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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b]OOC:[/b] Nah, I'd never do that to one of my characters...Unless order. ^^ Zen's just feeling sick. By the way, click [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/bathingsuit.jpg]here[/URL] to see Zen's bathing suit. ------------------------------- [b]IC:[/b] Zen logged on, landing in the Dun Loireag server. She was a few screens off from the Chaos Gate...Which somehow always managed to happen. Although Zen could never figure out. Walking over to it Zen with held her hand and whispered; Sunny Beach Paradise. Within a matter of second the rings started, it seemed to be going much faster then before. As she transferred, she changed her equipment armor to her special edition swim suit. As the rings vanished she examined her swim suit. She had never actually seen her character in it before since the time she had won it. The suit was a two piece, but not one that would come to many people's mind. It was platted, blue and black. The shoulder straps were wide and frilled at the end, and the lower have was like a piece but more modest. The lower half was connected to an over skirt, with a small lining of what frills. Her blue hair fell down in locks without her black and blue bonnet. Looking around, Zen didn't see any of them yet. [i]"Maybe they're on a different part of the beach."[/i] she said to her self, [i]"Or maybe the didn't come..."[/i] Sighing, she walked down off the stone rise onto the sand. The wind the blew felt good causing Zen to smile she started off looking for the others. Knowing Lyn would probably be there first, the first thing that came to her mind popped up....Bar. Scratching her head Zen, she begun to think of the Long Arm she had left yester. Moving a few feet forwards her locators around her head spun wildly. The glowed in a read aura. Another party memeber had logged on. Checking her party a character named "Naomi" logged on. Zen sat down and begun to write out a PM in whisper mode. Once done she sent it to "Naomi," she stood back up and started to walk. The note was an introduction, and told where a few of the party was going to meet. Walked over to the Beach Bar to see an amazing sight. Lyn was drinking with the legendary Balmung. [i]"I should have thought."[/i] Zen whispered. Taking a seat on the left handed side of the bar. Seeing Ryu she went behind him and tapped him on the shoulder. She smiled lightly and waved.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]The screen cleared, closing the screens and folding them. She turned off her laptop and the monitors. Touching her figure tips to the ground she moved them slowly along the wooden floor. Her stuffed animal, bunny, must had fallen. It was no longer in her arms like when she had logged onto "The World." Feeling a light velvet touch, Kenmei knew it was one of the long floppy ears. She took her stuff animal up and rested it into her lap as she took the visor from around her head. Placing the visor upon the desk she stood slowly. But as Kenmei stood she immediately fell to the ground. Standing she could feel blood trickling down the lower half of her leg and touch into her white socks. Sitting back down, it stung slightly, Kenmei examined her knees. One had allot of skin scrapped out, the other was slightly cut. "I must have fallen on a nail..." she said to her self, and her stuffed animal. She shook her head standing again, she walked over to her dresser draw. Opening the top one on the left hand side Kenmei took out a black bandana and wrapped it around the cut leg. Leaving the scrapped leg exposed to the air, she knew that it'd do some good in the long run. Walking over to her bed Kenmei sat, laying her pink bunny on her pillow. Bending down she turned on her radio tuning it to the right station. Kenmei then stood turning to face her bed. She re-adjusted her stuffed animal. Taking up the cover Kenmei threw it into the air and let it float back down slowly she then fixed inwards. So it was like Miss. Naimki, so that no one in the morning would know that she had been playing in "The "World." About to lay down the music on her radio stopped, Kenmei turned it off. Not even giving it a second thought, she was too tired to think about it really. Slowly, her legs began to stiff as she crawled into bed. As Kenmei was on the edge she recoiled her hands around her stomach, it hurt. The room begun to feel cold, she shivered going forwards again. Unconsciously she went fell backwards to the ground, still clutching her stomach Kenmei didn't move. Seeing her stuffed animal, Kenmei thought of how it might be lonely. She reached up pulling the blanckets and sheets off, forcing the stuffed animal to come tumbling down with them.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  3. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]Logging on...Please wait... Signal Confirmed, now transporting. After logging on, Zen headed back to the Carmina Gadelica area...No one was really around, the place was mostly desolate during the night. Zen sighed, and checked her party. Ryu had logged back on. Zen headed for the Chaos Gate. Standing in front of it, she held her hand out forth stretched and whispered: [i]Dun Loireag, land of the Weaver Guardian...