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[LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] And she agreed, Jon was a good dancer. But Emily knew that it was the Kata, even if it didn't seem as so. There seemed a better grace then most fighters had. Emily began to wonder how long he had been practicing for. Remembering Imric's comment she smiled slightly, thinking on it. Going into a deeper thought; she found her self to giggle once. And said what he had chosen not to finish or rather not to say. "He's cute, don't you think?" She glanced at him, winking. He had a surprised look on his face. Luckily, no one could hear them. The crowd was cheering too loudly and Jon was trying to quite them down...It didn't seem to be working too well. And then she whispered: [i]Don't worry.[/i] She nudged him in his arm. Leon glanced down questioningly, he hadn't heard anything. Only that they were speaking off Jon's dancing. He couldn't gather anymore then that. Within a few seconds their attention was turned back to Jon. He seemed to blush briefly as he smiled. The three walked over to him. Jon slide the left hand side back. "Great moves, Jon. Your a really amazing dancer." Imric said happily. Emily nodded and seconded the motion.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT]
[LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] "I'll bet that they're probably in the dorm already." she smiled, "Want to come with me and find out?" Leon nodded, slightly, in reply. "It's better then if we were to sit here all day. Least that way we could get more done, have you already move your things in?" "Most of them, there's still one bag. But it's full of other things, my friends are borrowing it. They plan to return it later in the night. How about you?" "My bags are already in my room. Shall we go then?" Emily nodded as she stood. Walking out, as they passed Jon; Emily tapped him on the shoulder. He turned surprised as they left. He had zoned out. Waving good-bye to Jon as they left, the two went down the hall. Turning at the corner. Going to the right of them then continuing down the hall. The even room numbers were to the right, the odds to the left. Passing eight and nine, then ten and eleven, they arrived at room 12G. Leon unlocked the door, heading in there were a few bags sitting near the kitchen area. A small tag hung out. Heading over to it, Emily read the name aloud. [i]Lauren...[/i][/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Nice question. Personally, I don't really know. I'd like to think that I draw and make ups mangas during my time by boredom. Or seeing how far my skills in art and different techniques can go. I find that manga is a good way to test your self drawing vise. Due to the level of commitment and creativity. But saying this, I'd probably be lying. In one of my art classes, we need to draw a manga/comic/graphical story every two months. To prove a few things within our teacher's eyes. [i]1.)[/i] Level of commitment. [i]2.)[/i] How well we do under pressure to get something that one could spend years on. And have it done right. [i]3.)[/i] Creativity, both in plot and drawing styles and techniques. I'm, mainly, a BG and effects artist. I practice drawing manga more then I have to due to this. It also me to practice at something I'm good at and something I'm terrible at. I'll draw even when I hate the concept, due to wanting to get better. I'd guess, that I like drawing manga to try and improve my self in certain artistic areas. Plot and character development, angles/mathematics, arrangements of characters, trying new and different styles, etc.[/SIZE] [/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed. -------------------------------- [u][i][b]Sign Up:[/u][/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Iris L. Black. [b]Age:[/b] 16. [b]Gender:[/b] Female. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing around 5'5 and weighting 105 lbs. Iris's build is frail and lean. Her complexion is pale with the exception of her chicks being a bright pink. Emitting a soft yet happy glow upon ever room she enters. Her eyes are a light brown darkening near the edges. Iris has long dark brown hair, that falls 6 inches down from her shoulders. They are in curls and locks often times rounding about her face. Almost as if framing her eyes. Dressing in three main foully points for colors and shade coronation; white, pastels, and grey. Her usual out fit should happen to be a slight mix of pastel pink and a darker shade of gray. Rounded off with white. Wearing a long sleeve white duster, it has top neck. The bottom of the duster falls exactly to her hips. The sleeves falling two inches from her figure tips. All ends of the large sweeter are incased in a dark gray lining. Underneath of this, Iris wears a pastel pink shirt. Sleeve less, it resembles a spaghetti strap tank top. The straps curve in the back making an 'X' over lap. The over hang feather duster is tied with the same type of cloth that embroils the out side. there are two looped bows around her upper arms below her shoulders. On her lower half she wears an even darker grey skirt. It ruffles four inches down from the waist. Underneath it, sown to the hems, is a white pinner. The pinner's edges can be seen two inches down after the skirt has ended. Wearing a pastel pinkly color stockings, there is a black strap that runs down from the hip hooking to the belt straps underneath her white socks. Iris wear plan black ankle boots. Around her neck a pink strap can be seen. In the front it has a small golden lock, but there is no place for a key nor combination. She wear's pink lip stick. On both upper parts of her shoulders, she has two tattoos. They are two swirls, with one large feather rounding inside of them. Side by side they look as though they could be fitted together. Much like a puzzle. [b]Angel Appearance:[/b] - Iris doesn't change as much as other Demons and Angels. She looks like a doll though. Her hair, seemingly, becomes longer and enthralled in a small, thin, string of pearls. The string of pearls round her head once and 'X' in the back. They then seem to disappear after the two 'X's.' Her eye color changes to an childishly innocent blue and her complexion doesn't change other then her cheeks. They become an even softer shade of pink leaning towards pure white. Her lips are done in the shame light pink, alone with her eye's over casting shadow of her large black eye lashes. Draped in white...The long white sleeves cut off short at the elbows into lightly flowing diamond shaped mesh. On the sleeve's ends the are bond in grey strings. On the main body, the fabric comes up normally until it hits three inches below the collar bone. From there and up it goes into think grey mesh embroil at the top in a darker grey. The center then breaks off into a white skirt, but it's flatly, goes down straight and loose. She still wears a pinner underneath. But this one is grey with over lapping white mesh. White stockings and white, soft looking, shoes. [i]Weapon:[/i] Hora Fist. [i] - One of the fist protectors for a Man-to-Man fight. A combination of the Hora glove and the weapon known as "Fist," the Hora Fist is a type of knuckles. Often rounded to the fighter's hand, to the placement of the knives.