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Everything posted by RPCrazy
I go through phases...and I've come back to one of my favorite movies when I was growing up: The Last Unicorn. So I got an animation off the web to make an avatar, and threw together this little banner... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?s=&postid=465361[/IMG] Comments? Questions? I'd really like some input on how to jazz up my banners a bit, they seem very...well, plain. >_<
For the past couple of years I've usually been on vacation when the X Games started up and was stuck watching the sucky reruns on whatever channel I could find it on. But when the X Games first started I watched them all the time. I know zilch about skating and stuff like that, but I love seeing people do that stuff. I have to admit, street skating has more variety in the tricks and such, but I like both...doubles vert more so than single vert (if that's what they're even called. >_< ) Oh..and what's the competition where they balance on a bike and spin the wheels around and junk like that? Now [I]that's[/I] cool to watch.
I went with someone (long story. In short she's like my second mother) to get a tattoo last year over the summer. It was really nice, the design was called "Dragon Lady" I believe. A fairy with dragonfly wings and a swirl as her head...it's the symbol for new birth or eternal life or something along those lines. She said it wasn't painful, but this woman's had 3 kids and plus she's really strong willed and the like. I, on the other hand, have not and am not. I'm sensitive to pain, I always have been, and I'm a firm believer in the fact that "just because it doesn't hurt you, doesn't mean it won't hurt me." ^_^ Which si fine with me, I'm in no rush to get a tattoo. I have my whole life to get one...there's no time limit to having one done. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B]quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The first one I got is three X's, one on each shoulder and one on my back, between my shoulder blades (I'm straightedge) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [size=1]Heh, I saw that straight edge coming before I even read the parentheses. Thumbs up to you. ^_~[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] Yes. Double thumbs up. ^_^
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Solo Tremaine [/i] [B]There's that side of it, but anything sexual also has the emotional side of it too.[/B][/QUOTE] You bring up a good point, Solo...in most of the emotional aspects of cybering, I agree with you. Mentally, it is a big step. However, I didn't appreciate Sere getting angry at me for a comment that was not directed as a jab or insult. And clearly her post was meant to be such. And my apologies, wrist cutter. I suppose I was still a bit frustrated. I just didn't want more tempers flairing.
Whatever, wrist cutter. I'm risking sounding like a mod here, but seriously...if you're just gonna poke fun at this, could you please not post in the thread? You're just asking to get people angry about it.
Ha ha ha! And here I am talking about the end of the world in another thread (Glowing Mary). Ha ha ha! -dances- World's gonna end, world's gonna end! Oh well...at least we'll get a nice pretty image of Mars before we go. ~_^
"I liked walking in the rain before it became popular." Heh. ^_^; Anyway yes....when I was little I used to beg my sister to take me out to play in the rain. She refused, so I was forced to just sit inside and watch the water fall. Now I run outside and spin around in our driveway until I get dizzy. I love downpours. Just buckets and buckets of rain where even a moment will get whatever part of you soaked. And I love driving in the rain...the sound of the water pounding on the windshield and on the roof is like music.
Interesting... I think my favorite miracle is that saint's blood that they have on display in where ever. 364 days out of the year it's a pile of red powder sitting in this vial. I can't remember if it's his birthday or on his saint's day, but whatever...for one day each year the dust turns into a lquid and flows around inside the vial. Very cool happening, though. -evil smirk- Maybe it's a sign of the end of the world.
No use for the profanity. You can use the words "cyber," "yiff," "sex," or "intercourse" to bring out the same meaning without using the F word. And I must disagree with you: being sexual with someone online is totally different from real life. There are no worries of a child being born or diseases being passed. Probably another contributing factor for the rampant cyber sessions...but anyway. I wasn't taking any tone with you. I was mentioning that I raised my eyebrow at your comments, but where you RP and what you say in your posts is your deal. I have no problem with it. And I would appreciate it if you didn't make assumptions about what [B]I[/B] do when [B]I[/B] role play, because I can assure you I am not a cyber fiend either. You may want to work on your maturity level, or at least your anger management. Considering your previous post, it looks like they both could use some improvement.
