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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. The artist, silent one, the smart one, and book worm...yep that sounds like me. Don't forget weird, I'm considered the weirdest peson in my whole family. Even my family says I'm weird, I hear them saying things about me be hind my back.
  2. Wow, good point anything is possible. I read the story and it was a good one, should have turned it in though...Anyways the style, and plot, also the fact of him going blind it make for a great story. If you do put the rest up I'll be reading it.
  3. Thanks for under standing dayday...I have another poems to put up now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This place... Here I am again Left alone in my insanity Locking my self away from reality Those words that I once said, they have faded away from the world Their gone echoing in the darkness The meaning of my feelings, they have gone away from here This place I had once loved This place, the place where I once felt This place is where my emotions, where they have all gone away
  4. It may be real, normal humans controll 10% of their brain. The other 90% of all human's brains are cut off from their normal limitaions, because that is to do other things that I won't say here. So if you were to do more then what normal humans could do now you'd be using about 12 or 15% of your brain. Oh yes, chi is really the life and spirit of every thing living...duh..it's called energy!
  5. It's just a matter of how you feel. If you think that it's personal, just keep it to your self or you can tell the one you trust most. It's all on what you think of it.
  6. Thanks dayday, here's the next one. It's kind of wierd though. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All the things I'm not strong, I break in the wind I'm not smart, for I'm just a broken shadow I'm not a queen nor king, a mare puppet and pawn For times I'm forced to live a nightmare, those times when I'm to live reality These are all the things I am, all the things I feel I'll be forever All the things I will always be
  7. That's a great poem too, I've never heard of one done with the alphabet before. Very cool! Keep writing!!!
  8. I'd rather that I'm not recognised, although hopefully you are. Your great at writting poems.
  9. That's good, I wounldn't want you to fall behind on anything. I'll check and read when ever you post. This is the first thing that I had ever gotten published, they liked it for some really odd resones. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Sadness... Sadness is black A shadow of darkness It flyes through the world Just as death dose It takes lives for it's own Sadness can never be stopped For it feeds off fear Which can never be stopped For forever on it lives in our hearts
  10. Good, that's great to hear!!! But you might be postiong for along while then cause I usually write a poem or something each day.
  11. Alright, Thanks I'll keep that in mind and try to remember that. That is a good thing to try, I think I'll carry around a mini note book just in case.
  12. :blush:Thank you dayday. I like your poems too, they're great! Your a great writer too, I say this beacuse I mostly stick to reading one kind of thing. But yours is different then what I read, I'll keep reading yours as long as you post them.*claps for you* Thank you dayday.
  13. I like, it reminds me of reincartions. In the thought that life and daeth do come to gether at one point. Keep writing.
  14. I can most people I know say some of them are kinda sad and distrubing. At certin points that is...any ways here's the next one. I wrote it dureing math though, so it might sound really bad. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Star Shade's Night Shadows of Star Shade's Night The darken fears of our light Shadows come in thy might Out of mind, and out of sight Guilding stars destroy our light Forever here in, in Star Shade's fright
  15. Yeah, but I'm in the middle of two books right now. I run out of things to write some times between the two of them.
  16. I love that "Tanka" it's much better then mine. And it means things that people can relate to. I don't care if you run out of things to say. I run out of things alot when I'm writing books.
  17. Here's one of my poems I wrote for a class. It may be old, but I like it and hope you like it too. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fade Away Fade...I fade away Never again heard nor seen Fade away into the shadows of the past To be forgotten forever Forced to be alive with fadeing dreams, and memories
  18. Your welcome...and your right! I did like the poem "Crying Flowers",it's great! Anyone who reads it will never think of flowers in the same way. People will think more and care about the world. Wheee, I know another persons who's is really cool. Heheee, daydays cool.
  19. Not really, by the way here's what I wrote just for you dayday. Plase don't mind that it's kinda sappy. Thank you dayday!!!:D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Friendship You were the only one who cared The only one I knew The one I think of as my friend. Friendship is what you gave me I'll hold this gift forever This thing that you have given me, for it I'll always think of you
  20. *clapps* Thanks dayday!!! :blush:I'm gonna make something dedicated to you too. Wheee, love every thing dayday writes!!!:D
  21. Answer: If my right is his left then of course it's his left, that is if we were facing each other. Question: What color is Aura's eyes?
  22. I'd be a wave master, just because physical battle aren't my strong suit. And I'd rather go about things high thinking more then fight.
  23. I'm still reading this, each time you update it always gets better!!!
  24. That one is just like what happens every day to every one. People just pass by with no consuren. It's great one, because it symbolizes the world!!! Your going into my buddy list.:toothy:
  25. Thanks dayday that's good to know. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Shadows The light fades away Shadows of the past soon apper Tears of death low nor high Comeing hence of night shade here Let us be in in darkness light Fear of mind in shadow's night ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Again thanks dayday.
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