[/i] [b]Element:[/b] Earth. [i] - Magic born of Gaia, has control over earth.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Her first impulse to reply to was that of music. She quickly decide to answer his second question rather then the first. She had found the answer to her thought, indeed having a roommate. But how many roommates in total now came to her; that many had two roommates besides them-self. Most likely, they'd end up with a third roommate as well. But she was happy either way. "12G." she smiled happily, "I listen to varied music, anything flows with me as long as it's not Rap or American Pop." Leon smiled quickly and then his expression returned to how it was before. This time being a little bit more indifferent. He was about to speak but she interrupted, trying to reply to his remark. "It's alright, I'm happy where here." "This leaves with another room mate then, the G's tend to have three per dorm. They're either in here or 12G already. I don't think many new students would be missing this event though." Emily stood up on her chair, and yelled out [i]"12G, is there anyone for room 12G"[/i] A few glanced over to her chuckling, sitting down she giggled her self. Andrew and Imric laughed. For once, Emily had been loud and had drawn attetion to them. Usually something she tried to avoid.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Very nicely done, '...'. A few things on an over view look. 1.) Space using mathematics. [i] - Your banners seemed a bit cramped, due to a large number of images. Usually to look well spaced out they have 1-3, I've found it's very hard for people two get more then thus when done in a realistic/real image mixing with a drawn/digitally done image.[/i] 2.) Blending styles. [i] - You seem to be doing a beautiful job on using blending styles, and then focusing from the blend back on to the images. Great cropping skills, that you've done to make the image cleaner. Sharper and more flowing.[/i] 3.) Borders. [i] - As stated before, everything looks better with some sort of border.[/i] [b]Banner 00:01[/b] - I really like the fact that the Background is actually three sectors. That have been merged and blended to make a larger scaled one. The color choices are well done. Due to the looks of the characters and their concept. Since it's able to contrast with the BG's behind each individual one. The banner over all is catching to the eyes. And I like the way you've doubled the images. Each being in a different horizon point that a-lines with the front images. There is one thing that annoys me. Unless I'm seeing incorrectly, Going from black to blue above the center character's head. I think that your username could be better placed. I find it's current location to be a bit random and personally think that they'd be better in a corner. Or if they the "..." had a line / 1-2 pixel outline around them. In the current colors. It's a bit hard to see. [b]Banner 00:02[/b] - I like this banner much more then the first. The images seem more well spread out. A very nice job on lighting usage. Since all images in there look to be near the same vividness levels. The level of shadows go well with the BG, due to the shining...I can image how it was harder to match the lighting effects. Wolverine seems a bit stretched, inwards, though. Once more, I adore your cropping and blending styles. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[LEFT][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Looking over to Leon, Emily waved and smiled sweetly. However, one eye quickly looked back to Jon. She had noticed a few times when his gaze had fallen a upon her a few times since she had gotten there. But she had made no notion of it, nor did she feel as though she would have to...Or rather, not for a while. She had no cause to. Her eyes then came to a center point, "During the Spring and Autumn Periods, Lao Zi once said: 'He who knows does not speak. He who speaks does not know.' " Leon paused, then laughed a bit. "Ignorance of others really can be bliss sometimes." Emily nodded in reply. An eye went back to Jon, who had heard her remark. He fixed his head phones as they had slightly been creeping out. Probably due to movement. A random thought popped into her mind; [i]Who were her roommates? But a higher rasing question, did she have any this year...[/i] Mentally she slapped her self. Noticing that Jon and Leon could probably start up an intresting debate on music, if they ever wanted to. Emily's attention pulled it's self back to Leon.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/LEFT]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][LEFT] Mr. Horisho sighed as the students flocked out at the bell's ring. Dazhen didn't stir, the teacher glanced at her. As he slowly opened his moths to speak, she stood. Gathering the things on her desk she left the room. Turning down the hall, she drew near the stairs only to hear giggling. Looking down over the railing...Kani ran past a boy into the girl's bathroom. The boy glanced and then continued. She could see his bright red tips and the girls behind him giggling and laughing. Pointing, muttering the word "Vampire." Closing her eyes, she thought to her self. Contemplating, she didn't know what to actually do. For some reason she felt compelled to do something to see if she was alright. But at the same time her heart told her not to. [i]When have I ever listened to my heart?