[/i] The three rings intertwined, taking a part of her data and transporting it in each swipe until she was full transported. [u]Now... [/u] Walking away from the Chaos Gate...Zen saw a figure design that looked like Ryu. The place's meadows always looked better at night, because they shimmered when the wind blew. Accenting the stars beautifully, however, Zen usually played during the earlier mornings. Nearing closer to him, she thought about it. He seemed deep in thought. She couldn't decide wither to disturb him or not. Tapping him lightly on the shoulder Ryu turned. She waved while smiling sweetly, he waved back. "Hi Ryu." she said lightly. "Hi." he said a bit surprised. "What are you doing up at this time?" "...I couldn't sleep." "So you came here? It's so empty, don't you feel alone?" Zen fell backwards lying on the ground, staring up at the starry sky. "Then again, this server is very pretty." [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]After the other two had gone, Zen logged out of the area. Heading to Mac Anu. The three golden rings vanished and set steady back into place as she walked forwards. So many people where still on, and she had loved the bg music in this area. Not to mention it would be easier to get to Carmina Gadelica from here. Going through the back of Carmina Gadelica would allow for less attraction since so many merchants where further on the outer reaches of the city. Stretching here arms out into the arm, she yawned. Running down the stairs, she turned, almost tripping on her dress but held a hand on the railing that cornered the water. Regaining her balance, stopping she stood and stared at the water. Thinking of how it compared to the real sky. Zen wouldn't be a sleep for a little while. She still had an hour and a half left till her bed time. The river shined sliver, and as boats went by the silver changed to other colors. Some of which she could not even name her-self. But a majority of the colors were dark or vividly worked into the black. The stars were reflected into the water, and then mirrored in by the buildings and people passing bye. Taking this into consideration, she sat down on the stairs that led to the boat area. Where people would get on and off, touring through the city by cannel. Feeling peaceful she remembered her objective. Standing she ran to the Chaos Gate at the other end of the city and warped to Carmina Gadelica. Once there she went to the heart of the town. And waited. Walking around more and more minutes passed, she took a seat on the bench and started to fiddle with the two locators floating around her head. Checking the time it was almost 10:30pm, and she needed to be ready for bed in 5 minutes. [i]"Where is he?"[/i] she thought to her self, [i]"Daddy and mommy are going to be home at 10:50..."[/i] Waiting a few more minutes she saved and was about to log off when she heard some one call her name. Turning, she saw the Long Arm of which she had been waiting for. He waved to her, and she waved in return. "I'm glade I caught you before you logged off." "Me too." Zen smiled lightly, "Or I might have had to waited another week." The man smiled, handing her a Blue Box. "Keep that item safe until we're able to meet again, kay?" She nodded, "Yes, Sr." "You better get going, a little girl shouldn't be up this late." "Bye-bye." she waved as she began to be consumed in data streams from the bottom up. "Good - Bye, Zen-Chan." he said before she disappeared. --------------------- Once out of the world, she placed the head set down by her blue screen three paneled laptop. Thinking of Lyn and Ryu. Standing from her chair Kenmei reached down grabbing her stuffed animal bunny. She looked around to find Naimki, the head maid, who would be home schooling her tomorrow. Going threw a few of the halls, she found her. Kenmei bowed while asking, "Miss. Naimki, tomorrow, can you please help me to start a log record?" "Yes, of course dear...But, what would you want to keep a log of?" "..." Knemei had to think, she couldn't tell her what she was really going to use it for, "A record log of how much exp. I gain a week, which monsters, and what area. And of the speical event." "Alrighty, fine by me." she smiled, "Now go get ready for bed dear." "Yes, Miss. Naimki." Going back to her room, Kenmei shut off the laptop. However before she did so, she set it to turn back on within a few hours when everyone in the house was asleep.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]"We're all in the same party. Wow..." Zen said amazed, whispering to her-self. "You two are very interesting, I'm eager to see you both in battle now." Zen said nothing, waiting to for Lyn and Ryu's. Lyn shook her head looking at Zen, mumbling the world; idiot, underneath her breath. Zen found this all too interesting to pass up. Knowing it couldn't be a star-fragment or glitch, it was their fate to meet. Zen punched her self. Lyn looked strangely at her. "Your weird..." Zen smiled, innocently. "You know you two were distained to meet?" "Alright, she is weird..." Ryu said, unconsciously. Zen jumped up into the tree tops, standing on a high branch where it had extended and inter twined with the other trees. "Don't you think? Why else would this have happened." Lyn shook her head angrily, "Mind your own business!" "Will do." Zen nodded, "Before I forget, you have my must sincerest apologizes for, somehow, putting you within my party." Ryu became confused, "What?" He checked his party list, finding that it was more then just a few. It was more or less growing in size. Almost near enough to become a large scaled party, consisting of more then four. Zen took out some leaves that had gotten stuck inside of her locators floating around her head. She let them drift with the artifical wind of the world. Two of them floated down bye Lyn's feet. Lyn stepped on them, mashing them to peaces that blew away. Zen smiled, she had finally met a player who's determinations where extremely strong with the player's endeavors [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Turning, she embraced her self. Her new sword turned lightly as her feet where being pushed back in the snow. This monster...She had never seen it before in the game. She was level 200 and still...Zen was losing. She began to think it was a star