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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
Hey ruby you could go with acira he doesn't have a date.
"Heh, uh..." Kagome looks down at the mask. "Did I miss something?" inuyasha threw the mask away from her. "She's not Kikiyo. Well she is but she's not." akuji: huh? "She's Kikiyo's recarnation."
Kagome stares at him. "He called me Kikiyo.." she said to herself. "who is this guy?" "Inuyasha! He's the one with the jewl shards!"
OOC: lol Cell, uh...should I call you cell, or Perfect? lol So.. I guess we just wait untill the day of the prom. Kesaki gets on the computer and starts RpGing while she waits.
lol, thanx. Oh wait. ooopss, I'm not supposed to post less than three words. Ahhhh I'm breaking the rules. :Starts crying.: I'm sooo sorry please forgive me!!!!
The next day Kesaki was already looking for a dress. She sifted through rows of prom dresses but couldn't find one she liked. "Nooo! there's nothing to wear!" Kesaki's mother picked out a dress and showed it to kesaki. "What about this one?" "Oh my gosh it's lovely!!!"
"Oh my gosh!" serena held the knives and gawked at them. "ooo pretty." Acira laughed. "You act as though you never get presents. "I don't" "What do you mean?" "My father is rich, evil, snooty, and greedy." "Uh...oh."
Kesaki looked at cells post that said he needed a date then asked him. lol, how to the point. No beating around the bush for me ^_^
Hey Perfect Cell wanna go with me?
"Wow that's cool." Serena exclaimed. "My knives definately can't amount to that." "Where'd you get them?" "Oh, one day daddy had some entertainers in and I stole them from him before he left."
I'm hopping I get to be Kagome so... Kagome held the jewl shards in her hand. She sensed them but she also sensed something else. "Hey guys I'm sensing jewl shards! And they're not the one's in my hand."
Not too much. we're all pretty much rewriting digimon.
Can I be Kagome?
Leila: Hi I'm leila! ^_^ Nice to meet you. Kiromon sniffed at Max's shoes then attacked them. Leila: hey wait don't do that! Leila picked Kiromon up as her chewed on the poor helpless shoelaces. Leila:Sorry, Sometime I think he acts more like a child than a digipet.
Maria stared at her. "I can't promise that." Kyoshin sighed. "OK, please come back to my house to fight." "Fine" Adrian huffed. OOC: I gottza go writye more later Edit: back: When they got there Maria and Adrian faced each other in duel position. "You can go first. " Adrian taunted. Maria swiftly pulled out a throwing knife and threw it at Adrian. The knife whizzed right passed her ear. Maria stared at her. "No way!" Kyoshin looked at her suprized "What?" "She moved!" Adrian uncrossed her arms and smirked. "My turn."
OOC you always seem to be named jacen eh? Name:Saki Gender: female, of course Description: Her hair and eyes are a hazel color. She is learning martial arts, so she wears a training out fit. It is green. Bio: Like I said earlier she's learning martial arts. It is a long past down tradition in her family. Her parents died a long time ago so she lives with her grandfather who's wife, her grandmother, died as well. She's sweet and caring and her grandfather and she gett along well...sometimes.
Leila laughed as she watched her digipet attempt to free a candy bar from it's wrapper. The cute lil' puppy like animal chewed and attacked the poor defenceless piece of candy that refused stubbornly to be opened. Leila took the candy bar from him and opened it. "There you go." Kiromon , her digipet, looked at her and blinked. then he smiled. "Thank you!" Leila smiled then gave him the candy bar. She then heard some noise from afar. She looked at the noise then at Kiromon who looked back at her. They stood up to see what all the commotion was about. They turned a corner to see a battle going on between two guys...
yeah sure I'll restart it soon. But I'll have to name it something else. Uh, Digipets {rpg} sounds ok. Just look for it later.
Maria rolled her eyes "oh puh-leassee" Kyoshin looked at her "what?" "I thought you wanted us all to live." "Well then don't kill her." Maria looked him strait in the eye. "I always kill my opponent." She hissed. adrian put her hands on her hips. "What makes you think you can kill me?" Maria smirked turning her attention away from Kyoshin. "Is that a challange." OOC: I might not be on the rest of the night or I might come on. I do know for ure I'll be here tomarrow and I'm going on vacation next week.
Maria grumble something about killing off everyone else and this being her job then smiled at Kyoshin. "Okay" she said sweetly. Kyshin shuddered after closeing the door behind him. The next morning Kyoshin came back to wake her up. He knocked on the door. "Who is it?" came a voice from behind him. Kyoshin spun around. "Don't do that." "My bad." Kyoshin noticed Maria had her throwing knifes.
it never kicked off. No one liked it so no one posted. Sorry, I gave up on it.
"yeah, whatever." Kyoshin rolled his eyes. *smack* "Ow what did I do?" "Don't roll your eyes at me!" "You forget who your working for." "ok, ok, don't get your undies in a bunch." Kyoshin sighed. "ok well I'm going to my own room. Make your self at home." "I noticed you had a cat." "yea so?" Maria raised her eye brows. "No, the cat lives."
"Fine. But if you put one scratch on these things I'll take the heads of you and everyone that works for you." Kyoshin looked at her then smiled nervously. "oookay then" he took the knives and locked them up in a room then took maria to hers. "oooo, fancy." "You like?" "You bet." OOC: I loooovveeeeeeee your banner.
Maria sat by a tree and stared up at the clouds. Fox: Shouldn't we be fighting. Maria: Nah we'll fight someone later. I'm sick of fighting. Fox: whatever you say. Fox sighed and sat down beside Maria. Maria: Why do we fight? Fox lokked at her and blinked "huh? Maria: it's just a question. Nevermind.
OOC: stares at Jubei's banner. :drools: hiei......oh, uh posting, right! IC: After Kyoshin and MAria finished eating they sat out in the back garden for a while to talk. "So whats my victum look like?" Maria asked. Kyoshin shook his head. "I'll go over all that when I get more voulenteers." "All right. Well, I better be getting home now." "Why/' "Wouldn't want to over stay my welcome." "Actually I have rooms set up for the voulenteers." "Are you shure you wanna trust me here?" "why not." "I kill in my sleep."