[/i] she thought to her self. Shifting the binder and books in her arms Dazhen went down the stairs. Coming down and near the entrance to the bathroom. Girls from the locker rows to the right glanced over to her. She was then met by three girls. There were a few more girls behind them, giggling and pointing. "Oh is the little rape girl going to see how the Jinx is holding up?" "No, don't you remember?" the other girl tapped her and pointed, "She's been mute for over a year," "Please move..." was Dazhen's reply, but so soft. They couldn't hear it. "Did you hear that? I think she said something!" "I thought she was too stupid to. Just like she was too stupid to see the scares and imprints left on her." "Shut up..." "What was that?" one of them stepped forwards, and shoved Dazhen back Staring down, she gripped her things close to her chest. Looking up with a piercing glance there was a tense moment of silence between them. "Is that what you really want me to say! That I've been beaten and raped? Fine, I, Dazhen, have been beaten and rapped for a year." The girls fell silent. [/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][LEFT] Dazhen felt a little strange walking down the halls. It everything seemed a bit quieter then usual, the atmosphere of the room was eerie. She found her self with no desire to be there yet no desire to be anywhere else at the same time. As she continued walking on she took note that in the drawing halls more people seemed to flood into them. Flooding around certain lockers and then disbanding them once a certain person left. Dazhen had a mental note of each person who it was that had left and gone away. Allowing her self to know who to stay away from. Turning down another hall then coming to a stop. Dazhen sighed, opening the door she went in. The teacher stood to one side corner. Right handed side from the entrance. She glanced quickly over at them, the teacher gave a slight weary smile. It disappeared quickly as they looked down at a paper that had just been placed in front of them. Dazhen went a head and took a seat, but as soon as she did...She heard another whisper. One that was like the many when she had came early to school that morning. Mainly orientated about rap, she closed one of her eyes. The other looked longingly out the window. She still didn't know how to feel, she didn't want to feel either. Looking out the window, a bird flew by quickly. Making her realize about the rumors going on behind her. Jinx, homicidal freak, Goth-boy, rape girl, many other names came up. She turned her head slightly, the girls behind her fell silent for a moment. They laughed and giggled. One pointing to her, calling her a dumb daze. They soon went back to their, not so light-hearted, conversation. [/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] [LEFT] [i][u][b]Sign ups:[/b][/u][/i] [b]Position:[/b] Ex Warrior Demon. [b]Name:[/b] Mei-Gui. [b]Name:[/b] Si Gui Maopaihuo. [i] - Alisa2: [/i] Si. [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Appearance:[/b] Please, click [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/tear.jpg]Here.[/URL] [b]Personality:[/b] Originally ruthless and mute. Since her experience as a human, growing from age to age within their shoe's, Si has found that in order to under stand. She must be silent, yet voice her opinions. In this form she has since received a voice. But she does not fully understand how to use it yet. This has caused her to be, eerily, quite. Other then this, she doesn't truly understand human feelings. And doesn't know how she should react, but she's been getting better. Even if it doesn't show. Underneath it all because of her developing compassion towards others, she seems kind and nice. Although blunt and aloof at times. She's intelligent and can often be found researching. [b]Bio:[/b] Since a thousand of years have passed, she still feels as those she nothing has changed... Back then, she was known more as an it. Rather then a she. Mei-Gui had had so much more power then. Which she believes had come from her other form as a Fiend. The classification was Demon, a Kahio and a phantom. Which was the only way it was known. Mei-Gui. Or, Beautiful Phantom Si. Si, being to die, Mei-Gui had had no other thought then to kill those around her. It was the only thing Mei-Gui had lived for. To travel, to kill, and the thought of being killed. This particular demon believed in no fear. The slight flickering flames, incased in the beautiful shining mist and aura that had fallowed Mei-Gui left no other in-vision then that of heaven. Killing it's enemies...This thought and their own in-vision of heaven never ended. Even beyond their deaths, regardless of the places they had ended up. The victims were alone in an eternal dreams. Love ever lasting, a dream never seen before. This was how it's name came into being. Many other's assumed this Kahio to be this entity to be like a grim weeper. Only, it had the attachments of eternal mindless drift. A ridge between. And the fact was, Mei-Gui still didn't care. Feeling no sense in success of killing for cemeteries. Mei-Gui stopped coming around. No one ever died within that type of dream of something so unreal. Eventually everyone knew that the "Beautiful Phantom Death," had seemingly died or gone into hiding. Now, in this more modern day world. The "Mei-Gui" that had once been feared lives only in memory. A small legend, it's decided to take on a form of a more "natural" entity or being. A human going under the name of Si Gui Maopaihuo. She still cannot come to understand why beings act the way they do. Being in this, she cannot express why she acts they way she does. Nor why she has developed a feeling for others. Seemingly enough, she's take a customary to humans and other beings. Find some compassion for them. She has, in human terms, lived for 16 years. Originally taken a form of a two year old. She has lived the life of a human from age 2 to 18. Within all the knowledge she has gained...SI never knows how or what to feel. Nor why she no longer has any real reason to kill. [/LEFT][/SIZE][/COLOR]
[LEFT][COLOR=SlateGray]"Did you guys see Andrew?" "Yeah, he is so cute!" "I heard a new guy came today too. I hear he's cute too." "Really?" There was a group of girls' voices going on in excitement. Almost as though they were across a two streets from each other. They were loud. Emily grunted slightly and then was tapped on the back. A boy dressed in red and black and the other in blue. The first was an Asian crossed with Italian, the other was...Well, Emily her self didn't even know. The two were really indeed her friends, but they had been there for a half a year already. And thus she thought of them a bit as mentors. They each waved a game pack. Sticking her hand into one of her large black pockets, she shifted around. Touching each game that passed through her fingers looking for one with a special indentation. There had been a heart engraved into it right above it's label of [i]"300 : : Module 5."