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Everything posted by RPCrazy

  1. [QUOTE=Baron Samedi][size=1][color=darkred] Advice for you. Never ever ever ever ever make yourself write. If you can't think of anything...leave it. Forcing yourself to write is a horrible idea. You'll absolutely kill your work. Let it come. If it ends up that a few weeks go by and you haven't written anything...don't worry. It will come, or it won't. Being a writer is all about what you don't finish.[/color][/size][/QUOTE] My question for you is this: what happens when that block lasts for years at a time? If you really become frustrated, force yourself to write. But not on that story. Try peotry, or just short lil' blurps. Quite possibly, it'll start the flow of thought for your other projects and help you get them off the ground a bit more. I've been sitting idle for almost 4years now, trying tohold on and hope my block will pass. Only now am I sitting down and forcing myself to write something every day, and I finally think that chunk of ice in my head is starting to crack...
  2. [quote name='Maikeru']Have you ever done anything sexual in public?[/quote] Does groping count? Cause I grabbed PT's groin on one occasion...and his *** on several others. As well as been groped by PT...isn't that fun! Lol. TRUTH!!! Have you ever walked in on your parents?
  3. [quote name='Charles']You're being a tad compulsive. I hope you don't seriously consider silly revenge plots. What childish behavior.[/quote] Yes, Charles, because we all [I]really[/I] advocate the going out and getting a gun and shooting someone to death...or hiring people to kick the *** of an offending ex boyfriend. Though, I definitely think Mitch has put too much thought into this... -worries-
  4. You hocked the necklace, right? How much it cost? -peers- I say you do it. Beat his *** down....or at least use the money from the necklace and pay someone to do it for you. Trust me, you'll feel bunches better once he's lying there in his own bloody bodily fluids and whimpering like a whipped dog. ^_^
  5. ......ok, that's just stupid that she would be kicked out for something she wrote in her personal blogger. Beyond stupid, that's damn ridiculous. It's her personal journal, she can write whatever she wants. Hell, she could write "I hate America and want Bush to die a horrible and painful death and all of us to become Communists," and there's nothing they could do about it. They have no right to kick someone out because of expressed racism (which itself is bad and wrong, but that's beside the point)...and if that's true, your little gang people should have been suspended a long time ago. I don't believe that's why she was sent home. Not for something written in a blogger and if that was indeed the case, American schools are more f---ed up than I thought...
  6. ....... he likes her, but she doesn't return the favor. And when the three of you were hanging out, he was crushing on you more than her... Just to add another factor in the mix: You ever think he was flirting with you to make her jealous? Girls are like that, you know... -nods- ADVICE: Keep your nose out of it. Find another boy to crush on. Love triangles are [U][I][B]not[/B][/I][/U] fun.
  7. Though, knowing you, Alex, you're more upset they cut out Sara[i]h[/i] Conn[i]o[/i]r's (Happy now, freak? lol) breast shot during the love scene than anything else. ~_^ [QUOTE=PoisonTongue] Though, Speed's network broadcast was pretty memorable, "Forget you!"[/QUOTE] That does bring back memories of one morning watching "The Breakfast Club", where the punk dude is [i]screaming[/i] "NO! FORGET YOU! FORGET YOU!"
