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Everything posted by GreenEyedDragon
well, this is very long, but there is a reason for it, i promise. [color=magenta]okay, you are the pilot of an airplane! the copilot is a 45 year old retired, blonde nurse....heh. First class is painted with pink walls and the chairs are robin's egg blue with purple polka dots. The window covers are painted black with the moon and stars on it, and the carpet down the aisle is bright yellow. The flight attendants in 1st class serve macaroni and cheese with ice cream and the toppings of your choice. Second class is painted neon green and the chairs are orange with red stripes. The window covers are designed to look like pinwheels in assorted colors, such as green, yellow, blue, pink, black, and grey. The carpet down the aisle is yellow with pinapples patterns. The flight attendants serve the usual peanuts with skittles on the side and your choice or drinks. Coach is painted navy blue and the seats are black leather with satin pillows under the seats. the window covers are beige with navy blue stripes, and the carpet down the middle is maroon. The flight attendants serve hot meals off a menu from a 5 star restaurant...The flight attendants' uniform is a comfortable, long, green skirt with a t-shirt top and matching flip flops!................................................................................................now, how old is the pilot? (answer=how ever old YOU are, because you are the pilot!) this is my favorite joke, but only when i'm able to say it, and not type it, because then the people i tell it to can't look back and catch the answer. I believe i heard it from my sister...[/color]
Have you ever had a bit of a..tiff with your pet? For example: I have a cat named Boots, and she absolutely HAS to drink flowing water. So what she does to attain this is she goes into bathrooms and sits on the back of the toilet and waits for people to show up. When they do, she run and sits on the sink counter and SCREAMS!~ She does this until you're completely annoyed and give in. So, i really really had to pee and she does this little scam of hers and i was in such a state that i threw her out of the bathroom so that i could pee in peace!...i don't go and yell at her while she's in her precious little litter box! *sigh* So, have ya'll fought with your pets? Please, do tell!
[color=sea green] I usually reply to posts that catch my attention...or something that i can relate to. Also, if i'm reading through the replies and i see something that i have a strong opinion for or against, or maybe just something that i have a different perspective on! I just has to partain to my ineterests or my beliefs. ~Alex[/color]
Baby Cristophe Jon Michael is Here!
GreenEyedDragon replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[color=sky blue]i don't usually go around putting words into people's mouths, but i know that everyone on OB is extrememly sorry...i personally have known two people, now, that have experienced this exact tragedy...i'm still very speechless, i've gone numb...i have nothing to say...i'm so sorry--i hope you know that all of us are here to comfort you and we are wishing you...better. ~Alex[/color] -
[color=pink]heheheh...i've been to disney world once, and the technology part of the park hadn't opened yet, and there was this HUGE line, and since my family was there to see space mountain, and it is a popular ride, my dad said "when the gates open, run (points) that way!". So, when i didn't take him literally, and the gates opened, my family took off...I caught up with them, but i was in quite the fit of laughter...you see, me mum isn't exactly the skiniest person alive (although recently she has lost a lot of weight) and to see her run like that was HILARIOUS! you should suggest to take a nice little jog around the technology part of the park to you family as well....you wouldn't believe me if i told you that WASN'T a race.....it was bewildering how many people decided to run, too.... *starts laughing all over again*[/color]
i think if i'm in a class where the teacher lets us talk and sit together while we work, and i have a lot of friends in that class, i get really really hyper....i haven't used drugs--don't plan to, so i wouldn't know about that...umm, being the band geek that i am, if i do really really well (like being a freshman and making the top band at the high school, unexpectedly) then i get really exstatic! (sp?) anywho..that was my two cents
The 4th of July! *Lights rather large Roman candle*
GreenEyedDragon replied to Domon's topic in General Discussion
i'll probably sit on my roof and watch the fireworks...my dad may decide to drag us out there...he was talking about it, but i'm not really into sitting on our itchy blanket in a feild of dead grass and burrs...so we shall see how it goes -
i had a band director who had anemia...she had to go through a surgery and was out for the rest of the year (she was replaced with an annoying over-obsessive jerk) but she's just fine now...still the best band teacher i've ever had, so i think that you'll be fine.
Baby Cristophe Jon Michael is Here!
