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Everything posted by Epsilon
[quote name='Rhian][size=1][font=veranda][color=indigo]-.- That doesn't help if I can't draw cars... >> Heh, I was thinking about making the school an all girls school, since I can't draw guys. ^_____^[/size][/font'][/color][/quote] [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]That comment right there can add an extreme amount of depth to the plot. Since one would probably take in how girls tend to care more about school and social life then males. As Methuselah has stated, the story, plot, and characters are certainly unique. And I second that motion, I'm really sure there isn't anything like yours out there. You've done a great job on making the characters, their personas and designs unique and still have them reflect upon each other. Making it easy for other's to understand their relations with each other. From what I've read so far, the character Lyllix sounds really awesome to me. There is only one probably I can find, which would be in relation to the fact that they are, correct me if I'm wrong, but former stars and no longer making CD's. It'd probably bring up many problems with publicity. Or would the rumors and type of school be taking care you that? I'd really love to see the character designs brought out and shown. *Pokes Methuselah.* She won't be the only one doing Fan Art. Anyway, good luck with your ideals. Best of luck and I hope you get it set in motion. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]That's actually true, you should read the "Error Page" that pops up when you do that. It's hilarious. But more on to the banner, I really like the concept. The only thing I could find wrong has already been mention, is that it could use a border. I recommend just a plan, black, 1 pixel border. Other then this, I think you did extremely well. Both in technique wise and capturing the message. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][i]Hey guys. It's Chloe here. Can we meet up after school? At Angel's Cafe? Come if you can. It's urgent![/i] She had been out of school for an hour. Already having gone and working for an hour she had rearranged her schedule for the day. It was odd, never before would she had done this, but feeling something was wrong. Jipin felt the need to dismiss her self. All day people had said that there was strange symbol disappearing and reappearing on her forehead. This of which she covered with make up and blush. Rushing out, Jipin fixed her vest. Nearly tripping on the pavement she progressed ignoring the fumble. Hopping over the side of the convertible she pulled past, thinking of which key was right. One of the mangers came out, waving to her. He yelled over: [i]You'll be working later to night at 8 to 12! Alright?[/i] Nodding, Jipin pulled out and drove down four streets, turning another, and waiting a few minutes in traffic. The music blared. Heading inside she looked around, Jake smiled and point her to where the others were. Heading over all of the girls there so far had a glowing symbol upon their foreheads. They looked at her questioningly. In thoughts that she had gotten one two. Taking her sleeve she rubbed off the make up she had used to conceal the marking. Chloe stood slightly, but was brought back to her seat realizing it really shouldn't have been much of a surprise. "The sign of Pluto." she said quietly. Jipin nodded taking a step to the side she let Zet walk by back to her seat. Confused, Jipin counted the people at the table. Noticing Ailiyah was there. She waved to the girl, who shrunk a bit in her chair.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Location may depend on where you are. The all of the general cyber citizenas and Crew are from a place called Snow White. The AIs and Angels are from Rose Red. And all others are from the city of eternal snow fall. I've been getting an extream amount of questions, so I'm guess many of them are the same. I'll start making a FAQ in the first post soon, so that people can just check here.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I've taken a try. I didn't really change much of anything, other then lighting and color adjustment. So they're rather plan. If you'd like something else done ot them to make them better, let me know.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21340[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21339[/IMG]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Gah, beaten to the punch. I cannot do better then the avatars Nomad has provided you. So I didn't bother trying. However I did start a banner before I knew he was trying. It's the only part of your request I've attempted. [COLOR=Red]Warning:[/COLOR] [i]It's not as pretty as Nomad's.