  8. [quote name='Hataki Vash][size=1']And American Idol just because its American Idol, everyone loves it. ^_^.[/size][/quote] [Size=2]No. Just...no. If you seriously believe such, find your local mental hospital and commit yourself. Now. Anyway...the reality shows have gotten a little ridiculous. The original 3 Survivors were fun (even though I never saw the 1st one), and I'm very sad I miss All Stars (I'm in class Thursday nights), just because Jerry is there. After I lost interest in that, nothing really had any pull for me anymore. Add to that the fact they got into the relationship aspect of things which just...no. I'm not interested in watching sluts volley for the attention of the biggest jock from Hillside Valley High, thanks. Though I must admit, Blind Date is a fun watch. And I think someone mentioned "What Not To Wear," which is perhaps a big favorite of mine. Most of those TLC makeover shows are. But mostly I agree with Tony and Alex. Give me reality over reality TV any day.[/SIZE]
  9. Just to get this out of my system: Anne McCaffery, while a very talented writer, is nothing but a sour old hag who needs to die a slow and agonizing death. Or at least be forced to realize the horrible mistake she made by forcing the majority of her greatest online fans off of Pern. And now that I'm come to terms with that. ^_^ So many choices. Do I dare mention Bastian from [U]The Neverending Story[/U], or Atreyu? Or Falkor, the luckdragon? There are just so many wonderful and creative characters in this book...and I am talking the book, this time. Alex gave it to me for my birthday, I'm almost done reading it. ^_^ And it's so different from the movie. If you ever have the chance to read it, I highly recommend it. Oh, god, a book I haven't thought of in years: [U]Dear Mr. Henshaw[/U]...I loved that book. It was the fist book I actually took home to read when I was in forth grade. And I liked its sequel, [U]Strider[/U] as well. Possibly [U]Strider[/U] more...simply because it was about the boy and his dog. ^_^ There was another book I read when I was in 4th grade. Oh, what a wonderful book. The young boy is blinded when a firecracker goes off in his face. And at first, of course, he's depressed. But eventually he is chosen to receive a service dog. And of course the dog helps him to grow strong and proud and to overcome his fears and insecurities. A little cliche...come on, I was in 4th grade. I still love that book, though. Such a wonderful message. Sadly, I can't remember the name. >_< -pulls out her old collection of books- Gah, they're all dusty! Lol. Let's see...Ooh! [U]Bridge to Terabithia[/U], good lord! I love the girl in that one. She was just...it was like she was everything I had wanted to be in my youth when I first read the book. [U]Maniac Magee[/U], come on. Who doesn't love Jeffery? [U]The Whipping Boy[/U]...Jemmy! Love Jemmy! He's such a witty character, I always laugh when I read this book. Now, I realize most of the titles I'm telling here are books that probably shouldn't even be mentioned along side of stories like the LotR and HP...and the other wonderful and "advanced" tales you've all mentioned. But you know what? These are the characters who, even after all these years (ha! What? 5 or 6?) have stuck in my head and inspired me. They gave me hope when I was a child that maybe I could find that inner strength in me and become a better person. I think that qualifies them enough, yes? Oh, and to add one more tally: Atticus Finch (Fitch? Finch? I really thought it was Finch) is definitely a noteworthy character. -nods- Oh yes indeed.
  10. Well, I must admit that seeing the...mellow outlook of others on this topic, with the occasional light words, is helping to raise my spirits. I suppose it's a fear of growing older. For the past 3 years I've seen my birthday as getting another year closer to my death. Not exactly the outlook one wants on the world. >_< Seems that I'll be spending the middle part of the afternoon with my friend Joanna. And undoubtedly the night will be spent playing video games with PoisonTongue. ^_^ Let's see what my family has planned out for me, shall we? Lol.
  11. [SIZE=2]Oh dear god, where do I start? When I first started writing, I was constantly looking up new names online. And then, when my siblings and their spouses started having children and there was an overload of baby name books in every house, I simply collected all of them and now have about 5 different baby name books stacked in my room. I collect little ceramic animal figurines. At first it was a shared hobby with some friends of mine. We would use them to create little stories and games of make believe. So of course every one had to have a name. Admittedly, some were more creative than others, but my personal favorite is a golden lab girl I had named Delilah as well as a collection of horses all named after places or characters from "The NeverEnding Story" movie. Sadly, we've stopped the games of make believe and naming each new one has become...well, really a nuisance. But the main characters from our games still have their titles. My friend has a black GameCube she calls Charcoal, and this inspired me to start calling