While we're mentioning Chat Vs Boards, let's add Messengers to the mix, shall we? I started RPing almost 7 years ago in chats via AoL. About 4 years ago I started being an exclusive Messenger RPer. Only within the past year have I expanded to Boards. Chats are nice if you're looking to do battle RP with dice, or looking for a whole mish-mosh of people. I do no battle, and personally find too many people in one chat a little hard to follow. Usually in a chat of 6 I'm talking to 1 person. The constant interuption of my posts (and often the extensive OOC posts) gets on my nerves. Boards are better than chats. You don't have the restriction of space, the annoyance of other players disecting your post. However, waiting for people to post on a Board Thread gets...boring. And often people loose the flow of their actions in the days it takes everyone to respond, so the plot falls apart. And again, usually I am focusing on one character at time, which is hard to do with a Board Thread because everyone wants to be a part of teh actions. Messenger RP is...the epitomy of RPing. Few post length restrictions, no interuptions, instantanious action. I can focus playing a SL with several people at one time without having to worry about posts getting mixed up or wires crossed. And if one person I'm RPing with is an IM full while another is 3 or so worth of detail, there's no problem in keeping their "quotas" (for lack of a better word) taken care of. So...there's my input. ^_^
This is how I explain the big part of sexual content in the furdom: Aniamls are sexual creatures. They're not like humans who care about what other think when it comes to who and what they sleep with. If a male dog likes a female, he's going to mate that female...unless some other male dog (or other force) stops him. People who are hard core furry fans, often seeing their Fursona as their alter ego, kindred soul, or creative muse, are very in touch with their character's quite literally animal side, so any physical attration at all is acted upon. The problem is that most people aren't mature enough mentally to deal with the sexual content in a proper fashion. You don't have to be legally an adult to be able to handle sexual situations. I've been a Furry since I was just about 14 years old...over 4 years. All you have to do is politely decline advances without going "EWWW!!! You want to CYBER?? That's SO GROSS! EEWWWWW!" I used to do Furc...but the moving around the the character got old real fast. I'd prefer to just type out the fact that my character walked across the room then actually have to move her. And I was gonna say...a dream in Furabian Nights when you're against Yiff? Grand Central Station for all Mature Furcadia players? -shrugs- But whatever.
...........well d***, am I the only Anthro Fan around here? -feels alone-
[url]http://www.anthrocon.org/info.cgi/index[/url] This is the AnthroCon I'm talking about...
A MUCK is basically the main form (as far as I know) for people to RP...though mostly I'm restricted to the lesser form of AoL and AIM. >_< I can't remember what the letters stand for...I only came to learn what they were about a year ago. If you've ever heard of Furcadia, isn't basically that only without the visual pictures, I believe (anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). Oh, with that in mind, anyone know of a good MUCK I could try out? AnthroCon rumors I've heard have been...inspiring. People in furrie suits (not my forte, but d*** it's an interesting thing), artists galore, all types of people and creatures coming together for one desire: to meet others like them. To exchange and buy art, to meet the people they've spent years and lifetimes RPing and communicating with. -drools- Oh yes, I'm definately considering going to it next year, being very, [I]very[/I] near the Philly area where the East Coast (~_^ Valen) AnthroCon will be held.
I've been an Anthro fan for a couple years now. I've seen adds for AnthroCon all over the net, but only recently have my interests really started saying "Gee Jenn, maybe you should go." Now, I know it's over and done with for 2003, but what I'd like to know is this: Did you go? Did you have fun? Did you want to go, but couldn't? Would you recommend someone who has never been on a MUCK (namely: me) to go? And will you go next year?
