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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
NAdie gave a sigh of relief. Then she lokked to make sure no one noticed it. She definatly didn't need Dai starting up again. Every one began to climb up the ladder. Halfway up Nadie's heel broke, on her shoe. "Stupid peice of crap!" Nadie took the shoes off and chunked them down off the ladder. One almost hitting DaiShamar. "Whoa, watch it! You could take an eye out with those things."
Namina sat on the floor while Z started. "16 years ago I worked for an evil sorceress named Morgana, she terrorised prople in a dark world most people call hell." "So she's the devil?" "In most religions, yes. Then one day on a trip on earth I met a girl. She was so beautiful. I ran into her and almost killed her but she...she won me over somehow. She learned all about me and Morgana and we became lovers...After a couple of years, she had a child. A beutiful little girl that looked just like her. She grew protective of the little girl and told me I had to give up my evil side if I was to help raise the child... I couldn't do it. I'd be the traitor...but Ioved her and her child. I ran away from all of it. I left both Morgana and my love." Z looked up at namina. Namina looked back at him deep in thought. He walked over to her and touched her face. "You have your mother's eyes.
All I can remember is therapy" the others looked at her. "uh...I had skitzafrenia." "Then what?" "They decided to see what effect it would have on a "loony bird". So...they test me."
Namina layed in the floor of her room. She stared up at the ceiling and groaned. Ben was still here. He was talking to her mom. "How can mom still be with him?" she asked. "Mabey he's just really charming." someone growled from the shadows of her room. "Who's there?" she asked rolling over and getting up on her knees. "Don't freak it's just me." Z said stepping out. "Don't do that!" "Sorry, so this guy your mom's with now..." "Ben" "I see..." he lowered his voice and mumbled to himself "Benjamin..." "what was that?" "nothing, I have to...go check on Saina." "Isn't that X's job." "yes but.." "What happened a long time ago. Who did you betray?" "Ok. What I'm about to tell you might be too much." "I can take it." "You sure?" "I can take any thing."
Nadie looked at Dai. "heh, your problem I'm rowing. DaiShamar glared at her then turned to Mai. "Well cant you hold it?" "No I have to gwo now!" Dai turned to Nadie. "Row faster!"
Namina eyed the food suspiciously as Ben set it down on the table. Ben chuckled to him self and Namina's mom sat there still oblivious to everything. "I'm not hungry." Namina said pushing her food away. "Come on sweety you haven't eaten in two days. People are gunna start thinking your anorexic." "What if I am." She said crossing her arms. Ben sat down. "Come on Namina, if I wanted to kill you it definately wouldn't be with poisen." Namina's mom chuckled at his joke but Namina shuddered and took a bite of the steak.
Serena took a right and jumpped into a bush. She kept quiet as the gaurds rushed right past her. "That was close..." Serena stood up out of the bush picking all the leaves out of her hair. "ugh, what aful way to run away." Serena looked into the sky. The sun was setting. "It'll be dark soon. Better find somewhere to sleep." Serena walked through the forest. She had only been through this forest once and wasn't fallowing the trail. She weaved her way through the trees and came out into a clearing. She stopped in her tracks. Right before her eyes was a wild golem. And it looked like he was fighting someone...
Nadie nodded. She rested her elbows on her knees and her head in her hands. She began to nodd off. Mai Stared out at the water loving every bit of the ride. DaiShamars shoulder began to hurt from the rowing and she winced. rad sat up. "Here...let me take over for a while." "No way" DaiShamar protested. "Your just as hurt as I am." They both looked over at Nadie who had fallen asleep. Dai splashed her waking her up. "What was that for?!?" Nadie shouted. "Your turn." DaiShamar replied handing her the oar.
Namina walked in the door fallowed by Ben. Her mom smiled as they walked in the door. "Oh my gosh!" Namina shouted freaking out. "What?" Her mom and Ben said in suprise. "Your sober. Two days in a row. Go mom." Ben sat on the couch and her mom gave her a look. "you scared me! Don't freak out like that again unless it's an emergency.
