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Everything posted by Epsilon
'Hey, Fossikmon are there any other humans here?' she said looking at the ground as they walked. "Yes...but the only one's I know of are tamers." Fossikmon said,"Why?" Siaga shook her head, Fossikmon's long ears tiched. Fossikmon stopped walking, Siaga kept on but then stopped and looked back. 'What's say we get out of his place." he said, "There's a Digital warp near by." Siaga nodded, they started south till they came to another forest of dead trees. In side the very middle there was a clearing. they went in and found a warp, Siaga went through the warp first, the Fossikmon. When they came out they good feel the breeze of an ocean. They both looked around, three was an ocean, a beach, and a forest. They were at the side of the contient of the main body. Fossikmon looked out over the water, the said "We're close to some Digimon Villages, we should probly go there now." They turned from the ocean and walking into the forest. Much time went by, till they got to a village but it was empty. Siaga asked looking around 'Fossikmon...how many villages are there?' "Don't worry, this is a Tsukaimon and Patinumsukamon village." he said moving forwards, "They won't be back till night fall, in the day they tend to sleep. We'll move on to the next village that lies in the east of this one." "Will we be able to find out about any other humans there?" Fossikmon said nothing, he started to walk on. They soon came out of the town, and back into the forest. They walked for more hours till they came to another clearing and heard a rumbling sound. In the middle of the clearing was a large boulder. 'We should find another way around.' said Fossikmon. Siaga walked to the end of the clearing but then fell back. 'What's wrong Siaga?' Fossikmon asked her. Siaga said nothing, Fossikmon walked up to where the clearing ended. He then put one of the tips of the blade to the outer end. Bung! Fossikmon was thrown backwards hitting the large boulder. Siaga ran up and help Fossikmon get up. "That's just our luck..." Siaga exclaimed, "We're stuck in a claer because of a boulder." Fossikmon sat down and stared at the boulder. Siaga stood up and watch him just sit, till she sat as well watching the boulder.
Ok since I'm already have been taught in Ki Shu, Y.A. style,Taekyon and other fighting styles. And soon to be kendo, so I'll be a teacher. Teachers-------- Name: Zoma Mckamoray (Zoma means deamon or minon) Age:18 Description: Short black hair, ruby colored eyes, 5'4, black tennis shoes, black sparing gloves, white vest with black short sleeve shirt under neath, black pressed pants. Bio: Zoma was taugh different fighting styles since she was 6. Spicalizeing in Taekyon she has decided to tech it to other to make sure the military known as Society of Hwarang-do is not forgotten. She was takken in by her sensay, Senay Oni, to learn to fight in his dojo. But after a failing to take over the dojo she left from down troughted dreams. Subject Teached: Taekyon (fighting)
Thank you both. Here's the next poem I wrote today, sounds kinda funny though because it was made up of the titles from a book. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dark Messenger Judgment day will come soon, for the Sliver Knight Who in battles for the daemon Daemon of darkness, the one he loves She is the Dark Messenger, who is to take his soul She is the one, that shall be his end
That's ok if you don't write for a while. But I must say this goes stright to the point of a little blue. We are a medicated nation compared to other ones. I love this poem, telling the truth hurts. And there are many things prove it.
I've always wanted to fence...but I can't. Well not till I become the ruler the Y.A.Fighting Team. I have to beat Andy in a tournament, then I'd take up fenceing. But I might be able to take kendo classes so it a tie between kendo and fencing...I want to do both...:(
Siaga started to walk back to the clearing, thinking of what Seth had said. She couldn't think of why he had wanted her gone and away from this world. Maybe it was better not to think of it, she felt a warm exlier gushing from her arm. She looked down at her arm, it was bleeding again yet she couldn't feel the blood. It was like it wasn't real, but she didn't have time to think about it now. When Siaga got back to Fossikmon's head was faceing towards where the fire had once been. "Hey, nice to see your awake Fossikmon..." she said to him, he said nothing; "Hey Fossikmon, your not mad at me leaveing are?" He shook his head, and stood up. "What had you been doing?" Fossikmon asked. "Nothing, it dosen't matter..." she said, but it did matter. "Come on!" she said happily, " We gotta get going!" To where...he muttered "Where ever the road takes us, of course." 'Alright so we'll search for something we can't find...I've got nothing else better to do'he said whispering. They then started to walk in the dark world. As they walked Siaga made sure they had never went near the tree line. They walked wast wards from the dark ocean. "Siaga...how's your arm?" he said quitely. "Hmmm...." she said smilling, "Don't worry about, I'll survive."