I tried to kill my sister. :toothy: You know those bubble wraps that they ship stuff in and you just love to pop because they make great popping sounds? Yeah well, my mom got a package one day and I took it the bag and put it over my sister's head (she's 11 years older than me, by the way). She couldn't breathe for probably 5 or so seconds before she managed to push me away and pull it off. I also used to pretend I was a boy. Kid Cool my family called him. He was my alter ego whenever I put sunglasses on. He's since gone through a sex change and has become my muse because d*** that boy was creative. Let's see....oh yes. Someone mentioned a mud puddle in the back yard? My friend and I used to drive my brother's Matchbox car collection into the mud as we sat throwing mud balls at each other. I'm pretty sure we left some cars in that puddle, they're probably still burried in the ground. Oh! And Onion Stew! :love2: My friends and I used to take this huge bucket, fill it with water, put in dirt, acorns, more dirt, rocks, real pepper and salt, and all the onion grass we could pick. We walked all the way down to the playground and back, looking for onion grass to put into our Onion Stew. ^_^ I used to pretend to run away. I'd go and hide behind the chair while my mom was making dinner, then scribble "notes" to her saying "Don't worry Mommy, I'm ok. I miss you, I'll be home soon." and the like. I forced the family beagle to take an ice bath in the middle of winter. I sat there and used a hunk of ice as a sponge, running it down his back and "bathing" him with hand fulls of ice water. There's more...but I think I've said enough. ^_^
Semjaza: AWESOME idea! Go for it! -many cheers- I have my ears pierced, though I don't wear rings in them often if at all. My lobes are thicker than a normal person's ears, so normal earrings are too small. The backs end up pinching my ears. During one very extreme case when I had first gotten them pierced (which itself is an interesting story. Made short: I pierced them because a guy I liked had bought me earrings, not knowing my ears were not pierced), the backs were being pulled into my ear and getting stuck. I had to wear hoops for almost a year before they healed completely. As for tattoos: I want one. Very badly. However, I am [I]terrified[/I] of being in any sort of pain, so until I get over that...well, I'm screwed. However, that does give me a lot of time to think over what I want inked into my skin when I finally do get the courage to have something done. I'm considering a drawing combination of dragons, my Zodiac sign (Pisces), and the moon. Three things that I have always connected with, loved, and looked to for inspiration and guidance in my life. And for another note, I hate hearing about people who go and get something done without putting thought into it. Example. A lady my mother worked with would not allow her daughter to get a tattoo. Granted, she was 18 and didn't legally need the permission of her mother...however I'm sure many of you understand the story of being legally an adult and still dealing with the rules of the roof you live under (I know I do). Her daughter pleaded and pleaded. "I just want two little ones: a devil on my right shoulder and an angel on my left. Please Mom?" Finally, her mother said ok, and off went her daughter to the parlor. She came home with her name in 2 inch thick, [B]BOLD [COLOR=crimson]RED[/COLOR][/B] letters across the back of her neck. And not because that was what she had wanted all along. She did it to simply p*** off her mother for making her wait so long.
A thread with dayday and Taylor...do I dare mention the name? -shifty eye glance...grinning- Chill you two, I'm kidding around. ~_^ Anyway, yes. PoisonTongue is my best friend. I've known him since my Frosh year of HS...which I know isn't exactly that long, but time is not an issue. He has become the only person on this earth who I feel totally comfortable in front of, no matter what my mood is. It's rather hard to explain how well we get along...I'm not gonna try, but yes. He's my best friend. My other friends are good ones. I've known them since gradeschool. They are loyal, they help me support my dreams while I help them with theirs, they have opinions different from mine own about almost everything, they enjoy going to the mall and video games and hanging out and driving to no where and back. They are quiet and loud, they argue with me, they laugh with me, they keep me insane. ^_^ I am very lucky. I have very good friends.
I knew this guy when I was in this Cath gradeschool for a few years (Oct. 95-July 98)in Philly. We hated each other. It's a long story...in short I was new in town, the whole class, all 40 of them, hated me and I hated them. I moved away after graduating 8th grade (June 98), never really, honest to God making peace with any of them. Two weeks into Jan of 99 I get a phone call from another dude I went to that gradeschool with: "Steve's dead. He committed suicide last weekend." At that point I had never cried so hard in my life. And I [I]hated[/I] this guy, he and everyone else from that school had made my life miserable. At several points during my time there I had considered suicide myself. So what do I regret? Not being more open to moving to Philly. Never making friends with the people there. If we (myself and the class) hadn't hated each other, Steve and I might have been friends. He might still be alive.