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]And the Angel whispered, "Then look to the future, reach for that one piece that is yours. Unknown to this place is the world so cold...Look to the sky, and watch the stars come tumbling down. The snow will fall silently within your place, in the city of no people. In the city of the Rose Red." This town was grey, covered by an endless drift of snow. All buildings the same. All homes built in the same style but varying by sizes. It would have been a massive place, if not for the building which had stood alone. Inside the center of the city, there was a single building which rose high above the heavens. It was empty except for the few white doves that chose to stick around. It was true beauty. The only place which stood alone and unknown. No one, no human, could ever possible try to guess what it was. Nor what it's use was. For it had been there since the beginning of time and the city had been built around this particular place. Only to be struck down by a cold wind. Bringing a world of endless snow. Everything out side of this place...Disappeared. None dared go near and all building within 5 miles of this place was abandoned. The few towns people knew not why. But this was the place that kept the city alive. At night, a faded spinning light would arise. And a beam of pure, white, light shot up illuminating around the city. It was a signal the people knew because all buildings lit up. All the people would drift asleep for all the birds flew away to rest upon one of the rims the signal building. They then turned to stone. All but a few, those certain people who appeared out of no where. Crowding into three abandon buildings. Those closest to the tower like place. By dawn it appeared they were gone as fast as they appeared. The birds returned back to their original state. Even though it was dawn, the sky was still dark. It hadn't changed in much of light. It never did. But still the birds sang their song and the few people woke. Many of them fell back into their bed, knowing it was still snowing. Not wanting to move from their house and homes. Feeling that it was a waste then moving again and starting their day. Remembering...That if they slept; the world would stand still. The Twins were up as they always were. Moving at the same pace and their chores side by side. Saying hello to their Mother and Father as if they were one. Today was different though...While the Sister was with their Mother and Father; the boy was missing. And none had noticed except for the Girl. She worried not, for she knew where he was. It was nearing night time once more. The Boy's breath still lingered on the air. The ties of his snow gear left no trace upon the heavy snow. Walking he came closer and closer to the build which stood alone. Looking upwards The Boy watched as the snow fell. Suddenly he saw a giant bird. Waiting he glanced around, there were no birds. But it staring down at him. Suddenly, he felt something brush against his back. Turning he was hen pushed down into the snow. Looking around people dressed in total white and red and black rushing into three doors. Each door had a glowing symbol on them, these he could not understand. As he pushed him self up, a beautiful song came to his ears. A women's singing coming from all three doors, he looked back up for the giant bird. It was gone. Looking around at all the people he joined the rush closest to him. Going trough one of the doors, he found that it lead down to a club. Beautifully lit, he stared sighting two women upon the stage. They were singing. One draped in white another in red, both had black feathers lining. The one in white stopped for a second, gasping. The one in red held her hand, and the two resumed. Progressing closer to the stairs, he felt a strong hand jerk him back. Turning a tall man waved and smiled down towards him. "Are you lost, kid?" The Boy shook his head. "Are you from Rose Red or Snow White?" "Neither...I'm from this town. What is this place? It never appears during the day?" "Kid, you're in a heck of allot of trouble. And call me Lite. Kaze." "Military? You're a military status!?!" the boy felt like screaming. The man grunt, roughly, he turned the boy by his neck. Pulling him out side, not letting go, they stood near the tall building. They waited. People begun staring at them. The crowds drew back in fear, a giant bird's feathers fell. Swirling down; one landed in front of the boy. It floated into his out stretched hands. A wave of green and a dark blue swirled around it. Disappearing it wavered, breaking, it came back together. Waiting a dark shadow came upon him. Looking up the wings wrapped around the large bird...It shook it's head. Feathers fell away. And it stood in all it's glory...It wasn't a bird at all, it was an...It. The thing's eye's were slate grey, it's hair was a mix of different shades of grey. A single stripe of white and black were side by side on the right. It's skin was pale. From the place on the side of it's head, rather then ears, jetted to long slender wings. They flapped gentle, making a pleasant whistling sound. It stared at him coldly, but it's emotion soon changed. Sweetly it's wings removed them salve's from around it's self. And it was humanoid, but it's movement were mechanical. It waved gentle. "Kid, this is the keeper of the City of Angels. Apologize for disturbing Snow White." The Boy was about to open his mouth, but was silenced. The Keeper of the City held a finger to her mouth. Motioning not only for the Boy but Lite. Kaze to not say a word. The man sighed. The Keeper of Angels walked closer to him, it grew colder, and it pained him. His whole body then went numb. Before darkness came to him. The Keeper placed a hand around his neck, strangling him. The Keeper placed it's other hand vertically down his face. Not only silencing him, but blinding him as well. And words were whispered to him, "Come not back to this place, for the Dreams of the Keepers have been disturbed. And this place shall crumble." The sun rose the next day, and the Boy found him self still alive. A shadow drifted over him...The Girl smiled lightly, happily, to find that he was okay. But as she moved away, a large bird flew over head. The same large feather fell, disintegrating five feet above him. The boy screamed. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» My apologies from the background story being so long. And my apologies once more, since there is one more thing to bother you with. Before you glance at the sign up, please not that anything with '***' you'll need to check out the Arena Underground thread. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=614033#post614033]Under Grey Skies.[/URL] I'll be posting my sign up later, after this you're going to have enough to read through. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [u][b][i]Sign-Up.[/i][/b][/u] [b]Positions:[/b] *** [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [b]Type:[/b] *** [b]Location:[/b] [b]Weapon:[/b] *** [b]Occupation:[/b] *** [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Apperence:[/b] [i](Written is proffered, but images are allowed.)[/i] [b]Biography:[/b] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» If anyone is still reading, thank you.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=614034#post614034]Under Grey Skies. [PG-13][/URL] Don't you all just love my dramatically long RPG's? Xp For the Sign-Up of "Under Grey Skies." please check this thread for all of the parts of which have the requirement of "***." Reading this before hand will allow you to get the feel of the RPG as a whole. Please post any questions here. Or PM for a straight reply. For those of you who are not participating in the RPG but have fallowed along to an extent or feel the need you may post comments and or criticism here. Please note, that the positions in [COLOR=red]RED[/COLOR] mean that they have already been selected. And no one may take that position. Thank you. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [i][u][b]Info:[/b][/i][/u] [b] AI.[/b] - As in the introduction/background to this RPG many of you have probably have noticed that 'birds' seem to be the main theme. [i]All[/i] of the AI's have some sort of bird feature. Aside from this, not only are they artificial humanoids, but have been built with a certain defect. Their defects go along with the thought of: I see no evil, I hear no evil, I speak no evil. This also ranks their powers among those that appear at night. The AI's represent a computer's main data banks. [b]Dreams & Angels.[/b] - They are those who 'own' the Dreams, who are often referred to as the 'Angels.' due to their angelic singing and looks. The two are much like pets or children of the three AI's. The two, at night, are singers in a club. [b]Citizen I[/b] - Entertaining the visitors from the cyber world. Who strictly dress in white or red, always lined with black. Comparable to the information and cookies a computer downloads every second of every day. [b]Citizen II[/b] - This bring us to the Town's Citizens, the only two real humans who go about this RPG are the Twins. Or the 'Boy' and the 'Girl.' The two are referred to as ghost among those from the cyber world. Due to the fact that they are almost not existing to them. The actual people represent a browser's IP address. However, to everyone else, they are hording viruses. [b]Citizen III[/b] - The humans can rarely be seen with out one of the Crew from the City. They are actually military status. The 'Crew' represents Fire Walls and Virus blocks. This team is lead by Lie. Kaze, who is the lover of the Mute AI. They clear the system out, but not with consulting one of the A.I.'s first. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [i][b][u]Positions:[/u][/b][/i] [u][b]AI's:[/b][/u] [COLOR=red]Keep of Darkness. - Freezer of Time. [i] Blind.[/i] Keeper of Light - Makes it Snow. [i] - Deph.[/i] Keeper of Angel - Guardian of City. [i] - Mute.[/i][/COLOR] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][u]Dreams / Angel:[/u][/b] [COLOR=red]Rose Red. - Singer / Prophet. Snow White. - Singer / Prophet.[/COLOR] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][u]Citizens:[/b][/u] The Boy. - Brother / Ghost. The Girl. - Sister. / Ghost. Lite. Kaze. - Military Leader. Crew. - N.A. / Protectors of the City. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][i][u]Type:[/b][/i][/u] AI - Artificial Intelligence. Angel - Dreams. Bird - Crew Members Only /Military Status. Data - The people of the Cyber World. Human - The Ghosts. »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [b][i][u]Weapons:[/b][/i][/u] Only the Crew, Military Status, and the AI's have weapons. Any weapon is allowed. [/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]As I've said over AIM, you're doing a very fine job. Especially since it's your very first animation. Your first is my favorite, plus it's funny to boot. It's a very smooth transition through out the frames. A very fine job on choosing your type of border, along with the still frame text. You don't really have any pixellation (sp?) or noise, which I admire you for. Since so many animated GIF.s out there seem to develop it in the process of the making. The second banner is okay, compared to the first. But rather then having it extent in the inwards-out wards motion with no stop or still frame. I'd recommend putting in a few seconds in-between the animation before it restarts with showing the frames. Other then the whole border thing, which you had mentioned to me. I like it. I'd say more, but I really am un-sure of animation. Other then the fact that your doing great for a beginner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Sienna]Zhuiqiu continued to walk down the street. Everything had already been set up for him, during the god's meeting as a matter of fact. Turning the curve and waiting for the light to turn red. It was raining. And he hadn't picked up an umbrella for the day. So instead, over his head he held the AA-Press paper. The black sun glasses he had picked up dropped slightly. Shifting his few upwards they fell off completely. A bright light coming from over head. A sun shower? [i]Or rather a burst of light.