[/i] It was [i]their[/i] own game. They had started earlier that year, the project would be going out to the whole school soon. So that kids had something to do during boredom on their phones, computers, GB's, etc. Finally finding it, she pulled it out and showed them happily. "Once we get through with this project, I might not be able to do anymore. Sorry guys." Emily nodded, "It's alright, school is meant to take some sort of priority over gaming." Leo laughed, "True. It doesn't matter, let us know while your free. We'll start again after you have some free time." "Thanks guys." Zhen said in a light heart voice. "I'm going to head over to the reception hall." "What come on! Zhen gonna be doing a his big school project for this year. And now your ditching me too?" "Cut it out, Leo. I'm sure she'll make it up some how." "I'll let you copy off my homework for the next three months." "Oh alright. Give me you pack then." Leo said, slightly turning away. Emily stuck her tongue out playfully and handed it to him "Don't break it." "Yeah, I know. Good luck, we'll see you in P.E." Leo turned and walked away. Zhen waved as he turned and ran to catch up with him. Watching them disappear out of sigh she turned and headed to the reception all. Coming in she passed a few boys talking. One was Andrew, the other...She didn't know. Coming into the reception hall, Emily looked around. Seeing the students of which she recognized. Glancing slightly at the placements, a boy sat to one side of her. To the other side was an unknown name, another new student she thought. Then coming to the realization that most if not all would be new students. She sighed slightly and took a seat. Looking out of the corner of her eye at the boy sitting next to her she looked down at what had labeled his name. "Jon" was what it read in small print below his full name. He waved slightly, finishing his pop-tart. Waving back she turned forwards begun to read all the names close enough for her to see. [/COLOR][/LEFT]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Thnaks alot, Lix. I'm really glad you liked them. I was starting to think that my wrok was totally... I can't finish that sentence with out using rude words. So those of you reading can figre it out. The blind effect on the second one was fun to make since it went with the border. ^^ I love technical looking banners. But I find they take too long to make. The next one was a project I had decided to try, but then scraped it. I got confused on what to do next. Finding that it looked uncompleted even when I thought that I was done. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/dyn02.png[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
Request FF9 Kuja banner/avi (pictures included)
Epsilon replied to Ezekiel's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Here are my tries. Please let me know if you like them, or a different banner / something altered. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21106&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21105&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Great story, Sevotharte. Let me know if there is anything I need to change. --------------------------------------- [i][u][b]Sign-Up[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Siaga A. McAmoray [i] - Siaga[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 25. [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing 5'3" and weight 99 lbs. Siaga appearances to be physically frail. Her, somewhat, pale complexion does not add to this. Although young, Siaga's hair is a rather dull blond. That is now leaning towards grey. She has shaggily cut bangs that fall slightly past her eye brows. The rest of her hair falls back behind her shoulder. It loosely flows, and can reach down to her waist at full length. Her eye color is a light, innocent, blue. But during the night her eyes seemed as though they are grey and glazed. But her lightly colored pink checks often times full others into believing that she is still in her teen years. Around her mid half, she wears a slightly loose, white, long sleeve, shirt. Near the neck it breaks off going down in a frill like fashion. From there it goes totally down flattened for 5 inches all around. Bunching, the sleeves end in large, 3 inch, tight cufflinks. On each rather then a button, it is two silver pendants. The pendants are in the shape of machine arms. Above this there can be one silver bracelet seen on each arm. The lower half of her shirt is neatly tucked into her pants. Over this she wears a dim grey vest. The bracelet is completely lined in "Shacu," also known as "shock rocks. Due to the fact that when they're bashed together, they automatically will begin to spark within 10 centimeters of each other. On her lower half she wears black pants. They have a fairly close fit and are made of a fabric much like leather. At the top it's rounded off with a white belt. Near the buttom, the pant ends seem to flare out a bit. Over lapping her plan brown shoes. [b]Class:[/b] Warrior. [i] - Dealing mainly physical damage, using their own strength. Siaga rather rely on the little physical powers she has.[/i] [b]Element:[/b] Thunder. [b]Weapon:[/b] Azoth. [i] - A one handed bagged. Often used by those who are a bit less skilled in physical battle. The handles are made of a stronger silver, used specifically for slicing upwards, at slanted angles. Never used for slicing downwards with force restriction near handles base break. While one of the hands is used to hold the dagger the opposite must be reeled back due to protective reasoning. User is constantly in movement. The end of the hilt is lined with murky grey rocks.[/i] [b]Occupation:[/b] Alchemist. [b]Personality:[/b] Siaga is a bit with quite. Never really trying to imply upon someone else's judgment, she goes on trying to ignore their trail and error. So that they in turn will learn what they need to on their own. Consider a bit...Aloof. But the thought doesn't last too long. Most of those around her, have learnt that she is so because she would like to be strong for them. Even though she believes that emotion could be her down fall. Siaga wills to help those around her, regardless of their problem. But even this she some times fails at. Failure is something she's not very comfortable with. Knowing hints of errors often lead up to larger errors and failures she tries her hardest not to fail. And if she does in her mind; she'll go on regretting it. Repeatedly trying to find where she went wrong, and how it will effect ever thing else. Then trying to predict how to make things right. Rarely speaking of any of this, it can cause her to go into random break downs. Very caring and kind, really. [b]History:[/b] Born where many others where, Atma, she grew up with no father figure. And helped more often then not with her mother's health, not to mention her "small family's" living expenses and cost. Since she was her mother's only child, she was doted on till nearly the age of 8. Near this age, another child joined their family from adoption. The rest of this child's family had been killed. Yet for some reason, he had gone on for over a year alone. He was 10. Obviously; the child wasn't from Atma. He was mute, and even though he was older. Siaga found her self to dote on him the way her mother had her. Growing up together, Siaga found her self with a frail build he having a slightly stronger one. From this he had protected her from other's, as a return from her gratitude. They lived with their mother just fine, got along in the world just fine. Yet