fragment in the game, maybe a hacker. With a sweep to the side, she came back forwards slashing it in the side of it's armor. The thing looked like a giant Absole Nightmare crossed with a knight. Taking a few steps back she charged this time stabbing it into the neck. Watching as data green data streams came apart and reformed. Surprised she ran back towards the Chaos gate, holding up a world leaf within her hand she warped to a random area. Emerging...She felt angry with her-self. Standing there for a few minutes in the same stance Zen imaged how silly she was. Turning back she yelled snow field and was transported back. Looking around the monster was gone, their were sparkles floating over the place. It had warped out, turning again she went threw around wrap coming out in Forest Meadow. Within Zen's head she beat her self up about the whole affair. It didn't make sense. Walking further, her party locator indicated a party member was near by. "Lyn" Seen never heard of that name, nor had she ever partied with anyone by that name. Shrugging, she began to walk in the direct that the indicator pointed out "Lyn." Nearing she saw the players figure, smiling she ran over. Stopping a few feet from the player Zen introduced her-self.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][u][b][i]REAL WORLD[/b][/i][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Kenmei Z. TecAmoray [b]Age:[/b] 10 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] See Image (Blonde haired girl) [u][b][i]THE WORLD[/b][/i][/u] [b]Name:[/b] Zen [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Rank:[/b] Blademaster [b]Level:[/b] 200 [b]Item:[/b] Jester's Bane [b]Appearance:[/b] See Iamge. (Blue haired girl) [b]Signs:[/b] Floating are on the sides of her head, there are to intercom locaters. These are signs and a trade mark for her. Letting others know that she has the Jester's Bane unit and her level. [i][b] - Record Log - [/b][/i] Welcome to the world. (- Please log in, or register if you have not already done so.) [i]User: Zen[/i] [i]Password: *******[/i] - - - - - Logging in - - - - She wanted a few more minutes. Had her computer freeze? Becoming a bit frustrated she quickly the "X-Exit" button at the top of the screen...Nothing happened. She leaned back in her chair still waiting. Kenmei tapped the side of the screen. Data streams waved across the screen, she leaned back forwards as everything became distorted. Suddenly, everything went clear again. - - - - - Logging in - - - - Error - - Transmitting Signal. - Log Successful. Kenmei smiled lightly with joy, as she was transported to the game. But as she was going all the lights and color disappeared. Leaving nothing but darkness, bright white lights began to engulf her. They felt like something passing threw her body, she began to scream as she fell. A voice called out her name, she could see the wave of light floating upwards as she fell. Hitting the ground with a thump, she could hear rock fly and land smashing into the ground. Her eyes wide opened she stared up into a slate gray sky. Barren trees closed in and eventually she saw snow. Felling code, she watched as her breath lingered in the air. Sitting up she looked around her. How could she have gotten to the Snowfield? As Zen she had saved her log in Mac Anu. There was a sword in front of her, it wasn't her though. Checking her equipment she found that her sword was missing. Picking it up she equipped it. "I'll return you once I get out of her." she said, literally speaking to the blade's gleam. Zen began to walk in the direction of warp gate. Soon she began to run, it was beginning to be too cold. She had never felt any temperature flux in the game. So why now? Please [URL=http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/world.jpg]Click Here. [/URL]For the apperence. The girl with the blue hair is Zen. The girl with the blond hair is Kenmei. ------------------------------------------------ Please let me know if anything needs to be changed.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I took a try, but I didn't use the first two images because of: 1.) Yukin can be a ***** when mad. And those are his/her drawings. 2.) They're too small, blurry, pixelly anyways. I tried with the other three images though. I also made an avi for the "Can you feel it?" banner. Please let me know if you'd like anything changed. [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/av004.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/ban004.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/ban005.png[/IMG] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/ban003.png[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [quote name='AppleCore']Also it reminds of the aliens from the final fantasy film.[/quote] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]'Final Fantasy: Spirits Within'? Absolutely stunning job, Rofello. It mixes a technical feel with something more flowing/spiritual. I really love the colors, especially on the bg. Mainly because of the sight morphed on the inner curve of where the entity seems to turn. Did a great job with the bubble like effects. Since they just sort of contrast with the shimmering white lights. A great idea with turning the image, making it more vivid and inserting it into the bg. Like a mirror. I really like what you did with the numbers. Because the text seems to fit in perfectly. Especially where the three's sector branches off into the "86258183123". Speaking of which, I adore how you did the side line. Taking three different parts and focusing on them with Clouds, Luminary, Screen lines, effect. So that they have another feel. A great choice on font for pretty much everything. And I like the way you've chosen to place, "Rofello Designs" and Leviathons." But there are a few problems. The two biggest to me is the spacing on "86258183123." Some of the numbers has gotten mashed together, making it harder to read. The second is how the is all the "F's, E's, I's, G's, and S's" look a bit off. Mainly because of how they hit the color changes. And the lights fluctuating. Other then those two things, you've done a wonderful job. Both in concepts and the production. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]To find the image size in MS Paint: > Image - Attributes It'd probably be easier working on your banners/avatars from there. Your banner are very well done for something made with Paint. I personally like the way you do your inverted colors. Since they're saved so clean and the fact that it can contrast and stick out in about anywhere you choose to use it. All of them are beautiful eye candy, Delirium. Fav.s are the first and last two. A great job on Kayin's banner. Good choice of placement of text and characters. And the choice of what font you've chosen. I really like the way that on the "Cloud Sibs." the 'C' and the 'S' aren't perfectly rounded. Adds for a neat effect. You do beautiful borders. Great job.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][b][u][i]Student Sign up:[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Ai Lee Haruguchi [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Value/s:[/b] N/A [b]Appearance:[/b] 5'1 and weights 98 lbs. She has a bit of a pale completion, that contrasts with her green eyes and brown short hair. Her hair is boyishly cut and a bit ragged in the back. Long shaggy bangs that will sometime tend to cover her eyes. Generally wears a basic Japanese school girl out fit. Long sleeve black top, turtle neck, red and white hang, and somewhat of a short skirt. White socks and black shoes. But with a white hat that has two red streaks crossing over the top. Yet no bow or dangling ribbons can bee seen. Instead she wears a red ribbon in her hair underneath the hat. When not at school she wears red tinted sun glasses, regardless if it's raining or bright. Day or night. Or, just click [URL=http://www.psycko-manga.com/gallery/babe/14-5.htm]here.[/URL] [b]Weapon:[/b] 9mm Gun. [i]- HK USP 9mm, 40 Cal, or 45 ACP. Sleek and black, but unlike most guns. The handle rip has skipped two ridges, be specifically costumed for those who are left handed. So that it may get a better accuracy on shooting. It's top is in shining silver coating. On the right hand side it has her family's last name "Haruguchi" engraved in curves.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [SIZE=1][COLOR=slategray]Logo(s) and other artwork, for a lacking of title and creativity at the moment. I've recently did some drawings that'd I'd like some input on. For the pictures after the logo, you'll need to clicke on the titles to view. [b][Logo][/b] [IMG]http://brokeneyes.250free.com/logo01.jpg[/IMG] - The first "official" type of logo that I've done in years. I personally really like the logo, but as you see, it kind of resized funny. Originally it was on 2"25' x 1"25' paper. So the actual drawing was quite large. Any ideals on how to make it smaller without messing it up? [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/bee01.jpg]Bee[/URL] (Original) - Kind of board and started doodling, I came up with one of my only Anfro. characters. But rather then an Anfro, she's an insect. In the image I was mainly focusing on the string/ribbon like thing going around her body and the wings. [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/crazy.jpg]Crazy[/URL] (Original) -Just had a lot of fun with this one. I was trying out a new angle, but I don't think it came out right. But I really love how the hair and eye came out. The only thing colored in this image is his eye, but I think I may need to darken the shade of blue. The image is for a new manga of mine, a cover page for the first chapter. The whole thing is drawn in the same style. [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/ico.jpg]Ico[/URL] (FanArt) - Drawn after watching my friend finish the video game "Ico." As you can see, I'm terrible at omekie. ^^; I don't know the character's name, but I'm pretty sure it's one of, if not, the only female in the game. The image took me about 5 days. Omeke(sp), is artwork digitally drawn in MS Paint, BBS boards, etc. ---------------------------- C&C, please.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [QUOTE=Hittokiri Zero]Are you referring to the lower left corner? Or to how the top of Jo's back has more colorful and is more vibrant than her lowerback =o? [/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] I'm mostly referring to about 10 pixels after the shadowing hits the connector of her shirt. (The first strap, that looks like a belt.) It slowly increases, but once it hit's past belt it increases a little bit faster. Mostly on the left leg. [b]Avatar/Banner[/b] High quality, and a nice out take for the avatar. Rather then using her head/facial feature. I really like that fact. Having the font in white makes it stand out better then if you had used red. A good, texture on the bg. I think you've really gotten it to match the expression in her eyes. I think the 'me"' should be a little more to the left though. The cluster of spikes was a good addition to the over all banner. Especially since the shape is just kind of...Smooth, on the grudge like bg. Other then the "me" comment, I think the avatar and banner are perfect. [b]Layout[/b] I can't find any flaw in your layout. >>; So, I find it perfect. Personally, I find the bg's to everything beautifully done. All of it seems to have some kind of texture of sand. Simply, love the way you've done the navigation and the tow bars of "Going Up?" / "Welcome to DarakruSuru..." Mainly because of the color changes in the fonts and how it matches the main image/ over all layout so well. A good choice on Gaara image, it has a great cropping job. I like it's bg, and the red hat's spattered around it. Goes well with the font/font color. The banner for "Ethereal Forums," I've pretty much commented on it's design. But the text here fits better then the one in your siggy, probably because the "Z" isn't in the second word. A good contrast on the font below having a more flowing look. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [QUOTE=Hittokiri Zero] Here's a fun fact of the day: My wallpaper was probably the only wallpaper ever to be rejected from theOTAKU.com :p Either that or there was an error while I was submitting my wallpaper and it was never reached the intended recipient :rolleyes: Whatever the reason may be, because my wallpaper pales in comparison to the rest of the wallpapers that were submitted, is just another reason why I believe this wallpaper was hardly a "success" and could still use a lot of work. [/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Must have been a error or glitch. [b]Wallapaper -[/b] First of all...Those buildings are beautifully done, and match the color scheme well. As stated before, the words "Street Smart" get a little blurred and unclear. But the "Jo" just kind of makes up for it with the red and white, also the font. Matching it up to her character design. Personally, I think you're doing great with the light effects so far. My only problem is where they hit in certain places. Mainly, how the light and shadows meet on Jo's lower half of her body. I really love the way you've gotten the moon in. Specifically because of how it matches the bg and morphs when part of it hits the building. Other then the 3 things with the shading, I love the light. Since all the angles are corresponding, which a lot of people who make wallpapers have a problem on. A great cropping job, it's clean, sharp look adds for an over all great look. [b]Banner - [/b] I can only find two think you might want to change. The depth of which the ridged/torn pieces come down upon the character. And the "K," it seems a bit "mash" at the bottom with the "O" Said before, the font that the "Z" is in if kind of off. Other then this, pretty much go for something in progress. I like the bg a lot, because it seems to match the expression of the character. (I've never personally seen the anime, so I'm taking a guess.) Also a nice job adding the vertical line on the left. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][b][u][i]Weapon Cards[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Unit 00 [b]Ability:[/b] Takes away 200 HP from enemy. User may not attack for 3 turns. [b]Picture:[/b] [IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/eva00.png[/IMG] Credit to ReFulx for the idea, thanks.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][b]Your Username:[/b] Ruby [b]Magic Type:[/b] Dark [b]Type:[/b] Plushie [b]Picture:[/b] [URL=http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/rei01.png]Click.[/URL] [i]***Note: The image has been cropped to provide more easy, should fit perfectly.[/i] [b]Moves:[/b] [u]Broken - [/u] Using remaining HP, cuts both's player's current HP in half. [u]Destrado -[/u] Flip a coin, if heads opponents loose 100 HP. If tails no effect. [b]Color:[/b] Blue[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. Epsilon

    O Fortuna

    [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Am I too late? (Time differences) Also my apologies for taking so long. ------------------------------- [b][u][i]Sign Up[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Siaga Z. McAmoray [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Sex:[/b] Female [b]Kingdom:[/b] Gunvyle [b]Role in Kingdom:[/b] Alchemist Scholar [i]- Alchemist, better known as "Those who invade God's territory." Siaga is one of the kingdoms higher Alchemist. Working along with the other alchemist studying in the fields of biotechnology. To further advance the world's technology in general and to find what's wrong with the lands irregular climate patterns. Looking upon and studying the past failures of science for better results.[/i] [b]Description:[/b] Standing at 5'2' and weighing 108 lbs. Siaga's hair is bright blond, however this arises conflict on her age since her hair generally looks white. It falls limp and loosely, with long bangs that curl around her pale face. It short, very short and is cut like a man's. Accenting her vivid green eyes that have a mixed shade of brown creeping in from the out rings. Wearing a black long sleeved shirt. The sleeves break off into wide flatted, white, cufflinks, along with the high neck collar. The shirt is slated into four parts that sector off the body's side like panels. These outer lined rims are embroiled in white. Because of the panel sides front, it gives off no distinct gender. On her hands she wears white gloves. On her lower half she wears long black pants. It's silted three inches the way up from the bottom. Again, laced in a white thread. Within the pocket, there is a chain that dangles and loops around her waist. It comes from the watch she has in her pocket. Wearing brown boots with black heels. She does not carry any weapons other then to very small dissecting knives stringed together that always acts as her book marks. Cares around a fairly large and heavy red book, full of notes and failed experiments. [b]Personality:[/b] Very well mannered, studying and being alone for years has not left her like some of the other Alchemist. But rather then generally mannered, she draws away from most. Very smart, Siaga tries not to let her intelligence allow her to look down upon others. Since this is not always possible she has random out burst of being aloof. Having a high tolerance