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Everything posted by Epsilon

  1. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray]No problem, Silent Angel. I've started the RPG and have gotten out all of the PM's with the information according to what they've signed up for. Sign up are still open. Here's a link to the thread, enjoy! [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?p=587693#post587693]Tenjuo Academy[/URL] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [SIZE=1][COLOR=SlateGray] Welcome to the Tenjuo Academy. A place of learning. To extend ones knowledge, and release the magic within us all. Where all of ones deepest desirers and nightmares may come true. As the clock strikes five, the students begin handing in their test. Teachers on edge they snap the papers into orderly files, it's another testing day for some. Much more then they may think. The students all leave their class rooms heading to the next. As soon as all roll reports have been turned into the office, the speakers boom. Speaker: The fallowing students are to report to the front garden... A list of names were read off, the students that were called got all their things in order. They were clam. The teachers on the other hand were beginning to come apart. But none of the students knew, that over 60% of them that left this year. Would never come back again and that their replacements were begging found as they stood. The teachers sent them off back to their dorm rooms, instructing them then to go to front garden. Those that were not instructed by teachers, were the magic users. The had had all they need, however certain students did not. After school was out, students lingered around the halls. Speaking of what probably happened. And what they thought that they would face at their testing time. When the staff and personnel had walked by, the students could help but notice that they were all on edge. Whispers within every room could be heard about. "Those students who left, are being executed." "They Academy leader wouldn't allow that. They're battling with fiends..." The rumors went on endlessly. The number of urchin didn't help either, since they looked down upon everyone else and were in turn looked down upon to. The students stated around campuses for their clubs were all introduced to the newer students. A count of 206 new freshmen. And a count of now only 7,918 experienced students, a large drop from the begging of the year. They staff thought, we originally had 9,224. The academy had lost 1,306 students solely from the test. None of those students had been killed by any of the fiends and monsters surround the school. Hidden within the forest. It was pitiful. The staff could see it on the Clubs faces, the distress and the fact that they now were making friends with their friends replacements. Those who returned to their rooms didn't find a pleasant surprise either. For every friend that was killed, they had sent back the ID, and confirmation of that student to their friend. Many of them began to cry, and some left the academy. By that night, 3 students had died of suicide, and 113 returned home. By the next morning, the roll count had gone from 9,224 to 7,918 to 7,802 in one night. Tomorrow, approximately: 213 students were foreseen to die, out of the 350 that would be leaving that morning. And again, more students would leave. More will come, and more will become engulfed by pain. The students that returned, returned in devastation, finding that they'd never see their acquaintances again. They seemed to grow older much quicker, however, all of their abilities became enhanced. But since so many of them left or became personnel, it didn't matter anymore. The had something take away from them, something unredeemable. ---------------------------------------- Miyabi walked down to the teachers lounge, school would be starting within a few moments. Looking around she stared at some of the apprentices that were in the room. Getting her green tea, Orange grabbed a snack, the two walked down the halls back the way to the first period class room. Floods of students were still in the halls, procrastinating, heading to their lockers, or awaiting the roll calls o be able to skip school. The two walked at some what of a fast pace. "Miyabi, will their be more testing today?" She nodded, "You'll help in out in the cemetery today, won't you?" Orange smiled, "Yes, of course." Opening the door, the two went in. A paper air plane went past them, crashing into the ground in the hall. Then stepped on by hurrying students. Orange went up the steps and took her in the second level. Heading to her desk, on the first level, Miyabi tried quieting the class down. Opening the top of the desk laptop she opened up the roll count screen. As she started to take names down, she became confused by the noise. She had to do roll count before the announcements. "Class!" she yelled, "Quite down!" The room then fell silent. Out of a room of 24 teens and children she enter the 23 name when the speakers came on. While listening she hurried to type in the last name as counted for and sent it. 24 students present, 2 were missing. Listening to the speakers it went threw the same order as before. As the listed ended, she ended up sending 5 more students out of the room and out to their test. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [QUOTE=Imi][COLOR=Purple] Most of my drawings are done at 10 o'clock at night on the couch downstairs ^^[/COLOR][/QUOTE] [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Inspiration comes randomly, :p [b]00 : 01 - Imric Kagushi[/b] I really love his hair. And his character design is beautifully done. He has very good hair job, since it's nice and flowing. I like the expression, and how the cross comes done to hang. You've done a really good job with the details in the beaded/chain hanging around her hand. A good job with the effect of things rapped in cloth. I like the muscle movements, and the staff. You've gotten the hang of positioning the wrinkles in the clothing, but you need to work on how far they go into the center of the part. And how much the crease over. But this is the only problem I can see within this image. And it only arises within the upper most of the shirt. [b]00 : 02 - Razor[/b] First of all, I really love his expression. You've done a wonderfuljob with his eyes and the color of them. Allowing them to contrast with the rest of his color scheme. A fairly nice job on picking the color and shade of the guys skin. Also, the colors of the clothing and hair. A good job with shadowing and merging one color into another. You need to work on stokes though. because you can see where you picked up the utensil and then went back down again. So, the coloring could have been smoother. [b]00 : 03 - Tomonori[/b] I've never seen Juvenile Orion, so I cannot comment on how close you've come within his character design. I very much like the text you've done. It's goes really well with the over all picture, because it fits into how you've drawn the character and with the thing at the side. (No clue what it really is, but I have a guess) You did better with the wrinkles in this one. And I like his positioning. Nice job. =^-^= Should learn to Cg. Hope to see more from you. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Nope, it's perfectly fine. It's goof, since it skips some minor things that aren't really needed. And then head start to the point, making it complete. The spots created by some the RP'ers are still open for anyone who wants to sign up for them. *cough*Mystery Man of the past, apprentices*cough* After we get, a few more people to join, inclueding Silent Angel so that's 1-2, we may start.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Very good sign ups, all of you are in. -------------------------------------------------------- Yes you may Arika. However if no one signs up, you may make an NPC character to play as the Mystery Man. Hopefully, we can get someone to sign up as him. Also, a good question has come up. Thank you, Cyriel. If you would like to be in more clubs then one. The max is 3. -------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Master and Apprentice:[/b][/u] [i]00 : 01 - Master Scholar: Miyabi [COLOR=dimgray](Ruby)[/COLOR] 00 : 01 - Apprentice: Rana [COLOR=dimgray](Cyriel)[/COLOR] 00 : 02 - Master scholar: Takashi Musao [COLOR=dimgray](Lalaith Ril)[/COLOR] 00 : 02 - Imi [COLOR=dimgray](Imi)[/COLOR] 00 : 03 - Lani Yotsuka[COLOR=dimgray] (Arika)[/COLOR] 00 : 03 - Nic J.[COLOR=dimgray](ShadO MagE)[/COLOR][/i][/SIZE] [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] No problem, Lalaith Ril. Glad you joined. And it?s just fine Reflux. It leaves it open for more interaction. Thanks, ColourDeaf, Reflux. Great sign ups everyone. The Master Scholar is the one who takes up an appetence. If you are a student you can ask someone whose playing as a teacher is they will be your Master Scholar. Or the Master Scholar can ask another player to be their apprentice, or they can have NPC as their apprentice. -------------------------------------------------------- [i][u][b]Sign up[/b][/u][/i] [b]Name:[/b] Ken Miyabi [b]Age:[/b] 21 [b]DOB:[/b] April 6 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Years:[/b] 12 [b]Student Body:[/b] The Staff and Personnel [b]Clubs:[/b] N/A [i]- Club Position[/i]: N/A [b]State: [/b] Facility [b]Apprentice:[/B] Rana or "Orange" [b]Fighting Style:[/b] Magic [b]Persona:[/b] Because of her intelligence level, she is mainly magically based. She uses her intelligence well because she?s smart. But can often times look down others. Although this is not tensional she does it because she had been looked down upon when she had first come to Tenjuo Academy. However she may seem, she?s actually a very kind person. Very caring of all her students, she?s been teaching them the best she can, so she?s view as a ?hard? teacher during certain periods. Miyabi does the best she can to watch out for all of those at the academy. She tries to make everyone at the academy happy even those that are gone. When ever she feels that she?s in a way that she could hurt another, she draws away from everyone. So that she won?t hurt them. [b]Height/Weight:[/b] 5?2?/103 lbs. [b]Appearance:[/b] Miyabi has medium length, black hair, that only goes 3 inches past her shoulder. It?s re braded over allowing for a braded to fall upon and hold the loose flowing hair. With long bangs that are pushed to the corners to frame her face by her glasses. She has dull brown eyes, that have green creeping on the edges. Wears a school based red top. It has tri-point collar. On the second left hand side collar part, there is a small link holding a French cure and the academy?s symbol. Underneath she wears a long sleeve, fairly thin shirt. It?s turtle neck reaches high up, and the sleeves reach 2 inches past her wrist. Getting thicker at the end. Her red short sleeves are end with cufflinks that hang 2 inches past her shoulders. On her lower half she wears black pressed pants. Wearing black stockings, she wears black ankle boots. [b]Relationships:[/b] The only relation-ship she was really involved with had been with her apprentice. But sadly she died a few days ago at her testing. She?s friendly to all of the students and most of the other staff members. But doesn?t really consider anyone truly her ?friend.? Since she thinks they may get hurt. Since she doesn?t want that to happen she doesn?t communicate with some. And buries her self within her work. But she's currently taken on a new apprentice. [b]Biography:[/b] Enrolled at the Tenjuo Academy at age 9, Miyabi was treated a bit differently. Since it was her father who at been head of the academy back