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Everything posted by RPCrazy

  1. Before anyone else can take credit for this baby, I'd like you all to know... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=489874[/IMG] I did it! I made it! And I'm damn proud of it!!! -beams- Inspired by my buddy, of course, PoisonTongue. EDIT: Crap, I just realized I posted this in the wrong place. Sorry Syk! I meant for this to go in Art&Design... >_
  2. Sorry Charles...I'm not at Rutgers just yet. ~_^ Right now I'm attending our local community college. It's close (the farthest campus is a half hour drive away), it's cheap (less than $900 for my first semester), and if I keep atleast a B average I get accepted into Rutgers as a Junior, with all my credits carrying over. ^_^ Let's see...I'm just a little freshman, so I haven't had the chance to sample the food, and not yet have I gained any weight. I've always heard that the Frosh 15 was more associated with dorm-living freshman...and granted, I don't know how many of you live on sight at your college...but perhaps that's why I've yet to see any gain/loss? Burlington County doesn't have dorms...at any campus. All the students are commuters. The few teachers that I have met are...ok. Some of them are just...rather...boring. But the majority are nice, fun people. ^_^ Definitely looking forward to the next 2 years. As for the gap year: I was seriously considering taking off. I almost did, but then my mother informed me I'd be off her insurance (not a full time student anymore, you know?) and would have to find my own. -coughs- Hi ho! Hi ho! It's off to class I go!
  3. Move theatre floor. 1 set of black clothes Balled up candy wrappers Straws and plastic cup lids Popcorn (of both the popped and kernal vartiety) Small pieces of candy Superglue trash, popcorn, and candy to black clothing. Wear clothing. PT should know this. ^_^ Our friend Paul did this one year at our HS.
  4. -snickers- Teeheheh...ok, you realize next time I'm over, you're [I]reading[/I] that post to me, right PT? ~_^
  5. I am normal! I dress exactly like everyone else in m school, I act the same damn way, I think and say the same stupid and insulting things! I laugh at people who are different than me and call them weird because they are not normal, like I am! Normal is a thing and it does exist, how dare you people say it isn't! That's so wrong! -beams- Thought I'd change the pace some. And that's sarcasm you're reading there, people... ~_^
  6. "Cool" can be used to mean anything between "yes" to "okay" to "no" (that's not cool). The occasional guy I will call "man." Example: This guy I went to HS with came into my work. I treated him more like a friend than a customer, and when I handed him his change I said "Here ya go, man. There's your change." and he was like "Did you just call me 'man'?" But mostly I call everyone (everyone being a male or female who is not considered an adult) "dude." Anyone makes a "Dude, where's my car?" joke and I'll smack 'em. From PT I have picked up saying the word "indeed." I do that, I pick up words from people. "Gah" was taken from my ex-boyfriend, who said it all the time. I say "ya'll" and slip into a very southern accent every so often, mostly because I spend time in Ga every summer and you tend to pick up stuff like that. "La De Da" is my sign of boredom. I write it and/or hum it whever I'm feeling bored. "Copasetic" is also a very awesome word and can be used in place of "cool." It's an actual word meaning "to be ok, fine or otherwise good," so you can see my logic there. Let's see...oh! "Wee fun" can be used as both a serious exclimation of having fun ("I get to go to Six Flags today. Wee fun!") or for sarcastic purposes ("I took a test and I know I bombed it today. Wee fun. >_
  7. Well, I think I've found another reason for me not being able to breathe correctly... I have a cold. A very bad one that has settled in my lungs. Even with a night's sleep (if you can call it that. I wake up ever couple of hours coughing and hacking up a lung...only to be forced to wake up and take meds. at around 5:30 or 6 in the morning), I still can't take a full breath of air. So...yeah. That explains most of it, neh? >_
  8. Well, I made that realization in my initial post...though it's not holding much water because I've gotten a considerable amount of sleep since my first post and the rapid heart beat has not regulated itself just yet. Though the stitch in my side is gone, that's a blessing. ^_^ -sighs- Are there no true insomniacs out there who can give me a way out besides sleep? I'm serious, there's gotta be soemthing I can do besides get more sleep... (especially considering I have a class in...2 hours.)
