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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. Kenaki blinked blankly then shruged. "What ever you say. Could you like take us someplace...warmer?" She said rubbing her hands up and down her arms to warm up. "Oh yes! i almost forgot!" Gabumon grabbed her hand and pulled/ dragged her in his direction. Kenaki wasn't expecting this so she tried to regained balance as they went on thier way. "Whoa, hey were's the fire?" "In the town!" Gabumon exclaimed not getting her sarcastic remark. Kenaki caught her breath when they finnaly stopped then looked up at the town which seemed to be built on a large snow dune.
  2. Kenaki opened her eyes and blinked for aminute then sat up. [i] Wha? where am I? [/i] Kenaki shivered as she relized that she was sitting in a vast land of snow. She quickly jusmped up and brushed the freezing snow off her back and clothes. She tried to think of how she had gotten here when it hit her. "The digivice!" Kenaki shouted pulling out a Blue D3. "that's right! i got sucked into my computer after I found this." She said excitedly rembering what had happened so far. "you know it's scary when a person talks to themself." came a voice from behind her. kenaki whirled around and saw a digimon. "Who-What the heck are you?" "I am Gabumon, I'm a digimon." He said bowing. "a digiwhatta?" "Digimon, It's short for digital monster." Gabumon explained. -------------- OOC: is it ok that I started in the digiworld?
  3. Nya unhooked her throwing daggers and held them in her hands waiting for rokou to attack first. "Ima rezzy wen yoz zare zirr." 00C:Soory so short I'm lost on what going on here. Man! i should have kept up with wat was going on. *kicks backpack* stupid school!
  4. Serena gaped open mouth at Torlea's message. She said a quick prayer to her gods then shut the computer off as Max made his way up the stairs to her room. She jumped onto her bed and pretended to read as Max walked in. Max picked the book up out of her hand and threw it. serena winced as her library book hit the wall cracking the binding. "Get up!" He growled. Serena didn't hesitate and bowed her eyes at him. she prayed that he wasn't about to punish her for earlier. "I have an errand for you to run." Serena looked up with hope in her eyes tring to hide it. "An errand?" "Yes! An errand you idiot! I need you to get me a sirloin steak from the butchers. And you'll use your money to get it." serena sighed as she took the last of the money out of her sock drawer. "hurry back! if your gone for more than an hour," He pt his paw up to her face. "well, you know what the penalties are." Serena tried not to think about the penalties and quickly rushed down the stairs and out the door. on the way to the butcher shop she noticed a black pebble on the ground. she picked it up and ran her finger over it. A vision of a black cat the size of a tiger with a white stripe under each eye flashed through her mind. Serena shook the vision out of her head and stared at the pebble. "Whoa, what was that?" She put the stone in her pocket and looked at her watch. "Oh, crap i'm running out of time!" She started to run to the store. ---------------- ooc: ok so lets start introducing a few of the stones in ok? but don't use the powers until I say so ok?
  5. ok i'll go with crest of freindship since thats gabumon's original crest.
  6. ok guys it's up and running so hurry over and post!!!
  7. Serena sighed. "Ok oK, fine." Serena turned to go to her room but max grabbed her arm. "I'm not through with you yet." Fear gripped Serena. Humans were dirt to dogs. they normally didn't touch them. Max forced Serena twards the couch. "Please Max, I have homework to do." "Liar!" He slapped her across the face. his claws scratched her a little across her cheek. Serena winced and closed her eyes expecting the second blow like usual. None came. She opened her eyes as max let go of her arm. "I'll find a proper punishment for you later." he growled. Serena bowed. "apology sir?" "denied! Go!" "y-yes sir" serena rushed to her room and shut the door behind her. She turned on her computer and opened up the internet. [i] Mail [/i] [i] Torelea [/i] Serena opened the mail happy to have contact with her freind.
  8. um vicky your suposed to be like a king r something. Nice house too much service, rule the world ya know? not like rebel wandering the streets.
  9. Alright guys, put a little humor in this one k? Also we DO NOT know about our cat side yet, ok. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Serena Megumi flipped through the channels on her T.V. then turnned it off. There was nothing on. She looked over at the Dog Gaurd assigned to her family. His name was Max. Every one had a dog Gaurd assigned to thier family like it or not. A dog Gaurd pretty much ruled the family. He could do as he liked. Most were vicious and found many differnt reasons to kill thier host family but Max preferred to keep this house hold going. there were three reasons for that... Serena had three sisters. well two now. Her oldest sister had already moved out since she had reached the age 18. Max was always messing around with Serena's oldest sister who seemed to like it but now that she had moved out... Serena shuddered hoping he wouldn't get any Ideas. Max was one of the Many dogs that chose to fallow their leader and stand on two legs so as they could be taller than the humans. Seren walked past him and reached for the door. "State you destination." Max growled. Serena winced. "Oh yeah sorry." She apologized bowing. "I wish permision to attend the neiborhood humans outside." Max smirked walking to her as she stood strait. he blocked her path and growled at her. "Permission denied."
