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Everything posted by RPCrazy

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]Nice work, Jenn. I get a strange feeling that a buddy icon somewhere out there has lost its little man. You didn't kidnap them again, did you? DID YOU? :naughty: [/B][/QUOTE] Why yes. Yes I did. -beams- -watches the little guy go sliding into the unknown again...snickering- I can't help it, it's a sickness.
  2. I would just like to pop in and defend myself against the horrible title of "Button Masher" my dear friend PT has bestowed upon me... Granted, while I do BM in SCII, I'd like to point out that I [I]am[/I] improving... -glares at PT- And one of these days I am going to so royally kick your *** in SSBM (yes, spelling the title correctly would be helpful, no?). -firm nod, and trots off-
  3. As long as you're being responsible, tattoos can be a wonderful and beautiful thing. Example: To make a long story short, my mother has a best friend. This best friend is like a second mother to me...many of you probably know I go to GA every summer to live with her and her family. Again, long story short she turned 40 the Summer of '02 and thought it was ridiculous that most 40 yr. old women go around complaining. She threw this big neighborhood bash for herself (her "It's Fabulous To Be Forty Fiesta") and as a special B-day present to herself got a tattoo. Now this has been something she's been thinking about doing for years, finally deciding on a small bit of art called "The Dragonlady"...a fairy-like woman with dragonfly wings (Sheryl has a thing for dragonflies) and the Circle of Eternity (I believe it's called) for her face. Lovely little piece of work, the guy who inked it onto her was completely legal and sterile and all that good stuff. Now, go back a couple of years to when I was about 8 (gah, why do I feel like I've typed this story out before? Oh well, it's relevant), my mom was working with this woman who refused for years to allow her daughter to get a tattoo. "Please Mom, please? All I want is this tiny little angel on my left and this tiny little devil on my right. That's all." Well, it took some poking and prying, but her mother finally signed the release papers and offer the daughter went to get her tattoos..... She came home with her name (a good 5 or 6 letter name) inked in blood red Gothic lettering 1 inch high across the back of her neck. Like I said, responsibility is the key with tattoos. My own view? I'm very interested in tattoos. Not just today's modern stuff (which can be just down right cool looking), but even back to when they were symbols of respect and used in ceremonies of worship. That's actually how I personally see any tattoo that I look at. "Do I want that to become a symbol of who I am? My own personal offering to my soul?" Granted, I'm only almost 19, but I've gone through quite a few ideas. I was once going to have this girl at my school draw up a combination symbol of dragon, the moon, and my Zodiac symbol Pisces. They're three symbols that have [i]always[/i] been important to me in my life...but she never got back to me with any sketches, so out the window that went. >_< Currently I'm looking at the Auryn. The Never Ending Story influenced my life in so many ways; I focus on it and I can trace ideas and fantasies of mine down through the years back to when I was 4 and sitting there watching that movie. And even when I was little I was mesmerized by the symbol of the Auryn. If you've never seen it, I suggest you do a search in Google for "The Never Ending Story" to see. Two snakes, eating each other's tails with their entwined bodies creating the symbol of eternity. Gah I wish I could remember the name of that damn thing... >_< Oh well, I'll think of it eventually.
  4. ...For those few things I concoct that don't fit under my PoisonTongue For Mod category. Like this nifty little animation, for example. Tee hee...you may want to watch it all the way through, *hinthint*. -cackles- Feel free to use it anywhere, just give me a bit o' credit, huh? [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=511892[/IMG]
  5. -salutes- We need to think up a theme song...and talk to Scott. We need to convince him this is the official political party of Cinnaminsonia. Border definitely makes it look a helluva lot better. Well done, PT.
  6. All Hail Cinnaminsonia! All Hail Prime Chancellor Scottric! Long Live Cinnaminsonia! -cheers from the crowd- Yes, PT and I live just around the corner and down the street from each other in the grand ol' land of Cinnaminsonia. And...well, I'll save my breath, both he and Charles have already told you what "home" is like. ^_^ PT, we really need to get a hold of our dear leader...I need to know what our country's flag looks like. -nods-
  7. Hmmm...mind if I take a looksee at your images and try to make a cleaner animation for you, Baron? Those red dots are rather...annoying. >_< I like the idea though...
  8. My sister was on it for a few months and it made her terribly sick, which included vomiting and pain during menstruation. Another friend of mine from GA has been getting terrible head aches since she started the diet...though she refuses to believe the diet is the cause of it, but after my sister I know better. However, friends of said GA pal are on the diet and are doing fabulously well. -shrugs- I suppose it depends on your body type and lifestyle. Personally, I'm against the diet. You're totally depriving your body of a substance that it [I]needs[/I] in order to function and survive. You could never convince me that's a good way of living. Plus you're missing out on such wonderful, wonderful foods like pasta, cake...for gods' sakes, you can't even eat the bun of a hamburger. After almost 3 months of my sister not listening to me (only to see her quit the diet a month later), I've given up on trying to convince people of the destruction the diet does to their body. Eventually, something will happen that will make them see it's not a particularly healthy thing...and I've found all you can do is hope for that moment.
  9. -blush- Tee hee. ^_^ Here ya go, PT. Enjoy, my friend. -salutes-
  10. I think Raiha was just using this thread as an excuse to thank PT for putting her demented convo in his siggy....but that's just IMNSHO. Let me know if you want me to fix that banner for you a bit, PT.
