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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. I'll be gone untill thursday. You don't have to wait for me...
  2. Hey yall I'm going on a mission trip untill Thursday so I'll need someone to play my character for me. C'ya!!!
  3. Dayday I'm with every one else. PARENTS!!! This is why god put them here.
  4. i'm sorry arika but i forgot that i'm going to a mission trip from tomarrow till thursday
  5. You leve my cookies alone!!! :p *throws cookies at dayday*
  6. I know day day!!! Lol. she's my freind. anyways nice to meet you *bows* have a cookie!
  7. Oh, dayday, that's awful. I feel so bad for you. did you tell your parents? I don't know what to say. Thats just awful I'd have to go with cloricus on this one. you should talk to a councillor about it. I still think thats just awful...
  8. cheerful?? Uh..well pretend she's not smiling... And i'm taking up a second role for lack of people. Main demon Name: Serigan description: Humanish but with a scar covering his right eye and hindering it from opening. He has fangs and really big mucels. He can handle slaves well with his strength and his short hair hangs almost into his eyes and is green so is his eyes. His outfit consists of leather pants and a leather jacket. Short bio: serigan was raised by an abusive father now he uses his money making buisness of capturing humans and selling them to other demons to impress his father. He is cruel and will show no mercy to his slaves.
  9. Name: Neko Age: 21 Sex: female Weapon: sword Fighting style: Neko no Yume (dream of cat) A style in which she uses catlike movement and stalking techniques. side: wavering appearance: Long blue hair and a siler and light blue kimono. blue eyes. Bio: neko has been taught all her life to never trust anyone. as a result of this she has also never had freinds. She wavers between sides and usually munipulates people to her own advantage.
  10. Serena: i'll...loose someone? serena looked down. Serena: That doesn't sound like a happy fortune. Serena sighed. Orion put a hand on her shoulder. Orion: do not fear child. The Gods will show you the way. serena nodded. serena: So now what?
  11. Serena :No! serena pounded her fists into the ledge. Serena: I never got to see his idenity! The scene faded out and serena found herself at the middle of the room again. She sighed. This was more exsausting than she thought it would be. She turned to the direction she thought he would be in. Serena: how'd I do?
  12. Actually he was a fox demon who merged with a child in a mothers womb and was born a human.
  13. [i] love?[/i] Serena thought about the word.[i] Who do I love?[/i] Serena started down the path. One of the monsterous beings reached out for her. Serena felt fear trying to come back but the glow from her first test blocked her fear. serena pulled out her knives again. Serena: who evers at the end of that path must be realy important! Serena picked up her courage and attacked the monsters one by one.
  14. Serena was fighting this battle already. Deep inside her heart she truly loved her father. But the anger kept telling her to kill him. She withdrew a throwing knife and aimed it at him. Time seemed to slow as she pulled back her hand. she threw her hand forward but the knife never left it. Serena dropped the knife and sighed. serena: I can't do it. No amount of anger can make me kill my own father... Serena dropped to her knees.
  15. the rotriler shook his head. Flash: There's no time for that. danger is near! Kerika shook her head. Kerika: Whoa! Danger? this is too weird. Flash rolled his eyes. Deep down he knew this would happen. Kerika's eyes widened. "I feel weird..." Flash looked up as though he had forgoten something. Flash : Oh yeah. He ran back into the bushes and brought her a pen like item. It was black with a silver star on top. Kerika took it from him. Kerika what do I do with this. Flash: let out your energy. believe me you'll feel alot better. Kerika did as she was told and was transformed. Her gothic jeans and baggy shirt was traded for a beautiful out fit. Her hair fell out of its pigtails and over her shoulders. Kerika looked down at herself. Kerika: oh wow... Flash smiled. He figured showing her was the only way to get her to believe...
  16. A feeling surged within' Serena. It was a familar feeling. she shuddered as rage filled her body. Her deceased mother and father appeared before her eyes. She was young again. her father was yelling at her mother. Her mother yelled back and was slapped for it. Her father pulled out a sword and sliced off her head. serena stared with her mouth open as tears filled her eyes. Her fists once again were clenched. but this time it wasn't from fear.