  10. alrighty then so you understand he rules the world right? He and all other dogs..
  11. he's a dog. dog=bad kitty=good ;)
  12. Nya ran to the room after hearing the noise and strait into the male bounty hunter. "Oz crap!" She reached at her waist to get out her throwing daggers but noticed they were missing. She looked over at the bed and saw her blade boomrang. "Crap" she said again.
  13. Nya started to make way down the hall scanning for Sen. Actually she more or less just wanted to check the place out but looking for Sen was a good excuse. Nya ran into a man while she was in thought. She looked up and tried to apologize. "Exuze ame zir. Ize wazant lookiz where iz wuz wazking." She said. The man turned to her and smiled. "Tiz nuzzing. lozy night, ne?" Nya grew excited at the mans accent. "Zetta nazning, zpanishi Hume kaze da ?" (your accent are you zpanishi hume?) The man smiled bigger. "zi kazza zpanish Hume" (yes I am zpanish Hume)
  14. Nya shifted in her sleep after a minute or two and it one of the bed post with her head. "ji!' she whispered loudly through clenched teeth. She tried to sit up but hit her head again on the bottom of the bed. "aw jizz wzzamatta wiz zitz zoopid bed." She carefully moved out of the way of the bed then rubbed her head. "aozzz tiz zoopid cazin zeepz az thez log." Nya looked down and noticed she was sitting where Sen should be. "Eyz wherz the Zen?" She looked around but did see him. She knocked on the door of the bathroom but there was no answer. She shrugged and strapped her boots on. She opened the door carefuly but it let out a huge squeak. Nya flinched then looked over at where the captain was. He didn't move or snort or anything. Nyah rolled her eyes at how heavy a sleeper he was then walked out and shut the door.
  15. Rokou rolled his eyes and looked over at sen who seemed confused by Nya's statement. "But, there's only one bed nya." Sen said scratching his head. "Thez youse can zeep on thez floor." She said unting her boots. Rokou looked at her and scoffed. "oohoho no, I don't think so sweet heart. If you don't like sharin' beds you can sleep on the floor." Nya glared at him then slipped her boots off. She took her daggers out of her sash and put them next to her boots after that she unhitched her sash and dropped on the floor with a clang. Her boomarang blade stuck strait up in the wooden floor. "Fine doz az youz want, i'z goin' to zeep."
  16. Nya entered the room and took her hair out of it's ponytail. "ooo, Ise call the bed by thiz wizdow"
  17. Nya rang the water out of her ponytail. Her hair went from it's strait soaked state to it's damp spring like curls. Partly some of the hair that escaped her ponytail hung in her face. Nya pushed it out of her eyes then frowned as it fell right back in it's place.
  18. Nya put her hair up into a quick ponytail and rushed over to the side of the deck. "Finnaly siens of civiliizashin." "I thought you loved being at sea" "Wizz you mizzter lovable?" she started to laugh "yeah riet, ne?" --------------------- OOC: Sorry about this being too short but i'm not sure what's quite going on yet. Oh and the way the words are spelled is because she has a strange accent. (giz it a bit more fun, ne?
  19. Name: Nya Dennasen Age: 15 Height/Weight: 5'6/ 120lbs Race: Hume Description: Nya is spanish skinned. During cold winters it is fair but when summer rolls oround or when in prolonged periods of sunlight it gets extreemly Tan. She has light brown eyes and dark brown hair. Her hair is curly and comes down to her waist when in high ponytail. She only wears her hair in a ponytail; however, when it is extreemly windy or hot. She wears a Black vest buttoned up enough to cover "most" cleavage and some of her stomach shows. Her pants are back as well and are tight in the crotch and butt area but grows looser as the fabric fits down her legs. the bottoms are tucked into her brown boots and She wears a tannish sash around her waist which olds two throwing daggers and a "boomerrang like" blade. She has both ears peirced with looped earings but only one of the earings has a charm on it. the charm is of a dolphin. She wears a blue eyeshadow very thinly on her eyes. Weapon: Two throwing knives and a boomerang like, blade. Side: Ryoko's team. Bio: Raised by a family of Navy sailors she learned all the strengths and weaknesses of the Navy. even though it is family tradition to trai to become a part of the navy, Nya desided she wanted to be a pirate and nothing could change her mind. Nya was shunned and beaten by her freinds for this fantasy and finnaly her dad told her she would have to choose between family and crime. She chose crime. She ran away and joned up with Rokou. She's a cunning woman and won't let anyone push her around. Reason for Joining (your side): to live the life she dreamed of.
  20. Oh yeah i need to get you guys a pic huh. Well here she be... Well she may not look too much like a digimon character just pretend she's 14
  21. yeah sure since vicky doesn't seem to be tring. i'll start this tomarrow whether or not we get someone to play da bad guy.
  22. So Ben what about the digimon emporor? Who's going to play him or is that who Ben is?
  23. Agreed Vicky you can take over Lynx. or be da *bum dum dun* The bad dude.
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