[/i] he though. Laughing for a second he moved on with a crowd. One lady catching his attention he stopped, midnight blue curls moving underneath her umbrella. The lady was stunning, and magnificently beautiful. Zhuiqiu shook his head smiling to him self he walked along with the rest of the crowd. Hearing a crack he realized the glasses were gone. But made no recognition nor motion to this fact. The sun burst disappeared. Walking up the stairs to the collage. He stopped at the door, staring slightly three minutes late. With a wave of his hand Zhuiqiu turned the clocks hand's back by 5 minutes. It was just enough time to get there. Not to mention; for any of the normal staff to realize that the clock was wrong. Knowing it was human to always come upon an alibi; he'd have one. Heading in, he opened the class room door. The room he was teaching was 108. Zhuiqiu rather liked the number, in the fact that it was divisible by three the man walked in. Fixing his red tie as he entered the room quieted. A small, badly carved, paper air play flew bye. Flying out into the hall he slammed the door. Going over to his desk a women raised her hand. Zhuiqiu glanced at her. [/COLOR] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [COLOR=SlateGray]People were dragging mud every where. It was annoying, since she'd be the one to clean up. But Grey really didn't mind. She found it rather cute that people could be so ignorant that could make a day pleasant. Smiling she hummed to her self. Grey had been the one who had spent the longest time on Earth since the meeting. Topping a total of three full days, 6 hours, and 5 minutes. Sher loved the occupation of which she had chosen by Nouji. The doll in her book bag holding bye as reminder. A little boy and girl walked in. Both by their mother's side they came with her to the counter, slipping in books to the return. The women smiled, waving with her free hand. "Konban wa." the women said. The two children looking upwards. Trying to see, but to no avail. "Konnichiwa." "Atarashii?" "Sou desu." "Hai, O-Namae Wa?" "Grey, Maya Grey." " Yasashii O-Name. Watashi, Lee Yume." "Sou! O-Genki De---" Grey was cut off. The two children pulled on the mother's dress. They moved impertinently, saying words that Grey could not understand. The mother's reply was rather short simple, and clear. She nodded. "Soyo, Soyo." "Sayonara. O-Daijin." The women smiled, patting her children's heads. "O-Daijin. Sarabada." The women waved good-bye, as did Grey in return. The mother and the two children then disappeared behind shelves. Grey sighed, happily. It was the first conversation she had had within her time there. Even if it was short, it was sweet of the women to notice her. [i]How beautifully people act.[/i] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][b]OOC:[/b][i] How bout a mix with one of the oldest, then?[/i] Walking out the door, Jipin pushed her scarf further into her book bag. She was early. She was always early. She opened the door to her red convertible. Jipin hopped in pulling out of the drive way of the, pastel colored, small, cot like house. Coming up the street she pulled into the collage?s ramp. Turning into the parking lot she parked. Getting out she waked around to the back pulled up the cover. It was better that way, the seats wouldn?t become stick in any of the heat that could arise from sitting in the sun. Walking towards the collage she stopped. She still had another hour or so until her first class started. Her schedule was a bit special within the fact that she got more lenience in time. Turning back around she stared at the High School/Junior High across the street. Shaking her head slightly, Jipin watched as they flooded into the school. Looking back to the clock over the school?s front, the students over there still had time as well. Maybe she could find Chloe? Jipin had seen her motorcycle racing in. Heading over, she found that Chole had already gone in, Mizu trailing after. This thought caused her to smile. They were responsible. They wouldn?t be late. Jipin was then suddenly bumped into. Not moving an inch she heard a ?thump? behind her. Knowing that the person had fallen, she turned. ?Oww! Omigosh, I?m so sorry!? ?Are you alright?? The girl nodded, ?Yeah?? ?I take it your new here, what?s your name?? The girl stared a bit blankly, ?Ailiyah.? ?Nice to meet you Ailiyah, I?m Jipin Zhaoguan from the collage across the street.? ?Wow?? ?Might want to get going, you don?t want to be late.? Ailiyah nodded, ?Right!? She waved good-bye, Jipin waved in return. The girl ran inside and went up the stairs into the school. Jipin sighed, relizing that she had to be going too. She headed back to the collage. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
At the end of the world, where will you be?
Epsilon replied to Doukeshi's topic in General Discussion