then. Before the head of power switched. When the head of Tenjuo switched she was then forced to take the test again. Because of her fear from the last time and not wanting to go threw it again. It blinded her, and she did a poorer job the second time around. During the second point of the test she injured her left eye with her own magic. Afterwards she was able to continue, but her friends she had been enrolled with never made it out. They had died during the middle point of the test. This caused her to want to become a staff member all the more. So she joined more of the clubs. Miyabi had once been the head of the Arts and Fencing Clubs. She had played piano for the band, but this all stopped when she joined the council. She had been on the council for 4 years before she became of age to become a staff member. And since she had wanted to train others rather then pass judgment. Miyabi was granted pass and was able to join the Staff and personnel. Currently she has been working to keep the students from failing the test. While also keeping up helping to supply the Art Club, and the Elementals with space, flowers, and everything need to help keep the cemetery in the back of the academy up, clean, and in perfect condition until the testing is done. It?s been a hassle from her, because she also is part of the ones who get the new students introduced, and the filing. When the free few hours that she has, she can be found in the music room playing the piano. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Getting up from her seat, Kenmei walked over and looked down at Elena. She looked better then before. And for a few minutes everyone and a while her eyes would start to move but then stopped. They never opened, Kenmei started to worry. "I'm going to go search for water or something for her to eat." she said turned to walk away, "Water or food would help once she wakes up, wouldn't it?" Zeos said nothing, he quickly glanced over at Elena then back to the fire. Elena was about two inches further then before. To make sure she didn't get hurt or burned. Darien nodded. Going past Imi, Lance, Takuto, and everyone else. She went out for looking for something to help Elena get better, or at least make her feel better when she wakes up. During the battle, she remembered what Elena had yelled out. To Kenmei; it seemed like she was hurt both in mentally and physically. The more she walked the more Kenmei worried. [i]I'll try to find something that can help all of them be happier...[/i] she thought. It was certainly bright enough to find things without too much difficulty. Because the moon was shining so bright. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  8. [SIZE=1]Welcome to the Tenjuo Academy. A place of learning. To extend ones knowledge, and release the magic within us all. Where all of ones deepest desirers and nightmares may come true. As the clock strikes five, the students begin handing in their test. Teachers on edge they snap the papers into orderly files, it's another testing day for some. Much more then they may think. The students all leave their class rooms heading to the next. As soon as all roll reports have been turned into the office, the speakers boom. Speaker: [i]The fallowing students are to report to the front garden...[/i] A list of names were read off, the students that were called got all their things in order. They were clam. The teachers on the other hand were beginning to come apart. But none of the students knew, that over 60% of them that left this year. Would never come back again and that their replacements were begging found as they stood. The teachers sent them off back to their dorm rooms, instructing them then to go to front garden. Those that were not instructed by teachers, were the magic users. The had had all they need, however certain students did not. After school was out, students lingered around the halls. Speaking of what probably happened. And what they thought that they would face at their testing time. When the staff and personnel had walked by, the students could help but notice that they were all on edge. Whispers within every room could be heard about. [COLOR=dimgray][i]"Those students who left, are being executed." "They Academy leader wouldn't allow that. They're battling with fiends..."[/i][/COLOR] The rumors went on endlessly. The number of urchin didn't help either, since they looked down upon everyone else and were in turn looked down upon to. The students stated around campuses for their clubs were all introduced to the newer students. A count of 206 new freshmen. And a count of now only 7,918 experienced students, a large drop from the begging of the year. They staff thought, we originally had 9,224. The academy had lost 1,306 students solely from the test. None of those students had been killed by any of the fiends and monsters surround the school. Hidden within the forest. It was pitiful. The staff could see it on the Clubs faces, the distress and the fact that they now were making friends with their friends replacements. Those who returned to their rooms didn't find a pleasant surprise either. For every friend that was killed, they had sent back the ID, and confirmation of that student to their friend. Many of them began to cry, and some left the academy. By that night, 3 students had died of suicide, and 113 returned home. By the next morning, the roll count had gone from 9,224 to 7,918 to 7,802 in one night. Tomorrow, approximately: 213 students were foreseen to die, out of the 350 that would be leaving that morning. And again, more students would leave. More will come, and more will become engulfed by pain. What was it, that had been doing this to all those students? Why the mass slaughter? Those who knew were responsible to make sure others that did not go threw the test yet did not know. Or every find out. What became of the students