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  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by aYokano [/i] [B]May I ask a qustion?What is hentai and can you give some examples.I just don't know what it is. [/B][/QUOTE] it's um..... *bbbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeppppppppp*...and that's it. You should just look it up. ^.^ I don't think it's a very..uh.. proper thing to explain on OB.. heh.
  2. I know! I can't believe it either... they shouldn't have taken it off of Adult Swim....-_-. I was waiting for it to come on last night, but instead Lupin the 3rd did.. *sigh*. So the movie's coming out on the 24th? I'll be sure to get it! ^.^
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jim_Hawking [/i] [B]No not THAT one, I mean what was the very first anime you ever saw, and why did that convince you to think "Hey, this is kinda cool." For me, it was Sailor Moon. I honestly couldn't tell ya why it convinced me, but...the funny thing is, I'm a 17 year old guy, yet I still watch the occasional episode. [/B][/QUOTE] ^.^ hehe. It's ok! My first was Sailor Moon too. The second... pokemon?... I dunno, there might've been lots of anime I watched after Sailor Moon without knowing it was anime. O.o. So what? I was young! ^.^
  4. Hmmm, what was the name of the first episode they played of the second part of Rurouni Kenshin that started in June? (ack! was that confusing?) to put it simple... what was the name of the episode after 'Girl Bandit' (may 2)?
  5. I hate athletics! so I'm switching to PE...actually i'm not gonna do PE at all, I'm just going to stick with good ol' Student Aid. hehe. My favorite teachers are my science and band teachers. But unfortunately both their last names start with H so I sometimes say the wrong names...:p hee. There's this one teacher I had back awhile ago who had something wrong with his eyes. (He was my math teacher). Well his 'eyes' were creepy. For some reason he'd always look at me with one eye, while the other eye roamed (looked) around the room and watched the other kids....:drunk:
  6. Heehee... it was a loonnggg time ago back in 4th grade. And I wasn't actually there, but my friend was (she's the one who told me). Well in the middle of a lesson, a guy named Michael hit his funny bone on his desk and ran straight out the classroom door. lol. I find it soo funny! :tasty:
  7. Awwww! How cute!! Hehe..tinytoes... CONGRATULATIONS!!! ^.^ So you haven't picked a name yet? Hmm, how about Tsukasa?? lol just kidding. Mike, Tom, Jake, John, Aaron, Andy,...wow soo many names you can name him! Well anyways whatever name you decide on, I'm sure it'll be a wonderful name! :)
  8. You guys are lucky..at least you knew WHEN it came out. I knew it was coming out, but not when. Don't you hate it when they don't give commercials on certain things? Heh...I don't even think it's out in this [i]area[/i] yet! If I ask the blockbuster here..they'll probably be like..."Oh they made a movie for that?" @Jinzouningen17: Which state are you in? Do you know if ALL blockbusters received the CB DVD's yet? Or is it only where you are? *sigh*
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]One time, when i was 10, we went to buy halloween costumes. They ended up being all trashy and crap, cuz like some parts of the stuff was just plastic peices stapled together and they charged 10$, and when my dad saw them he got sooo mad and told us that we shoulda just made our costumes cuz the final product waslike 150$, but there was one big problem...NO REFUNDS! SO he went back to the store...accused them of Highway Robbery, threatened to sue them...and eventually...got us oour money back. Boy am i glad that my dad is good at persuasion. Other than that, i havent really ran into many ripoffs. [/B][/QUOTE] Grrr... I [b]hate[/b] it when they do that! They always have the cheap sucky things on the inside of the package or box, and then on the outside it looks all professional and...worth the value. But then when you buy it and open it...you find out it's NOT worth the value. You try to return it.. and guess what?? NO REFUNDS!! it was probably expensive too...:flaming: :bawl:
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