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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
Digidestined Name: Kris Ayako Age: 15 Gender: Male Appearence: eh, I'll get you one of these soon promise. Bio: Kris is actually an American who moved to Japan because his fathers in the army. His mom died when he was five and he doesn't know much about her. He has a history of violence but you can't tell it by looking at him. He rarely talks to his dad and spends most of his time near the Ocean by his house. He loves the water. Personality: around others Kris is a goof off. many of his teachers say he'll never get in anywhere in life because he doesn't take thing seriously. He's a class clown and some times a prankster. When he gets mad he shoots off however and although it takes alot to get him mad it's dangerous to do so. Digivice: A hybrid between third and second season. Blue with silver lining Digimon (is female) Baby Form: Name: reremon Type: Water/blue blob? Attribute: none Attack(s): none Appearence: almost like a big blue teardrop In-Training: Name: SemiGuamon Type: Water/Aguatic puppy Attribute: none Attack(s): Finslap Appearence: Like a puppy but with webbed paws and a fin on it's head. Rookie: Name: Guamon Type:Water/aguatic Dog Attribute: healing (tears of sarrow) Attack(s): Tears of destruction Appearence: A dog-like creature standing on it's hind legs. Stands up to about an inch above partners head. Has dog hind paws and human like hands with webbs. Has a "shark fin" from it's head down it's back. Has fins on each arm as weel. Is blue with a silver teardrop by one eye. has silver eyes. Champion: Name: Cientmon Type:Water/werewolf-shark Attribute: None Attack(s): Shark tooth, SeaSalt Appearence: Stands on two legs looks very similar to rookie form but has silver "armor" and slight changes in the fins. the teardrop is gone and she now has a tail. Ultimate: Name: Versamon Type:mermaid Attribute: none Attack(s): whirlpool, waves of Ice Appearence: looks exactly like a mermaid only with silver armor and still has the "wolf-like ears" Can only take on this form in water. Has blue hair with silver streaks. Mega: Name: Iraemon Type: human/aquatic Attribute: healing(neptunes mercy) Attack(s): Neptunes Fury, Hurricane Appearence: Almost human with same hair as before and silver eyes. Has sharper armor and very sharp shark fins ears are sharper as well. Carries a trident.
sorry I've been gone guys... --------------------------------- Serena stood up. "I'll keep first watch!" she claimed laying Teo's weapon next to him. "thanks" she whispered only for him to hear. Dango shook his head "that probably wouldn't be best." "But why not?" Serena protested "I can do it." Teo somewhat grunted in his subconsiousness and serena frowned "what are you laughing at?" she said to his unconsious body. Laucian stepped forward. "I'll watch first and let you have some rest Serena then I'll wake you for next watch." Serena frwoned. well,...okay" she sighed giving in. Dango smiled weakly. "Let us get some rest then."
Serena jumped up using her wings to dodge an attack from one of the men's staff. "Oh yeah buddy, I got one o' these too!" she knocked him in the back of the head with it knocking him out. "haha! can't touch this!" she started dancing until she felt the sharp tip of a sword poke her in the back. She tensed up "uh oh" the guy laughed and taunted her. "your a very pretty being" "uhm...thanks?" Serena said frowning. 'oh man oh man ohman' she thought to her self. The man lowed his sword and held a dagger to her throught. "now I have a prisoner" he whispered in her ear. Serena frowned deeper. 'oh man I have failed my king....'