GreenEyedDragon replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
[color=sky blues]well, if he had shown up when planned, he would have been born two days after my birthday...*sighs* o well. I'm very happy that they are both healthy and unitl Deb gets back from the hospital, Sarah could you please tell her we all send our congradualtions? I am glad that the baby and her are both fine, and i think its a miracle that he's okay...hmm the miracle baby...nice ring to it... With joy, Alex[/color] -
[color=red]i was a kid, maybe 7 or 8, and my sister and i were fighting over who got to use the microwave to heat up potatoes to therefore make "baked" potatoes. I got ticked off and slapped her, and got in big trouble and sent to my room. My only glory was that she had to make my potatoe and fix it up and bring it to me with a fork and plate. So i ate my potatoe and beng very put upon, i decided to run away by way of my second story window. I tied all my blankets together and fought with my window screen and finally was hanging out the window, and chickened out cuz the bushes below looked questionable. So, i know have this torn up window screen and to avoid trouble i hid it under my bed and hoped nobody would notice. For weeks i got away with it, till we all had to clean our rooms and they were checking under beds...my screen's hiding place. Let's just say it was the most unpleasant couple of weeks afterwards and i hated my mother, who decided to inform everyone she met of my pathetic attempt at running away....*sighs*[/color]:demon:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by anatema [/i] [B] once i remember i had to write a report and it was due the next day, but she wanted me to wash the dishes. i told her my grades were more important and that i would wash the dishes later. she got mad at me and started yelling and i got so mad i started crying. then because i was crying, she said she was gonna make me cry "for real" and so she started hitting me. i got even madder and as she walked away i started punching this desk and my whole forearm was purple and skin was dangling off it. she got mad and hit me again. you can't disucss things with her because she's the ******* devil. [/B][/QUOTE] Harry, i don't know if you read through the whole thread or not, but she is getting abused, and its not just some parents hate teen episode, her mom really has some issues, so there's no need to make her feel worse by blowing it off and telling her to suck it up. anatema, i seriously think the next time she hits you or abuses you, call the police, and they'll get you and contact social services. If you do this, they'll take your siblings away too, and you won't have to worry that she's taking it out on them. Also, where is you dad in all this mess? are they divorced, or did he pass away, or leave her? if they're divorced or even if you merely know where he is, you might want to pack up and leave once you're 18. By then she can't call you a missing child, and you can live with your dad. But whatever you do, if you leave, make sure that you're siblings arent left with her, she might take it out on them
that's quite the morbid story hayley, but in ophelia's point of view she was looking at isilya when falling...right? anyways, was that really posted in Ceobryn, or did you make it all up based on Ceobryn?...good story!
okay, i'm thinking that if we all just type a sentence or so efore the word, then its not REALLY spam...so that's my sentence word: [color=green]green[/color]
[color=red]you can feed them dry oatmeal, because the moisture inside them will make the oatmeal expand and they'll explode....but see then you would just have DEAD ants everywhere, so maybe an exterminator would work better...[/color]
i had recently mastered standing up and riding my bike at the same time (i was maybe 9?)....it had taken me awhile cuz i was a wuss...anyways, i had gotten so used to it cuz i rode like that all the time, and my hair got in my face, and i wasn't thinking and let go with both hands standing up on my bike to fix my hair. I completely just annihalated my right hand and knee, i still have a scar on my hand...maybe my knee...havent checked lately and i can't remember i have a selective memory.