who returned? The returned in devastation, finding that they'd never see their acquaintances again. They seemed to grow older much quicker, however, all of their abilities became enhanced. But since so many of them left or became personnel, it didn't matter anymore. The had something take away from them, something unredeemable. As a student, will you be able to find out the cause of this test? What really happens, and why so many cannot succeeded. Or will you choose the path, or sending children and teens to their death beds? -------------------------------------------------------- [u][b]Student Body -[/b][/u] [i]The student body is form by the fallowing;[/i] [b]The Staff and Personnel -[/b] [i]The ones who keep the academy in running order. They are the ones who teach all the classes, plan out activates and are the most "involved" within the tangled web that's going about the school. They are the ones who have taken the same judgment 10 years ago and able to make it back. The strongest and both magic and physically fighting, each one also has an apprentice, other then their students, that they've getting ready for the judgment.[/i] [COLOR=dimgray](***Note: If you choose to by one of the personnel, you may also have other players apply for apprentices. Or have an NPC substitute for the non-played apprentice. Last detail recommended. You'll also be PM more information. )[/COLOR] [b]The Council -[/b] [i] Those right below the personnel. These are the students and teachers who shall pass the test to able bodied students who have been at the academy for at least 10 years. They have been taken away for judgment already, and are the ones who have returned. They are an elite group featuring the strongest, most and intelligent. The can within stand most physical battles, but their specialty lies within their skill fields of magic. May not be a Club Member, Club Leader, Appetence. They have learned the hard way, the effects of magic the barriers it puts up around them-self. Blocking from others. Have been at the acdemy for at least 15 years.[/i] [b] Apprentices -[/b] [i] Those who has been taken in and trained specifically by the staff and personnel. They are usually the most experienced within every task they do or could ever think of doing. Since they have been molded within the Staff's reflection. And then shown within their perfection.[/i] [COLOR=dimgray](***Note: I will let all of you know who I will allow to be apprentices or not. You must apply with the Master Scholar..)[/COLOR] [b] Club Leaders -[/b] [i] Students who have risen to the top of their skills. Wither it be an art form, cheering, or fighting. They are the most experienced and have been trusted within the most with held confidence and respect by a majority of students and club members. If their is a problem within any club with another...They are to see the council or talk it out with the other's Club Leader. But usually any dispute breaks out into a fight. The Club leaders...Tend to have some large egos. The are usually best at ground and air tactics. But use, mostly, physical strength.[/i] [b]Club Members -[/b] [i]Those general students held within clubs. Rounding off their skills for the testing. From the begging they've heard rumors about the judgment...However, 3/4 of all students shall not be passed on to the testing this year. Most of the 1/4 that does go, will die. All of the new students are their at the academy to replace what they've lost within the recent years.[/i] [COLOR=dimgray](***Note: Depending on their age, experience, and possibly what clubs they're in. Will determine if they go on for judgment.)[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Current Clubs[/b][/u] Fencing Club - [i] - Lead By: Silent Angel - Members:[/i] Kendo Club - [i] - Lead By: Imi - Members:[/i] Fight Club - [i]- Lead By: Reflux - Members: Cyriel[/i] Elementals Club - [i]- Lead By: ULX - Members: Cyriel[/i] Art Club [i]- Lead By: Cyriel - Members: ShadO MagE, Silent Angel[/i] [COLOR=dimgray]***Note: All clubs should be pretty self explanatory. The Fight Club, is basically; Martial Arts, and Boxing. It has the most verities including military tactics. The Elementals Club is magic. Art Club, ranging from music, literature, protesters, and those who specialize in voicing their opinion. Each club can have 3 leaders at the most, if we can get a leader just make up an NPC.[/COLOR] -------------------------------------------------------- [b][i][u]Sign up[/u][/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](students; 8-17, council 15 - ???, staff/personnel; 20 - ???)[/COLOR] [b]DOB:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](month and day only)[/COLOR] [b]Gender:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](male or female)[/COLOR] [b]Years:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](How long you've been at the academy)[/COLOR] [b]Student Body:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](see list)[/COLOR] [b]Clubs:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](see list)[/COLOR] [COLOR=slategray] [i]- Club Position:[/i] (leader or member)[/COLOR] [b]State:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](freshmen, senior, facility, apprentice, urchin, council....***Note: For those of you who don't know. "Urchin" is another term for orphan. They've been taken into the Academy. But receive lower treatment.)[/COLOR] [b]Master Scholar/Apprentice:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](Only if you're approved to be a Master Scholar or an apprentice. If not, N/A.)[/COLOR] [b]Fighting Style:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](physical or magic?)[/COLOR] [b]Persona:[/b] [b]Height/Weight:[/B] [b]Appearance:[/B] [COLOR=dimgray](if you use pictures, you better make a good biography)[/COLOR] [b]Relationships:[/b] [COLOR=dimgray](Students, personnel/staff, family lines, crushes, etc. Or any; friends, lovers, family, etc. taken a way for judgment/testing?)