everything was far from alright. Near the age of 17, a terrible storm came. The boy went missing. Presumed dead. Two years after, she was mute by will. During these three years. She's buried her self within scientific study, withdrawn from other's...She couldn't help but watch them from afar. Knowing there was nothing to fear within them, that wasn't caused by something else. From this she learned, that the only thing with this effect on others was caused by the Angels and any unknown forces. In turned she's learnt, that there are two things to fear. Loosing a loved one, and the Angels. Siaga family was one deeply bedded within their religion. However over the years; she's been drawn to science further everyday. She cared for those around her, but only in silence. Closer to being an atheist then anything else. Siaga has choose her life to be one, still she can not truely be called thus. Deep within her heart, she knows that she's still has not given up her faith. [b]Spells / Skills:[/b] Broken Fury. [i] - As normally done with the Azoth dagger, one would normally have to draw back from the target by 5 feet. Then charge again to land a significant blow. However, Siaga is skilled enough to allow her self the direction of the jagged edge of the blade. Allowing her to hit 6 times in one sweep. Twice with the smooth, sharper edge. And then four times with jagged "woven" side.[/i] Electric Sphere. [i] - With the two bracelet around her wrist and the stud of her dagger cling together. Both stones come out from the bracelets. The electric charge pulling them to a certain focused source. Hung together by small bolts of electricity, it will wrap it's self around the focused source. Paralyzing for a few seconds, then returning to the bracelets.[/i][/COLOR][/SIZE]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]While I was editing my sign up, a question popped into my head. It's a relatively short question, but I though I'd ask anyways. I was wondering: Is it alright to use HTML or PHP Table Coding inside the actual RPG? Or is it normal posting in VB Coding? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] [LEFT]Let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed. -------------------------------------- [U][B][i]SIgn-Up[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Emily Kay [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] Please click, [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/emily.jpg]here[/URL]. (Will sometimes be seen wearing thick glasses.) [b]Persona:[/b] Typically, Emily is considered three different stereotypical classifications. Geek, Gamer, and one of her own; Perfectionist procrastinator. She's very intelligent, but wastes most of her times with video games. Or thing with technology and or science. That will consume her time to no end. Then near the end of something, or when something is needed. She'll get her self in a jump start. Doing everything right before it, having it exactly perfect. Emily is usually a "bit" stressed out. Usually talking too fast, she tends to make people feel dumb. But still it's not, usually, her intention. Emily is actually caring and nice, she just hates anyone else knowing it. [b]Bio:[/b] Not really talking to her parents. She spends most of her time locked away in her dark room. Or just hanging out at arcades with her friends. And will go see a movie with random people. Sometimes, even those she hates. During her school time she can usually be found with the boy groups. Either the Geeks, the Gamers, or the Goth boys. Others think she seems to have an all around status. Which she will freely admit. That she dose. For some reason, she's always on the honor roll. Even times when she thinks she probably shouldn't be. Allowing others to know straight out plan that she does well in all her in everything she tries. Emily's best strength is English Lit. and Science. Her weakest would have to be physical sports, PE, and getting along with the jocks in the school. [b]Lessons Taken:[/b] Chemistry. Biology. Physics. English Lit. [b]Extra:[/b] Chemistry Club. [/SIZE][/COLOR] [/LEFT]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I like your writing style. Over looking two minor spelling and grammar errors, you've done a great job at catching the flow. And allowing it all to fall together with in the main phases. But there is one line with, annoys me. The line: [i]"She wanted to spread her wings The only thing ever beautiful about her"[/i] Breaks done certain parts that are further in the poem. In my personal opinion, it's hurting the foundation a bit. It think that those two lines could be shortened. Or the second line [i]"The only thing ever beautiful about her."[/i] could maybe be rephrased. Other then this, I think it's wonderfully done.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=Sienna][SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Thank you, KibasWifey. I'm very glad you think so. With confirmation on my first character, here is my second.[/COLOR] --------------------------------------------------------- [i][b][u]Sign-Up : : #2[/b][/i][/u] [b]Position:[/b] Thunder & lighting [i] - God of Thunder and Lighting. He uses a type of "electrically kinetic" power to control electricity and storms.[/i] [b]Person you left in charge:[/b] Vijon Tsuki [i] - A lower, astral angel. Knowing the works of electricity and the magnetic attractions/discharges of adams. Not to mention being a loyal debater in science. Vijon has been trust with fulfilling the duties Raiu Yoake has left for the year.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Raiu Yoake [b]Human Name:[/b] Zhuiqiu R. Waizu. [i] - Alias2: Zhuiqiu.[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Occupation:[/b] Science Teacher. [b]Appearance:[/b] Towering height, Zhuiqiu stands 6'5' and weights about 195 lbs. He's slightly thin but anyone can see that he has a muscular build, slim though. His skin color is pale yet has a vivid glow. Leaving something to be desired within his over all look. His deep brown eyes contrast, slightly, to his dull red hair. Zhuiqiu's hair is short and a bit shaggy. Near the tips of the ending break, it's highlighted into a fiery red merging into black. Over all, Zhuiqiu's hair curves inwards. Curving around his face and the rest of his head. Zhuiqiu's strangely done red hair has a light, thick, and smooth textured. Allowing it, easily, to flow in the wind. He seems to only wear sleek black suits. Wearing a long silver chain with an yellow, crystal clear, orb on the end. It ends two buttons down from his long sleeve white shirt who's basic fold collar over laps near the top of the vest. On his sleeve cufflinks there are black, cotton cover buttons. Matching those on the rest of his shirt. Above all of this he wears a long silk black tie. With a lighting bolt