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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. interesting... Well another dream I had once was kinda short and I don't remember all of it just the ending... we had gone to work on someones house and when we went there it was day and when we came back it was dark. On the way back in the suburban this guy kept flirting with me and when we got home (reality info. There was this cat who kept coming around and fighting with my cats. I believe this has something to do with the dream) my cat came and put her paws on my leg and she was meowing pitifully. I looked down and the whole side ofe her had been chunked off. You could see her organs. my dad pulled out a gun and said he had to do what he had to do. He was gunna put her down... and I woke up. I was extreemly freaked and young. so I didn't know how to deal with it. I cried the rest of the night.
  2. I've never had THAT sort of things happen to me but a couple of years ago. (when i played gameboys and lived in my old house) Every night at midnight out of the corner of my eye I'd see a shadow of a man walk by my room. No joke. But only out of the corner of my eye. if I sat and waited for him he wouldn't come...
  3. ever had one of those creepy dreams that you couldn't shake off? Here's mine My dad and i had just stolen a car (too much fast and the furious) We hid it in some random truck that we thought was going into anouther state. Every once in a while my dad would open the door to see how far we were. well it turns out some terrorists were going to blow up a daycare so they put a timed bomb into the truck. They timed it wrong and the truck exploded with us in it (too many terrorist attacks) It scarred my arm and killed my dad and the terrorists. I remember opening my eyes and being soaked. when I opened my eyes there was my dads arm.That was it. I was laying in his blood and I rember screaming and crying histericly and CSI (too much CSI) people pulling me away from the truck which was on fire. The people at the daycare were trying to hide the childres eyes. Then it flashed over to a later time when I'm on a feild trip with my class (I'm guessing I was adopted by someone.) and we were going thru a memorial for those victum to terrorist attacks. We came upon the truck and I just stared at it. a class mate named hunter (he's the hottest guy in my school) asked me what was wrong and I just started crying histericaly again. They had to drag me away from the truck. Then it flashed over to I'm guessing years later. I was out with my family and my mom and dad were hanging out else where. i was playing with my younger sisters and feeding birds. there was this area that was paved over across the highway and for some reason whenever I looked at it I got this really weird feeling inside. i had heard about the attacks from other people and about the girl (me earlier) whose father had been destroyed in one. Also for some reason when ever i looked over at the area my dad would look at me like he knew something. He took me over there one day and I got all scared and started to want to leave. He told me I was the reincarnation of the girl whose father had died here. (too much inuyasha) I asked him if he was the fathers reincarnation and he shook his head no. He told me he was his ghoast. And I woke up. Creepy, ne? So post yours...
  4. Leila stared at him. Leila: wow thats amazing! I can't wait to see what Kiromon digivolves into. Max: you alrady said that. Leila: oh..heh. A man from the back came to the counter and noticed he had customers. Man: Hello there, how may I help here. Leila: I dunno, I guess we're just browsing. Max and Naomi nodded. Man: well if you need anything just holler. Leila we'll do that. Kiromon cocked his head to the side and made his way over to a bunch of toys in the corner. He became facinated by one round shiny one. He sniffed at it and pawed at it. He caused it to move and it bounced back at him scaring him. Kiromon: help it's tring to get me! Leila: Kiromon, it's just a ball. Kiromon:oh..I knew that.
  5. Kagome looked at the beads. Kagome: You have to wear prayer beads? Akuji looked up at her and then at the beads. He shrugged his shoulders and looked away. Akuji: Yeah so? Kagome looked around. An old lady walked out of her house. Lady: Oh my, visitors! The old lady brought them in and gave them food. Lady: So what brings you around youngsters? Miroku: we are looking for a demon named Naraku. Have you seen any signs of him? The old lady shook her head. Lady; No, but I'm sure Master Kuso can help you. Akuji: Master Kuko? Lady; Yes he lives just a little away from here. His specilty is in demon hunting.
  6. That's cool. I'll need somewhere to find pictures though... Name: Senna Ikari User name: Kitsune Age:16 Description: couldn't find apic. I look like my avatar. With...a Kari like outfit. Bio (optional): sorry guys I wanna change my bio. Senna is a sweet girl who does well in her studies. She loves computers and can munipulate them well. Senna loves animals and even helps her mom at the clinic. Putting others before her she fails to realize when she's in need. And all the Digimon levels*: [url]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josie/digimon_davis.html[/url]
  7. Serena struggled against the ropes. Orion had a few tricks up his sleeve and he cut himself loose of the ropes. While doraka was busy conjuring up an attack to fire at the temple he cut Serena free and was on his way to free acira. Doraka prepared his attack and aimed it at the temple. right before he shot it Serena jumpped onto his back knocking the attack of a bit and causing it to barely miss the temple. Doraka reached back to throw her off but serena hung on tight to his neck. not out of bravery though. The poor girl was scared out of her mind. She knew Doraka's power. Orion finished freeing Akira and Doraka threw Serena off of his back.