[/COLOR] [b]Biograohy:[/b] -------------------------------------------------------- [b][u]Rules:[/u][/b] 1.) Fallow the rules of the adventure arena 2.) Watch your spelling and grammar. 3.) Don't control other RP's characters. (That what the NPC are for.) 4.) Try to have fun with this. -------------------- Any question? Let me know, I'll be posting my sign up later. I think you've read enough for one post. >>; [/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][i]How completely and utterly distasteful. I wish that bigot was gone. I'm tired of his attitude, and my patients for him is running low. That arrogant twit, Zeos, you need to learn to use your intellect to the best of your advantage. If your going to do something, do it in an smart way. Not one that can get your seriously hurt.[/i] Lei's fingers began digging into the book covers. Tarring piece of the gray cloth off from one, and then the black and white off from another. The small, minuscule scraps fell to the floor as she fallowed Leo down the hall. Staring at the books she came to a stop. Bumping into Leo forced her a few steps back. Look up at the gang leader he turned and faced. "Problems, Lei?" "No, Sir." He placed two fingers upon her forehead. Staring at her he knew he had gotten her attention. Flicking her right between the eyes he grinned. Shaking her head violently, she went back to staring at the covers of the books. Feeling somewhat of ashamed. "Don't lie to me Lei." he turned and the two continued walking to classes. As they went further, Lei noticed that certain people were on their toes. More up and aware then usual. Contemplating the reasons as she walked she noticed a said conversation as they passed threw. Something about the girl known as Imi. Lei knew of her, since shad indeed talk with her for short periods of time within the recent years. But never sustained a real conversation with the girl.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]They sky was an orange, merging into pink, then to other flame like colors. The red vespa came to a hualt infront of the other gang members. The gang leader, Leo, hopped off. Taking off his helmet he brushed his brown hair back with his hands. Lei hopped off as she took his helmet and set it in the trunk along with hers. Lei waited, leaning against her red vespa she stared the gang leader. Her legs were crossed and the leg cuffs over lapped as one foot was to the ground the other on the side of her vespa. He was to the left of her. He was over a foot taller though, so she had to look up. Slightly smiling she began to do a roll count. Three were missing so far or maybe just 2 were just late. They all knew were Cale was. He was at home sick. They had no need to worry about him. Holding onto her side, she fixed her glasses with her empty hand. One of her lenses glared brightly blocking out view of that eye. She began to stare at the ground. There was a tap on her shoulder Lei didn?t shift her view. ?Do you have any ideal?? ?No, Sir.? she answered in reply, ?My apologizes. Rest a sure, I gave them the message.? As he grinned the man nodded, and went back to watching out for the rest. [i]?Suzuki Malizuma?.Zeos Uchiyama?.Where are you two??[/i] she said to her self, in a whisper. Lei only used first and last names when she was annoyed or becoming so. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] Kenmei heard Elena scream. Looking over to the cubical across, Elena was crumpled to the ground. One Digimon had been defeated, another was on it?s way. [i]Have to move faster?[/i] she thought. Still staring over Darien, Kenmei could hear the Poromon?s wings beating faster and more violently. Helping up Darien, she noticed he wasn?t able to stand fully. He was somewhat unstable and had to use his glaive to lean on. He shook his head and stood up straight. The Poromin came screeching across to attack the. However, both managed to duck and move to the side. Watching the thing retract, she looked over to the other cubicles to see how they were doing. The slightly transparent walls were faintly glowing for a split second, but the light disappeared. Were the walls coming down? She couldn?t tell. Darien ready him self and attacked, she then fallowed his attack as he came back. Both attack more strongly this time and the thing hit the ground. It started upwards but only managed to get half of it?s body weight up. The thing was almost gone. ?Kenmei, attack it in it?s right wing.? Nodding, she ran around to the side and attacked the wing. The thing hit the ground again, covering the place with dust. Swatting away the dust and dirt she found it was thick and could not see the Poromon, Darien nor the others. The dirt started settling, and she could see Darien. He started at the ground Promos. There were lights flashing around it. [i]Is that Data?[/i] Darien held his glaive up. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Personally, I can't find anything within this poem disturbing. (Once again, personal opinion) Moving on...I very much like your writing style, Pawn114. It's very well for this style of poem. And makes it flow all the more nicely. The poem is well done for the time you've spent on it. Not to many problems with spelling, but a few small ones with grammer. I like the over all feel, since it gives a feeling of uncertainness. Also, the way it's able to go on describing a death and what the death brings to the person's soul/spirit/mind. Without going totally in depth so that the reader doesn't stray, and can connect with the thoughts and main ideal of the poem. Hope to read more of your work in the future.