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Although I think everyone and ever thing has a right o live. This include humanity, although I cannot really justify why. (Due to religious matters) But I do think it will be rather interesting to see what happens to humanity within it's final days/hours. More to the point, when the end of the world shall come. I' probably won't be around to see it. the chances are that everyone here will be at least 50 years gone before it comes. But if I were to be alive when the world should end, I'd be just like anyone else. Crying, running around like a mad man... Or laughing at my own stupidity...[/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[quote name='rEi15][font=georgia][b][size=2][color=navy]i haven't done anything to deserve this rating.. >.< i guess people are mad at me.. im not welcomed in this site.. sob... :( [/color][/size][/b'][/font][/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] You're a fine artist, actually. I just think your missing the point on a larger scale. The factor of; " I'm not welcomed on this site." is really off. Since the OB and The Otaku encourages criticism, comments, anime fans, artist, etc. From what I've, personally, have noticed for Fan Art on MyOtaku is the page hits. Most people who have a higher level rating have signed many Guest Books or have a ranking above 250. This is due to the fact that most people when browsing through, random, MyOtakus scroll down to the bottom of the page to see if they have submitted anything. Usually if they have they'll click view and rate. Hopefully, that helped you in someway.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]It's been an extremely long time since I requested anything, my apologies if anything happens to be un-clear. But, I would like to request a banner and avatar of Yui I. and Rei A. The two characters are both from Neon Genesis Evangelion. I have no preferences on color. Feel free to go wild. If you need any images for the banner/avatar, please let me know. [b]Avatar.:[/b] For the avi. I would like to have a picture solely of Yui. [b]Banner:[/b] As for this; I would like to have an image of Yui in the forefront, and then in the background a faded image of Rei. The text I would like to have on it is: " Artificial Intelligence. " Minus the "s. And my name in a corner. Thank you for reading, and to anyone who tries. [i] - Eikou.[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b][u][i]Sign-up[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Jipin Zhaoguan. [b]Age:[/b] 18. [b]Sex:[/b] Female. [b]Personality:[/b] Aloof and said to be a bit cold. Jipin is rather, hard to talk to or get to know. Seldom choosing friends she rather keep her distance from everyone. Being extremely intelligent has caused her to become quite and self secluded. However, she does tag around with the other Sailor Scouts. Not only because she feels a mutual agreement and connect to them. But they are those of which she considers to be true friends. Caring and kind to them she tries to makes everyone of them happy. Thus being among the oldest in the group she tries to look after everyone the best she can. Although, none of this really shows. [b]History:[/b] Already having finished high school little over a year ago. Jipin is currently furthering her education while working at a small cafe to support her self. School during the mornings and lasting till noon. From then she works at a small cafe until nearly 6:30, and then she free. She is currently living on her own. Her life and childhood was like many others. Peaceful, well education, medium sized family and doing well. Jipin's level of commitment and understanding was higher then many others. From this she was always an "Achiever," she liked school and had gotten along well with everyone else. When she was growing up and still in High School, Junior High, and Elementary School...She of course had learned of the Sailor Scouts. And how they had brought peace and tranquility to the world. When younger she had truly been obsessed, but as she aged...She found that the fondness of such subjects slowly died away. Jipin found it harder and harder to believe and yet...She continued to further her studies on them. But never really telling anyone about it. This changed one day, late after noon. While the sun was setting and the moon came to show. The full moon was out. And being an astrology lover, Jipin couldn't help but take a walk. During her hours out she had seen a black cat dodging in and out of her view. Never really staying. The next day being another full moon, the cat finally stayed. After staying for a brief while it left again. But not before making a large impact upon Jipin, not only in her mind but in her life as a whole. [b]Appearance:[/b] Generally stand, she is 5'9." Making her fairly tall, she is thin only weighting 110 lbs. Her skin is pale white but this is made up for by the fact that her cheeks are powdered lightly pink. Her eyes are a deep gray that has a bright vivid green creeping inwards. It's has an eerie feel when stared or thought upon too long, this is because they look artificial. Jipin's hair is long, straight, slate gray, falling 5 inches well past her shoulders. Her bangs are long and fall messily around her face but still always manages to bring out her beauty. However there are two locks that curve around her five, lightly, they are cured and the tips are died red. [i] Normal:[/i] Generally, Jipin