my silver Cube system Pewter. Countless stuffed animals, all with names. Crayon (an original cat Build-A-Bear from [I]before[/I] BAB went global. It was just this dinky lil' cart in the nearby mall), Muddy (a post franchised BAB dog), larger ceramic creatures I painted in this class I took, Littlest Pet Shop Pets (anyone remember these? I loved them!), My Little Ponies, almost every single Pokemon I ever caught in the R/B/Y versions...now the critters I've adopted online at my website. As far as children go? Well, I'm always tossing that around in my head. - Lilith Jean - Lilith was the name of the first RPing character I ever created. It was the first female name I ever found in a baby book that seemed to jump out at me. Besides, lilies are my favorite flowers, and it tickles me that I can call her "My Little Lily." Jean is my mother's middle name, and I've always been fond of it. - Tobias James - Tobias comes from the [U]Animorphs[/U] books. Before I lost interest in the series, Tobias had been my favorite character. This later became the name of my first ever dragon rider, whose story can be found in the fiction forum. James...well, I always liked the name. And I think it flows well with Tobias. - Kennith Warner - Kennith spelled with an "ith." I was approx. 12 years old when I started thinking of the names of my children. I'm always hoping I'll be blessed with twin boys after the birth of Lily, and I realized if I wanted to name one son Tobias I needed to find a name for his brother as well. As much as I hate to admit it, inspiration did come from South Park and the "Oh my God! You killed Kenny!" joke. Warner...I believe I was watching Cartoon Network and the Warner Bros. logo came onto the screen. I said it over in my head...and I liked it. Kennith Warner. It makes my mother cringe, though. Lol. - Auryn - Auryn is the newest name, thought of only back in December. I've been doing a lot of inner searching of myself, and realized just how heavily the movie "The NeverEnding Story" influenced and continues to inspire my life. The Auryn, if you don't remember, is the symbol of The Childlike Empress given to the main character Atreyu at the start of his quest and is also seen on the cover of the story itself. I'm still looking for a fitting middle name, however. I laugh to myself sometimes and joke that I'll call her Auryn Moon Child, which is the new name given to The Childlike Empress by Bastian. Honestly, I don't think it sounds that bad...but I'd never curse my child with a name like that. ^_^; For a random fact: I once asked my parents what they would have named me if I had been born a boy. Though I can't remember the reason why, if had I been a boy my name would have been Peter. Now, for a random question: Does anyone else know what their "Gender Counter Name" is?[/SIZE]
  12. Let's see...what can I say here? Squishyness : Though a shocker at first, I liked it from the start. It makes OB different and stand out. Tre cool. Collapsable Forums : That alone makes V7 rate a 10. Lack of Post Count Display: -bows down and worships- Thank you! Customable Member....thingie: -pays homage once again- May the Otaku gods be with you all! Neat Button Beside Member Name: Sweet. ^_^ Girl Who Complained: :flaming: for you. New Avie Size: Weee! More fun for me! Severe LACK of PoisonTongue Modshipness? : WRONG! BAD! No like! -points to avie- Not a happy camper am I! But other than that: Awesome job, people. ^_^ -puts on a black wooly coat and joins JCBaggee- Baaaa.
  13. Ok, so I suppose in some way this could be seen as a pathetic attempt to announce I'm turning 19 on Sat the 21st ( ~_^ )...but in all seriousness, please read on. I'm the youngest of 4 kids. All of which are significantly older than I am. All of which are in or on their way to their thirties, much less 19. So I ask my siblings: "What was your 19th birthday like?" And my siblings replied "Well...you know? I don't really remember." Ok, I can understand that. "What was it like being 19?" Again...a vague haze seems to have settled on that year of their life. I myself am finding I'm constantly forgetting that my birthday is coming up. I've actually had to write it on my calendar "This is your birthday" because I will look at the day...and feel the sense I am forgetting something terribly important. What of the rest of you? I realize probably most of us haven't even begun to look towards our 19th birthday quite yet, but there are a few of you who have made it to this year and gone past it. What do you remember from it? What do you remember of other friends or family who have been 19? I am the only one who sees it as The Forgotten Year?
  14. [URL=http://www.otakuboards.com/showthread.php?s=&postid=553248#post553248]First, read this.[/URL] Next, consider what I plan on doing for V-day. I'll wait... -waiting- Ok, time's up. If your answer was any of the following: a) Sulking b) Crying c) Loathing the Coupled People d) Hanging out with other Single Friends e) All of the above, plus perhaps a lot of video gaming and even more sulking You would be correct! Give yourself a sugar cookie! Then, be a doll and help me find a rock to crawl under until this damn day passes, would you?