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1][u][i][b]Sign Up[/u][/i][/b] [b]Name:[/b] Lei Nam [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Age:[/b] 15 [b]Appearance:[/b] Stands 5 feet, and weights 95 lbs. Lei has a frail build.She has long, limp, black hair, that falls down to the back of her knees. With a top upper braid layer, held by a stiff white bow. She has long bangs that fall curving her likely pale white face, that often over shadows the upper most of her face. She has dull green eyes. That are often covered by a lens glare coming from her think, rounded, glasses. She can usually be seen wearing something close to her school uniform. Thin, black, long sleeves underneath her short sleeve vividly red shirt. The shirt is a three tri-point caller. The thin black turtle neck crawls upwards hitting the button line of where her faces foreshadow hits her neck. Wears on her lower half; a black ruffled skirt. That has a three point panel that hangs over the front. attached at the top and at the righthand side. Wears white stocking, with an over lay red leg overs. That go 3 inchs below her knees and covers most of her red and white tennis shoes. On her wrist she wears a red brace on her left wrist. One each hands she wears three silver rings. [b]Personality:[/b] Intelligent, and smart, Lei thinks through every thing. Rarely ever confused, she can trick her mostly anyone she dislikes. Especially those who are mostly bran. Since they seem to lack what is needed to out wit her. Often seen as a geeky braininy act, she isn't really close to anyone out side the gang. Cares greatly about the gang members, and tries to make sure everything is right. For that she has risen to the side of the head of the gang. Associates with many of the other gangs members, but never exploits the other gangs. Since she thinks that?d it be cheap in battles. Thus she is generally caring about everyone, and uses her intelligence to the best of her abilities. Other then this, she is extreamly aloof. Cuased by her intelligence and the fac that she's smart...She has somewhat of a short temper. [b]Bio:[/b] Living calmly with no trouble of the gang interfering with much of the ?other sides? of her life. (School, social, family, etc.) She lives as an only child with both her parents. Both of which are fairly wealthy, and they live in a fairly large house. Impacting their decision on where they think she should go to school. Thus since she is not going to the school they had wanted her to go. After school days Wen. ? Friday, at around 9 to 12 pm. She goes to a night private school, for a better education. Than gang has no problem with this. Since she works efficently at the tasks at hand, and works well with the war of the gangs. Can often times be seen running around town caring out task for others riding a vespa. [b][u]Gang[/u][/b] [b]Gang position:[/b] Second in command, main lackey [b]Gang name:[/b] Twisted Zen [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]First and foremost, I really like the speed of that text. The images go a bit too fast, but wasn't it the slides per second the thing cut down during the file changes and variations? Heh, I like the fact that all of the images were kept clean. Taking into consideration, they're gif. format, and the size of the over all banner. You've chosen a good variety and choice of images. They all fall together nicely with the ideal of the over all banner. PS ~ Nice avatar. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I guess that I'll be the one to accept your challenge. Using a stock image from the; Hourglass of Summer Series. Mine: [IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/hg.jpg[/IMG] I await your post.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Very nicely done, ShadO MagE. I really like the flow of your poem. It's unique for almost every verse yet always has something in-between to turn the pace then bright it back again. It, for me, has a really great feel for reading it silently or reading it aloud. I also like the fact that it has the feel of a humans true thoughts. Always making sense in some light, but not always connected together right away. Sounds like it came from a strong mind that can take the ideal of a broken heart. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1] Taking a step back, she stared at her opponent. Quickly, she glanced back at Darien, he was ready to fight. However he still seemed clam. Rather as clam as one could be during the situation. Her knees began to stiffen, taking another step back she found that she couldn't. [i]This is a time to be afraid, come on...[/i] she said lowly to her self but not outloud, within her head, [i]Gonna have to strike sometime...[/i] Kenmei snapped out of her little piece of mind she had drifted off to as she heard her name being called. The was a strong wind coming for the forwards direction, the hit from the wing came in a massive stroke throwing her to the ground. The boh clanked on the ground as she went sliding in the dirt. She could here it laughing as she lied there but she still managed not to break her smile. "Get up!" Darien yelled, as he dodged the Poromon's attack. She nodded as she stood up and went into an attack position. Bringing back her Boh to her side she steadied her hand out in front as a guard. Watching for a few seconds and studying a few of Darien's attacks and movements. She waited till the right moment. Charging, she ran hit the lower part of Poromon's wing. (Near where it merged into it's body.) it turned, ignoring Darien and swatted her away. Hitting her slightly into a wall, but she braced her self with her Boh. She stood slightly crouched over, knees bent she attacked again and this time...She drew back for another attack without getting hit. Focusing for another attack, moving closer, she saw Darien go flying past her. She ran back to him, leaning over him she smiled lightly as he was still couscous. "Are you alright?" "Yeah, just fine." Darien grind, "That things doesn't seem to be tiring very much." Helping him up, Kenmei looked around at the other cubicles. "None of them seem to be tiring." Darien readied his weapon, "Heh, we'll come out on top of this battle." [b][COLOR=red]"How sad, you humans are all pathetic."