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Everything posted by RPCrazy

  1. No offence to anyone here....but I think asking for help on [I]this[/I] type of message board is the wrong place to go for advice. Try looking online for boards and communities owned/opperated by homosexuals that offer advice columns about things like this. Ask them. They've gone through this before, they have a better clue as to how you can let your family (and friends, if you're having trouble there too) know without creating a horrific rift.
  2. Yeah, well Alex...one, yes your bed is very comfy (no matter how wrong that sounds) and two, usually when I'm at your house I'm suffering from my body saying "must sleep, must sleep" after staying up for so freaking long. ^_^ And by "beer" I can assure you he means the root variety. ~_^
  3. My friends, you are probably talking with the All Nighter Queen. ^_^ I should make that into an avatar...but anyway. During the school year I pull an all nighter regularly (at least twice a week), with them being nightly occurrences during the summer and 48+ hour sleepless sessions happening every other day. The longest I've ever gone without sleep was almost 60 hours (that's 2 and a half days for those too tired to do the math. ~_^). What my friends, family, and coworkers (and perhaps even yourself) wonder is: why? Do I suffer from insomnia? No. It is not because I want to sleep, but can't. I don't want to sleep. My brain is not tired. Eventually it is not my mind that gives out but my body that says "Forget you, I need to recharge," and forces me into a nearly comatose sleep. And let me tell you, I have some of the [I]freakiest[/I] dreams after staying up 50+ hours. What do I do? Sit at my computer and talk online. At 3 in the morning on the East coast, besides there being other night owls up and about, there is a whole other time zone just signing on looking for people to talk to. -waves to CA and WA people- You people rock! I also play the Sims or Zoo Tycoon or some other PC game...or I play video games. I'm a lazy S.O.B ^_^ My GC controller is merely an arm's shift away from my hand. And no need to get up to turn it on: I keep it going 24 hours a day. Knock on wood it hasn't overheated, nor has it ruined any of my games yet. Actually, it runs better than my friend Chris's who has constant problems with the eye scanner thing (woa! Technical terms! ~_^) malfunctioning and errors occurring on his. And I watch TV. Can't forget that...though at around 3 am all the info commercials start coming on (except on GameShow Network. God, I love that channel. ^_^) and there's only so many times you can watch the Miracle Food Processor turn onions, peppers and tomatoes into salsa. >_< If you don't know: I own rats. Two of them, Snowshoe Siamese brothers if anyone cares. I play with them as they are just as nocturnal as I am and are awake at this time. I work on my web site(s), listen to music (on low so's not to wake up the house). I READ...I read the last 3/4 of Harry Potter Year 1 in one night. Same goes for books 2 through 4, with the first half of 5 in two nights and the last half in one single nightly sitting (there were complications to that which I won't go into now). If you are really that set on staying awake, you could lay in bed with a blindfold on, listening to the Songs of Harmonious Nature with the babbling brook and bird calls, the covers pulled up to your chin, and not fall asleep. The most it would do would make you have to go to the bathroom [I]really[/I] bad (really badly? whichever), let you memorize the mating call of a morning dove, blue jay, and robin, as well as cause you to be horribly bored. I've written a novel here. Wee! ^_^ I've been awake since roughly 6:30 yesterday afternoon, my day has yet to begin!
  4. "I don't mind being alone, as long as my friends keep me from being lonely." A quote from The Age of Innocence (my class skimmed through it and we watched the video last year)...I couldn't agree with it more. ^_^
  5. Pardon me if I mention any points already brought up. I have to get ready for work in about 10 minutes and don't have time to read through all the posts, but I want to add my 2 cents. ^_^ Appearence, no matter what anyone says, is important. Why? Because how someone physically looks is what first attracts you to that person, or doesn't attact you to that person. I've found even online, the way someone's SN reads or the way their profile looks can make you like someone more or less (I've been a part of the online RPing community via AoL for almost 6 years, I've seen it happen). But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and you can find someone who isn't drop dread handsome/beauitful to be attractive, and their personality only helps to make them even a better looking person. Honestly, from what I've observed? If you stop for a moment and look at someone (I mean, really look. Watch them for a moment or two, see how they're intereacting with people around them) you can see how their personality changes their physical looks. I promise you, a b****y person will give off an ugly glow (or aura, if you'd like to think of it that way). Someone who is nice will be much more pleasent looking to your eye after you've gotten over the intial "wow" of their looks. Me personally? I think I'll be the first to admit I wouldn't date a person without finding them at least a little bit good looking. Is that shallow? You'll probably say it is...but I ask you this: Would YOU date (not marry, not call your soulmate...DATE) someone you didn't find to be slightly attractive? Of course not...But like I said before, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm not asking for a model.