I love it, reminds me of a song! I like it, having to run because some ones too afarid to satnd the pain or even try. It reminds me of some people I know to.
Siaga stared up Devimon, she smilled. "So then I take it I'm ment to be indemadated by you." Siaga said, looking over her shoulder back at Seth. "Alright, I'll leave but..." a smirk came over her face, "I rather not have a Digimon just to kill though.I'm kinda glade I don't have one." She truned her veiw back to Devimon, and started to walk back into the tree line to leave.
Batman but that's been picked...So then Gambit!(X-Men) With the flaming cards that blow up. Hehee he just has some of the coolest powers! *Hugs pic of Gambit*
"Why?" she said looking at the sand, "There aren't too many things to hurt me right now." Siaga looked back at him,she then stood up and went past him. "I plan to stay here, but I'll make sure I don't get in your way." Siaga started up the sloping tree line. She truned around and yelled "I ment what I said! I do plan to stay i this place!"
Ligthed path guilding your way, sounds like the end to those ones where the dearest thing was taken away. I like it, it's like a chain of poems that make up one big story.
When Siaga woke the Yanmamon was gone, the fire was out, and Fossikmon was a sleep. Looking up at the sky it was dark, this place was like the land of eternal darkness. She looked around staring at the waste land. The wind blew heavily blowing dust around in the air, dust flew over Fossikmon yet didn't bother him. Once the wind stopped Siaga heard the sound of water. She looked around but there was no lakes of oceans any where. "Bye-bye Fossikmon..." she whispered. She then headed off from their and started to wander around in the waste land. As she walked the dust blew around harder and more frequently. The dust that blew had gotten into the cut on her arm, she took her other hand and covered it but blood still tripped. Siaga kept walking looking at the ground, till the sounds of water got louder. She started to run to those sounds, she had to know what they were. As she ran she slowed again and went into a walk. She kept going till she saw a tree line, nut these trees were alive. Siaga brushed past them till she saw a drop of into the sand and ocean. The ocean was of dark waters, yet it moved and waved like any normal ocean. She stared down looking, she started to walk over to the side that was the least steep to walk down. As Siaga walked forwards she saw a cliff near were she was heading and a small figure, but as she got close it the figure disappeared. She walked forwards till she got to the cliff, she stood there just looking at the ocean. She then sat down with her knees hanging over. She looked at her arm, it had stopped bleeding. Although it still hurt from the dust inside of it. Siaga then just watched the tides come in and out from then on.
I fall a sleep by listening to muisc, J-rock is usually what I fall a sleep listing to. Also watching shadows move around is kinda fun. Those or I talk to my self, but really I'm trying to talk to shadows on my wall. And hey, they move around so I just belive their listing. As far as sleeping habits go I have weird ones.
