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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. Ummm...I guess I'll walk with you...*blush*
  2. forgotten_rogue I like your poem. And I'm glade all of us will remember each other. Hopefully we never forget each other.
  3. I'll keep wishing that your never forgotten, and you never fade from my mind
  4. Well, then I can wish that that dosen't happen so often, right?
  5. Aww...that's terrible. Hopefully that never happens again.:(
  6. Ohhh, thanks for coming in on the conversation forgotten_rogue. I love it.:love:
  7. My stuff gets stuck with my video games or books. My room use to a mini strage room, pluse my rooms small and I loose ever thing. Your rooms most likely clearner them mine.
  8. You wouldn't forget it if you wrote it down and put it some where safe. But that might not work if you forget about that place safe.
  9. Thanks dayday, I'm back and I've made a list from the info I got. I'll PM you the list. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This feeling... Hide my-self from reality When all the world turns away, when they leave me alone All things one day fade I'll keep this feeling, this feeling of being alone I'll serve this feeling forever No matter what, I'll always have this feeling Being alone, it will be my only feeling
  10. Hehee...Funny tiwst on the end. I like it, that one's good for halloween...hehee funny!
  11. You shouldn't really have a problem with being forgotten, if there's one person who will never forget you'll be happy. Join dayday and me, were makeing sure we never forget each other. You're now one of them who I shall never forget. You're also going into my buddy list.:D no one should be forgotten as I already have.
  12. My bike wheels are out of air, and the air bump dosen't work. I just saw cop cars driving around. I won't be able to get there...for the moment I'll find away there...Till then I'll put up another poem, I want to know what they're doing...This ones from a dream so it's weird too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I saw you there in the darkness Moving round, watching, brooding Always there with me Once we came face to face Yet we lost our voice But once light came, you were gone Darkness fell you weren't there Did I fade from your memorey? Night fall came once again You were there, once again we came to face Looking to the sky we, with no voice Dawn soon broke and you were there I felt your body growing cold You looked up at me, with your red glaring eyes I under stand... I would never fade from your memoreies ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I need to get to M.E.D.
  13. Ohhh, I love it, sounds like it has something to do with friends or something like that. Well, I still like it! Goveremet is down the street from me, something's going down....
  14. Sifate means: so let time; drowning of a futile dream, so be it. You might under stand this one better...off topic do you think the presatend and the goverment have something going on in M.N.? Because he's here to day for something about robotics. :shifty: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dream of Pain This pain I feel is not real Yet pain is a state of dreams When I sleep, I feel pain of the blade I sleep locked away in darkness Only memories that are mine, but I can't recall those memories Dream of this, and the dream of pain
  15. Ok, I've decided to get the RPG started. Only write in this if you are one of the ones who signed up. Please for give me if I did not get the letter out to every one. Thanks! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Before the warp... Siaga sat there staring at the screen, just surfing around on the net. Listening to the rain out side. She saw her reflection come up on the screen, the computer screen then went black. "Darn..." she said shacking her head. Siaga bushed the Ctrl, Alt, Delete, buttons but nothing happened. So she turned off the screen and monitor. The motor light was still on, but she didn't care. Siaga went over to the window and pulled back the pink curtains...still raining. She then opened the windows and stuck her hand out catching rain drops in her hand. Quietly she closed the window and opened her room door, before she went out she looked back at the computer screen. Siaga turned and took her leave. Going down two flights of stairs, then turning to get to her boots and the door. She slipped on her black boots and headed to the door. "Siaga, Siaga Tekero!" she heard her mother call, "What do you think your doing. Wanting to go out in the rain." "Don't worry, I'm only going to the park and I'll take an umbrella." Her mother said nothing. She went back and took an umbrella, as she went out the door she opened it and put it over her head. Siaga walked down the streets looking down at the ground and the water. As she neared the park gates she stopped walking. She closed her umbrella and looked up into the dark sky. It would start to rain harder soon, she shouldn't be outside. She turned around to walk back home but something went flying past her. She felt a brush against her face!!! The thing had made contact, she felt something move about her back. Siaga took off running with umbrella in her hand, her eyes opened wide. As she ran Siaga started to slow down at half way point back to her house. Siaga felt weak, she breathed heavily, she dropped her umbrella to the ground. She warped her arms around her stomach, and looked down. Boom!!! She looked up thunder was coming, she grabbed her umbrella and started to walk back. As Siaga walked she finally looked around her...there was no one, no people walking around, no cars, and every building she passed all the lights were down. But she kept on walking, till she finally got back. The door was open so she went in but all the lights were off. Siaga put the umbrella down by the door. She then went back up the stairs till she came to her room. She opened her door went in and closed it behind her. The computer screen caught her I, she had received and e-mail. She went over and opened the e-mail, as she started to read she sat down in her chairs. It was a short e-mail, it had read: To who this may apply: Help, the digital world is in trouble. We ask for your help. If you are willing then please we need you now. We need any help, we need you now. Our world is being destroyed, help.... After she finished reading it she started to hum and sway in her chair. "Alright!" she said raising a fist in the air. Siaga turned back and started to make a reply e-mail but the screen went blank again. She lightly tapped the computer screen, the blank screen was gone but it was replaced be a purple and blue. She pushed the enter button to see if anything would happen. A glowing light then came over her. She saw whirling colors around her, as she as though she was a falling. Those colors all soon turned dark. A massive wave red came in to her view, she then closed her eyes and fell unconscious.
  16. O_o...can't think of a tilte for that, but a very intersting story. I've never heards a story quite like this one before, the plot lines really different. And the characters are in deapth in personaltiy. Very good, if want you could be come a very good author. Ahhh...I have no clue what to really say...but I'll keep reading it if you put up more. Oh yes, good luck on your books!
  17. Thanks, I hope you find your note book. Cause you really are a good writer.
  18. Thanks dayday, I did send her 'Remember me' thanks for letting me know. You might not be albe to under stand the next one, because 'Sifate' is in a different langue. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sifate... For ones who once stood, who echoed their laughter under cerulan skys They have faded We can't change the world Yet we can try Try to make no one feel pain The pain of fadeing into darkness As we have already done May I have but a futile dream Sifate...
  19. Thats a great poem. It was great by it's own and it's even better with so much meaning. I don't think you will really scare her away, anyways I love it.:D
  20. Thanks, Still love your poems! ....I think I'll always love your poems, oh well.:D
  21. I will, anything that's one of the greatest things in my eyes I never stop loving. Your poems are one of them so I'll always love your poems and I'll never forget you.
  22. C.D., Lavra, and Greamous. I don't think I take other's souls, I might and not know it...though I do tend to hear voices in my head sometimes. Wait! People do say I'm a vampire...I do like the dark. They might be other peolpe's souls but I don't know.
  23. That's a great one too, I love it! Your location dose relate to the poem. I love it...I've been saying "Love your poems" too much...oh well at least it's true.
  24. Grim reaper...that's a new one I've never had that one before. I've had Count D, Lavra, or some monster from Chrono Cross, but not grim peaper. There are 2 or 3 vampires I know of who take souls and spirits. Anyways...thanks for the complament on the one before that one.
  25. Wow! This story's good! I love reading this story, it's just great, also kinda touching, that is a little. I still love it.:D
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