felt like they had been walking for days, but in truth only a few hours had gone by. All of a sudden there was a blue glowing light. Siaga and Fossikmon walked till they found the light, it was another Digital Warp. 'How many of these are there in the Digital World? said Siaga shacking her head. "There's no use thinking of it." said Fossikmon, "It matter's not." He jumped down on to the level floor and stared at it. Siaga started to look around the small room. She jumped down and stood behind Fossikmon. She went ahead and was about to touch the warp, but she stopped. He walked up beside her, and listened for her voice. "Tell me what's happening," he said, "I may be blind but I can still hear." She looked down at him, and said 'Fossikmon, do you know of any ruins here in the Digital World?' Fossikomn shook his head, he stepped forwards ready to go through the warp. Fossikmon felt her hand on his shoulder, they both walked in together. When they came out Fossikmon smelt smoke, Siaga saw the air lined with sparks all about. "This place.." Siaga said , "It looks like it was burned to the ground..." Fossikmon walked on, and then turned faceing her. He listened for a sound of some sort, his ears tiwiched. 'We should look for any digimon left.' said Fossikmon.
  2. Pain leads to hate, hate to rage, and rage back to pain. ^^ A for ever spining wheel, I like it. Not allowing one's self to be because of what has been done and what's not known. The fuel of hate and spite most be really big.
  3. Yeah I'm crazy. And I'm glade for it. Heehe^^ Hey, dayday you hate me now don't you. ^^ Being hated, nothing new! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Withdraw I?ll withdraw my thoughts Have what I?ve said forgotten The light has been withdrawn, From the end of my tunnel Withdraw back into my Silence and my void Withdraw from the lights, Fade back into my shadows Withdraw from the world, Once again?
  4. There's a memeroy and a resone for every poem I write. Most of then are about sadness, lonness, and evil things, I've grown to like them all for that. If you don't get it, I'm a half goth! I don't like happy, and sorry I didn't like that poem all that much. The only thing I liked was the "Fate" part. You must think I'm crazyer now then before.
  5. Wow! Gotta keep reading this! This is great, it's great I love the plot. ^^ and sorry I never said happy birthday...so HAPPY REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, LATE BIRTHDAY! Anyways keep writing and I'll keep reading, if this is published I'll be the first one to buy the book. And the no refleaction thing...really cool!:D
  6. Sorry I didn't know what you ment, Class: light blade. A:She's in the class of the A's so an A's any number fallowing. She is hyper, a lair, super speed, not too bright, a younger player, in class of the A's, and... (I don't know what to say any more.) Q: When Tsukasa was running through the forest with Aura, and she dissaper appered. He looked up and saw her in the tree, she jumpped down. What did she do that distrubed Tsukasa so much?
  7. I have my ears peirced, but sometimes when you get something peirced little pits of skin some times come off around the where it's peirced. Of course this has never happened to me but it could be a possiblity. It's happened to my friends before, from what they said you shouldn't use a normale needle. And it hurts awhile after no matter what for your ears, there for I'm gussing it'd hurt like 5-7 days at the least if you do it with some other body part.
  8. Sorry to come off head strong, and I'm really void so I just rather has people talk behind my back. Just like I've always have. And yes I've constructive criticism before, so many times of people telling me how I've failed...and so I just get really pissed off. Sorry about about that. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dreams My dreams can't come true Discard all thoughts me I'll help with others, other dreams to come true Real dreams that matter Once finished with this, dreams will no longer be mine That old dream I once have Will become a faded thought Although it will no longer be my dream Dreams cane never be broken, only in the truth of lies
  9. Monster of No Understanding...most be alot of those around the world. I like how in the poem it's so descriptive...(sp?) Anyways it's good because of it being covered in sadness. Wheee! I love it when things are sad, alone, evil, or something that relates to those topics!
  10. o_O Exorcise some daemons...fun! The poems great, trapped in some things makes some people go nuts. Tablets to feed the fear , I love it. Social and electronic interaction both are needed, so I gusses that's easy to see how you feel. Keep up the good work.
  11. Talk online part of Sat. and most of Sunday. But most of Sat. I'm doomed because I have Y.A. class, so I get to fight and beat people up. Play video games or read a book. Yes, I have no life but fighting, computer, some sat. morning cartoons, books, and video games. I'm really boring...
  12. Epsilon


    Yeah, she look like Rei only in a fuuny out fit. It seems to revole around anime because the animal looks like something out of a movie done by the person who made Spirited away and junk. But if you ever see that and the Daft Punk videos you'd think they both bands like anime or something.
  13. Yeah, what ever... :grumble: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This sound This sound it runs round Round in my head This song it never stops I know not what it is, or where it's from Alone in silence I hear it The song, the sound, the pain of the rytham A sad melody this song This sound runs round Never ending, never stopping This sound, it will stay forever
  14. opps...sorry about that. I didn't mean to spoil the game, it will be looooooooooong game playing time. What song is that? I've never heard of something like that before. Anyways I like the poem, I've never tryed it with song lyrics before.
  15. I came close to what it means!?! o_O that's different I have problems with exspering feelings yet I know what others are feeling. That kinda weird. Oh, well I kinda like knowing how others are feeling now.