[/b][/COLOR] the Poromon laugh evilly, [COLOR=red][b]"You can't even see, that all of you are weaklings."[/COLOR][/B] The thing came with another attack of it's wings, the two both managed to get out of the way. Darien attacked, fallowed by Kenmei's; they repeated this methods of attacking. But changed every few minutes. Standing with her Boh in her hands she stared at the Poromon, griping her Boh she shook her head. [i]I don't...I don't think any of us are strong enough...[/i] she said out loud to her self. Stepping back, Kenmei charged again to attack. But was hit out of the way again by Poromon's attack.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]There were now eight. Most of them seemed to be more then strangers now, some wanting to be more then friends. [i]This place brings out something in everyone one, I guess.[/i] she said to her self, closely looking at the fire. Crackles came, and a few sparks sprung outwards on to the ground. Looking to the others, Imi was asleep by Lance. Takuto was relaxing, and the rest were too. Taking the DigiVice out of her pocket she turned it over and examined it. The screen lit off a small glow, but it got darker and bright as the tips of the fire licked upwards. She returned it to her pocket and stood. Quietly she walked past; Lance and Imi so as not to disturb them. And then past Elena and Reis quickly, so to not get into their way of the fire. Pushing threw some bushes, she turned back to the others. "I'm going for a quick walk," smiling lightly she said, "I'll be back soon." Zeos sighed, "Don't get lost." Nodding, she disappeared. Continuing as she bushed her way threw more plants and threes she looked up to the starry sky. It seemed as though the Digital World had a larger constellation. Their moon was brighter, and lined the edges and craters with thin streams of vivid light. Scanning the area, there seemed no chance of movement. Other then the blowing wind. Going over to a sturdy tree she climbed up wards and sat on a high up tree branch. Contemplating, about the others. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Mine use to be a wallpaper. I'm providing a creen cap, for all those slower computers. Click on the link to see it full sized. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19801]Click here! To see full size.[/URL] [IMG]http://img78.photobucket.com/albums/v257/Zenjia/rap-cap02.jpg[/IMG] [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]i made two avatars. So that there is more of an opinion between them. If you'd like a different one or any changes, just let me know.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  21. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Sorry, about that. I edited it, the original image was in totally green. A green scale, I think it'd be called. So I couldn't really know how to just turn it to a ggrayish hue. My aplogizes for wasting haste.[/SIZE][/COLOR] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19777&stc=1[/IMG]
  22. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I took a try Arika. I made two two sets, both having a different quote and atmoshpere. So that you can have more opinions to choose from. Couldn't find too many "empress" images, orhter then the first. But the look was messed up by the black/ [b][u]Set : : 001[/u][/b] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19764&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19763&stc=1[/IMG] [b][u]Set : : 002[/b][/u] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19765&stc=1[/IMG] [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=19766&stc=1[/IMG] [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]You can find a few of the newer images at the Offical website. (for anyone else who want's to try, or in general, etc.) [URL=http://www.beastieboys.com/]Offical Beastie Boys Site[/URL] Anyways, here's my try on the banner Reflux. I haven't gotten the avatar yet. I'm looking/hoping to find a better picture Mike D. My sincerest apologizes. Let me know if you would like anything changed or a different banner.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]I had gotten in a year after it's manga release back in 2000 and anime release in 2002. And have just started to watch the after fallow up "Love Song, Killed." The plot and how the way the art style correspond is what had originally got me hooked on most of SINPre's series. Since nearly 5 of their works can tie into Saikano. I've personally have never gotten to watch Saikano fan subbed, or English dubbed. Which is all good since the Japanese sub titles were on, and I can read Japanese and speak allot of it. However there is one thing that confuses me within the title. The real name of Saikano is; Saishu Heiki Kanojo - 最終兵器彼女 Is called "Saikano" for short, by fans. The official translation is said to be; Saishu Heiki Kanojo - 最終兵器彼女 But the last word "Kanojo" has two different translations, making it two different names. "She, the Ultimate Weapon" or "She's the Ultimate Weapon." The other translation; ""My Girlfriend, the Ultimate Weapon." Although this is a minor problem I find; I'd like to know if anyone else knows the real translation. I'm thinking it'd make more sense for it to be; "My Girlfriend, the Ultimate Weapon." Since it fits more into the plot, though... dragonrose, I have no clue what your really talking about. Because "The Last Love Song On This Little Plant" actually ties in fairly well, in my opinion. Mainly because it allows the reader or watcher to enjoy it more. As for; [spoiler]They chose to fall in love.