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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. I feel things in my dreams. Like blood or heat or pain.
  2. [i] 10 days?[/i] Serena thought to herself. [i] wow [/i] Serena ate her food with manners and when everyone was done Orion brought them into another room. Orion: we have to talk about Doraka. Acira nodded. Serena looked down. She didn't like where this was going. Orion: As we all know he is stronger than before. The mission of stopping him will be alot harder. And much more dangerous.Ecspecially for you serena since you are not as experienced as Acira. Serena: so..what are we supposed to do? Acira: look for Doraka. Orion: yes, thats true. Serena: a second opion(sp?) Would it have been easier to stay home? Orion: much. serena: typical.
  3. Name: Veedra (V) Age: 13 Height: 5'2 Weight: 100 Description: small waist. Strait brown hair and brown eyes. Wears yellow goggles and a yellow udershirt with white pants and a white overshirt. Personality: Quiet. Raised in a strict family she doesn't speak unless spoken to and always uses manners. Bio: not much. Born into a strict family she was raised to be seen not heard. First Pokemon: Lv. 5 Jolteon Trainer What Mark: Electric Shock. It's on her ankle in the shape of a lightning bolt. Her pants are rolled up so it's visible. (sorry I forgot it had to be visible i fixed it)
  4. thats thats awful...*lip quiver* I'm going to need a psyciotrist soon.
  5. Kitsune stopped cring and looked up at him surprized. kitsune: huh? Yuraka: I said...I..I love you. Kitsune couldn't speak. She had never been told this before. How was she to react what was she to say. She just stood there quiet in his arms. Tears glisened by the moonlight in her eyes and on her face. Kitsune just put her arms around him as well. Kitsune: i'm sorry...that I can't say anything... Yuraka: It's ok, you don't have to.
  6. Kitsune ran up to him. Kitsune: Yukara no! Kitsune put her hand on the arm and stood there. Kitsune: Please no. Don't die. Whatever you do don't die... Kitsune put her head on his chest. She began to cry. All the emotions she kept hidden behind a smile poured out from her eyes. yuraka dropped his gun and put his arms around kitsune hugging her. Yuraka(whispering): I'm sorry...I promise not to die.
  7. "Hisame!!!" Kitsune ran over to her. "OMG, thers so much blood! Make it stop!" Kitsune put her hand over the wounds and tried to keep it from bleeding. "Don't worry I'll be fine" Hisame tried to assure her. Yukara put his hand on hisame's shoulder. "I know what to do. Calm down it's going to be just fine." Kitsune pulled her hands off the wounds and stared at them. Blood covered her hands. Tears filled her eyes. Kitsune pulled her hands to her self and began to sob. "I-I hate blood..."
  8. original imp. I think you should go back and read the posts then update your posts. No offence. Your a little off the story.
  9. Oh wait I'm soooo sorry I meassed up!! Ignore that last post I forgot Hisame is in a fight with the dude who killed her father. re-do. Kitsune stared as Hisame kept her gun up at the mans head. She also saw the blood coming from Hisame's shoulder. For the first time Kitsunes smile dropped from her face. Kitsune: blood..... Kitsune reached down slowly to pull out her gun.
  10. Can I make up my own character? Theres not that many girl fighters.
  11. Kitsune looked down at the ground an awkward silence fallowing. Yukura never stopped staring. Kitsune: will you please stop staring at me! It makes me very uncomfortable!!!! The others looked over at them and raised an eye brow. Yukura blushed a little. Yukara: I'm sorry. Yukara stood up and walked over to Vash. Kitsune sighed. Kitsune: why me... Kitsune layed back and stared back up at the sky. [i]I should really get some sleep [/i] Kitsune closed her eyes and began to drift back to sleep. OOC hey guys I'm baaackkk. Wow this rpg died didn't it?
  12. Kagome had her back turned to Inuyasha and was fuming. Inuyasha too had his back turned and was too fuming. Miroku: come on guys don't fight. Kagome: humph, only if Inuyasha will apoligize. Inuyasha: no way! Kuso walked over to KAgome. Kuso: that's not how you do it it's like this. Kuso bowed his head before her. Kuso: I'm sorry Kagome for being a total lozer. Kagome smiled: Thank you for your apolagy Inuyasha I accept it. Kuso grabed her and pulled her forward. Kuso: now that you like me again lets go in the back and- Kuso was cut of by a blow to the head by Inuyasha, Miroku and Akuji.