  15. Why I Hate V-day: The Ever Growing List 1) I always got the "Sympathy Card" at those grade school parties. They never [I]really[/I] wanted to give me a card, they just did because they had to. 2) I have never had a valentine for V-day. 3) I have never been a valentine on V-day. 4) I'm reminded about how glaringly single I am. 5) #4 happens. Every. Year. 6) People take some sick pleasure in saying to me "Lookit! Asshole #1 (who is not Asshole #1 in their head; only in mine) wants me to be his valentine this year! Tee hee!" 7) I'm bitter. 8) Repeat #2 9) Repeat #3. 10) Repeat #7. 11) Repeat #'s 2, 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10. 12) Repeat #11...several times. 13) And let us not forget to repeat #5...every year. Do you really need me to continue? -_- Yes, V-day is nice if you've got someone to spend it with. I've seen that with my own two eyes...that's why I'm so bitter about it. And I agree with James...V-day should be every day. But if that were the case, I probably would have committed suicide by now, so I'm very glad it's not.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by rpcraziest and madsatirist [/i] [B] rpcraziest (1:19:15 AM): WTF!!! rpcraziest (1:19:17 AM): "Her hand grips me tighter." madsatirist (1:19:21 AM): good? rpcraziest (1:19:27 AM): What the fuck kind of ending is that??? madsatirist (1:19:32 AM): think about it rpcraziest (1:19:33 AM): SEND MORE DAMN YOU! madsatirist (1:19:38 AM): no, rpcraziest (1:19:39 AM): no...no thinking. madsatirist (1:19:39 AM): that's the end rpcraziest (1:19:41 AM): NO! madsatirist (1:19:42 AM): think about it rpcraziest (1:19:44 AM): That can't be! rpcraziest (1:19:46 AM): no no no rpcraziest (1:19:51 AM): no thinking...no thinking... rpcraziest (1:19:52 AM): send more. madsatirist (1:20:00 AM): "But?you still have to complete your objective, huh." "?yes." Her hand grips me tighter. rpcraziest (1:20:04 AM): No! I refuse to think of that as the end! madsatirist (1:20:05 AM): she's killing him rpcraziest (1:20:10 AM): It's a crappy ending and I want more. rpcraziest (1:20:12 AM): No! rpcraziest (1:20:15 AM): I tell you, no! madsatirist (1:20:20 AM): she just said she still must complete the objective rpcraziest (1:20:21 AM): I understand that, but no! madsatirist (1:20:29 AM): trust me on this rpcraziest (1:20:30 AM): No shit Sherlock! But I don't like it! madsatirist (1:20:34 AM): hehe rpcraziest (1:20:35 AM): No -pouts- madsatirist (1:20:38 AM): ::pats:: rpcraziest (1:20:42 AM): I hate you... rpcraziest (1:20:47 AM): I hate you and your fucking talent madsatirist (1:21:16 AM): :-P madsatirist (1:21:20 AM): play nice rpcraziest (1:21:31 AM): no....I hate you. -snuffs- rpcraziest (1:21:40 AM): Dammit....-sniffles- rpcraziest (1:28:52 AM): -sighs- damn you, Alex...that's a fabulous story. madsatirist (1:28:58 AM): :-D madsatirist (1:29:11 AM): thank'ee[/B][/QUOTE] That, ladies and gents [I]is[/I] the end of the story...
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]This is a very promising start ! The only thing I'd like to see, is some kind of? dictionary, so to speak, in the beginning of the story. Knowing what certain things are before reading it, makes it easier to follow the story. At least in my opinion ^_^; [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, I thought about that. >_< One of these days I'll get around to it, ^_^;; , but for now which words are confusing you? [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]It surprised me that [spoiler]Tobias was mute[/spoiler], but it makes for an even more interesting character[size=1] (oh, the fascination of communication [i]*grins*[/i]). [/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] Indeed! That is perhaps my favorite part of this story! -hugs Tobias- It was also the most challenging, always having to make sure I was keeping him in character. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]I felt that the people introduced so far all had a "backdrop/background" to them, they came off as [b]real[/b]. [size=1]( or maybe I just have a great imagination after all ;P )[/size][/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] -beams- Yay! Well, quite techincally R'lan and D'run aren't my characters. As noted on my web page, where this story is officially posted, they were created and belong to the Weyr (dragon home) that is Searching (trying to find candidates) Versus Hold (smaller living towns, similar to kingdoms). But yay for everyone else!! ^_^ [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mimmi [/i] [B][COLOR=indigo]This is only a reflection of what you've posted [i]here[/i], I shall now read the rest. Mwuahahaha... [i]*cough*[/i] ~_^ - Mimmi [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] ^_^!! -dances- Weee! Post here and let me know what you think of the rest of it, Mimi!