  6. -nose wrinkles- I'm with Mina...I don't post often, and even then only in what really catches my eye... "The Lurker"..."The RPCraziest One"....something along those lines, perhaps? Maybe "^_^ Girl"...I use them too much on occasion... Ooooh...me thinks "Oh Annoying One".... Heheheh...Alex (PoisonTongue)'s should be "Deadly"... lol ~_^ And I say that with all due respect, Alex. ^_^
  7. My dad's father died when I was very young. I don't have any memories of him save this picture of when I was probably a few days old. He's sitting in a wheel chair holding me. Looks how my father will probably look when he's 90, though at the time my grandfather was around...40, maybe? An unhealthy smoking and drinking problem combined with denied diabetes took it's toll on my grandfather... My mother's parents died a little over a year ago within almost exactly two months of each other. We recently went to Maine to burry their ashes there, just how they wanted. They couldn't have been the most wonderful grandparents in the world, because everyone claims to have grandparents like that...but damn, they were close. My grandmother (called Grandmom or Grammie) was as patient as the day is long, and lvoed sitting with me telling me stories. My grandfather (Grampie) loved three things: his family, his work, and my grandmother. He waited on her hand and foot until the day she died. He loved her so much that almost two months after she passed he died of a heart attack...my family and I firmly believe he could not live without her. There is no better proof of soulmates in my mind than of my grandparents. My living grandmother, my father's mother, is the biggest ***** I know. I forget who it was that described their grandmother as being a complaining old hag (I'm sorry, but you did) who thinks everyone besides herself is condemned to hell...I can completely understand where they're coming from. My brother and sisters and I and the heathen children (who, may I mind you, always stop by on the big important holidays to wish her a happy whatever and tell her through our teeth that we love her...which I can't say for my cousins) because my mother was Lutheran and how dare her son marry someone who wasn't Catholic. This grandmother is living to the ripe old age of 93+ and probably will leave everything in her will to my aunt, her daughter, who I can liken to that crabby old lady down the street who owns a hundred cats. No lie. And do I feel bad for saying any of this? Sadly, yes...but that's only because my mother raised me to be a good child who respects her elders and I do hold a great deal of respect (maybe not patience but definately respect) for the elderly. Just not the old hag and her kitty on a leash... Forgive me...it's currently 6:35 AM where I am and I have yet to get some sleep tonight. I'm rambling.
  8. Ditto...much respect to all, especially Semjaza since he and I are becoming fast friends. However, I must admit I have a crush on Krillen. Have you seen his picture yet? -whistles- Hello Hottie, how ya doing? ~_^
  9. I couldn't agree with you more, my friend. .......and I'm going to stop there before I open my mouth and stick my foot in it. But yes. The most I will say right now is ******** it's "Anti-American"...Bull. ****.