I feel like dreams are a lot of things... 1) Sometimes it's just a brain on its own sugar rush saying "Weee! Look at what I can make you see!" 2) Sometimes, they're your subcon. trying to warn you or give you advice cause you're being an a** and not listening to yourself. 3) Sometimes it's your brain relaying your deeper thoughts on a situation that's happening in your life. Example of No. Three: I was dating this guy. I had three different dreams while dating him. The first was in my old house. It was dark, there was a lot of confusion going on outside, and we were trying to hide from my father because he didn't want us dating (which was the true situation in the waking world). We were scared, and worried about how our relationship was going to work out. Second dream was at his house where everything was bright and shinny. We were happy because we were together and didn't have to hide anything. There was a party going on outside. Last dream we where at my house in Philly, which was old and falling apart. The sun was setting so it was growing darker outside, we kept getting seperated as we tried (once again) to hide from my dad, and everytime we did see each other this huge crow would dive bomb us and try to peck us if we started holding hands. Piece it together. The first happened when we first started dating, the second in the middle, and the third at the end before we broke up. Since being dumped I have not had any dreams about my ex...however in a another dream (not concerning him) I remember seeing his house in the background, and it had been torn down. I'm really into the dream interpretation thing, if you couldn't tell. I own a few books on defining signs from them...it's fun to watch how people react when all the "nonsense" from their visions connects with their waking life. ^_^
I just spit this out maybe 5 minutes ago. A little spell checking and...well, see for yourself. Don't look at me, I'm not the girl standing here before you underestimated and under appreciated in this world of pretty blondes and blues where fake eyes make the choice on who or what is in and out and I prefer to stay on the side they shy away from. Take cover from as I walk down the street not being afraid to be who I am and not conforming to the norm of society's anxieties about dark thoughts within bright minds. Straight edge punk wanna be, that's me. The gothic Harry Potter left on the doorstep because Momma and Dadda died fighting to protect the child that wasn't dark enough to blend with the shadows. I'm failing to memorize my Tarot cards, Big Sister, I hope you don't mind as I read your fortune and tell you that I'm never gonna be that frilly Philly girl again. Never gonna bow my head when I walk in a crowd to avoid the eyes but stare them down. Back off, punk...what you want from Me? I breathe a world different from that which you spew into the minds of my peers, creating unwanted fears of suicides and short cut rides to Heaven. Wash away your purity for the girl who's anti-drug and TRUTH all the way, who likes GC and New Found Glory and doesn't care what you think about her taste in whatever. Yet due to my own fears branded into my head from years of living under America's thumb I will never fully be the girl I want to be. I will never have the will power to dress all out Hot Topic with the dyed hair and nose ring. I cannot find the strength to get out of these prep clothes into a good pair of bondage pants with the fishnet under a black T-shirt proclaiming **** off. While my mind is willing, I find my body unable to change the world's label on who I am and am not. This me isn't Me inside my head. I told you not to look at me...for I am not the girl you see.
Azure, you definitely do not know PoisonTongue. I like something that has replay power, and a good fighting base. For example: The Bouncer. While most would say "dude, that game sucks!" (direct quote from Alex), I like it. The graphics are classic Squaresoft, the controls are easy to figure out, the story is basically ok...I like how you can go through with the different characters. And the four player fighting option once you've unlocked all the characters is interesting. At family get togethers, I'm constantly whooping the butts of my brother and brother-in-laws. I like games that you can get several people involved: SSMB, Mario Party, JetMoto, THPS. And considering the fact I could sit and watch people play videos games for hours (which I have done recently at a party with Mr. PT and company), TimeSplitters 2 and Deathrow have awesome watching power. Windwaker was fun, so was Sonic battle. Really, I like stuff all over the map. Whether playing, or watching...I say video games will someday rule the universe.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by OlgaTheDwarf [/i] [B]Nothing, you have permision to like stupid things.:D [/B][/QUOTE] The stupid thing is that people judge others by the music they listen to. That people get p***ed off when one person says "That band sucks" or "I don't like that band," and then proceed to get into horrible arguments about which "type" of music a certain group is or is not. The stupid thing is honest threads like this, where people should be able to go and talk about what they like, turn into nasty little flame wars between fans and haters. [I]That's[/I] the stupid thing. People, in general, are the stupid thing.
RPCrazy - I'm a fanatic role player. I have been for over 5 years. About 2 years ago I needed a Yahoo! indentity...RPCrazy just popped into my head. Jennifer has several meanings. The most common language I've found it from was Welsh, but I've also seen it as a German and Enlgish name. It can mean either "white wave" or "white and pure," depending on which language you're saying it comes from. I've got a thing for the meanings of names. I own 3 different baby names books for making up character names that I can RP and names in stories that I write. Lilith is my favorite girl's name...Tobias is going to be the first name of my first born son. -beams-
I like GC and NFG. What's wrong with that? I like NFG's self-titled CD (I think it was self-titled. I'm horrible at keeping track of this stuff. >_