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Everything posted by Skyrose

  1. I believe that people who rev up their motorcycles in their backyard daily should burn in hell. Damn my neighbors. Haha, on a more serious note... I guess I only have one philosophy: Everything is a balance. To gain, you have to lose. And when you lose something, you also gain something else. Example, for one to live another has to die. We have to eat, and plants *do* count as living things (Although anymore, I wouldn't be surprised if half of what we eat is plastic...). In a plant's case, it's a matter of space. For saplings to survive, the old tree blocking out the sunlight has to fall. Balance applies to many more aspects of life and death, but I'll spare you the boredom :)
  2. I hope he'll be okay soon. I can't imagine what it would be like to actually lose someone I'd known well... I had a great uncle die, but I was really too young to understand death too well. It's great to hear your great grandfather is doing better, even in the smallest increment :) Make sure you at least call him, you can't regret it
  3. Well, I don't believe in talking to people that died, but it's always a possibility. Possibilities are something never to close your mind to... But other psychic abilities, yes. I think it takes a strong intuition, a strong will, and a lot of practice.
  4. Yeah, Fall's got the answer. Depression is like an entity in itself... you just have to show it that you're stronger. And that'll scare it off.
  5. The mentality of the Japanese military at the time, was that they would die before they surrendered. And crashing their planes was an honorable thing in that point of view...
  6. Never let yourself sit around to think about it. After a while, it just starts to get to you, and it ends up being all you can think about. Then people do things like kill themselves. I almost did O.o But I have no chemical inbalance, I'm just dumb, I don't know what it must be like to try to fight it... I wouldn't take those drugs, I'm sure it's been proven that they eventually lead to more harm than anything! I hope you can get around your inbalance without them :)
  7. I actually found it kind of amusing. And interesting. I think I'm going to keep watching it... the only thing that irks me is that one... guy's... nose... grrr. It's bigger than his face, it bugs me so much. But I'm weird like that ^-^;;
  8. Ugh, relationships are so confusing, I'm sure everyone has done something like that in their time. If not, I'm sure they will. Don't feel *too* bad about it! Depression is a natural reaction to stress... and well, that's proving itself very clearly here. As long as you relax, you won't be depressed. It seems like you've figured that out though ^-^;;
  9. I like your style. Yeah, I know what you mean Ginny, there should be about half a headspace between the chin and the bottom of the collarbone, and the pectoral muscles are right below that... So, keep halfa head-length in there, DD. Just read up on human proportions and I think you'll be great at this stuff :)
  10. Wow, I really like the textures and different styles. They make each character stand out. Only one thing bugs me, but I think I'm the only person who it'll bug... the fire guy's arms are crossed way high. I know a lot of people draw it like that, but... I've never seen a real person cross their arms and hold them up like that. Hehe, I'm such a dork for noticing these things... ^-^;; Very nice picture. Veeeeery nice.
  11. Aw man, that's so awesome! I didn't even think lucky stuff like that happens in reality, it's never worked like that for me -.- You should feel really lucky, that's so awesome =)
  12. I was never supposed to be born alive. My mother spent two months on the couch, about 5 months pregnant, rarely moving from it because she'd start bleeding. And I was supposed to die because of that. But my parents didn't want to give up on me. And I was born exactly on time. And I'm still alive, and as healthy as I've ever been. I guess that's against some odds? Wow, a lot of people weren't supposed to survive... are doctors just paranoid anymore?
  13. The sound of silence. Absolute silence, like 2 in the morning, hanging out my bedroom window, just enjoying it. Is that weird? O.o ^-^
  14. Yes, the second one is great, the first one's hard to see. I like the choice of pictures in the second one ^-^
  15. At any time between midnight and dawn, I sit by the window over my bed and just stare out at the street light on the opposite corner. I like that street light. I don't know why. But it's always so empty, except for the birdsong. The night is always so clear compared to the day, and the wind feels nice coming through the window. And everyone in my house is asleep, or silently locked into their own rooms, so I can think clearly. Between those hours, I just feel like I belong in the silence and the night. It's beautiful. If I ever need my own time in the day, I usually go outside and sit on the trampoline and stare off into space or draw. But sometimes people disturb me... -.- After dark sometimes I walk around in the less populated parts of town. Sometimes.
  16. I like to isolate myself from the world, and draw. Sometimes I write. I play bass. Maybe I'll sit in my backyard and draw or just stare at the clouds, if the neighbors aren't being too loud. Neighbors suck -.-
  17. No matter how drastically I've changed over these 16 years, I find that the old values and thoughts I've inscribed in my mind when I was a child never change. It's the things you learn and are given in the first few years of your life that just seem to make up who you are on the deepest level. And no matter how hard I try, I can't change any of it -.-
  18. Oh man, that's so sad... :( But yeah... nothing really freaks me out or pisses me off more than a guy being persistent on me... O.o I think that goes for most girls... People won't make you happy. *You* will. You have to figure out exactly who you are and what it is that you're made to do. Once you have yourself established, you'll gain a new confidence, and people will see that. People like confidence. Then they'll probably like you. Life sucks... people are never around when you need them the most, and they swarm to you when you've finally learned to live without them -.-
  19. Sleepwalkers. I think it's because I can see their body there, and they're moving, but somehow I know they're not *in* there. You can just kind of tell. That's #1... I agree with Ruby on the love thing, I freak out if I find out anyone might like me. I don't know why. Watching someone die. I never want to see anyone die. I guess that comes from when my dog died... O.o Gah. I was right there, it was gross. Oh, some people mentioned the exorcist... and it made me think of that scene where the girl was crawling down the stairs backwards, twisted like a person's not supposed to twist...! People bending and twisting in ways they aren't supposed to be able to reaaaally freaks me out. Gaaaahh...
  20. Yeah, I think it's real. I've been messing with it for a while... I usually end up hurting myself, haha. I haven't ever seen it, but I've definitely felt it... It's the kind of thing that can give you cramps and headaches and stuff. I'm sure someone who's been messing with it longer than I have can do more with it... I'm getting there ^-^
  21. I like it, it's got an appropriate intensity to it. The wavy font is a little out of place, it's sort of cutesy... whatever, it still works. Nice ^-^
  22. Oooooo it's very prettiful.... I like how it's semi-transparent and the gold is awesome. The font's hard to read though, but it's not that bad. I got it eventually ^-^ Awesomeness.
  23. Hah, I saw that and I just cracked up, that's genius! The expression on the face fits the picture perfectly, too! My only peeve with this is the shoes... one's pointy and the other's round... and I don't think that's how they're supposed to look. But hey, I like it ^-^
  24. Wow. That's very nice. You *do* have talent. There's just something screwy with the shading on the hair, I think you should add a bit by the right side of her face (I mean *her* right, now yours... it would be your left... oh man.) Hah umm... yeah, she SPX said. ^-^
  25. I like how it's set up, and I like the font. And the picture of Wolfwood you chose is good too ^-^ The only critisizm I can add is that there's something about the blue in the background that clashes with the rest of it... maybe it's too... intense or something. I dunno. Or maybe the grey isn't dark enough to match it. Something like that... ^-^;;
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