  8. Kitsune grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder. She strapped her boots back on and brushed out her hair. Jacen came back with thier animals and started dividing them out to people. Kisune looked at the animals. Kisune: uh..are you sure there's enough for all of us? jacen looked at them animals. Jacen: aww man where one short! Kitsune: mabey two people could ride together? Hisame: I don't see anything wrong with that. Kitsune: Hey Hisame wanna ride with me so we don't get stuck with any of the guys. Kitsune and Hisame: cooties. Hisame: yeah sure. Jacen nodded. Now that that's settled lets get going. everyone got on the animals and started to ride off.
  9. Kesaki: good riddience (sp?) you silicon ch- oh...mabey I shouldn't say that out loud... Anyways...after much danceing. Kesaki my feet hurt. Another beer!!! Th: you've had enough alread. Kesaki: If you don't give me beer now I will feed you to my evil spider possessed Man eating, blood sucking, cookie stealing kitty cat.
  10. After finishing her bath Kitsune came out refreshed. Her hair was wet and draped over her shoulders. she watched as vash and his freinds ran out. Kitsune: where are they going? Jacen: something about insurence girls? Hisame shook her head. Hisame: if there's girls that's where they'll be. Hisame and kitsune laughed.
  11. Kitsune shut her book and put it away. Kitsune: I'm pretty sure we've all lost someone. Kitsune kept smiling and unstrapped her gun from her ankle. Jacen looked at her for a minute then thought. Kitsune looked up at him. Kitsune: What? Jacen: Is that one little gun all you have? Kitsune looked at the gun and then back at Jacen. She blinked and smiled bigger. Kitsune: I see nothing wrong with it. Jacen shook his head and showed Hisame the shower room. kitsune looked up as Hisame went in. Kitsune: I call next bath.
  12. Kagome watched him walk away. Kagome: No wait! inuyasha kept quiet and miroku walked up behind him. Miroku: Inuyasha, he's making off with shards. Inuyasha looked up. Inuyasha: Hey! Come back here akuji! you can't just walk off with the shards! Come back here! don't make me come after you! Shippo: you never give up do you inuyasha? Kagome smiled.: I guess not. Inuyasha: shut up Shippo!
  13. I love the moo!!!! *falls out of chair laughing.* Moo..that's agood one. (I wish my Parents would stop looking at me like that...)
  14. oo I wan't you as my creature! Edit: oh, but my person is secluded. Yeah i think DayDay would be better.;)
  15. OOC: thier speices name eludes me. Kesaki nibled her food keeping her smile. After she finished she set her plate down and Thanked Jacen for the food. Jacen: Oh , no problem. Kesaki pulled out her diary again and started to jornal down the rest of the days events. she would use the diary for storytime when she returned to the town.
  16. hmmmm, I would just have to say that I'm starting to like [spoiler] Perfect_Cell [/spoiler] more and more each day. but I think he's mad at me now. I'm a bit obnoxious. :sigh:
  17. Kitsune: neverless what happens happens, wheather for a 'cause or not. People die, but i guess i'd rather die of a natural disease or of old age then get shot. innocence nodded. Kitsune: so jacen, whacha got to eat?
  18. mmm ok...still has no idea who he is.
  19. Everyone settled down in the main room. kitsune pulled out a pen and small diary like book and began inking in the events of the day. Inocence looked over her shoulder. Inocence: Whatcha writtin'? Kitsune slammed the book. She smiled. Kitsune It's really none of your buissness. Inocence; sorry my bad. Kitsune: no problem. So out of curiosity(sp?) why do people call you inocence?
  20. too late it happened with vicky. I honestly thought she was a boy...:grumble grumble.:
  21. Ryden: I guess I transported them instead of destroying them. Kesaki: ugh, don't these guy's ever give up. TH: We have two choices. Kesaki: I say lets run! Ryden: wheres the honour in that? Kesaki grabbed his hand as TH and she started running. Kesaki: lets get out of here.
  22. Kesaki looked at him. Kesaki: Dark castle? why? TH: I'm supposed to go there. Ryden: That's what I just said. TH: oh...but how did you? Kesaki: He knows all...
  23. Kesaki watched Taylor. He didn't seem to be moving. Kesaki: is he .. breathing? Kesaki put her head on his cheast to check for a heart beat. TH: what are you doing? Kesaki jumped at the sound of his voice. Ksaki: gosh you scared me. You ok. TH sat up. TH; yeah sure I'm fine.
  24. Kesaki focused most of her mortal energy to ryden. What was he trying to do? It didn't matter she trusted him. Ryden used her energy to unlock his power.A bright yellow light surrounded him and knocked Kesaki and Taylor back. Kesaki: Ryden! ryden felt an electrical charge flow through his body and then leave. Ryden raised an eyebrow. Ryden: Whoa what was that? Kesaki; do you think you found your power.
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