  9. Why do I want to stay awake... Honestly, I don't know. There's just no desire in me to sleep. I don't feel tired, my mind is still very much awake. Usually I only sleep when my body says "Ok, you've been awake for X number of hours, I have no energy left to give you...[B]you must sleep now![/B]" and I conk out. Music...hmmm. Music for me is an energy releaser when I am very happy, sad, or angry...the type of music varying on emotion. I don't really associate it with sleep...perhaps I should try that. ^_^
  10. Yeah, but see...I'm not trying to cure my "insomnia"...using the term loosely. I'm awake because I want to be, not because I can't sleep. Anyway...I'm trying to cure the pain and raspy breathing that comes with it. And having very bad allergies (yay rainy weather! >_
  11. I'm a chronic insomniac. I'd go into personal records and stuff like that, but I don't feel like spewing useless info right now. ^_^ What I'm wondering if this: sometimes after 24 hours without sleep, I usually find myself gasping for breath with a very accelerated heart rate and (but not always including) a stitch in my side. Like I've been running for a very long time (which I suppose makes sense, considering my energy status when I get like this). I know there are more than a few people out there who have a serious lack of sleep in their schedule. You stay up for if not 1 day, several days at a time. Have any of you ever experienced anything similar to this and have you found a way to deal with it (besides getting sleep. lol).
  12. -sidesteps the ouchie caps- Painful on the eyes. >_< I like GC...mentioned this in another thread about NFG, I believe. I'm not "rabid fan girl"...but, you know, if I feel like belting out tunes while I'm driving to my college (30 mins away) right now you're more likely to find their CD in my player than anything else. A month ago it was a burned mix containing Simple Plan, Sugar Cult, Linkin Park, Hoobastank, and...oh crap, who wrote "Poem"? Ummm...oh! -finds CD- Taproot. A few months before that it was one of NFG's CDs. -shrugs- I think it's kinda pointless for people to argue about who is punk and who's not and should be considered "pop punk/rock." That just confuses the hell outta me, and gives people another reason to hate each other because "OMG! U don"T LIK3 My Mu$1C! U SUX!" >_< Whatever. I don't follow bands. I discover them when they become mainstream and listen to their CDs until I lose interest in them, not when the media (or my friends) do... Which is usually after a couple months to a year of having their CD in my discman and it no longer plays correctly. ^_^ My favorite song on the YatH CD? Probably the title song, or #14...whatever the name of that one is. -does a quick search online- "Moving On," I believe...yeah, that one.
  13. Bad luck?? BAD LUCK to be [i]an extra[/i]???? O_O I am wounded. My soul bleeds. -patpats Orig's back- Don't worry, you'll come to understand your importance. Many congrats on getting a part!
  14. Without me, you guys would have no plays at all. ^_^ That's right: I am the extra. That girl or woman who becomes your random townsperson, your non-labeled just ambling down the street. I make up the meat of the play you stars lay out the fram work for. Without me and my people, you would be a one or two person show in front of pretty props in pretty costumes. Am I proud of my role? You better believe it. Let me give you a run down of the few roles I've been in: Juror - Soph year HS - CanCan (remember, PT and I went to the same school) Random Cellmate - Junior year HS - Man of La Mancha (holy crap, what a fun play that was. And our set was awesome! BTW, my first speaking role: I had 1 line! Weee!) Aunt Lulu - Senior year HS - Footloose (FOOTLOOSE! Holy dear God, this was the best play I've ever been in...which isn't saying much, but anyway...not necessarily for the writing, but it was so much fun to put on and it was the best play we had done probably since Fiddler. Sold out crowd, standing room only on opening night and damn near that the rest of the run.) And...that's it, so far. ^_^; I'm looking to continue for a little while in college, where I will probably be cast as more bit parts and continue to call myself "The Lowly Singing Chorus" -insert brandoise bow here- with pride.