she can stand hers and other failure without any problems. ' Trying to be kind to others, she may seem a push over to a few. Reason being she keeps her mouth shut when; talked about, praised, insulted, etc. Because she knows she isn't any better then anyone else. [b]Background:[/b] Hailing from a long line of both History and Math Scholars and Alchemist, it is where she has learned the most about her fields of study. Growing up she was usually alone since most of her family would be called away to other kingdoms. Some to other continents even unknown to her. Considering most of this she has been left alone with books and bio factors. As a child she'd spend all of her time readying and studying. On the rare occasion, she'd find some older failed experiments from family members. And then would retry them over and over again, finding their flaws. At age 16 her father and mother were called off to the kingdom. To study under Gunvyle's name, and solely them alone. Her parents, taking into consideration that most of the family never would return and that they were getting older, they took the job and moved into the lower levels of the castle. Being left alone more and more Siaga began talking to some of the captives that were a few halls down. Learning that two of them use to be great Scholars, thrown down to the dungeons for heresy. After sometime they became friends, the two taught her more then she could hope to learn from books. Teaching her histories of other lands, sadly, after two years...One was killed and the other one died of a disease. She continued to study and learn about the other lands. Once her parents passed away, Siaga managed to quickly make her way to the top of the Scholars and Alchemist. Eventually commended into the top three of the kingdom. She's part of the group working on the problems with the weather system.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]There was a knocking on the door. Closing her book, Miyabi took the letter and walked over to the door. [i]Was it Orange? No, she couldn't have possibly been back yet. Her shift ended when the bell rang.[/i] Opening the door and slipping out she found that it was Lani. She looked distressed and worried. "What's wrong, Lani." "If you really think about it, having the students go through this...And then not giving them any special mental treatment is a terrible thing to do." Miyabi nodded, "Thinking about the test, about him?" Lani sighed, "I...Don't want them to feel the same as I did. The same as I do now." Miyabi stepped forwards and hugged Lani. "Listen" she said, "later at the meeting, we shall speak of Deja Vu. I have a plan to help the students, will you join me?" "Yes of course." "Good." "Also...What do you say letting our classes merge tomorrow." "Will that be allowed by the adminastators?" "I don't know to be honest. But we can certainly try. I don't think they'll be firing anyone anytime toon. The academy needs all the help the can get." "Right then. But how can this hepl the students?" "You'll see." Smiling lightly, she turned to the door. Both could hear the foot steps of students. Miyabi slipped in and began to speak with her students then dismissing them. Lani watched the door open back up and a flood of student come out. Once all gone, she watched as Miyabi came out. The two walked down to the teachers lounge and spoke of Deja Vu. After a bit of talking, Orange came in. She wasn't in the same type of feeling as she had been a bit earlier. Miyabi knew; how hard it was, the first day of sending off students to testing. Many to their deaths, but that could not bother them they had enough things to do. "Are you alright, Orange?" "So many of them are going to die..." "Try no to think about it. Tomorrow, more of them will be going." Oranged nodded, "Is Deja Vu really the only opinion for a test?" "You'd have to ask the Head Chair man." "However he may not know him-self." Lani included. "She's right." Orange went silent, Lani and Miyabi glanced back at each other. As three more teachers came in. One handed a note to her: Team 00 : 01 had detention duties. Standing she waved to Lani, who waved good by in response. The two left the room and made their way down to the detention hall. Opening the door, there weren't too many students. Many probably didn't want to be there this year.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  19. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]The ArcaDemon charged at her again. Pinning Kenmei against the wall, she dropped her boh. Watching as it rolled away; it glow and then turned back into her DigiVice. It's claws cutting into her shoulder. Struggling, she found that it made it hurt more and the claws go deeper. The thing began to laugh. Bring up her left leg, she kneed it in the abdomens and then kneeled it. Using the wall to her advantage in her movements. Falling to the ground she pushed her self up against the wall and looked around the room to find where everything had gone. Locating it, she pushed off the wall and dove for it. Taking up the DigiVice began to beep. [i]Where's the sphere? Does...Does the ArcaDemon still have it?