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Semjaza Azazel [/i] [B]The only thing that seems off about it is around the center. For some reason part of the scanlines seem noticably more dark than the rest of them. [/B][/QUOTE] Agreed. However, the lines in the left picture seem dark as well (not as dark as the center, but almost) so I feel it almost helps blend the two together. Speaking of blend, for some reason the blending of the middle picture into the right picture sticks out as very cool. ^_^ Nice work.
  19. "At first I thought this would be about Stabucks..." O_O!! Do you share a brain with Alex, or soemthing? Were you related in a past life? -inspects you-
  20. The Director of The Never-Ending Story... The dude [b][u][I]has[/I][/b][/u] The Auyrn! In a safe in his home. And he WEARS the damn thing! I want, I want, I want, I want! -throws a hissy fit- Then after him, I'd want to be me again...so that I could sneak into his house and steal the Auyrn from his safe and have it as mine again! -cackles!!!...cough...hack...ehem....AHhahah....hack! coughcough-
  21. Well, if anyone out there is a fan of Anne McCaffrey (whatever...I can't remember how to spell her name), you might like this. If you know about the legal trouble she gave a friend of mine (do NOT get me started. The old hag...and her little buzy-body asshole of a son, too), this was written shortly after that when she kicked pretty much her entire fan base off Pern. Which I realize will make no sense to most people, but it's better that way. Anyway, yes...my first story for the Off-Pern Dragon fanbase. There's quite a bit to this. If more is requested, more I will post. --- A young man relaxed upon his bed, his sketch book sitting on his lap while he used a charcoal piece to draw. Letting off a sigh, he lifted his gray gaze to outside his window, watching the sun set behind the western wall of the Hold from behind the wisps of brown hair that draped his eyes. [i]Tomorrow...[/i] he said to himself. [i]Tomorrow they will come.[/i] The thought brought a smile to his face. "Toby," a voice said, breaking through his dreams. Tobias's head snapped to look at the door of his room, eyes questioning the form that stood there. "Come on...dinner's ready," said the male's voice again. Tobias smiled, looking down at his sketch book...at the beautiful dragon that had taken shape upon it's pages...before setting it upon his side stand and getting up. "Crem boiled up some stew this afternoon," Pacal, his younger brother, piped as they walked down the corridor to the dinning hall. Tobias nodded his head, taking a deep sniff of the stew scented air as it drifted up the passageway from the kitchen. As the two boys entered the dinning hall, they were met by the smiling and cheerful faces of their family...and extended family, for aunts and uncles and cousins all resided in the same Hold. They quickly moved to give loving kisses to their mother's cheeks, before Tobias took a spot by her side and Pacal ran down to join his same aged cousins. Tobias smiled to himself while he ate his stew and bread, and listened to the chattering voices of the group around him. Several times he would hear his name and glance one way or another...each time offering a different family member a bashful smile as they praised the his strong will, or talents with the firelizards and watch weyrs, or thanked him for some job he had performed that day. When the subject turned to the Search that was supposedly going to be held tomorrow, all talk was upon Tobias and his slightly older cousin Kasak. The two boys were the most promising, and hopes were high for not just one, but both of them to be taken up to Ryslen Weyr for the recent clutch. "You'll Impress, I know you will," Pomale, Tobias's mother, whispered encouragingly to her son. Tobias smiled and slowly nodded his head. [i]I hope so, Mother...[/i] he thought to himself. [i]For Father, I hope so...[/i] Later that night, as Tobias was readying himself for bed, he thought to the great man who had been his father. Rider of brown Rocketh, Z'ton and his Bonded had been one of the best teams in their fleet. A will like iron, a mind like a tack, a heart like the ocean...and a dragon who gave him balance during the very few times his temper would rage, Z'ton had been deeply loved and respected by everyone who knew him. That was why, on the day when the fleet blinked from [i]between[/i]...without any sign of the great Rocketh and his rider...panic swept through the Weyr. Pomale rushed to meet Cr'n, the Wingleader, as he dismounted from his bronze, her eyes begging him to tell her it wasn't true. Cr'n had only been able to hang his head as he related the fate of the great rider. "He fell...scorched by Thread before any one could save him. Rocketh went [i]between[/i] soon after." With a shake of his head, Tobias stopped his thoughts. No, he didn't need to remember the mourning now. Now he needed to be in good spirits. Tomorrow he would be Searched and become a dragon rider. Tomorrow he would make his father's spirit proud. When Tobias woke the next morning, it was to the violent shaking of Pacal. "Tobias! Tobias, wake up, they're here!" With a groan, Tobias allowed his eyes to open and tiredly question his brother's words. [i]They? They who?