  13. Serena smiled. Serena: that's cool. Acira nodded. Serena: so....what now? Orion looked at them. Orion: It's time to replenish our energy. Serena: how do you do that? Deep meditation? Orion: ^_^ I'm hungry lets eat! Serena and Acira fall over anime style.
  14. Sprirt of anime yes you can be boto. And I'll have to go with what day day sys. sorry.
  15. Flash sat up and leaned against the door she had entered. She began to slide backwards and then she fell all the way back. [i] stupid swinging doors[/i] Flash stood up and flexed the fingers in conected to the arm that was hurt. She winced at the pain. She shook her head. [i] Man, now I won't be able to shoot. [/i] Flash looked up at kitty. Flash: Hey kitty I'm in a bit of a fix...can I tag along with yoou guys untill My arm gets fixed?
  16. I'm leaving until thursday and I need some one to take over my character..uh...Sakura Kid I trust my character in your hands.
  17. Kitsune looked back. She kept her smile. Kitsune: why, Yukura, is there something on my face? :p yukura looked away. Yukura: No I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare. Kitsune shrugged. She climbed onto the rock beside Hisame. She looked up at the moon as well. Kitsune: The moon is lovely tonight isn't it? Memories flooded into Kitsunes head. (flashback) Boy: kitsune looky! Kitsune: what is it, Tanta? Tanta: the moon looks like a bannana! Kitsune laughed. Kitsune:Did You know theres a man who shapes the moon every night? Tanta: nuh, uh your making that up! Kitsune: nuh,uh. It's true. Tanta: then why is the moon gone sometimes. kitsune: Thats when he gets tired. So he rests. Tanta: oh....your so smart Kitsune! (back) Kitsune had fallen asleep her head was rested against Hisame's shoulder.
  18. Flash made her way down the hall clutching her wound. She winced at the pain. The blood was starting to clot now but she was still bleeding. THe pain was unbearable. If Flash didn't stop the bleeding she could bleed to death... Flash heard some shooting nearby. She turned the corner to find the room the shoot out was. the shooting stopped. Flash opened the door and stood there for a minute. Her vision began to blur and her hand dropped from the wound. Flash took a deep breth and her eyes rolled back. Flash fainted.
  19. Th and akira had made it over but Kesaki sat down. Kesaki: I can't do it... Ryden: Come on Kesaki Jump! Kesaki shook her head. Kesaki: It's way tooo far. The worriors were getting closer. Ryden; Kesaki, your gunna feel a much more painful death if they get you!! Kesaki stood up and stepped back. She ran and jumpped but was pulled back by her shirt by one of the worriors. OOC: Ok you can take over her...
  20. Kerika rushed out and held the black pen up. For some reason she knew what kind of attack to use and how to use it. "Dark side of the moon!" Death clutched hiseyes. the attack had blinded him. "Wow did I do that?" Flash shook his head and grumbled. "don't just stand there like an Idiot Kerika the effects of your attack are not permanent!"
  21. Alright well I'm giving people until Friday to post (fri the 25) and then I'll start this. I reeallly hope ppl. sign up..
  22. Flash ran with all her might down the hallway. She tuned a sharp corner sliding on the tile floor. Her hand touched the ground as she caught her balance and continued forward. Behind her heavy foot steps could be heard. A couple of voices shouted as the police chased her down. Flash looked over the gun she had just ripped off of one of them. [i] Man, I could've done better than this![/i] She loaded the gun with ammo then cocked it. [i] I can't run like this forever[/i] Flash whirled around and slid back her boots squeaking against the tile. She pulled the gun up to eye level and waited for the police to turn the corner. When They did two shots whent off. The cowardly police turned and ran when they heard the shots. One wasn't so lucky though. His gun hit the floor before his body did. Flash smirked and sighed with relief. Then she felt a twitch of pain in her arm. she looked over at it and saw blood oozing from the wound. The second shot had been the gaurds. Flash dropped the gun and clutched her arm. She was gunna need some medical attention...
  23. Well now devestated? i couldn't let that happen... Name: Flash Cresent Age: 19 Gender:Female Description: Blue hair with lighter blue steaks. It's long and flows down her back and over her shoulders. Her eyes are a brighter blue and almost shine against her tanned skin. Flash wears a black really short kimono with Black silk pants underneath. Bio: Flash loves to pick on people and doesn't become freinds with people to easily. she hates huge crowds and would rather be hanging out alone with her pet dog Shadow. Shadow fallows Flash every where and is extreemly protective of his master.
  24. One time in third grade I was tripped by a really mean prep and my head landed face first into a HOT fifth grad guys lap. I still can't get over it. Oh and one time I sat on my brother and he farted.
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