Writing Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
GreenEyedDragon replied to Epitome's topic in Creative Works
i've read all of the Harry Potter books, and her imagination continues to draw me into her world of fantasy. But no, i haven't gotten the book yet, and i haven't arranged to get it yet *sighs* but i think that Darkmoon is right, she will probably be awhile writing the next one....unless the series ends with this one, so i'm not sure. I can't wait to read Order of the Phoenix though...everybody is talking about it...*fidgets* -
Writing An interesting perspective
GreenEyedDragon replied to GreenEyedDragon's topic in Creative Works
it was not my first poem...lol not at all, that would be really really interesting, now wouldn't it? Naw, thats just the first one that i've posted in here...although i don't have too many....thank you for your compliments...i appreciate it:D -
[color=sky blue]Well, here goes...i've posted on here with my story that in my sig, but this is my first poem...so just tell me what ya'll think.[/color] [color=green] The Maze I think that i love you but how can i tell? is it crying when you go away? or wishing you well? I never like to see you go, i want to be with you always between love and like, i go to and fro i seek an answer at the end of a maze And oh, how this maze is overgrown there is no visible path but i cannot be shaken, will not be thrown i'm at the mercy of my own mind's wrath Occasionally, i think that i'm near but i want you to help me through i want a certain answer, but the opposite i fear and i can only find the right one with you I've never felt this way before everyting is so new i've walked right through the prettiest door and the hardest obstacles i am to go through if we are to make it to the end of the maze by helping each other the whole way through then maybe, just maybe, i can spend all my days with you.[/color]
do you not like the cats? lol nice response
[color=sky blue] I was swimming tonight just about 45 minutes ago, and one of my favorite things to do is go to the middle of the "deep" end (my pool is only 5'6" deep) and just float with my eyes closed....its so peaceful and quiet. SO i got to thinking...i wish i had a secret place...y'know, where you can just go a hide away from the whole world...a place that nobody knows about and where you can just leave it all behind. I don't think i've ever had that...except when i was little--i would get up and set up my barbie 'neighborhood' all across my bedroom floor, and nobody would be awake, and i would just think the dialouge in my head and that was all mine...nobody else could have that with me, because it was only special cuz i was all alone. I'm never really alone ever...there are always people around, that know where i am, and don't have to even wonder what i'm up to. But i wish i had some kind of secret garden; a nice place that didn't require maitenance, and it smelled lovely....with a doorway overgrown with red rose vines...and a fountain where i could sit and think, or cry, or laugh, or just be....i wish i had a place where all my troubles just melted away, and i could feel good and happy all over agian.... but see, i don't have that...not yet atleast...i hope i can find my secret place someday, but until then, i would like you to answer me this: *Do you have a secret place? -whats it like? -did you used to have one...and it melted away? --if not-- *what is your fantasy secret place like? *would you share it with someone...someone special. or something to that extent? I think this might end up in the literature forum, if we don't stay on the subject, so be careful and don't get too carried away with your fantasy secret places, okay? have fun! [/color]
[color=green]which forum do i like?...the Lounge and the poetry/fan fiction/ literature forum....yeah Why? i'm kinda getting into poetry, so its cool to see how i could be when i write more often... where do i hang around ob? the lounge most often [/color]
[color=purple] My parents are not divorced, they've been married for about twnety years or so now, but i heard a percentage that only 56% of teens live with both of their natural parents... That could apply to being a dopted or something like that, but i assume a lot of it has to do with divorced parents...so i was wondering: Are you parents divorced? Were they divorced recently? (if so i truly very very sorry) How did you cope? I have some friends with divorced parents, and i think that for most of them it is a very touchy subject, as it may be with some of ya'll...but i know there might be some people out there that are comfortable with it. I think this is kind of for some information though, because i have a lot of friends that come to me for help, and i have no experience in dealing with divorces, so why not ask the 'experts'?...
thanks arkadyz, i know we had a bit of a tiff when it came to guys asking girls out and not the other way around, etc...but it all turned out all right, so thanks anyways~
[color=sky blue] I think...i think that this is a very controversial subject and not many people want to respond to this, because for the people that don't care if you're married or not--they probably don't want a lecture...and then the people who are set in their ways and think its just wrong will be all offended, and it will be a mess...And then there's people in the middle, like me, who are still finding themselves, and etching out their morals and values, who can't really say what their opinion is yet...so yeah, that was my tidbit...[/color]
[color=sky blue] I would like to think that i would be able to fight to defend myself, and others that are being afflicted. I would fight for my family, and friends, and the person that i love. I would fight for my morals and my ideals, and i would fight for the right to freedom for all people, as well as equal rights. When it comes to the point that i take a chance and try to make my voice heard in society, maybe i can make a difference in the equal rights part, but until i turn maybe 18--probably older--i'm pretty sure that no politically inclined adult will even bother to hear me out...so i will wait, although the people that deserve equal rights may not be able to, there's not much i can do. I think that not physically, but maybe verbally, i would fight for my religious beliefs. I will not, and don't plan to, force anyone to share my beliefs ever, but i will stand up for what i believe when someong bad-mouths it. Anyways, that is what i would fight for, if and when i can/need to. [/color]