[/i] he thought before the tired haze vanished from his mind. [i]The Searchers![/i] With a jump, Tobias scrambled from his bed and out of his sleeping robes, getting into his britches and a shirt. "You lazy bones!" Kasak yelled with a laugh as he ran by the door...still pulling on his boots. "You're no better, Kas!" Pacal said, rushing to yell that down to his cousin. Tobias smiled, ruffling his brother's hair as he booked down to the main court, where the Search riders and their dragons waited. [i]Do you really think there's a good one or two in the bunch, Oskerth?[/i] D'run asked his proud blue as they landed down beside their fellow Searchers R'lan and his own blue Ancith. [COLOR=blue][i]Do you really think I would say yes there is when truly no there isn't?[/COLOR][/i] the blue responded to his Bonded, letting his swirling eyes look over the line up. Six boys and four girls stood before the two dragons. They were dressed in their best daily clothes, watching the riders dismount their dragons with both awe and respect flashing in their eyes. "It's a shame we can't even look at the girls for this one," R'lan commented quietly to D'run as they met to compare quick notes. "I know...but Alinth doesn't want any," D'run said, glancing down the line of boys. "Welcome to Versus Hold, gentlemen," Lady Holder Nuri said pleasantly to the two as she curtsied. "I hope your trip was a pleasant one?" Both men bowed politely to the woman before D'run answered her with a grin. "Quick as a blink, Lady Nuri." "These are your potential candidates?" asked R'lan, getting right to the point. "That they are. Though, I thought we had..." Nuri began, glancing to Journywoman Pomale. She felt for sure the weaver's son and nephew would be down here. After all, had not Tobias's father been a rider? The young man breathed the dreams of following in his sire's footsteps. Pomale only smiled at her Lady, glancing to the door which led up to her family's rooms. Sure enough, as if on cue, two boys came rushing onto the scene, quickly taking a place at the end. They tried to look nonchalant as they stood in line, chests heaving as they quietly gasped for air. Nuri grinned, then turned her attention back to the riders. "Yes, this is all of them." D'run's head snapped to look at the two young men who came rushing into the court. Both were considerably older than the other potentials, looking to be somewhere between 18 or 19 turns. [COLOR=blue][i][b]That one...[/COLOR][/i][/b] both dragons practically shouted to their riders. D'run and R'lan quickly looked up at their Bonds before returning their attention to the young man whose place was at the very end of the line. His brown hair barely grazed the upper tips of his ears, and his skin wasn't quite as dark as his running mates', but nothing that either of the SearchRiders hadn't seen before. While most of the other potentials stood closer to 5'5," the one on the end towered above them at close to 5 foot 9 inches. He also stood differently then the others...even his friend. He stood, almost at attention. It seemed with him, the awe of being Searched wasn't there. He seemed to respect them, and their dragons, more than he was amazed by them. R'lan looked to D'run, then headed for the boy. He went slowly, looking over all the candidates...stopping when Ancith gave him comments about the others. D'run soon took up going over the potentials as well, wanting to find at least another one in case R'lan didn't agree with their dragons (at which point he'd have to be considered insane). Upon reaching the dark haired boy, he stopped and looked him over, really considering him. "What's your name?" he asked. The young man glanced at him, and for a moment a flicker of helplessness appeared in his gray eyes. "It's Tobias, Sir," said the boy next to him. R'lan blinked at the black haired potential, then looked back to...Tobias was his name? "Can't you speak?" he asked, holding back a frown as the boy before