  16. I'm a 12 year old kid want do you want from me? I like writing about this stuff! You don't like it read some one else work. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thinking of what I said Thinking of what I did I shouldn't have swayed I should have thought, thought of what might happen Would I hat you? Find a friend, a commander, fall in love? The current tides had changed I didn't think of the future But that's just it, I wasn't thinking about the future
  17. The two girls sat shouting; it was frustrating. Siaga was no longer in the conversation, she was ignored by them. She started to walk away again from their yelling with Fossikomn behinde her. They walked through the forest again for hours, till they came to a village entrance. There were digimon runing around all over the place. 'Hey, Fossikmon do the we can find any infourmtion here on humans?' Siaga asked, looking at him. Fossikmon said nothing, and coutuined to walk ahead. Siaga ran and cought up with him. They were walking stirght through the village out to the other side, there they met a Brachiomon. Brachiomon: So are you more of the digidestanyed here to help save the Digital World? Fossikomn let out a sigh and didn't answer him. "Ahh...I don't know.." Siaga said looking at Fossikmon, "How would we know?" Brachiomon: Do you have a digivive? Siaga took what she had gotten earlyer and showed it to him. Brachiomon stompped his feet then said; Yes you two are a pair, once out of this village head north till you come to a cave. There you will fight, but know this, things are not as they seem to be. With this Siaga thanked the Brachiomon, and headed north till they got to a small cave. They went in and found it didn't go very far back. 'This could just be a dumb trick.' said Fossikomn. Siaga ignored him and sat down by the entrance to the cave. "Remember what Brachiomon said," she said happily, "Maybe we have to wait till a certain time of day to go find what we're ment to be loooking for."
  18. Avatarofkaine hope you do inprove, I've been writing the way I do now since I was around 8 years old. So I'm never going to improve. Anyways hope you get that creative flow so you get down timing and rythem. I'm sure once you get that done your poems will be even better.
  19. Here's the next one, but it's short. Just because I was starting to fall alseep and I got too deep into thought. It's another one that dosen't have a title though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Forget your past, then you'll forget your future Forget the future and the past, then you forget your-self
  20. I'm much more ignored in real life, so you could say so. Just because people listen to what I say online and don't want to know what I want to say off line. Other then that I'm the same.
  21. Siaga walked through the forest till the forest started to look shabber, different. Like it was a link to another warp. Suddenly some thing caught her eyes. There were two girls glaring at each other from two different sides of where a battle was held not so long ago. "Shouldn't we go talk to them or something?" asked Fossikmon,"Didn't you want to know about the other humans in the Digital warp?" Siaga kept walking, Fossikmon then kept walking behind her. "They have digimon don't they." Siaga said looking back, "Plus those aren't the humans I wanted to know about." 'Why not?' Fossikmon asked her. "One, it's none of our consuren." she said, "Two, we shouldn't get invouled. Three they don't even know were hear." Siaga felt a tugg on her skirt, she looked at Fossikomn. Fossikmon then pointed to one of the girls, she was now yelling at them too. Siaga said nothing and just stared at Fossikmon. And whispered; You do know you shouldn't tugg on a girls skirt...it's kindda rude....Siaga started to walk again, but the other girl just yelled louder. Till Siaga couldn't stand it any more. 'Shut up already!' she yelled back.
  22. Wind Waker graphics...sorry but it just kinda sucks. They messed with the legend of Zelda...Link dosen't not have a sister! PS2 is better, because you get more things in one. I know I sound kinda cheap but I've gotten to play Wind Waker..I hate it. PS2 can house more kind of games because for the PS2 you can get like Enix, Soft Squre, some Billz, plus DBZ. I like Nintendo but the games for that don't have new plot lines and ever thing...Go PS2!!!!
  23. [COLOR=red]Ok, be a villan KiaraStarr[/COLOR] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "So how do we get out of here?" Siaga asked....there was a silence, "Hey Fossikmon are you listening?" Fossikmon stood up and went close to the rock, out of his sleeve came a red rose down on the blade. He then jumped back cutting the rose...but it didn't cut it was set a flame. The flower burned to ash and floated makeing a dragon that struck the stone. Dirt and ash went flying up into the air, Siaga covered her face and eyes with her wounded arm. Once all settled she saw something shinning in the rubble. Siaga went and dust it off, it started to up into the air. It then came stright at her making it self rest in her hands. Siaga stared down at, Fossikmon as uneasy. "It's a digivice, your a digidestand" he said, "How did you even get here?" 'I don't know....' she said. Fossikmon then said 'So then I'll be your digimon from now on...' Siaga started to think of what Seth had said. He was a tamer, so he owned his digimon. "Hey, Fossikmon your not mine..." she said looking at the ground, "You're free to do as you want. We should try to see if we can leave now." She walked to the out side of the claering before he had a chance to say anything. 'Come on we need to get going!' yelled Siaga. She then started to walk, he fallowed after her. They had no problem moveing from then on. The walked some more and found another Digital Warp before they found the next Digimon Village. 'So do you want to go to the next village or go some where else?' "I'll go to the next village." she said merraly, "I want to find out as much I can about the other humans here." So they went past the warp and countined walking.
  24. ^-^ I like it. Love things that get you thinking. The part about how time stops and starts reminds me of FF8 for PS1. They go into a time warp and yeah...time just stops. It's great.
  25. How many people were you mad at? Anyways I love it, too many people think they own the world. Dosen't matter how long they are, just what they mean. Anyways still love it. Keep writing.:D
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