cane be seen wearing a formal type of dress. Due to the amount of time she has to switch between school and her job, she has her specific dress code. On her upper body half she a long sleeve white shirt. It has a tri-point collar, from there drops a vividly red tie. At the end of the sleeves it rounds over once. The texture of the sweeter like shirt is of faint indents of strips. On her lower half she simple wears a short black skirt with a thin pinner underneath. It breaks into a front panel that drops two inches below the rest of her skirt. From there the straps of her garter belt drop down hooking to the top of her black socks. The socks come up four inches past her knees, resting above. She wears dim gray ankle boots. During the night time she can be seen wearing a pink and gray scarf. Around her ring fingerer she wears a small band ring with the marks of Pluto incurved. [i]Sailor Scout:[/i] Her out fit is much like the original Sailor Pluto's. However, the pendent that sits about her chest is a cross within a heart. In the center of the cross is the sign of Pluto. The over lapping flap on top is leaning towards gray, along with the skirt's out flare color. [b]Planet:[/b] Pluto. [b]Weapon:[/b] Soul Rod. [i] - A long staff like rod. It's top and bottom are lined in silver. Three inches from the very top, three twirling, thin and echoing, sheets of metal thrust out and then upwards. Holding a ruby tinted glass. Inside of the glass sphere it holds a small red heart. The rest of the sphere is filled mid point with sand. It heavily resembles an hour glass. It ends in a tri-point fold, the rounded over end. From the three thin sheets of metal three, different shades of, grey string hand. Locking around the three sheets of metal then falling loose and freely. From the end of the three strings are three small, silver, bells.[/i] [b]Attacks:[/b] [b] Simple:[/b] Bash. [i] - Simply put, this attack is much like fighting with a sword. Rather it looks as though she actually [i]is[/i] fighting with a sword. This is for close combat only.[/i] [b] Intermediate:[/b] Soul Blitz. [i] - Using her rod, it is twirled and spun. The strings break becoming longer and breaking into many other strands of string, it raps it's self around the enemy. Holding them in a bind.[/i] [b] Intermediate #2:[/b] Bells of Time. [i] - From the bells at the end of the strings, a dark aura seeps out. Glittering. The bells ring. Sending the field into a slight mist.[/i] [b] Advanced:[/b] Time's Grave. [i] - For nearly 20 minutes, a triangle within a sphere will come over a chosen area. Within the spell's cast time shall be frozen for a short time. The spell emits a soft and gentle glowing. Or 'aura' of gray.[/i] [b] Ultimate:[/b] Mind's Edge. [i] - Mentally hurting the appointment, then sending them into shock. It sends a magnetic charge throughout their body, causing the illustion of an unbarring physical pain. The pain is more then enough to kill them. However, Jipin never lets it get to that point.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The words still rung in her ears. This had been a matter most important to her. She had shown no sympathy nor thought of those affected nor those out of her own study. Siaga stared, some what leaning forwards. Still lingering on the man's voice even after it was gone. It must have been an award sight. The crowd had disbanded and yet she stayed. Waiting and still recalling The Prophet's words. There came a cold glance at her from around the square, those who had heard but had paid no mind to the man. [i]Would it have mattered?[/i] she thought; [i]There had been wisdom and truth within his words. Perhaps a man of which who had had much charisma in his youth?[/i] Shifting the books within her hands, she fixed the bracelets are her wrist. Whould it have been wrong of her, simply to speak to the man. And hear his views again, when she had already found her self to understand him perfectly. No. He needn't repeat him self. Especially not to her, Siaga had already grasped the concept enough to know that if she did try what the man was asking of the people she would fail. Even so, it intrigued her. Siaga shook her head. Pondering. Continuing her walk she went past an Alchemy Shop. Aira and Kamui were chatting lowly about the matter of what The Prophet had been saying. Stopping for a second right out side the window; she heard faintly what they were saying. None of it, even remotely, had interested her. She walked on, ending back near the outer edge of the open market bazaar. The air filled slightly with a haze. And then with the smell of smoke. She adjusted the books underneath her arms again. Looking through the smaller shops that had carried herbs, plants, and roots from the lower harder to reach area's of the world. She murmered to her self, "Why is it, that such a retribution should happen to fall upon us?" [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray] [SIZE=1]I think these are both fantastic stories to work with. It mixes in a bit of every element of drawing or drawing types and styles. Both plots would work fairly well, but I find something a bit off on the first one. Due how the scenery is it might just be a bit harder. Not to mention, I know many artist who aren't particularly fond of drawing mechas. Or technical draws. However, this concern is countered by the fact of the character designs that could be used and or created. Along with the point of general design. You've