him shook his head. "My brother was born mute, but that doesn't mean he won't make a great DragonRider!" Pacal said from behind his mother. "Pacal, hush!" the Weaver woman scolded her son, offering both R'lan and D'run apologetic looks. "The boy worships his brother," she shrugged, smiling slightly. "And their father was one," Nuri said quietly, slipping up beside R'lan. "Was?" D'run questioned, as he joined their group. "Taken by Thread fall," the Lady Holder replied, glancing to Tobias, who had yet to take his eyes off the Riders. R'lan glanced back at the boy, then to the dragons. Both of the great blues stared at him, ready to bite his head off if he did not bring this boy. Turning his gaze to D'run, he asked "Is there another good one?" D'run grinned, and nodded, going back down the line to a younger candidate. "Pack your bags once you're dismissed," he stated firmly. The young man squealed, but quickly composed himself and nodded, a wide grin on his face. "That goes for you too," R'lan said, shifting a glance to Tobias. For a moment the boy seemed as if he would burst with joy, but hid that behind a smile and a nod. "You can go..." R'lan announced, quickly walking to his dragon. He hated seeing that disappointed look upon those not chosen. "Don't be too upset," Lady Nuri said to the others as they started filing away, trying to comfort them. The other boy chosen, one named Lanston, went off with his family to celebrate. Tobias's own kin came over and gave him warm hugs and hand shakes and pats on the back. "Your father would be so proud of you, Tobias!" his mother said, near tears. Tobias smiled, hugging her warmly. "I knew it, Tobias! I knew you'd get Searched!" Pacal said triumphantly. Kasak came up, slinging his arm around his cousin's shoulders. "Congratulations, Cousin," he said with a wide grin. Tobias gave his friend and family a worried glance, which made Kasak laugh. "Don't look at me like that! You know I'm perfectly fine with this! You've always wanted this a little more than I did, anyway!" Tobias beamed, glad his cousin wasn't upset about not being chosen, and the two exchanged warm hugs as another wave of family members bombarded them. Tobias opened his eyes just as the watch weyrs were slipping back into their dens. He sat up in bed, feeling a bit of panic for a moment. Had he dreamed that all? Was today the real day? Had all of that really happened? He looked to his bag as it sat by his door, and let off a sigh of relief and a smile. Yes, it had really happened...he hadn't dreamed it. [i]I've been Searched...[/i] he thought with joy. [i]Father, look at me! I've been Searched![/i] "Tobias," came a voice from his door. Looking up, he saw the form of his mother standing in his doorway. She smiled at her son, walking to sit upon his bed. "Of course, today you wake up early," the woman gently chuckled, getting a grin out of the young man. "I am so proud of you, Tobias...and I know your father is too," she said, becoming serious after a moment. Her eyes seemed to mist over in tears of happiness, and Tobias smiled at his mother, taking her hand to comfort her. "You'll Impress once you get to Ryslen, Tobias...I know you will." The young man gave his mother one of those 'Mom, come on' looks, and she nodded. "I know, I shouldn't get our hopes up so high...but Toby, it's in your blood. How could you not?" she asked with a grin, placing a hand upon her son's cheek. "Momma? Tobias?" Pacal asked as he slipped into his older brother's room. Both turned to look at the 9 year old and he grinned, scrambling over to sit on Tobias's bed. He gave his mother a hug and a kiss on the cheek, before turning his excited green eyes to his sibling. "Are you excited, Tobias?" he asked, head tilting to the side. Tobias nodded his head, reaching to playfully ruffle his younger brothers black hair. "Some day I'll be like you and Papa, Tobias. Someday they'll come and Search me...and I'll go Impress a dragon too!" Tobias smiled, chuckling a bit at his excitement. "We're sure you will, Pacal," his mother said, squeezing her baby around the middle. Outside, one of the great dragons bugled. Tobias's head snapped to look out his window, and he let off a sigh. His mother smiled, lightly ruffling Pacal's hair, standing up and leaving the room. "Come on, Pacal...let's go see what Crem is cooking up for breakfast." "Oooh! Breakfast!" Pacal nearly yipped, rushing out the bedroom door. After a moment, he popped his head back in. "Tobias, you're going to have breakfast, aren't you?" Tobias smiled at the younger boy and nodded his head, holding up one finger. "Ok! See you