[/spoiler] I could never really understand it from Saikano. Other then; [spoiler]Because, Shuji knew that she could destroy or save the planet and he chose to ignore that fact and still love her. (Rather then going for a deeper relation ship with his best friend Akmei or Fuyumi. Chise chose not to draw away from Shuji's decision to get closer to her. And rather then turning into something like a killing machine, choice to keep her humanity and take the pain she had to endure all to be able for Shuji and Chise to be able to be together. [/spoiler] Other Stuff: I personally don't find Saikano depressing. Favorite character is; Chise and Atsushi. Simply in love with the art, and think the Japanese voices are better then the English ones. I think it is a simply beautiful story, and would recommend it to anyone who asks. [/SIZE][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=SlateGray][SIZE=1]Closing the wooden brown door behind her, Kenmei looked around. The window shades hadn't been opened. Walking out into the living room. She went around, setting her backpack on couch. She turned around and went back up quickly. Coming down to the end of the winds, on the right hand side, she jumped trying to reach the cord that would open all the shades. Standing on her tip toes she got hold and went back flat footed pulling the cord leaver making the huge shades rise and light in. Going back to get her backpack, she went down two halls and to her room. Leaning over her chair, Kenmei unlocked her laptop she pushed back the upper hand screen flip. Cutting open the package there was a peeping sound. Quickly sticking a piece into her mouth she put back the scissors she ran back to her room and grabbed her things. It was just an e-mail message. Setting the bottle and packaged container besides the laptop on her computer desk. She opened the e-mail. [i] - Sender: [EMAIL]digi@world.net[/EMAIL] - Subject: ----[/i] The subject was black. And all that was in the e-mail was a picture of a pink, french curved, heart. Staring for a few seconds more, she realized that the edges were faintly glowing. Curious, she placed her cursor over it. Soon, every thing disappeared. Engulfed within a white light. Opening her eyes, she looked around. There were rocks, rocks, and more of the same shade of gray rocks. Standing up she dusted her self off. Looking up, the sky was blue with white clouds. But there were waves of data coming in and out, just like the one's on her computer. "Where am I?" she whispered to her self. "Never mind that...What's this place's location? I don't remember any where having this kind of location." Within her head she pointed out North, South, West and East. Turning she began to walk to the North. However after sometime she came to a high mount of rocks. "Stop!" came a voice. She looked to the top, there was a ball of white fluff with a purple face and ears. It's eyes were beady, small, and black. The creature reminded her of some of the stuffed animals she had in her room. "Excuse me, but could you please; tell me this location." It pouted, "This is the Digital World." "Longitude and Longitude?" "How am I meant to know?" the creature sounded angry. "I see." she nodded, and quickly bowed before she began to walk away, "Thank you, for the information." "Where in the world to you think your going?" She turned, but before she could answer she was forced back and to the ground. Rubbing her head she stood; looking on. She noticed how another eye had appeared. It was red and seemed angry. "My apologizes if I had up-setted you." she said getting up. The thing yelled; Bubble blow! And another wave pushed her back. [COLOR=red][b][SIZE=2]How dare you turn your back to me as I speak! Do you not know who I am? I'm the Puppet Master![/COLOR][/b][/SIZE] "Well then, my apologizes "Puppet Master"...But I really must get going." she stood and began to walk away again, but was hit with a different stronger attack. Turning she heard the words; [SIZE=2][COLOR=red][b]Foolish human! Kill her, Yuramon![/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] Pulling her self up again, she watched as another attack was about to hit her. But to her surprise, nothing came but the attack was still there. Like it was still in time, she felt as something formed in her hand. Looking down at it, three words ran rapidly around in her head. Holding the device above her head, she yelled out; CREST WEAPON: ACTIVATE She felt it change as light surrounded and was send away from the device. Looking up she came back, and the attack was no longer still. It sent her flying back crashing into rocks. She could hear the thing laughing. [COLOR=red][b][SIZE=2]"Pitiful!"[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] Standing up she found that the device was gone and in it's place a boh. Standing she began to spin. "Forgive me!" she said as she charged and landed two direct hits to the head. The thing was on the ground with the top end pointing straight between the eyes. [COLOR=red][b][SIZE=2]Do NOT think that you have won[/b][/COLOR][/SIZE] Within a few seconds the eye began to disappear, upwards in red streams. The thing looked up in confusion. Grapping her hand, there was not longer a boh but the device again. The thing jumped up and down cheerfully, saying; Digi-destained, Digi-destained. "Please explain." "That Digi-vice is a symbol that you are a Digi-Destained." it ran around her in circles, "You've come to help save the Digital World, along with your friends, haven't you?" "There are other humans here?" "Yes!" "Can you tell me where they are?" "I cannot, but sometimes if your Digi-vice peeps it means there is one close by." "Thank you," she bowed down and gave it a kiss on the forehead. "I'm going to look for them now. But again thank you for all your help." The two then walked off, going their separate ways.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
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