put the only worry I could find with any of this. Solely with that remark of relation to Escaflowne... I can't find anything wrong with any of the ideals now. No comments from me on how to improve now. I'd personally go with the second story, Broken Paradise : : The Star Thief. It seems very open to ideals, characters, design, and art styles. Plus I love the story's plot. Good luck, on pulling this through.l[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=Slategray]The place was dimly lit, yet it was hot. The tempters had dramatically changed. Still, it'd get just a small bit hotter. Continuing to walk through the ground became more dried and cracked. Turning she continued to fallow the path of which Nouji had left for her. "You've really chosen to have left me in charged." the voice echoed, cool and deep. Bixia fell down to her knees, bowing, she nodded slightly. "Of course, you are a dear friend." "I see..." He stood, slightly wavering. It was the first time he had stood in over two hundred years. His frail body had never the need. Thrusting up, Bixia ran to help him. Leaning upon her for balance he drew one of his long silverish hairs, holding it in between his long black nails he blew slightly. Letting it float it hit the top of the chest of dolls then wrapped it's self around it. The small, childishly made doll fell to the floor and almost as if a puppet on strings it came to them. She watched in great amusement as it came towards them stopping at their feet it sat. "I shall return up wards." he patted her lightly, "Take this doll with you, remember to return. Humans can be...Some what persuasive in lying when need be. I do not which to have too much contact with the Gods, Goddess, nor their represent-ivies. Understood?" Bixia nodded, "Yes, of course." "When shall you depart, Lady Bixia?" "Right after everything is set up." She hugged him, raising one arm from around his waist she rimmed the out line of one of his seven ram-like horns. Smiling lightly, she helped him out of the chamber. The doll fallowing behind them. [/COLOR] »»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»»» [COLOR=Sienna] "And do you think that this is such a good ideal?" "Yes, of course." Vijon grunted, "Alright, rather this then. Is it such a [I] wise[/i] ideal for you to be doing this?" He began to laugh. "Yes, of course it is. Where has your trust in me gone?" His eye brow raised, Vijon had to think. He hadn't any. "Who, may I ask, are you leaving in charge." "You." Vijon started choking on his own air, the electrical wings on his back stopped fluttering. No air was allowed to pass through him. The electrons he was composed of stopped flowing. Raiu laugh deepened. Waving it off three, slightly transparent, yellow electric charges flew threw the air. hitting Vijon in the forehead, he stopped choking. Wings flowing, beating, breathing. He returned to normal. "Gah! I'm happy that you think it's funny!" "Sorry, my bad." his laughing subsided. "Don't get into a puff, or you'll go poof and turn into a punch of pretty sparkling lights. And then who'll I turn to? It takes you too long to gather your-self back" Vijon grunted. Going through a silent stare, Raiu's gaze averted it's self. Looking back out to the mirrored room. All the mirrors reflected quickly, they glared. Nothing seen and no light being reflected the room turned dark. No light seen but that emitting around them. Two bright lights flickered. They stilled and everything seemed to drift. Strangely, there strange sounds. As if glass was cracking...The mirrors. "I'm counting on you." "I understand." One of the lights went dim, and charged it's self out. Disappearing. Back on earth, a man appeared. Coming out of the gray alley he walked merging into the crowds. Becoming lost amongst the others.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] Iris glanced at Alex slightly, before smiling. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Or rather I don't want to. I already have more important business." He grunted slightly as he turned back around facing forwards. But Imric had a slight smirk on his face knowing it was certainly going to be harder. The angel wouldn't stray if even for a split second. Then again, it didn't really matter. It was all in good fun for a Demon to tear apart an Angel's heart. Mira was laughing. Taking notes; Iris looked up quickly. Three daemons still had gotten arranged within the same classroom. In the next were the five together, the last hour class had four of them. She finally realized that she really did have something to do after school. More important then her first reasoning of studying for test. Gathering all 5 Angels after school was, usually, a bit hard. They all had taken on some sort of a human lives. But with the Demons around, it might prove easier to meet up with all of them. It seemed as though there was a counter persona for each. Having not fought any of those particular ones...She didn't have a clue on their fighting style, strengths, or powers. Finding it slightly odd that she could determine it by what she had already seen of their character. Leaning forwards over her notes, Iris sighed. [i] Seems like I'm going to be doing more research then I had planned.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Waiting a moment, Iris flipped her current page slightly back. Taking up her pencil she wrote her reply; [i]Sure. I think we might need to talk to the other God's later after school or some free hour. Everything is off today."