  15. I've seen it as both...however, I think Greek/Romain mythologies (I always get the two mixed up, forgive me. >_
  16. I've always liked Cerberus, Satan's monsterious three-headed dog that guards the gates of Hell. As well as Pegasus (Pegasis? Am I even close? >_< )... And must not forget The Last Unicorn...dear god, what a wonderful movie... I used to pretend I was a mermaid when I was little and taking a bath. Hippocampus are also [I]very[/I] interesting...if I have my story straight, they are mystic marine horse-demons who can turn into a young maiden, seduce a man, and lead him out to his watery death where they feed on his decaying flesh. Between the phoenix and the dragon? As mentioned by others, I've always loved the idea of the Bird of Fire continuously being reborn from its own ashes. However, the dragon is the all ruling, supreme master of mythical creatures. ^_^ Here's an interesting theory I heard once about dragons and their obsession with virgin maidens and money : Dragon males, being hot headed and pompous pricks, grow to enourmous sizes with the fire and the fangs and claws..yada yada. Females, however, grow to be twice as large and are birthed with this incredible control over many different types of magic (depending on their "element"). The one trick all females can do is turn themselves into beautiful women in order to walk through the world of mortal men. Thusly they win the favors of knights, princes, and kings across the land and become very well supported, their collections serving as both currency and a bed (being a dragon, normal bedding materials catch fire and other metals are too hard to sleep on). They're incredibly intelegent, all the better to manage their horde of gold and jewels. And the "damsel in distress" is nothing more than a female dragon in human guise being wooed by her suitors. What other animals do I know? The Hyrda! Oh god, how in the world could I forget the Hydra?? The only thing better than a dragon! ^_^ The Kracken(SP?), I think it was...whatever creature that Poisiden(SP?) kept locked up that destroyed some Greek (or Romain? I think it was Greek...) city. Medusa, Harpies, Siren...ummm...there's more, but it's early where I am and my brain isn't shifting through the information fast enough. >_< Vampires. How could I forget vampires? And werevoles....but definately vampires.
  17. I couldn't agree with you more. Heh...ironic, isn't it? We finally agree on something! -hears cheers from the crowd of people- Edit: Needed to add more to keep with OB's codes. ^_^;
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]5. "They know hate and anger beyond the scope of physical pain into the mental." This was an especially funny statement. Maybe someday, in a future life, we shall meet in the "mental". :laugh: Oh ya, I'd love to see your support on the evolution of a pet's psyche. Go back 3000 years and record what pets were like. They didn't change a whole lot. I do belive some pets show emotion, but let's be serious here, fluffy wants the bacon-flavored rawhide over stock dividends. I don't try to give him an excuse, I accept reality. Try it sometime, it tastes good.. reality, i mean.[/B][/QUOTE] Did you read the rest of my post or were you too busy trying to force your views on other people (I'll get back to this later) to get what I'm saying? I'm not saying pets are highly intelligent, but they know emotions. You said it yourself right there, "some pets show emotion". So stop trying to make it seem like we're all preaching that our pets are the geniuses they depict on TV. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]7)No I'm glad you posted this and you should be too. But dont YOU forget that you posted this for a better reason than to have everyone here just mindlessly accept your opinion right? I mean, you wanted an exchange of Ideas here right? No? Oh, well then, nevermind. :smirk: [/B][/QUOTE] Looks who's talking. Every time someone says something about how their pet has shown a shred of action against your "valid points," you have ripped them apart and made them into a fool, myself included. Yes, I posted this to get input from others. Yes, I posted this to get other's views. YOU are the one who is putting everyone down. I am trying to clarify what I stated earlier. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Drix D'Zanth [/i] [B]8)I know this, so lets prevent the pain and suffering of animals by keeping our vetrinary professionals in business here ok? 9)Actually, the fact that Adamn is money grubbing and lawsuit happy has everything to do with the article. Everyone is human, ironically enough, but Adam seems to be less unforgiving of that fact. No, 5 thousand dollars isn't going to make you any happier that your dog died if you [B] truly [/B] cared about the animal, it just makes a sad man who lost his dog 5 thousand dollars richer. This is the pressure that malpractice puts on well meaning professionals that do NOTHING but BENEFIT SOCIETY! Jesus, how would you feel if you were out of a vet cause some kid lost his cat?[/B][/QUOTE] The one problem with your statement is that this wasn't a well meaning professional. How simple do you want me to put it? This was a bad vet. Like you said, every one is human and you can make a lot of money from being an animal doctor. Laws need to be "reconsidered" to keep the good vets in practice and put the bad ones out of business. And just because one vet is sued doesn't mean the whole animal hospital is going down the drain. There will be another doctor there, who takes better care of the animals, to fill the spot.