"Class mates?" "How do you think Z and X lost that poor little boy?" "He went missing at six flags?" "No! They were being punished!" "What did they do? Steal cookies?" "No they became traitors." Ben Picked up the other sword. "I'll fight you later. when your worthy." "But wait I wanna know more!" "Ask Z." "So what are you gunna tell my mom..." "That I'm making dinner."
oh sorry...
Mai looked over the side of the boat and ran her hands in the water. Nadie felt the boat tipping and pulled Mia back up. "Please don't lean out it tips the boat." evean came up to breathe then started swimming again. "I wonder where we are." Nadie asked. "In a cave." DaiShamar said sarcasticly. "That's not what I mean." she replied throwing DaiShamar 'the look'. "I mean where at in the world? What state, city, country, whatever."
OOC lol BEn tossed namina a shethed sword. "oookaayy...why are you giving me a weapon." "I wanna see you fight." "but my power is drained..." "well your fire sword is a sword is it not?" "yeah...but..." "Stop stalling!" "Don't yell at me! I don't know how to use a sword." "you mean Z didn't..." "How do you know Z?" Ben smirked. "You could say we were...classmates" he chuckled.
OOC : what do you need help for on neopets?
Sadia could be a guide to help out JAke...
OOC: you could be attacked by your mom...lol. Namina focused her energy into her hands and created her flame sword. She prepared herself for her first fight. Ben smirked. He started laughing. "What's so funny." "Your energy's lower than I thought" he chuckled. Namina looked down at her sword which grew smaller and dispersed. "What the!?!" "Think back to your training from today." Namina looked up. "oh man, no way!"
Halfway home Namina stopped. "All right what do you want with my mom?" "Who said anything about your mom."Ben replied his voice deeper. "Oh crap your one of them arn't you." Ben smirked and unshethed a sword. "Let's test your newly found skills."
Nadie looked at the size of the canoe. "So..are we gunna go one by one or sit in each others lap?"
Serena threw her bag out the window. She looked out the window and threw her leg over the frame. Considering she was on the top floor of the castle she had a pretty long way down. Serena grabbed the rope she had tied to the chest at the end of her bed. She tested the strength of it and started down it. She was close enough to the ground to jump off but decided against it. Inside her room the chest began to slide. Serena felt the movement and looked up. The chest gave way and serena fell hitting the ground hard. "Ow stupid Mothe..." "Over here I heard a noise!" It was one of the gaurds. serena stood up quickly and grabbed her bag. She took off quickly into the forest. The gaurd who had heard the noise saw the chest on the ground. "It's the princess hurry." He and a couple more gaurds took off after her.
Whoa...the only time I've ever seen a Missingno was on my blue version (the only version I have) and it came up as Minsingo3??? and it ruined the game. Now every time I visit that one place where you find missingno. my game restarts.
OOC: poor little Ben.... All of sam's freinds looked at each other and smiled reeeaaally big. The gaurds that were left looked at eachother nervously. They all held their hands out and together send out a colorful attack.
The others began to glow with the color of thier power. kikiro was engulfed in a blue light: water Falco was engulfed in a purple light : force LAdy was engulfed in a green light: Earth Kamouri was engulfed in a red light : fire. OOC who takes ice? we need one more person.
OOC i know it's a country =p "Is my mom still with you?' "What do you mean by that." Namina smirked. "She usually dumps guys in the next couple of hours she meets a guy." Ben smiled. "Well then I must be special." Namina scowled. "C'ya Saina I'm going home."
I had a guy cheat on me before. I was so crushed I didn't talk to him for days. I just avoided him. I guess I never forgave him.
The dogs ran up twards evean who shot them down one by one. No gaurds fallowed. evean hurried into the tunnel and blocked it with parts of the door that were left and rocks. evean layed Rad on the ground to rest and NAdie and DaiShamar took care of his wounds. Mai wondered over to a part of the cave and began to hear dripping. She looked around fallowing the sound and saw a small pond like clearing. "Hey over here. I found a ocean in the cave!" Mai smiled feeling very proud of her discovery.