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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. ok ok I was just foolen. Gosh, don't have a cow or two. Yay DayDay you told! *have a cookie* Now I don't have to keep it a secret anymore. It's hard
  2. with Kagome's touch the shards began to glow and were then clensed of the demond's blood. Kagome smiled. Kagome: yay, we did it and look. every one whatched as Kagome pointed out a new shard. Inuyasha: A new shard! Kagome: yeah.
  3. Kitsune finnaly made it to the town where the guy leading the team-to-be, lived. She looked around and found the sherrifs office where the original flyer was located. she fallowed the directions to the place where Jacen lived. as she turned the corner two guys sitting on a porch looked up. Kitsune: i'm assuming one of you is jacen? Jacen stood up. Jacen that would be me. Kitsune smiled and extended her han to shake. Kitsune: I would like to join your crew.
  4. Kesaki: yay beer!!! Taylor sighs. Th: why me? Kesaki gets up off the floor. and drinks the beer. Kesaki; all better.
  5. Kesaki took the coins. Kesaki: oh my gosh where did you find these? I almost got killed 'cause of these! TH: you were almost killed by coins? Kesaki: no The person I stole them from. TH: why'd you steal them? Ryden: she's a thief. TH: oh. Kesaki: what was that for? TH: what did I say? Kesaki: do you have a problem with me being a thief? Th: no, I never said any thing like that.
  6. Kitsune stared at the sign outsite of the shariffs office in her town. It was a branch letter fro one originaly posted in another town. A little boy that looked of age five pulled on her pants legs. Boy: Kitsune? Are you gunna go get that bad guy? Kitsune smiled down at the little boy and kneeled down to be at eye level with him. Kitsune: you bet. and when I get the money I'll use it for the clinic. she looked over at the clinic where many people were suffering of a new disease. If she could get the money Doc. could come up with an antidote. Rancher walked up beside them. Rancher; Kitsune we're all gunna miss ya hun. Kitsune: aww dun frown rancher. I'll be back quicker than you can sayhokey pokey. Boy: hokey pokey! hokey pokey! Kitsune that's the spirit. Kitsune packed up her things and stood at the edge of the town. she waved at the crowd that had come to wish her good bye. She turned tword her destination and began walking.
  7. Kagome pulled back the arrow farther and braced her self. The arrow whizzed through the air and struck the demon in the shoulder. A bright light emitted from the point of where the arrow impacted. Kagome: I hit her! The demon shreiked out in pain as most of the jewl shards fell from her body.
  8. Kesaki stopped and waited for Ryden. Kesaki: whoa, is that you ryden? Ryden: yah, it's me. Kesaki: what happened? Ryden sighed. I gave up my immortality. Kesaki: whoa...Well thanks for helping me. Ryden: no problem.
  9. Kesaki layed out on the floor and crawled twards the bar as though she was in the deseret. TH: what are you doing? Kesaki: must...have...alchol. TH: For the last time, you've had enough!!!! Kesaki: It's getting dark. TH: kesaki, get off the floor. Kesaki: good bye cruel world.
  10. Kesaki waited untill the hall way was quiet. then she pulled out a bobbypin from her hair. She worked with the locks on the chains until they gave way. Kesaki stood up and picked the lock to her cell. she quietly opened the door and made her way down the firelit hallway. She eventually found a staircase and made her way up it. After taking more and more she ended up at the top of the basement and snuck out. Kesaki: Yeah! Free! Gaurd I found her she's this way! Kesaki: oh ****! not again. Kesaki started running and eluded the gaurds for a short while. She never stoped running though. eventually she ran into Ryden. [font=gothic][color=indigo]Keep the profanities to a minimum please. - The Harlequin[/font][/color]
  11. kesaki stared into the gaurds eyes. They had her this time. Gaurd: now hand over the money. Kesaki reached into her pouch and dug her hand around for the money. Kesaki: oh no! It must've fell out. Gaurd: Well, isn't that just too bad. --------- Kesaki winced as the gaurds tightened her chains. They walked out slamming the dungeon door behind then. Kesaki sat down and layed her head back against the cold hard stone wall of her cell. Kesaki: Man, now what?
  12. original imp please don't double post I really don't want this thread to get shut down...