[/i] Standing, Kenmei looked around to spot the ArcaDemon. She couldn't see him, and he had to still be within the room. Standing she looked around and then to the ground. Her blood had spattered everywhere yet she couldn't feel as much pain as she knew she should have. Had her senses gone numb? Out of the corner out of her eye she could see a quick shimmer of light. "CREST WEAPON; ACTIVATE" The boh returned to her hand and she charged into the darkness swathing at the flashes of light. Something hit the ground, she backed out to the places that weren't covered in shadows. Looking to the area of where she had heard it there was a pink glow. Running she picked it up and held it by here weapon. From where she held her boh...It felt like blood was being bumped threw it. Confused she looked at the items held within her hands. Both glowing violently, she wrapped a loosing cling of the chain around the sphere. She waited, Kenmei would have to let the ArcaDemon make the first move. Quickly she glanced around and them looked back...The sphere was gone. Before she could do something, she slammed into the ground. The Arcademon slowly driving rocks up as it came closer to cutting her neck. She could feel strands of her hair being cut away. Stabbing the ArcaDemon, she was able to slouch up. Bent over she stood up straight and screamed; [i]Love's Sorrow![/i] As the it came back again for an attack. Swatting the enemy with her boh she twirled it. Letting the chain fly freely, it twisted it's self around the things wrist. The AcraDemon couldn't move. Using the energy she had left, she took a few swift steps to the side and used the boh like a bat. Smashing it into the wall, dust flew around the room. Waiting she could see streams of light disappear and the AecaDemon was no where in sight. Kenmei's boh turned back into her DigiVice. "I'm still here..." Kenmei said in a satisfied voice. She smiled lightly, as she watched a door open. In that second, light seemed to hit every cornor of the room. And she could feel the ain in her body again. Shaking her head she walked out limping.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I see...tutorials.... >>; I'm too lazy to fallow those kind of proceeders when using Adobe. ^_^ Banner: .Hack I very much like the character placement with this one. How she's off more to the side corner, instead of perfectly seen, rather placed, in the banner. I also like the fact that the shading on the character matches up to the bg so well. Kind of like some of the light hits them and then reflects like metal. A good color for the bg, since it just kind of adds in an effect to the character. The feel with the bg matches with the character.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]As a beginner, your doing better then I do currently. O_& Moving, you've got talent me friend. Your work looks more then promising within my eyes. You've done a good job picking which text corresponds with the background and the character. Because the white text, outlined black can go perfectly well over the darker bg. Very well placed. I really love the back ground you've done. It seems to go along with the characteristics of the character. Mainly because of the lighting and how it is that the shadows fall into perspective with the character. Greatly done, clan cropping, and a clear save with the file choice. And a good job on choosing a type of border. There's one thing that I may find iffy. Heh, the character them self. I think it may be the lighting with him and the way his hair hits the some of the black bg. Not too sure though... Great work.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray][i][b][u]Sign-Up[/i][/u][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Nagi [b]Beast Form:[/b] The Spurious [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 19 [b]Appearance:[/b] A [URL=http://brokeneyes.250free.com/nagi01.jpg]picture,[/URL] is worth a thousand words. [i]- Featuring hair of Ruby Red, and every place where she should have scales is Ruby Red armor. Wither it be a metallic belt, wired fighting gloves, or armor covered boots. On her left hand she wears the armored ruby red glove from this hand becomes her weapon. In her beast mode, Nagi has a huge retractable blade on her right arm. Symbolizing a part of the Unborn.[/i] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Aikido, Kenpo, and Vale Rudo [b]Special Move:[/b] Dice Strife [i] - Using the retractable blade on her arm, she'll charge and slice her foe in the side of their stomach. Then turning with an abounded spin on her heal, she'll come back from behind with a greater speed and force. Letting a light emerge from her blade, it leaves the opponent damaged heavily. And if they are not a Zoanthropes...The attack is very likely kill them.[/i] [b]Personality:[/b] Currently, not all that intimidated by the other fighters. Nagi has become a bit more clam. Her tolerance level isn't something to experiment with, especially how she acts seems to now verifies a little more. Still, she's leans to be a bit like the same ol' Nagi. [b]Bio:[/b] When she had came back to Japan with Yugo, Nagi had been calm and fairly happy. However, since she already lives in Japan and not that far off from where the events have been their happening she decided to check it out. [COLOR=orange]"Your aware...About the deaths of some Zoanthropes. Aren't you?"[/COLOR] Surprised and worried, Nagi backs away. [COLOR=orange]"The Z-Murderer will, eventually, be close to this area."[/COLOR] "Who are they? And why are they killing, specifically, Zoanthropes?" The man waved it off,[COLOR=orange] "That is, seemingly enough to everyone we've contacted, unknown."[/COLOR] "This...Doesn't, make sense." Nagi fell back into her seat. "Could it be the reason I've gotten much stronger within a short period of time?" [COLOR=orange]"Could be. Find out why, see it with your own eyes. If not, the only thing I can recommend for you is to run. Get out of this place."[/COLOR] "Thank you, for letting me know." [COLOR=orange]"No problem. Good bye, Nagi."