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Everything posted by Gunslinger-R

  1. I am looking for someone who could make me avatar and banner with artwork from the Darktower.net or the dark tower compendium. if you can could you make the avatar be of roland(main char) with the crow on his shoulder and the tower behind him. Also could you make the banner be of an action scene with the words "Hile Gunslingers" on it in a action type text. if someone could make these i would be very pleased.
  2. hey thanks dudes and dude-ettes
  3. Hey dudes and dudettes, I am seeking help on purchasing Ranma 1/2 dvds. I went to my best supplier of anime and such, Anime Castle, and in thier Ranma 1/2 dvd section they had a variety of different titles for collections. Here are some of those names, Random Rhapsody-Ranma Forever- and a tv dvd box set vol 1-7 that are around 100 $ for each vol. Does anyone out there know which set to but for just the original tv series straight through and nothing else?
  4. i recently bought the perfect collection of EVA and the whole thing was rock awsome, but the final two episodes were kinda weird, it seemed that all the major char. were suffering from major depression and the ending was kinda weak to me, I was kinda hoping to see a little more resolution to things that were just left hanging in the air, like gendo's connection with the second impact, aska's dilemma and whatever happened to Rei
  5. yeah, gundamstoreandmore.com is an awsome site, that's where I get all mine at cause the prices are real good and the delivery time is like 2-3 days
  6. A newtype is any person born in space who begins to exhibit superoir skills in battle, pshycic abilities, and has a generally high adaptness, in short it is like not a superhuman, but a human with abilites far above the normal populace.
  7. another ques to one and all. I have been trying to find a translation for my perfect grade wing zero model manual , does anyone know where I might find one in english?
  8. It's an ok game, but it is real short and didn't seem to have much of a good story to it. don't bother buying it , it's only a renter
  9. Does anyone know of any stores in the Greenwood or Indianapolis area that sells Gundam models? I have been buying all mine online and I was just wondering if there was one.
  10. Ok, here's all my Gundam Models -Perfect Grade- Wing Gundam Zero Custom(still in progress) -Master Grade- RX-78-2 Nu Gundam -High Grade- Turn A Gundam 1/100 Heavyarms Custom 1/144 Hi-Zack 1/144 Hyaku-Shiki 1/144 RX-78-2 1/144 Burning Gundam 1/144 Gouf 1/144 Gundam GP03S 1/144 EZ-8 1/144 -Super Deformed- Blue Destiny Nu Gundam RX-78-2 w/ G Armor EZ-8 Sazabi Gundam F90 a couple of musha gundams the names i have lost from my mind
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