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B]May I be the [first?] to congratulate you on becoming a Junior Member PoisonTongue.[/B][/QUOTE] Sorry Baron...but I beat you to that punch. ^_^ Nice work, PT....you ***, going to see Kill Bill without me. ;_;
  12. -cackles- I am the goddess of all that is PoisonTongue related propaganda! -cackles- Muahahahaha!!! And for those of you who have signed up for this nifty little...committee, as your President, let me be the first to welcome you. ^_^ Please, use the blinkie as you see fit (preferably in your sig as your "banner") or PM me for the alternate blinkie which I should be able to post here at a later time. Or you can use one of the others you've found here...your choice. ^_^
  13. Wee, a third one! Actually, this is Alex's work...but I'm posting it because double posting is a no-no!
  14. This thought occurred to me while reading the " Creative?...I think so..." thread. What is your greatest achievement to date? Did you pass a test you were sure you were going to fail? Bravo, go for a grade higher next time around! Doesn't have to be anything spectacular to be special. Or [I]was[/I] it something on a grander scale? Did you save a life, or receive some award? Why are you proud of this, what makes it special to you? I'm curious. I think mine would be...being alive. Surviving grade school terrors, both in my hometown and a strange city, depression and personal degrading brought on by said terrors, relationship issues, the death of my grandparents (both of which I was very close to), High School in general, and my first month of college with the better part of my sanity. Granted, I don't come from a (for lack of a better term) "bad situation" or a "bad start" in life...but I have had quite a bit of a rocky road and I feel (in my heart) that the better part of people today would not have made it to this point, or at least made it with their humor and mind in tact. So yes...your greatest achievement. What do you think?
  15. "If anything can happen, it will happen to you. And it will happen to you at the worse possible time, resulting in a very unsettling if not disasterious outcome. Why, you ask? Because, my dear child, you are a Mikus!" -beams- About 4 years ago my family went through a very long string (several years) of bad luck. Our last name [I]is[/I] Mikus, so in an attempt to lighten our spirits I created our own Mikus Curse out of Murphy's Law. ^_^ Our luck has since changed...but still, it's fun to remember these things.
  16. RPCrazy


    -peers up- Ok...I'm just gonna pick and choose... First Name: Jennifer Age: 18...19 in Feb ( Buy me presents! ~_^ ) Star Sign: Pisces Hair Color: Brown. Though I do have a rather funky natural blonde streak and [I]very faint[/I] natural red highlights in there, somewhere... Eye Color: Blue...grayish, I call it slate. Height: Lil' over 5'7" Wardrobe: Jeans, dark. T-shirt, goofy messages and black (mostly). Sweaters, also dark. Socks, white. Sketchers shoes...same perfect style year after year, colors vary [I]slightly[/I]. Marital Status: Single, Searching. Personality: Marxist Pythonian in training. Hair Style: Short, chin length...curls in slightly Favorite Music Type: Varies. Currently of the mainstream (yes, popular if you feel the spazzy urge) "Punk/Rock/Whatever the hell you wanna call it" genre. Favorite musical Bands/Artists: Also, varies. Right now if you see me driving down the road my car will mostly be pulsing out Linkin Park. I pray for their songs on my way home from class. ^_^ Hobbies: Writing, Role Playing, Video games of all sorts (Current addiction: Animal Crossing and SCII)
  17. What I'd give to find a good storyteller and troupe to play with in my area... -sighs wistfully- Unfortunately, the world of RP is very much considered almost "taboo" in Jersey. You mention D&D and people give you weird looks...and V:tM just gets you thrown out of town entirely... ~_^ No, I'm joking. It's just very hard for me to find a group of people to RP with P&P style. The only group I know of is my buddy Tim and some of his friends...but they're very much D&D, which is not my style. -snugs her Book of Nod- Give me vampires any day...I mean, night. ^_^
  18. My uncle (from my mother's side) went to college and hung in relatively the same circle as Steven King. They had some great discussions about English and nature and the like...and we're all pretty sure if you asked him now, Mr. King would go "Oh, Granville? My god, I haven't thought about him since college!" ^_^; And, again from my mother's side, we might be related to the Olgilvie chain of hair products from Canada. A split in the family when it first came over to America, they went north and we stayed in Maine...you know the whole deal. If they ever do find that missing link, I might be a millionaire someday. ^_^ -dreams-
  19. รด_o????? I'm not "obssesed with an avi," thank you very much. Well, I dunno...I'm having fun creating something for a friend. If you call that an "obsession," then yes. I'm very obsessed. The only thing I'm taking seriously is the fact I think PT should be a moderator. Despite the fact he can be harsh sometimes (I admit this, and have told him myself on numerous occations), Alex has a very good head on his shoulders and would be good in the position. -nods-
  20. Care to elaborate on that? I mean...it's hard for me to explain myself when you don't directly point out what needs explaining, neh?
  21. Hmmm...perhaps I should rethink the coloring, neh? I'll mess with it a bit...I have a third one in the works, I'll try something different for that. -nods-
  22. "Pinkish?" You mean red? Yeah, that's definately red there. ~_^ I use....Jasc something or other, I think. Yeah, Jasc Animation Shop. ^_^ Wee fun.
  23. I demand you post some more of your work, just because of the awesome quality of pictures that you take. -nods- Can I take the purple duck home with me? -snatches- Oh, I ment to say...the blue and green ducks look like they're made out of soap. ^_^ Verra interesting effect the coloring had on them. -two thumbs up...which is very hard to do when you're holding a squirming, quacking duck-
  24. -cackles- [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=490543[/IMG] Again, thank you Baron for this awesome idea!
  25. Do it! Alex, do it, post 'em up! I've seen them, ladies and gents (and WW2)...and granted they make you pity her for a little while... [I]A little while...[/I] And then you realize how deeply ****ed up this child is and what a smack she needs. Mentally or otherwise. Post 'em, Alex.
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