Once they came out of warp they fell to the ground, Yanmamon fell behind them. Siaga looked behind them there was no warp, and Yanmamon was laying on the ground knocked out. All around it was dark, there were a few dead trees, the sky was a teal color, and other then that it was completely a barren waste land. She shook Fossikmon, until he woke up. He looked back at Yanmamon, he got up and went over to Yanmamon. He then started to poke Yanmamon with his blade. "Stop that!" Siaga yelled, "He's hurt leave him alone already." Fossikmon grunted. Come on...:he muttered. Fossikmon started to walk away, with Siaga behind checking back looking at the hurt Yanmamon. "Should we really be leafing him like this?" she asked softly. Fossikmon grunted, and didn't stop walking. On the other hand Siaga stopped and ran back to Yanmamon, she tried picking Yanmamon on to her back. One of his claws/talons cut her in her arm, but she said nothing. She started to walk with the Yanmamon on her back, dragging it's tail behind she walked slowly. "If he wakes up and decides to kill you it won't be my flut." Fossikmon yelled to her. She quickly waved her hand and walked to get to were he was, he waited for her till she got to him. "We'll walk for a few hours, and then you can rest." said Fossikmon. They walked for hours with no sight of any ther Digimon but one, high above the air there was a bat like figure flying around. However it did not seem to notice them remotely. They stopped in a little clearing where the large bat like Digimon was no where in sight. "Well stop here." Fossikmon told her, he help take the uncousis Digimon off her back and set him down. Fossikmon went around gather things to make a fire. Soon Siaga fell a sleep, with Fossikmon as a look out.
Ok, dayday I won't use the word 'Hate' here anymore. I still don't like that spirit thing I might give a try for like 2 days then go into rage. So pretty soon you'll be seeing poems about rage, at least it's something new for my poems... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Broken Truth Dreams are turn into nightmares, just because of the truth Toys become broken, from the truth of a child's love Happyness turns in to sorrow, just after the truth of the lie A life for ever in sorrow from truth At times I think it's better to know only lies Then to ever know the broken truth
Wow! That's of supense! I like it, trap doors, strange voies, weird dreams...I'm gonna keep reading this story it's great. Hopefully this really dose get turned into a book. I think it'd sell very well.
I love the pulse rate thing. It was kind fun to read with wandering when it's going to end.
o_O...glade you really don't think that and it is really just a poem. Although I'm sure some people with broken hearts may think that. I like it though, although I don't feel that way.
I don't get why people think the word 'Hate' is all that strong. No matter I've come up with another peom by listing to rock music. I have really funny ways of writting poems. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Empty Smiles Every where their wearing masks All their empty smiles They go through all their lives with smiles through troubles just with smiles One day they'll keep those faces They'll always have an empty smile, but they'll never know why
As I once said before, I'd have to be pretty close with the person to let them get that close. And I'd have to really, really, care for them so much that I wouldn't care what they did. Anyways here's a poem about hate. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Hate... I can not hate you No matter what you do, or for what you say I shall not hate you For you were, or what you will be I can't forget, I will never hate you
Very good haiku, I can't write haikus. I'll try to summarize what I think and feel. I'd get more post up tnen, anyways I love how you say that when they staring their staring at your soul.
Lucky, I have problems pulling poems off the top of my head. This one seems like a part 2 for the one before it. Most people feel this way when something is very dear to them is gone. A 3lined poem, I could never do that...very nice!
Yeah maybe, but if they killed me it just depend if I was close to them or not. Plus I couldn't forget them even if they killed me becasue if they had the chance to get ride of me they'd have to be close already. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Refuse Refuse to break my promise Refuse what you once said I refuse not to rememeber you I refuse to let you go Refuse not to care Once my mind is set, I refuse to change my feelings I refuse to just forget I rather die then to forget you I'd give my soul away, just to rememeber you my friend....
Ok, thanks dayday. I went back and edited the mistakes on the last one. I can't spell very well, which is just really sad.I wrote another poem, although I don't know what for.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If I, If I bring tears to your eyes, let them roll like thunder If I bring hate to your mind, so then you may kill me If I bring anger to your heart, then so scream out loud at me If I am ignored by you, I shall fade but you will not Know this you shall not fade from my heart
Evil pain...Hey is this another one you pulled off the top of your head? Cause I really like this one, pain takes you far from the things you need most.