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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. This is a poem I wrote last night...playing video games. Really ironic any ways I started to think about all the people leave each other so I wrote this. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Regretful dream I have meat many people in my life Most leave but others forget I remember all of them I shall never forget what I once said I visit all of them I've met in my dreams, but those dreams always end in sorrow Yet, I always go back to see them once again I live that regretful dream once more Only to end with tears once more
  2. I like mostly because it's started to make me think aboout the sky...Never really thought of it be for. Anyways I like, and it's good to just pull them off the top of your head. It's fun that way.
  3. The worst time I was zoned out was in Y.A. training. I didn't block and I went and got my lights knocked out. I got knocked down a rank for that...
  4. Or a date could just be spending with the one you deeply care for.
  5. If you feel that way about her tell, her she'll under stand if you just tell her.
  6. Love is kinda like a game I guess...truely I wouldn't know. Once I meet the right guy I know but till then I'll just have chrushs on people and never tell. Or if I do, I'll be sunk! And those guys I have chrushs some are my friends, so I can't tell them. Anyways I think love is the way some one makes you feel when your with them. Then with out them who feel more lonely then when you were really alone. Love can be evil at certain times like right now! Evil love.... [COLOR=red]*bites on toy heart and crys*[/COLOR]
  7. Ok, it's offical I'm weird for doing this. Any ways perfect date and stuff...Why am I doing this? My perfect guy would eather have green eyes, or be a red head, one of those...he'd have to like video games, and be able to stand up for him-self. Oh no! I just described a friend I know...Any ways he'd have to be taller then I am and that we could just like hang out and do normal stuff
  8. o_O I feel like that alot. Doing things at a different pace as every one else, it bugs me sometimes though.
  9. That was a great one I really liked it. I really like the part about killing hopes of the peolpe, I love that part.
  10. Alright heres my next one, know that this one I'm taking off the top of my head. There for it might not be very good, this will be the last one of the night though. ~~~~~~~~~~~ Standing there... Standing there I saw you I watch you go by in the crowd You just ignored me, when I had waited for you Standing there in the crowd Watching you go by You've forgotten me Standing there I saw you leave Fade into the crowd, and forget me...
  11. Major sporilors here. Anyways it turns out that before android 17 got abosbed he had copyies of him self made. 18 just like dies 17 turns super once he's back and 17's copyies bring the real one back with the dark dragon balls. Then it's choas, yatta, yatta, he gets defeated.
  12. Hehee, I'm pretty pathdic ones you haers what scars me. It's really dumb but I can't help being afraid of it...I'm scared by love, it just freaks me out for some weird resone.
  13. Thanks for the title shadO magE. I'm glade you like my poems, I've said this before but i still really like your's too.
  14. I do hope that there's going to be another FF7-2 it be so fun. Think of how far Squre Soft would have gone with gaming by then. It'd be one of the best games ever.
  15. Ok, this an old poem. So I don't really remember it, I have a title now thanks to shadO magE, thanks shadO magE. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Tears to ashs-ground to ground,[COLOR=red]Title by shadO magE[/COLOR] Many tears Ashs of what it contains The one insdie will always be Never sun, nor light may shine As it has always been, it will forever be Only a box of dust in the ground Inside and out will, they will both return to the ground So in the ground we pray it stay
  16. Another poem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I can not say... Thses things here I can not say If I were I'd never be seen again I'd drown my-self from sadness I can not say, these things I see I wish for my futile dream to return My futile dream which I had lost, lost so long ago in dreams I can not say, I've lost the dream
  17. The next thing she knew she was looking up at the sky falling. Siaga hit the ground but it wasn't the normal Thump! She jumped up and started to brush her self off. Grohhh....she heard something from behind say. Siaga looked back there was a creature starting to get back off the ground. "Oh no!" she said going over to help it back, "I'm sorry about that..." It shook it's head. Siaga looked closly at it, it had no eyes. She staired at it, as she helped it up. Siaga said nothing, Fossikmon stormed off into the forest. Siaga fallowed after him. She follwed him till they got to a big bolder, he jumped on the boulder and sat. She stood looking behind him, and said "What are you waiting for?" They fell silent, a light brezze broke it. Buzzz, Buzzz...some thing came from the distance. Fossikmon stood up on the rock, and looked towards her. "Go now!" he shouted. Wha...she muttered, she turned around there was something shooting for her. A Yanmamon! It dived ready to sting her, Siaga jumped out of the way. It got her, it had made a slik cut in her arm. Fossikmon put his hands together and red petals came out of the blades on his hands. Protecting them both. "Go to the warp feild!" he shouted, he then looked back. Siaga dogged out of the ring of red petals. She ran through the forest, till she found a clearing. A blue mirror type data spuna round in mid air. A vocie cryed out, "Jump through!" With this she turned around and saw Fossikmon running with a swarm of Yanmamon behinde him. He ran past her and jumped in, she then jumped in after. A Yanmamon got in but as that one was in the warp closed.
  18. I see so air was rain. Today just since I read the post by the moderator I've written more poems. I guess when the moderators say something it makes people think more.
  19. Ok to break this cycale I've written another one to put up again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Futile Wish... The wish I have is futile To think the world, that it could under stand I watch the world go round The point of reality, on which my wish broke My futile wish shalln't be fufiled This futile wish I once dreamed This futile wish is died, The wish and the dream are gone
  20. So that's where you got your qoute from. lol, it's great you putted up the edited version and unedited. I love the feel to this one too.
  21. Was rain air and air rain? Sorry, I didn't get that. It sounded really good though, what where you thinking about when you started to write that?
  22. A quik one here, from the top of my head. It isn't all of what it really means though... ~~~~~~~~~~ Feel The way you make me I can not say This feeling you give in side of me, I have never had this feeling before I wish to keep this feeling for all of time Sadly you will one day leave Although I wish it not be now And all I'll have is the memorey of your voice In hopes we will met again.
  23. Ok, we'll keep this going here's another poem ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the night... In the night I shudder Shudder in the thought of dreams Who am I to say who has happyness? That is the choice of fate Slide into the memorey of others Slide into their past Only to disapper by dawn In the night I see, I see their past and future, I see their pain, and most of all I see their happyness In the night I see, what could have been mine
  24. Wow, I like that one too. And as dayday said early sorry mitch.We'll try to be more responsible. Againt that was great. keep writting.
  25. Don't worry we plan to keep it running, as long as one of us post something the other will post something to to keep our threads alive.
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