pendent on the lower left side of the breaking point. On his lower half...He wears black pants, from the right hand pocket a golden chain drops down. Wearing white socks and black dress shoes, he looks like any other teachers would at the school. But some things do tend to deferrer. His tongue is pierced, the gem in the ring is one of a vivid yellow coloring. It seems to change colors depending on the time of day. On his right hand he wears two electric watches. Going up on his left arm, is a tattoo. Bolting up from his fingerer tips and ending on a slated rose thorn patterns on his upper arm. [b]Personality:[/b] Raiu is short tempered, has a electric persona, and is intelligent to the extreme. He can very well lose this temper easily. On many occasions, Raiu seems rude and brutally honest. Blunt if you would. Raiu is actually just showing how much he cares. Basically it's tough love for all of those around him. Seemingly, he really doesn't get along with many of the other God's views on many matters. When not going off the top, with lectures. He tends to quite down a bit, becoming more relaxed he's easier to talk to. But still...He's hard to get to open up. Raiu cares for all the other Gods' and Goddess' deeply. He just doesn't want anyone to know. [b]Bio:[/b] Being within his persona. He's spent a number of years arguing on different matters and levels about the earth and all of it's inhabitants However, as the world has further progressed in Technology and Science. He has become a bit more...Uptight about atheists, and more viscous within his debating on the matters with others. And none of it has changed within the last decade. Raiu looks on to Suray, seeing her to and thinking that she may be able to change the will of men. And have a more of in impact on all of humanity. This factor has caused to become a bit more angry with her then others. The holder of the past, is also the implore of the future. Knowing the factor that all that has happened in history may tend to repeat it's self. Or, as it has happened and will most likely happen again, destroy more then just a "few" civilizations. Constantly contemplating on how they, the gods/goddess'/, came into being them self. Why the entities with such power were created. This has caused him to worry and become more stressed out. The others may slip up. Too many slip ups, and it might destroy them all. He's being to forget things as he tries only to look on to each effect. The counter reactions, to they're own reactions. And the only answer he can find or has will to believe is sure fire failure. Having hidden agendas, both with the "naturals "and "supernatural" he's been watching the others closely. And as Suray had came to a new proposal, a new ideal had sparked into his head. The contrast of humans, angels, daemons, and gods. Now planning to keep a close eye on all of them, and those they interact with...Zhuiqiu, however, is being to forget that he is a God him-self. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Please let me know, if there is anything that needs to be altered. -------------------------------- [b][u][i]Sign Up:[/i][/u][/b] [b]Position:[/b] Goddess of Light [i] - Keeper of the sun and ruler of the day. Brings happiness and hope of the people. She is also known as the goddess of purity.[/i] [b]Person you left in charge:[/b]Nouji [i] - Being her life is so closely inter woven with humans, she has collaborated with him in the past. Not always having the best out come...But he knows that if the humans should evolve or should happen to die out...All his fun would be destroyed, and then what would he have? The only ones left to anyone would be the gods. Being the sadistic that he is...Nouji has chosen to Side with Bixia so he can continue to have something, human's souls, to play with. Causing failures as an unknown unnatural being.[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Bixia Yuanjin [b]Human Name:[/b] Maya Grey [i] - Alias2: Grey[/i] [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Occupation:[/b] Liberian. Martial Art Instructor. (Traditional Jujitsu) [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing 5'7 and weighting only 110 lbs., she's rather tall. Being thin and frail looking, Grey is stronger then other's physically. Even though one cannot see this nor would determine her as so. Her skin is white and tanned. She's not taken the form of an Asian women, rather a mix of different ethnicities. Giving her a varied look. Her eyes are colored vividly green with an eerie brown that creeps in form the outer rims. But within her eyes, where the green meets and merges to the pupils, it seems as though there is a pure white lining. Her hair is short, the coloring being bleach blond. Neatly kept seeing as it only reaches three inches past her neck. The ends tend to curl upwards and out, barely notable . It seems as though her hair is straight if not stared at for a few hours. This in turn goes with her long bangs that fall off to the side. Grey wears her hair down, but to the sides she wears two BaoBao's. They use black ribbon. She usually wears her basic suit. The themes being black and a light tan color. The sleeves being black breaking off into black, fingerless, gloves. They connect to the center fold piece by black platelets covering the shoulders. The black platelets have a white swirling design that disappears off into a beautiful flora pattern. The shirt of which the sleeves are attached to is a 6 panel piece dress shirt. Being made out of the same materiel as a doubled blouse over, it has a button down low cut tri-collar. On her lower half she wears black, pressed pants, light and comfortable. They are easy to move in and flow right down to the inside cutlets on the ends. For foot wear, she wears black leather, high heeled, ankle boots. The only other noticeable things are that she wears a black and white dog collar. From that drops down a chain that reads on a heart penitent: Infadato. And around her wrist she wears two silver bracelets. Each having a signal gem held within them in a heart shaped design. The gems look as if they are made of light them self. This allows some of the other gods to recognize, her if ever need be. [b]Personality:[/b] Often considered, the little one of the gods, Bixia only real thoughts and wishes are that all humans are left alone to live within peace. That the other gods and goddess be happy. Yet still, she always tries to help each and every god in their endeavors, even if they do but her in harms way. Bixia is one of the sweetest and kindest you can chance to meet. Her temper is never shown, nor are any other of her emotions really known to the other gods. The only thing she wishes to show is joy. Many would consider her naive, and innocent. Always trying to be polite, her mind has changed they way of