Serena flapped her wings and hovered in the air. "hold on guys i'll be right back!" she said as she flew away. She flew to where she had been before and looked around. "awww where did i put it?" she said as she tapped the trees. She finnaly hit a hollow tree. "There!" she opened the tree and pulled out a staff. the staff was long and had a winged leo at the top carved out of pure crystal. there were beautiful carvings and markings in the staff and tied near the top of it was a long silk white ribbion. She hurried back and landed next to the others. she tapped her staff on the ground and smirked. "ok, I'm ready"
Serena layed down then looked up at the sky. Stars glittered feverently up there and she reached out her hands as though she could touch them. She sighed and rolled over. She suddenly yelped and jumped up. "Get it off me get it off me. ew ew eww get it off me!!!" The others laying around her sat up quickly to see what was going on. Serena was flailing her wings and arms around fighting somthing they couldn't see. Laucien stopped her with a wave of his hand picked the bettle up off of her shoulder then threw it to the side. Serena looked at him and then the beetle then smiled awkwardly. "oh...I knew that"
Serena poked at the "unexpected visitor". He didn't move. She frowned as though she expected him to. She just shrugged. "I wanna join you on this mission thingy!" She suddenly announced. "It sounds like fun even though no ones told me a thing about it..." ---------------------------------------- ooc: that's how my angel talks K.K.C. =p lol. sorry about the shortness. *sigh* I promise to work harder next time I'm tired right now. ^_^
Serena looked around. "Wow schnazzy!" Serena ran her hand over the stone walls. "This place is huge!" she shouted enjoying the echo. she then noticed Dango whispering. He got up and walked over to them. "I accept you" he announced. "For what?" Serena cocked her head to the side. Dango blinked. "You mean you don't know why your here?" Serena shook her head. "Oh boy.."Quel said.
Serena looked out at the upside down world. (yes upside down) Her head started hurting as the blood rushed to her head. She was hanging upside down in a tree. She started laughing and lost her grip falling on the ground. "Owie" she said rubbing her head. She flapped her wings to get the leaves off then stood up. She staggered a little, dizzy from hanging upside down for so long. Serena sighed. "I'm bored...I want some adventure!" She threw her arms toward the sky as though the answer would fall from it and into her outstreatched palms. Suddenly as if on cue she saw a girl fly over her head and towards Kamouri Castle. "Wounder where she's going..." Serena jumped up and fallowed her.
I'll sign up for this but please do fix it out... Raven Gender: Female Skills: ability to be as still as posible and hid in even the smallest of shadows. Weapons: Raven uses stelth and knives to tke down her enemy. Her aim is dead on so good luck escaping her knives and daggers. Appearance: A pale thin figure with raven black hair and dull brown eyes that reflect no light. Raven wears black leather pants and a black over coat that hides her fragile figure. She rarely smiles or shows any signs of emotion. refuses to talk unless it be absolutely necessary.
Name: Marie Savaghn Age: 17 Race: Angel Gender: Female First Weapon: Staff Second Weapon: anything nearby, such as a rock stick etc. Armour: none Master/ King: Awaiting a king (please make it Dango ^.^) Personality: Very sweet. Dislikes fighting but will if she has too. Can sometimes be annoy 'cause she messes with those she likes *wink* Description: See attachment (pretend that he wings are white ^^;) Biography: I'll get back to you on this one...^^; Extras: healing leaves and holy water.
Wow Vicky this is great! True it was very long! lol, but i loved it anyways. PLease do keep writing!
ooc: I'm glad you did. I was scared no one would notice it. IC: Otogi and Serena kept thier own fight going as they had a normal conversation. "So do you think Kaiba's really serious about this?" Serena said nervously. Otogi uncrossed his arms. "Knowing Kaiba he is, I can't believe he would pull yugi into a battle like this." Serena put her hand on her hip. "Seth and hiro are knuckleheads for going through with this but I shouldn't be worried they are the two best duelist I know." "Oh yeah? You just whatch!" "I'm watchin' and I know they'll win" "Will not!" "Will too!" Otogi and Serena growled at each other and glared face to face. "So wanna get a soda or something afterward?" Otogi asked. Serena fell over anime style. "Did you just ask me on a date?" Otogi nodded. "oh boy..."
Flash shivered. Flash: Hey guys did you feel like? Kitty: feel what? Flash: i dunno, it was like...a really bad feeling like when your close to something you've been searching for all your life but you just know it's gunna have a bad outcome and suddenly you don't want it any more. Kitty: What are you talking about? Shin: I guess that's one way to say you have a bad feeling about something. Flash shook her head. Flash: never mind. Forget I said anything...