  13. Kesaki rushed through the streets. Gaurd; stop her, don't let that theif get away! Kesaki; oh gosh all this over a few shillings? Kesaki turned a corner sliding through the mud. The rain drenched her hair and clothes and lightning lit up the streets showing the gaurds where she was running to. One of the gaurds appeared in front of her blocking her path.She turned to run the other way but she ran into anther one of the gaurds and fell back. the stolen curency spilled onto the road and was burried in all the mud. One of the gaurds picked her up by her shirt collar. "You know what we do to thieves like you?" Kesaki gulped.
  14. :sigh: Kesaki drinks the coke. Kesaki looks around. Kesaki: It is my philisophical oppionion that there are two types of drunks. TH: :therock: Kesaki: Happy drunks, and sad drunks. TH:ooookkkkk.... Kesaki: i'm a happy drunk...when I have some thing to drink!! Kesaki chunks the coke at TH.
  15. Kesaki leaps over the counter and attacks taylor. Kesaki: beer...NOW! Talor shakes head. TH: nuh,uh. Kesaki: puhweese? Th; no. Kesaki: pwetty un pwease? TH: uh....no.
  16. it was the rpg but the harlequin moved it..I think we can start now taylor
  17. Kesaki comes out and sits down beside cell. Kesaki(to cell) I would like a magarita please. Cell: huh? Th: uh I'm over here. Kesaki: oh yeah I knew that. Th: mmk... Kesaki: I would like a magarita. TH: sorry but I think you've had enough. throws a fit on the floor. Kesaki: I want one now!!! now now now now now!!!!!!!
  18. you could post that people put thier desc. here and start the rpg over again but with out the info at the bottom.
  19. Kesaki is still in the bathroom under the hand drier. Cell walks in. Cell; man I really gotta go! Kesaki: ahhh what are you doing in the girls b-room! Cell: this is the GUYs bathroom. Kesaki looks at the funny shaped toilets. Kesaki:oh..
  20. Kesaki rushed through the streets. Gaurd; stop her, don't let that theif get away! Kesaki; oh gosh all this over a few shillings? Kesaki turned a corner sliding through the mud. The rain drenched her hair and clothes and lightning lit up the streets showing the gaurds where she was running to. One of the gaurds appeared in front of her blocking her path.She turned to run the other way but she ran into anther one of the gaurds and fell back. the stolen curency spilled onto the road and was burried in all the mud. One of the gaurds picked her up by her shirt collar. "You know what we do to thieves like you?" Kesaki gulped. ---------- Info: Name: kesaki inedia Age 14 Height 5' 9 desc. blue eyes brown hair wheres pants tied at the bottom to make capris and a tank top with a button up shirt over it. Personality.: is a thief so she's crafty. She also flirts alot :wink:
  21. so how many people do you need to recruit before you start?
  22. my computer can't handle the aplication you've chosen to show me that picture. *wow that sounded smart* sorry but I'm unable to veiw your pictures. Kesaki: what'd you do that for. Kesaki go's into bathroom to dryoff. wrong bathroom she went into the mens. 0.o Kesaki sits under the hand dry thingy. Kesaki: warm...
  23. uh...sure. Kesaki starts doing the maceranea. Kesaki: la cucaracha la cucarach, Ya no pude caminar. TH: are you ok. Kesaki: stop yelling at me! I swear i didn't do it. TH:sweatdrop.
  24. Yay!!! Kesaki gulps it down. Kesaki: hmm we need some really good music. Kesaki walks over to the jukebox and putts on elvis's teddybear song Elvis: I dun wanna be a Tiga... Kesaki gotta luv elvis!! Elvis: wanna b ur teaddy bear.
  25. Name: Salior Yami Age: 15 Gender: female Attack(s): Black hole and dark side of the moon. Description: has an oufit like sailor moons buts all black with silver bows. Her hair is styled like kikyo's off of inuyasha. Secret Identity (if Senshi or T. Knight): Kerika Kamiya S.I. Description: looks kinda evil. She wears her black hair in pig tails and is a goth. Species (if Guardian Beast): human Personality: secluded. She's extreemly naive so she like to try and stay away from people to keep from being decieved. Even though she seems kinda evil deep down all she wants is love.
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