  19. I'm not even going to touch your "valid points," Drix. Number one, that's what you wanted and that's you've already got. Number two, you are heartless person who sees your poor family "pet" as nothing more than that. A burden on your life and not even close to resembling a friend or family member. You don't deserve the undying love that dog gives you. And complain and justify as you wish. I promise you, I'll ignore every statement. You have claimed that animals feel no emotion and convey no emotion. That's proof enough for me that you have no heart, and nothing will EVER change that point of view. Thousands of years ago human beings knew nothing more than instinct. I think what many of us have forgotten is (if you believe in evolution) that at one point man was nothing more than an animal. He knew nothing about emotions...there were no emotions. Love wasn't love, it was a need to find the best mate and reproduce. Hate was only pain. Anger was pain. Sorrow? There was no sorrow. The weak died, that was that. As you've all pointed out, life goes on. But man kind evolved, didn't we? We learned how to feel all of these emotions and more. We now choose our mates because they make us happy and feel loved, not because "they are the best" to carry on the genes of our kind. I'm sure many of you will agree that there are some couples out there who should not be reproducing. We hate and we kill not because the opposition is a threat to our personal lives, but because they have angered and insulted us. Hell, we've [I]created[/I] the insult. I will give you that today, many of an animal's thoughts are based on instinct. But they are different instincts than what they were thousands of years ago when Man first domesticated the dog and cat. Because everything evolves, and with us evolving, animals have developed their own emotions. Their own very simple ways of knowing that they love their master, they are happy to be in his or her company. They know hate and anger beyond the scope of physical pain into the mental. They mourn the loss of their loved ones. Not as long as we do, but they notice that empty spot where a person once was in their heart. They're getting there. They're where we were when our minds first started developing into what we have today. And please, don't twist my words and tell me I'm saying "that one day dogs and cats will walk and talk like a human." I'm not. Their minds don't have that room to expand like ours did. I'd like to bring to attention the fact that all of you have missed the point of my original post. Granted, it was my fault to assume you would understand the meaning of my words...I hope I've fixed that now. Though, I'm sure someone will read this the wrong way...but oh well. I never meant for it to be taken that animals deserve [B]the exact same[/B] rights as human beings. They are still animals. They cannot vote (like I give a damn about voting...but anyway), they cannot build towering cities of brick, stone, or metal, they cannot carry on the terribly complex thoughts that a human being can do. However, as I've pointed out, they can feel. They know what love is. They know was pain is. They know what suffering is. We have laws in place (granted, often ignored laws, but laws) to keep human beings from suffering and to repay that suffering if it is felt. Our laws concerning animal cruelty and the malpractice of vets need to be looked over to prevent animals from suffering. Lucky suffered. Doesn't matter if Adam is a lawsuit happy [I]adult[/I] who wants fame and money. Lucky went through unnecessary pain as a [I]direct result[/I] of the vet doing [B]something[/B] wrong. That's what needs to be justified. If Adam wins this case, you won't be put in jail for running over a stray cat. You won't be sentenced to the death penalty for shooting a wild dog that's attacking you. But vets, just like doctors, who let their patients suffer will pay for that pain. That's why this is important. That's what I meant when I said "we need a serious rewrite of our laws concerning animal cruelty."