Thanks, I'm trying but i stink at that kind of stuff. I'll have to work on it.
Soooo...Did this die? Or if I post will more people come back and save it?
Name: Serena Megumi Age: 17 Gender: Female Weapon: dartgun and poisonus darts. Appearence: Serena has long curly brown hair that hangs freely in each individual curl. Her eyes are a bright green. She wears a leather vest that laces up the front and black shorts. She wears leather boots that lace up to her knees and a cloak that most of the time hides her body. Backround/Bio: Serena enjoyed tourturing people with her poisons until she found a heart and decided to stop and use them for good. Her father who liked to do this also was ashamed of his daughters weakness to others feelings and disowned her. now she spends her life fighting within herself between her family's barbarism and her love for others.
ok well i'm back for anyone who somewhat knew me and missed me. But who cares!!! Here's a story I pretty much am improvising as i go along. Don't expect a wounderful piece of art or nuthin'. So here it is... A pale hand with slender female like fingers gently held a wine glass filled with a dark red liquid. It slowly lifted the glass up to crimpson red lips which siped at it slowly. A smirk crept it's way onto the crimpson red lips and revealed white fangs. firelight danced across the pale face casting shadows upon the upper half. The pale woman put down her glass and stood up from her seat in which she had been seated. Her obsidian dres dragged on the ground with each step she took. Her black heels clicked on the marble floor as she walked. She stopped in front of a large staircase and looked down. Silently making his way up was a young man clad fully in black leather. His black hair covered his eyes completely. "Nice of you to join me." the woman said smirking. The man said nothing to her but bowed deeply when he reached the top of the stairs. the woman shook her head. "I still don't understand why you refuse to talk." she shrugged. "but what do I care? as long as you get the job done everythings fine. Right?" He still remained silent and the woman took the silence as a "yes". The woman sighed then turned her dress whirling with the movement and walked back and took a seat. She offered the man a seat but he shook his head and remained standing. "So let's get down to buisness, shall we?" the woman said crossing her legs and allowing her leg to slip a little out of the slit in her dress. The man was unnafected by her seducing techniques and remained stiff. "i need you to bring me something-someone, I need." She smirked a bit. She could sence like she could all the bounty hunters she encountered before, the blood lust growing within him. "But this one will be a bit hard to get for me. I need this one alive." the man showed no emotions but the woman could sence the inward frown. She decided to let off a little on the buisness. She wanted this guy to be eating out of her hand. "I don't think we've properly introduced ourselves have we?" she said holding out her hand. "my name is Kavona" the man slapped his hand on the table and pulled out a knife which he held pointed at her throat. "Cut the crap Kavona, and tell me who the bastard is or we will both leave unsatisfied tonight." Kavona gulped then smiled prettily. "Yes, your right." she sighed with relief as he put the knife away. "I will provide you with 8,000 cvens if you bring me Kia Kamiya. The man shook his head slowly. "I don't kidnapp girls. I kill men." "9,000" "What is she needed for?" "She is very important and that's all I can tell you for now. although I'll let you in on a little secret if you want." "I do not wish to be a carrier of secrets. I shall bring her to you. Although I do wounder why one of your men can't do this." "Because others want her as well. I have good reasons for what i am doing." The man bowed. "Very well. I shall bring this girl you speak of to you by the first full moon." Kavona smirked. "Good." To be Continued....
