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Everything posted by Skyrose

  1. You need to think more about the bones and muscles under that form, and don't be afraid to spend time to add details. Details make interesting pictures. I actually looked through this site to learn about figure drawing in anime: [url]http://www.bakaneko.com[/url] It took me long hours to get it right, but it's *very* much worth it. Have fun =)
  2. Hehe, I really love the expressions you put in your drawings, they're just perfect. It's really hard to execute a perfect expression (speaking for myself anyway... -.-) Beautiful. ^-^
  3. You could have given it more depth with a little more well-placed shading, but I think it's very nice. I like her hair color... the green and blue... man, now I want to change my hair. That's cool. The second one.. yeah, the shading, but nicely outlined and colored.
  4. Holy... wow. That's *awesome* The thing that might be bugging you about the neck is that it looks like it gets a little bigger toward the top. Heck, that's barely noticeable from my standpoint though wow. O.o
  5. ah, it's cute ^-^ I really like it, very nicely done.
  6. I like it. :D The only things that really bug me about it are 1) the character design. Especially the noses on some people... O.o 2) The fighting could be more interesting, and Jiro doesn't have to finish off his enemy in one episode. That just makes the fight seem rushed. And I really like the whole android-to-human theme. I'm just weird like that.
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