  17. Serena clenched her fist and withdrew her throwing knives. The guy came foward and pointed the sword at her. He smirked. Serena flinched at the smirk. She was afraid of him. She had always been. Her hand tightened on the knife. serena; Stay back!! Stay back or I'll kill you! Iswear it. the guy shook his head and put his sword down. Serena sighed with relief. serena now go away!! He shook his head again and stepped twards her. Serena's heart started beating faster. She held up the knife. He reached out to take it away from her. Out of desperation she threw a second knife at him.
  18. Serena looked around. serena: hey no wait! The scene suddenly shifted to her castle. Serena gulped. Her fear? A gaurd came up behind her and dragged her to the main room. Serena looked up to see her fathers throne and her father. She gulped. King Yami: My daughter. Once again you have run away. Serena smiled nervously. She had forgotten this was a dream. A handsome guy walked out from behind the throne. Serena gasped. It was her fiance! King Yami; We have been worried about you. The guy nodded. Serena sighed. She knew her punishment. Lashes and Marrage to this creep.
  19. Serena looked back and forth from them. serena: you mean I have to do this on my own?? Acira smiled. Acria; No, you have Orion. Serena sighed. Serena:why do I get the feeling staying home would've been alot easier?
  20. Serena stared. Serena....wow.... Orion laughed at hew awe. He turned to acira. Orion: So, Your back for more training? acira nodded. Acira:Yes master. Serena stared at them. Serena: You mean he's your master??!!!?? Acira lookeded at her. Acira of course why? Serena: Shouldn't he be old? orion laughed. Orion:You have alot to learn young one.
  21. OOC: I hope it's ok with you but I'm gunna play my own gaurdian beast. I tried to PM you about it but you never replied. Kerika layed on the park bench in the shade of the trees. She was skipping school again. it was hot out this time of day. especially for Kerika. the shade felt good without the sun soaking into her black clothes. Kerika sighed and rolled over onto her stomache. Didn't she have a test today? oh well she'd make it up later. Her grades were fine. Kerika heard a noise in the bushes and looked up. a rotriler walked out and sat in front of her. Kerika sat up. kerika: Hi there. the rotriler didn't chane expressions but opened it's mouth. Flash; Pleased to meet you I am flash. Kerika's eyes widened. Kerika: Oh my Gosh you spoke! Flash smiled and Nodded. Kerika: what do you want?
  22. I love how maladjusted's sig. is a complete loop. It is funny. *cookies for maladjusted*
  23. They fallowed her. Kesaki held on to Rydens arm to lead him. Ryden didn't really need her help but he sensed that it made her feel important so he allowed her to help him. Kesaki: So what is it exactly that we're looking for? Ryden: I feel the worriors they're closer. Kesaki nodded. Kesaki: ok worriors... TH sighed.Things just kept getting weirder and weirder.
  24. Serena shook her head. Serena:oooh no! I give up here. If thats who your after I'm gone. He is waaay to strong!! Orion looked at her. Orion: Stay for at least a little while. If you train you can become as strong as him. Serena: did you not just see him destroy that temple?? I'd rather take my chance out there! Serena pointed to the forest. She stood up and handed the knives to Acira. Serena: you can have these back. It's not worth it! Orion frowned. orion: at least stay the night I assure you it's just as dangerous in that forest. serena sighed. Serena: fine...*she looked around* but..where? I mean the temple's destroyed.
  25. Kesaki shrugged her shoulders and punched at the wall. There was a few moments of silence and then Kesaki pulled her hand back. Kesaki: Owwww my hand!!! Kesaki was clutching her hand in agony. Arika smirked and came up to the wall. She kicked at the wall a couple of times and cracked it. Arika: that is quite a stubborn wall. TH leaned against the wall to rest. when he did the cracks grew bigger and he fell through. Everyone stared at him. TH: uh...oops?
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