  20. I saw this on ABC News (Good Morning America) today. I thought it was very, [I]very[/I] interesting... --- Lawsuit for Lucky Can A Vet Be Sued for Emotional Injuries? Aug. 22? When your pet dies under questionable circumstances, can you sue the vet for emotional devastation? A groundbreaking case in Florida may answer that question once and for all. Adam Riff lost Lucky, the dog he called his best friend, after a trip to the veterinarian in July 2001 went terribly wrong. Lucky, an 8-year-old Shetland sheepdog, visited the Welleby Veterinary Medical Center in Sunrise, Fla., to have two bad teeth removed. Adam's mom, Ellen Riff, dropped the dog off at around 8 a.m. on June 12, and was told he would be ready by noon. But when she called, the vet's office said they were backed up and to call again at 2 p.m. When she called again, she learned that he still wasn't ready yet. "She called at that time, and was told again that they were delayed," Adam Riff said. "My mother was nervous, so she went to the vet's office. When she got there, she was shocked. She saw Lucky in an oxygen tent, and he looked catatonic." Rushed to the Hospital Dr. John Willie told her that Lucky's appearance was normal because the dog was still under anesthesia, according to Adam Riff, who also went to the vet's office. Willie told the Riffs that Lucky needed to be taken to an animal hospital emergency room facility because the office was closing at 5 p.m., Adam Riff said. But the veterinarian said Lucky would only be released after the bill was paid. The Riffs took Lucky to an E.R. about 45 minutes to an hour away, where doctors had already been told by Willie that Lucky's problems were pulmonary, according to the Riffs. Many hours later, the ER doctors realized that Lucky's illness was due to the anesthesia he received at Welleby. Later that day, Lucky died. The Riffs filed suit against Willie and his facility, charging him with breach of contract, malpractice and emotional distress. Willie's defense attorney, Dan Bachi, said that under state law, pet owners are only entitled to the market value of their pet. Pets Considered Chattel "Currently, the law in the state of Florida, is that a household pet, such as a cat or dog, is considered chattel or property damage," Bachi said. "Recovery for loss of such a pet is the fair market value of the pet, and generally, a claimant is not entitled to pain and suffering for that loss." Ironically, while the case is about whether people should recover damages for the pain and suffering for the loss of a pet, the Florida legislature has voted to put a cap on pain and suffering on people who are the victims of medical malpractice, Bachi said. "In any event, to recover pain and suffering for the loss of a pet is something that should be addressed in the legislature and not the court system," Bachi said. The groundbreaking suit has survived two motions to dismiss by the defendant, and is now awaiting a trial date. --- I don't particularly like this article, but for now it's the best I could find. The interview of Adam Riff was much more interesting. He related how the vet had treated him rudely, had treated the dog unkindly, and been uncaring about the suffering the family was obviously going through (how anyone can act like that and become a vet is beyond me). I'll post more articles about it if I find them. I encourage anyone else to post what they can find and offer comments. My personal view? We don't give animals the respect they deserve. Mankind never has. The idea that "animals are property" and "animals can't feel emotion" is preposterous. And if someone mistreats a dog, or cat, or any other animal, they should be given the same punishment as if that creature was a person. I liked how Adam Riff's lawyer brought up how in early America "blacks, Jews, women...they had no rights. But eventually the system caught up. Now it's time for the same review of animal treatment." It was a quote along those lines...you guys get the idea. And he's right, we need a serious rewrite of our laws concerning animal cruelty.
  21. I consider mine an unofficial vote because I don't know who most of these badies are. ^_^ Anyone care to explain or offer easy links so that I can find out and make a true vote? Anyway, yes...Unofficial vote of the moment is Vicious. I would give a whole slew of reasons, but most have been listed already. ^_^ And a major thumbs up to Aoshi Shinomori who has mentioned the greatest Vicious quote of all time. ^_^
  22. The only type of chain mail that I enjoy are those "personal survey" ones...that ask you a bunch of questions and you send out to your friends? I love those things... ^_^;; They're so much fun to fill out. Though I've stopped sending them to friends...I post them on my DJ instead. -nods- If anyone has one they'd like to add to my collection, feel free to PM it to me. I haven't gotten one in a while.
  23. We buried out beagle Mutt-Mutt in the backyard...sadly, we didn't keep his collar (we had buried him with it on) but we kept his bowl. It was really sorta symbolic...when Leika (Mutt-Mutt's mother) was in labor, my father was there to help her give birth. And then Mutt-Mutt died in his arms nearly 13 years later. After my cockatiel Melissa died, I kept a few of her feathers. God, she was a beautiful bird. Pie-eyed, I think they call it: she was entirely gray and white. She didn't have the yellow or orange blotches on her cheeks or any other yellow on her. Just...white and gray. She hated me. She used to nip my fingers through the bars of her cage. But I still loved that bird. I'm sorry for your loss of Chloe. I don't really think a dog can die from "being left outside too long," unless it was unnaturally hot or cold...and even if it was, don't blame yourself. Don't look at her death with that view...you don't want to remember her like that and she wouldn't have wanted you to feel responsible for her passing.
  24. Sorry about the double post, Syk. Slipped my mind... >_
  25. Thank you everyone for the input...it's really appreciated. ^_^ And here we go, try #2. I changed the text and made a border by cropping the unicorn horn off another picture and layering it over itself. Interesting little pattern if I do say so myself. [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=466130[/IMG] 98% of this was made in MS Paint...the font came from PSP7.
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