RPG Kuriyama{Part One} Finding the chival Five
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Kesaki_Inedia's topic in Theater
Sealeana put the small carving of a cat down and made her way out the door. She stopped for a minute and sighed. she still had a bad feeling. Sealeana shut and locked the door then walked slowly to her room. When she got inside she sat on her bed and stared at the wall in deep thought. She turned twards the window as the dark clouds enveloped the sun making it dark in her room. She frowned. Sealena lit a few candles in her room which cast shadows about. She hated the shadows. Obsidian had always watched her from the shadows. She pulled a candle close to her to feel more secure. "If you let that candle get too close you might get burned." Came a voice from right behind her. Sealeana gasped startled knocking over the candle. Obsidian caught it still staying behind her and put it out. the room grew dimmer. Obsidian moved closer to Sealeana who was frozen with fright. He put his arms around her waist and sniffed her hair. "mmm, You always smelt like Jasmine Tea." "W-what are you doing here?" she asked. "What do you want from me?" "i want my kingdom back." he growled. He let go over and walked over to a flame. He ran his hand back and forth over it. "And your going to help me acomplish that." -
ooc: that's nice to know thank you. ^.~ IC: Serenity tried her best to stop the bleeding. She Used all sorts of materials, Paper towels, wash clohs, oven mits, Nothing was working! "Come on Damen hang in there please!" Suddenly Serenity felt something cold in her hands which were warm with Damen's blood. A whitish glow fileed the room blinding her. "Now's not the time for this." she said frustrated tring to fight it. She stoped when the glow dissapeared as well as any signs of blood. "What the..." All of Damens wounds dissapeared but she still remained unconcious. "What just happened?"
mmmmm....so where are we?
RPG Kuriyama{Part One} Finding the chival Five
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Kesaki_Inedia's topic in Theater
Obsidian smirked as soon as he knew his "minions" were on their way. Obsidian checked himself in the mirror. "Hmmm, What to wear..." Obsidian changed into a full black out fit and a cloack. He flashed his fang like teeth in the mirror then ran his fingers through his hair. he let his bangs fall back into his eyes then with one swish of his cloak made his way to the stables. ---------------------------- Sealena had that feeling in the pit of her stomache again. She hated having to wait but she couldn't leave the castle. Not knowing Obsidian was out there somewhere. She felt safer in the castle. Sealena walked down the huge stone staircase to her favorite room. When she entered she automaticly picked up a stone cat off a stand. It was her ritual. The whole room was full of stone carvings. Some out of Dimonds and other jewls. She felt calm whenever she was in this room. For some reason it was the one Obsidian had never entered. She shudderd at the thought of him. -
OOC: don't worry i don't think anyone really knows the accent but it consists of many z's IC: nya clutched at her legs as the pain throbbed within' them. "Great i gotza crazy loonzitic, and now i canzt movez me legz." OOC: guys i'm having lottsa prob.s with schoolwork so my OB time is limited. I apoligizee in advance for prolounged periods of no posting. please keep my character alive. You hear me? ALIVE!!!! Thank you
kenaki looked down at all the baby puppylike cu****iemon that surrounded her from al sides. "Oh wow! a human!" One said. "lemme see!" the littlest said tring to push it's way through the croud(sp?). gabumon picked him up and set him on his shoulder. "Oh wow she's pretty Gabumon!" it said blushing. "well thank you." Kenaki said ruffling it ears. "who are they Gabumon?" She asked. "They're kinda the digimon I protect." gabumon said kicking at the dirt. Kenaki smiled. "That's cool." "Come on lets take her to the main house!" "Yeah! She can share story time with us!" Kenaki looked at Gabumon. "Story time?" "They're...Kinda young." gabumon said shruging.
Serena felt some thing surge through her. was it fear? no, it was more...it was, rejuvinating. Serena started to giggle. what ever it was it tikled. it was really tikling her. serena started to laugh uncontrolably. "what the hell is so funny? Do you not understand that your life is on the line?" Serena couldn't stop laughing and fell to the floor. "Make-It-please- m-make it -stop" she pleaded in between laughs. Max looked at her confused then stepped back. "What the hell..." ooc:this is how my animal is going to come in. don't use yours yet until i give the signal but start thinking about how your going to bring your animal form in.
Serena opened the door and almost fell in in her hurry. Max was standing at the door with his arms crossed when she entered sweat dripping down her forehead, breath heavy. Max grabbed the bag from her than threw it. "Your five minutes late!" He shouted at her. "the line was long!" she shouted in desperation. "that's not an excuse!" Serena turned her head as Max slapped her. She fell to the floor as he slapped her again. "Get up!" he shouted. Serena stood up and cried out as he grabbed her arm tightly. He threw her up against the wall and glared at her starit in the eyes.