  10. I wrote this as a project for a Creative Writing class my Senior year of high school. What we had to do was take a box and cover it with images (from magazines and the like) that we thought described how we acted and what we showed to the world. Inside, we were to place images of things we kept from people. I covered my box (a shoe box) in duct tape, pasted abstract images of sunsets and sea creatures, plus words like "The Ivory Tower" -- a Never-Ending Story reference -- and the surgeon general's warning...among other things. I also cut random words from magazines and somehow threw them together in this poem. As for the inside, I painted the entire thing straight black and left it that way. I consider this to be some of the best poetry I've ever written, in about 10 minutes time sitting at a school computer in the lab. It's also one of two poems that I have never been able to find an adequate name for...and honestly, I have given up trying. So anyway, yes...I hope you enjoy. [center]Still...Untitled Go ahead and try to see What's inside the box? My box. Jennifer's Box. Don't get me confused with Pandora, That wench had nothing on Me. You'll have to break the lock Because there's no key. Easy entry not this way And brace yourself if you get in What a surprise you're getting. The real Me, The Me you don't see. Day to day Night after night. The Me I hide from prying eyes The black moods And dying art Where once upon a time spins from my head And I dance the dance of the vampire The living dead. A culture shock to the reality of life And the wild difference in my sight Of this earth as it is and not how it's supposed to be Welcome to my World. Welcome to the real Me And now here's something I'll guarantee Once you get into my head, Under my skin Into every breath that I breathe You still won't see You won't understand Too dark for someone like you to comprehend For there's a reason I keep this hidden Why a Junk-Yard Angel has thoughts forbidden No matter how you pry or how you try You still won't see who I am. For my Me to you is different from my Me to He Or She and It and They and Them. So break the lock Come on it. But you still won't get Me in the end.[/center]
  11. First Kiss: PoisonTongue How old were you?: Sophomore year of HS. How was it: Nice. Not the fireworks and shock I thought it would be (I think too much and watch too many movies), but still...it was nice. Circumstances: We were in his car...we had been dating for a day or so...and we kissed. Evidently, I'm the only one who thought it was special...
  12. I ran into a pole. -nods- I lived in Philly about 4 years ago. Two years before I moved I was playing Street Tag with some neighborhood kids. Well, if you've ever lived in the city you know sometimes they place poles (about 3 feet high) into the sidewalk to keep people from parking there. I was It, I was chasing my friend. He tried to loose me by weaving between these poles. Needless to say I miscounted and ran full force into this 3 foot high pillar. Knocked the wind out of me...last thing I remember was weezing "Get my mom," as I tried to keep from being sick. Next thing I remember there are figures all around me and they're going "Someone give her CPR." "You do it." "I'm not gonna do it, you do it." Classic words, if ya ask me. ^_^ I also messed up my hand a bit, it was sore and I had to wear an Ace bandage for a few days after. So yes...I've probably done dumber, but that's the first thing that springs to mind whenever someone asks this question.
  13. Personally, it would be very difficult to forgive them. I have a hard time finding people who I trust enough to fully open my heart to and be in a relationship with them in the first place. For you, all I can offer is first take a break and calm down about everything. Let the anger and hurt settle so that you can think clearly. Then think about it: look into your heart, realize how you feel and what actions you want to take. Then talk with your partner about things. Communication's the key...that and trusting what your heart says. I hope everything turns out for the best.
  14. My mother grew up in a haunted house...I've heard tales of ghosts and things of that nature like since I was very, very little. With that in mind, yes I've always believed in ghosts and spirits. I think we have a ghost in the house we currently live in now. Not an ancient ghost...before we bought it, and the reason this house was sold was because it caught on fire. The elderly lady who lived here died, though I can't remember if it was in the actual fire or due to complications from the smoke. I'd add a story or two about why I believe this...but nasty shivers are creeping up my spine simply thinking about them, so I'll have to come back tomorrow during the daylight hours to add them. ^_^;
  15. I hate you, Alex. ~_^ Spending time with my family on some days...sitting in my room, the volume on my walkman as high as it can go on others. Depends...I also get high on Pixie Stix. The kids from my youth group call me their "supplier" because I always bring at least 2 bags of Pixie Stix with me to our outings and all nighters and shtuff like that. ^_^
  16. I'm always walking down steps, and I miss the last one and fall. Or I'm about to walk off a cliff. But I don't usually wake up. These are the last things I think of before my brain shuts off and I (quite literally) fall asleep. I hate it when those spasms happen as I'm falling asleep in school. My leg'll just jump or my hand'll twitch and next thing I know I'm half-awake with a couple of my classmates looking at me weird. ^_^;
  17. -sniffles- I'm offended...ya never let me read this one before. ~_^
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