downstairs!" After breakfast, Tobias went back to his room to get his bag, then to the court where the DragonRiders and their Lifemates waited. He watched as Lanston made a fool out of his family, lingering with saying goodbyes to them. His mother actually began to weep as he hugged her, then went to stand by D'run. Tobias merely shook his head as he watched the woman be escorted away by Lanston's father. "Take care of yourself." "Safe journeys, Tobias!" "Good luck!" his aunts, uncles and cousins called as he waved to them. He went briefly to his mother, kissing her cheek. "I love you, Tobias," she said, being strong and holding back proud tears. Tobias smiled, then knelt to give his brother a hug. "Come back after you Impress! I wanna see your dragon!" Pacal chirped like a bird. Tobias crossed a finger over his heart, promising. "Don't make them regret choosing you over me!" Kasak laughed from where he stood by his own parents as Tobias gave them another wave, then went to stand with R'lan's by his dragon. While Lanston struggled to mount Okserth, Tobias swung up onto Ancith's slopping back with ease. "Impressive," R'lan muttered as he climbed up behind the boy. After waiting for Lanston and D'run to get settled, the two dragons jumped into the sky, beating their great blue wings to get up. Tobias watched as his family and friends dropped from under him, and became like ants on the ground as the dragons went higher. He doubted they could see him, but he waved anyway as Ancith blinked [i]between[/i]. When they appeared in real time again, Tobias let off a shiver and a grimace. It had been so long since he'd gone between with his father, he had forgotten what an experience it was. "You ok, boy?" R'lan asked, noticing this reaction. Tobias nodded, smiling at the SearchRider over his shoulder before looking at the bustling weyr beneath him. [i]There it is...Ryslen Weyr,[/i] he thought to himself. He sighed, glancing up at the sky with a smile. [i]Here I go, Father...wish me luck.[/i] [i]Fin[/i] --- And there you have it. The first "chapter" of Tobias's life. He's my pride and joy...admittedly not the best story ever written, but considering this is a first for me, I think it came out damn good. Oh, BTW, this story is almost...4 years old? 5 years old? Yes, something like that.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]Having no border... on any banner just goes against something at the very core of my being. It is a sacrilege of a banner. :p ...whenever I see a non-bordered banner.... Well... lol.[/B][/QUOTE] Just for that, my dear manslave, if I can get away with it every banner I make from now on will be borderless. It's fun seeing you squirm. ~_^
  23. Lol. No...nonono! I wouldn't post something like that here, are you crazy??? Baron, shame on you and your dirty mind. To set the record straight, that is a belly button ring you see glinting in Harley's belly. Edit: Well, I finally got off my butt and made a banner/avie combo from Shaun's pictures in the picture forum. ^_^ [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=549235[/IMG] Edit2: Weee! A new banner/avie combo from the webcomic [URL=http://grayling.arborwin.com/]Grayling[/URL]! I do love this one... ^_^
  24. Something like this, Mimi? [url]http://www.geocities.com/rpcrazy/OGSBanner.html[/url] Sadly it's too large a file to be posted here, but I'll tweak that, along with the transition time. I'm not totally happy with it.
  25. General Awards Overall Member of the Year: Charles Male Otaku of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Female Otaku of the Year: Queen Asuka Staff Member of the Year: Semjaza Azazel Funniest Member of the Year: Charles Most Opinionated Otaku of the Year: Poison Tongue Most Likely to Be Here in Two Years: Adam Best Oldie: Shy Most Likely to Become a Staff Member: Poison Tongue Most Improved Member of the Year: Baron Samedi Favorite Banned Member: Taylor Hewitt & Dayday (They were a "couple"...they should be counted as one. ~_^) [offical vote: dayday] Silliest Thread of the Year: How the James Stole Christmas Random Awards Avatar Award (Best Avatars Overall): Charles Signature Award (Best Signatures Overall): James Best Location (Best Specific Location): PoisonTongue Best Otaku Couple: Charles/Japan_86 Best Looking Otaku: James Otaku Writers Poet Laureate: Charles Writer of the Year: Charles Social Otakus Otaku Social Member: ChibiHorsewoman Entertainment Otaku: Manic Otaku Gamers Otaku Gamer of the Year: Shimaru Nintendo ?Mario? Award: James Sony Award: Charles X-Box Award: PoisonTongue (YOU TRAITOR!!)
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