her thinking within the last thousand years. Bixia believes this and only this: No matter what they do, or who they hurt. No one should be hated. There is no such thing as a bad entity or person. [b]Bio:[/b] Since appointed the Goddess of Light, her persona has not changed. And although many of the other Gods' and Goddess' may not know, she is older then them. And knows a different side of humans then they do. Bixia rather not have memories, and thus, so much has been forgotten. Or her knowledge has been given to Suray. But this is unknown because she has been withdrawn from them until recently. Bixia seems to admire Suray and many of the other Goddess. Most of the others seem to notice this, this is because Bixia knows that she doesn't have as much of an input on living organisms as the others do. And that she could not do as much as they, she can't see the way the other's do. Causing her to admire all of them a little more each day. Yet always silent, and afraid to speak her mind. However, when he conflicted had a risen about what was to be the fate of the humans...Bixia found her self with out burst of emotions. Once decided that they would be living among humans for a year. Bixia had been the first to leave. Being intelligent enough to try and lay low, she with drew from anything that would draw a lot of attention to her. Not wanting to be seen nor met by the other Gods/Goddess, but knowing that if for any reason at all...Not to block off all contact, she wears a bracelet containing true light. That emits a special aura of pure white around her. Only seeable by those of the supernatural. Going under the name of Maya Grey, she's decided to keep a log of all of her events. Living on the out-skirts of the city in a small, cozy little house. She doesn't want to loose track of anything that happens. This is for personal reasons, and to be able to recall...That she had been there. Looking on. Watching. Studying. Able to say, that she had something to do with the race she had loved so much. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Please let me know if there is anything that needs to be changed. ------------------------------ [i][u][b]SIGN-UP[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Dazhen R. Calimaray [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Nationality:[/b] Chinese/Jamaican [b]Grade:[/b] 10 [b]Appearance:[/b] Standing 5'4' and weighting only 95 lbs. Dazhen's skin is rather nicely tanned. Although it's more on the brown side then it is to other people's, but she thinks she's gotten it to blend as best she can. So that she cane fit in. But because of her mixed ethnicity, her hair is a light brown. That has been tinted in a reddish hue. It's cut boyishly short. Her eye's are a deep brown, contrasting to her hair and skin color. She wears a more traditional dress. It looks different and makes her stick out more then some of the others. However, she doesn't change. It's a marking or indication that she is fairly comfortable with her family's status and where they've come from. The dress is more or less European. It is a dark ruby red, and the shirt she wears underneath is a pasty color. The lining it black, and most of it is outline in ruffles. It had been her school uniform from the last few years. And every year during the school times she gets it retailer and ready for a new year. Even though, it's out of date. Wearing long white socks that come up inches past her knees, above this she wears black ankle boots. Or [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/daze.jpg]Click Here[/URL]. [b]Persona:[/b] Dazhen has a terribly low self-esteem. And as it would seem, she has no confidence within her-self. Quite to most, and withdrawn. She's afraid to speak. Thinking that she'll make a mistake and everyone will hate her. Dazhen her self, is afraid to be talked too. Often becoming nervous if anyone tries to even talk to her. But if she is in a conversation, she'll try to carry it out till the end. Since she usually can not establish anymore then small talk. She's really quite intelligent, she's good at her work. Dazhen works hard for obtaining a high level education for her parents sake. It isn't always possible for her to fallow threw on. Ever since the third grade, she could not bring her self to participate in anything with large groups. From this people in the school think she's aloof and a bit lewd. But she's kind and would do anything for her friends, if she had any. [b]Bio:[/b] Born in Kingston, Jamaica during her parent's trip visiting family. She was born lighter then most baby's should have been, and as she grew she seemed as though she would be a bit crippled. But that worry went away at age 5. When the doctor said she was perfectly healthy, no defects at all. Dazhen, by other's standards, had turned out to be a rather good athlete. Everything was going well, until she reached middle school. Realizing she was always younger then everyone else in her class. Dazhen begun lying about her age, even now, she doesn't remember her real age anymore. Nor can her parents, and they refuse to bring out her birth certificate. This played no factor into her life once she reached the sixth grade. She found that the thought was no longer needed. And so, her life went on perfectly within her eyes. 8th grade rolled around. Everything bad started. During that year, a girls father had died from cancer. While everyone was comforting the girl Dazhen had shown no emotion towards the girl. Causing others to get angry, fights started breaking loose. She was bullied constantly and found that she could not escape any of it. Even if she switched schools. Her parents begun to worry. They were always away and she wouldn't talk to them. The two decided to send her to therapy. However, Dazhen feeling no comfort before, fell in love with her therapist. Back then she was 13, he was 21. The relationship advanced further then it maybe should have, although they never had any sexual relationship. It was an abusive one, but by her 14th birthday. It had ended, but the whispers begun back in school. She became more unstable and fearful to speak. [b]What do they whisper about you:[/b] Other's whisper, about her, that she's an android perhaps. Or maybe she's a Satanist or a sadistic. Most of the people say she was raped, make fun of her for being so stupid. Picking to be with the wrong people. "Oh, how evil she is. That emotionless ****. I wish she would just die." "She's a terrible savage! After school, she walks home. I think we she meet her half way. Take care of her for her parents, everybody knows. They hate her, they don't want her." "I say she's a hore, the poor little girl. She doesn't even know who she is." [i] - Dazhen: And did you know, that they whisper things about you and me? And can you hear the lies they tell? How terrible a thing, they do. I wish to be so near and yet I'm afraid of their words. And what they think of everything, they'll hate me. Everyone of them, scares me. Even you and me.