[/i] Taking out the notebook paper she folded it and slipped it onto Alex's desk. Starting again on her work she glanced over to Alex as he read it. He nodded slightly and whispered to Julian who sat to his side. A bit ignorant of the teachers speech a majority of the class's focus was on the clock or daydreaming. As far as the teacher thought; he didn't care. Knowing that it'd all come back to them during testing time. He him self stopped for a second watching the clock, listening as he finished his last few sentences. He wrote the page numbers to their assignments. Dismissing them as the class bell rang. It was old and slightly out of pitch but it was indeed, painfully loud making the students hurry out faster. The class flooding back into the halls a paper air plain flew by. Only to land on the floor and be stomped on. Weaving in and out threw the crowd, Iris came to Hall Way M. Looking around she finally spotted Julian and Alex. Waving as she walked over also noticing that Mira and Imric were coming into the same hall. Turning in from hall way M3. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]For a 12-13 year olds, here's what I'd personally recommend. But it also whould depend on her perosnality...If you know what types of books she already reads, or the classification you think she might like it might help. [list] [*]Card Capotors [*]Gals! [*]Suivon [*]Ultra Manic [*]Random Walk [*]Minita Bokura [*]Time Stranger Kyoko [*]Rizelmine [*]Spiral [*]Tactics [*]Lagoon Engine [/list][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I haven't seen very many Naruto RPGs around OB. I think that you've come up with a really unique ideal. And would love to see it put forth. I really liking the set up, being that it works for both those who have read or seen Naruto or not. Since it requires less knowledge of the anime/manag it's self I think it will be easier for you to get sign ups that way. A good job with time and location. But as you've mention having it set specifically in Konoha might cause some problems. I suggest to try and avoid having it take place there. Unless, of course, your really willing to explain a bit in-depth on Konoha. Personally, I'd go with choice number three. It would leave more areas for; character development, task/testing/assignments, and plot. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request Banner/Avatar/Background Request (image included)
Epsilon replied to Eclectic's topic in Creative Works
[QUOTE=eternity][COLOR=DarkRed][SIZE=1] It's not yet finished. Hopefully some kind soul will fix this up for you (hopefully Eikou), Eclectic.Will return to this project as soon as possible. By the way, who is this (referring to the one in the avatar) guy? He looks eerily like Michael-- oh, never mind. [/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I think it's by the same artist who does the artwork for some of the newer Castlevania games. eternity, you honor me. Thank you. I feel loved. XD A statement more directed towards eternity. If you had anything/something else in mind for the banner please let me know. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21196&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21197&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Iris looked around, innocently and unknowing. She has felt a slight tremble. [i] Alexander...[/i]:she thought. It had been a while since she last contacted him, even though they went to the same school. The teacher glanced over at her. It was still early. Both students and teacher's alike had nearly four more minutes before the second bell would ring. Alex and Julian entered, taking seats in some of the rows near to the back. Sighing slightly her head leaned down and turned a bit. Staring out the window, she noticed a few curls had gotten in the way and the lock underneath her neck felt a bit uncomfortable. Quickly she moved her hand from her lap. Wrapping her fingers around the smooth, golden, lock. Holding it now with her fist she looked back forwards. Smiling lightly, she wrote down what was written on the white board in her planner. Upon doing this, Iris realized what day it was. Today, everything had felt...Off. To say the least. While watching the weather it had been forecasted to rain latter in the week. Yet in other locations there were predicted earth quakes and tremors, but those were in far off countries. Having very little relevance to the angel's current locations. Still, it annoyed her. [i]If this is a place so in-between...If this place should crumble, every where else shall surely fall.[/i] This she whispered to her self out loud. A girl setting next to her heard. With a puzzling look on her face she couldn't help but ask. "Iris, is that a song lyric?" "...Yup, it hasn't been polished yet." she winked, "Could always be better right?" The girl smiled, "Yeah. Gonna be in choir today or singing out in the court yard again?" "Dunno." There was a tapping, that got both their attention. They both looked forwards. The teacher was tapping the chalk's head against the chalk board, waiting. Turning they listened for their names as he took roll count. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I would like to inform everyone, that Sevotharte is currently sick. Which is why the RPG has been delayed, but he should be back soon. So... Sign-Ups are still opened.. Thank you, all, for your pertinence. =^^= [i] - Eikou[/i][/SIZE][/COLOR]