[/COLOR] The man walked away out the door. Closing the door quietly behind him. A few hours later from this conversation, Nagi was notified that the man had died. He'd been slaughtered, he had been a Zoanthrope trying to leave Japan. But had gotten killed in the process. Leaving her place near of the border of the city. She took a trip into the hear of Tokyo. [/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Upon entering the room, Kenmei found that it was fairly well lighted. The torches on the walls burned dimly, that shadows weren't fall on to the walls in irregular patterns. Back towards the beginning of the hall, back to the hall way that lead in from the door. She looked back. The hall seemed desolate and forlorn. Kenmei turned back forward and continued until she saw something glowing. There was a gray, stone, pedestal. There was a grove that was on the inside, there were small symbols. Breaking away and cracked, most likely because of the pedestal's location. Inside the groove there was a glowing orb. Staring it thing shimmered a faint pink then died down again. But along the walls the shadows begun creeping back. Taking a few steps, she reached out her hand. Letting it rest on top of the orb. She could feel a light breeze creeping around her hand then the rest of her body. Slowly and carefully she took it out. Holding it with both hands she examined it. Looking closely, into the clear/transparent orb, she could see the out line of the French curved heart. But it glowed faintly. After a few more seconds she couldn't see it anymore and the breeze that went around her went away. There was a smooth, eerie laugh behind her in the darkness. "How sad." it said, still laughing, "Wouldn't you like to be put out of your desolation. Leave this world, and yours?" She turned around two, small, red slits appeared in the shadows. They disappeared and a being started to emerge. Kenmei backed up only to find the pedestal in her way. Clutching the orb against her chest she used her other hand to reach for the DigiVice in her pocket. The thing saw this and smirked. It rushed at her, with it's large claws it cut into her arms while pushing her back breaking the pedestal. It looked over her and kicked her. Shoving her into more broken rock. She clutched her right hand...Empty? The orb was gone. She turned over and faced the ground, she felt like crying but held back the feeling. Dust hung in the air she inhaled some in and coughed. Some blood flew out and hit the ground. Growing angry, she whispered; [i]"Crest Weapon, Activate."[/i] She could feel the little thing turn into sleek wood. She angled it at the ground and forced her self up, although her back and neck hurt badly. She stared at the Digimon. He held it within the tips of her right claw. "If you wish to go down fighting, so be it." he laughed again, "I am [URL=http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/ArcaDemonRookie.html]ArcaDemon[/URL], and I shall be your executioner." [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Deja Vu was bad enough, being a by standard and viewing the test. Yet it wasn't as worse as watching the students who still remained. The rang in minutes, and more students came in. Miyabi stared on wards as they took their seats. Some reassuring others that were in tears. Other students just trying to hold it in, but she could see that they could not hold it in. And as soon as they were free, they'd start to ball like the rest. Miyabi shook her head, standing she quieted the class. "All of you that have lost someone due to testing, please stand." 3/4 of the class room stood, there were very few sitting. and they were the new recruitments that had came early this day or yesterday. "Those of you raised, stay raised." Miyabi said, smiling lightly. "Now all of you that have ever lost someone please stand." Everyone in the class room stood. There was no one sitting, a shiver ran up her back. Too many things were breaking. Shaking her head, she tried to think of something that might make them feel better. But taking their minds off of the death of their friends wouldn't help. If she tried that, once they went back to the self realization of what they had been occupied with, it'd just hurt all the more. "Tomorrow, every class that I have shall make a gift for those past. While take a short trip to the cemetery, and for those of you who's loved ones have not been lain down here, we shall arranged it so that it is sent back home and make sure it is rightly placed." sighing she said, "Any questions?" One of the male students looked up, and raised his hand. "What about the other classes that don't have any of their periods with you?" "I will try to work something out." Setting down, along with the students, she then began their lesson. As she spoke she scribbled down a letter to the office, a request. Of the spoken plan to try and get some time to the students. If it was to be or not, would be up to the Council. Orange was on the Graveyard Shift, and would be for sometime. She'd come back and then leave again to meet up with the students who came back. [i]I'll take down the request personally,[/i] she thought, [i]It'd be better that way, then I'll have time to notify the Art Club.[/i] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Wow, sweet stories. Didn't there use to be a few OB Crush threads around back in 2003 or so? Well, if you like the guy, I say becomes friends with him. If your already friends, you may just want to go for it. I personally thin it depends on their personality. And how they will react. Online or off. If he doesn't mind having a friend who has a crush on him, then tell him if you'd like. If you think he will have a problem, I don't recommend telling him. Imi, if the person is who I think he is. Go for him, looking at the guys in you signature list. From what I know of them, I don't think they'd stop talking to you. I think Chris is right on how hard it would be to meet someone off line. Unless at a convention or something, and both had everything planned out. It's totally up to you. And good luck to both of you.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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