[/i] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Well, once again, I'm trying a graphics thread. I've gotten a lot better since I last posted my graphic work for criticism specifically. And I'd really like to know what all of you think of my current work. (Please wait for the images to load.) Kenmei The Aco. and her Spore. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/ken.gif[/IMG] As many of you know, I play iRO off and on during the summers. Thinking my Aco. character is one of the cutest little things, I had decided to make an avatar with her in it. The background image is of a general Spore monster, which she has a pet of. So I though it would work well, since the leave's colors seem to contrast with the bg and the character's faded look. Yukikaze. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/009.png[/IMG] A banner from one of my favorite books and animes. It features the air craft known as code name "Gonozu." Rei Tech. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/rei02.png[/IMG] My banner here, that had a short while. It was the first banner I've ever done trying to make it look "technical." I think it worked out pretty well. Dolly : : Omeki [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/dolly.jpg[/IMG] Probably the only decent Omeki I've ever done. I think it's uberly cute. =3 So there's not much I can say. Only that I ran out of ideals for the BG, but I like how the CGI came out. Thanks.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Depending on if your from some far off place in Asia, you'd call me Rubi Lei C. Or if your anywhere else Rodrica, or Roddy for short. Current location is Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Out side of the fields of science research, a fairly boring place really. However, I find it a good place for photography because of the environment. (Both natural and man-made.) Current occupations are: Student, graphic apprentice, teacher, tutor, Martial Artist, and freelance artist. Also any annoying petty meaningless things I may happen to find that some one is hiring for. After high school my plan, at the moment, is to go to Shanghai University. (Science and Engineering) Once out of collage, I plan to stay there. (Helping out family and relatives) My life after collage, I'll still probably be doing some of the same occupations. I'm hoping I'll be able to teach full time, either in Martial Arts or education in general. And if possible for me, I plan to adopt a child or have one of my own. So that weaves in greatly, now, getting a higher education then most. So I can pay my way through collage my-self. Yet still be able to support a family of my own. My only current hobbies have, pretty much, gone away. Besides, computers, graphic design, reading, writing, Martial Arts, teaching, and studying. On OB you can find me in the "Art Studio" or all selections of "The Arena." My life at a small glance. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I tried, I'm probably happier with the results then I would normally be. Many vivid lights. =3 I couldn't find any decent pic.s of Tala or anything that would suit the theme of the pretty little red head. So, I made one of Rei. In the avatar, it says "REI" in the background. On the banner it has your name faded, along with one from the pair of "Let it Rip!" in the bg as well. I hope you like them, if you would like anything changed, or a different banner please let me know. Avatar: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21042[/IMG] Banner: [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21043[/IMG] PS - Your MS- Paint banners aren't horrible. They're all beautifully done for something made in MS-Paint.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I've taken a try. My apologizes, but I wasn't able to find any high quality images of Naruto. I'm still looking though, so that I can go back and re-make the banner if the fallowing two don't suit what your looking for. So to make up for the lost character I went and made another banner for you using Vash as the main theme. Please, let me know if you would like anything changed, or a different banner. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21032&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=21033&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]As I have commented once before, Imric Kagushi has an absolutely awesome concept. Although I've never personally seen the anime Ranma 1/2, I have seen images. The original artist style and yours are different in main aspects mainly the styles of which you both currently practice in. But I really do think you've gotten his character design done. And have done a great job in converting one style from another. While still having the character resemble, or look like him, with the same attitude towards the character's design. I really adore your picture of Mousse. You've done a beautiful job with colors, shading, and positioning of his neck, head, and where the his hand comes into the picture. I really like the amount of detail you've chosen to add to the image. Not too much, but not too little. Adding for an even better design since the amount of detail goes well with the shades you've chosen. You do an extraordinary job on cleaning up line art. However, in this you need a bit more work on autonomy. The composition of his body is off. His body curves are fine, but his waist would still probably be a bit more visible. (Even in from viewing at a straight forwards angle) Imric's left leg bend, somewhat, strangely and could probably be taken inwards more. Folds on the right leg are kind of weird. Since they don't fit around the way of his movement too well. Both of the feet are off by angles, the left one would probably be flat on the ground. The right one turns a bit out of place, as if his ankle is broken. Sorry, but the autonomy both his feet are off. I won't comment on the Chibi, I know absolutely nothing about Chibis. As an over all statement, you do just great when coloring by hand. All your colors are greatly matched, and go well together. Your positioning has gotten better since the last time I had seen your work, even though you still might want to study up on it a little. And I truly admire your shading skills, and concepts. You can actually CGI/CG with MS Paint. And you can do pretty great stuff with that program. Even though it might take longer, it will help you further advance your skills in other programs. So many people don't know how to get the special options in MS Paint. ;-; If you ever need to know anything feel free to ask. Hope to see more you your work, Crucifix. [/SIZE][/COLOR]