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    I'll turn your soul into one of many assorted baked goods

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  1. There's ghosts in Luigi's Manson. :D
  2. For me? Batman. Why? He can take out pretty much any hero and/or villian. And what's better then a millionaire that's always angry? [QUOTE] [B]...I'm sorry, but I have to do this. No he can't, Spider man cannot shoot webbing from his wrists, he can only do that in the movie and as a fan of comic and animation I have to point it out. Of course it it so much cooler if he could do that instead of having those cartridges that run out at the most inappropriate times. [/B][/QUOTE] Correct. But in the Spiderman 2099 series he can shoot webs from his wrists. [size=1][COLOR=orangered]Please do not double-post; if you have something more to say, use the EDIT button. -Sara[/COLOR][/size]
  3. I think TNA will be going places. I too prefer TNA over the WWE now since the story lines and matches are A LOT better. I can't wait for next weeks cage match.
  4. I personally think the mods are too strict.
  5. I know it's pointless :D . But so are half the other threads on this board :sleeping: . Thanks for you welcome :)
  6. For me, probably in history class. I fell asleep while we were watching a movie. Pretty funny.
  7. I'm from the planet Funkatron. :D
  8. My Science teacher is cool. Me and a bunch of people call our assistant Alg. teacher Satan. Pretty funny stuff.
  9. There might be such thing. Who knows?:blowingup
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