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Sabir Tolacen

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About Sabir Tolacen

  • Birthday 01/06/1989

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  1. I love this show! luckily for me, I live in AK, so it comes on at 11 instead of midnight!But, i think his guitar is cool, but Dr. Gill didnt create him....Dr. Something or other did...you know the girl that looking for him? Her dad built him, and her last name is not Gill.
  2. I dont remember the exact quote, but in FF6 when Kefka pretends to be the emperor dude and kills Leo, and hes all like "How did you like my (whatever the heck the emperers name is) impression?"And hes all tlakign about how he should preform....but for FFVII id have to say Cid and Barret say some of the most retarded things...especially the golden wire of hope quote!
  3. No, I didnt switch the words Blade and Dragon in my title, and Im making this up as I go, so it probably wont make very much sense. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Legend of the Blade:The Quest for the Dragon... Part 1 Garen Garen looked down at his sword, the blade reflecting the light of the setting sun. A slight breeze blew through the air, and the sound of music from his small village drifted in the wind. He turned from the sun, and a small figure was seen leaving the village. The figure looked up at him, and a voice echoed from it. "Hey, you do know that this is a really corny picture, right?" "Yeah, but I guess the author just needed to put in a little something in there that we could gripe about before we have to get all serious." "Anyway..."The figure had continued walking toward Garen, and he stopped in front of the swordsman. "Hello Sabir." Garen greeted his half-elf friend, turnign away from him, again studying his blade. "Whats up, Garen?" Sabir stepped beside him, looking at his friend with concern. "We both know that im gonna have to leave here, with this cursed sword, and destroy it, right?" "But what can destroy it?No matter what you do, it alwasy turns up at your house...Its like you're cursed, not the sword." "I know what can destroy it. The Dragon...." Sabir stepped back from his friend. "I cant go with you there, sorry buddy." Sabir continued stepping back, shaking his head."I cant follow you to the Dragon.Sorry again!" With that, the elf ran down the hill, heading back into the village, locking the gate behind him. Garen sighed, turning toward the village, knowing that he coudn't come back. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Yeah, its over, but there's more! I just have to go soon. Tell me ur comments, and maybe, just maybe, ill write more.
  4. I dont understand whats going on in this forum....a mod will probably delete this or lock it or w/e, but its worth an ask :D
  5. Lan, you didnt make that one, did you? Here's mine....i just ripped it off of TODII, but my names not big cus I didnt want to ruin the picture...Yesm that pic was gonna be my avi, Lan, but I have a beter one now!
  6. [gl]My worst has to be in messengers......I can not type in messengers (or on forums for that matter) I hunt and peck, so i always have letters like "hace" instead of have, etc. the worst has to be telling people that "i m bucy" instead of "im busy" :confused:
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