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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
Wow pretty...Kikiro looked at Kamouri and stuck up her nose. "I'm leaving you for Sam." Kamouri looked at her "Huh, whatta?" Lady took this time to kick one of the unsuspecting gaurds in the balls. The alien dropped her and started crying. "Mommy.."
Kikiro and Kamouri kept chatting about the fight. Lady thew her popcorn at them. Lady: hey stop talking during the movie. Apollo held his hands up to the sky. To show his power he turned the sky dark and created a bad rain storm. Everyone watching pulled out umbrellas.
Mai sneezed. "Bless you." DaiShamar and Nadie whispered at the same time. "Do you hear that?" evean asked. "Hear what?" Nadie asked. Daishamar looked up. "Dogs" A faint barking could be heard to thier right. It kept geting louder. "They sent dog after us."
All the gaurds of the army Kamouri, kikiro, Lady and Falco all grabbed law chairs and pocorn. "I love this movie" Kikiro said to Kamori.
It's showing up for me...
OOC: dats otay ^_- Ben looked at her surprized. "What do you mean?" "Your cheating on my mom with this this, this.." "hey watch it she's my mom." "Oh no it's not what it looks like." ben said putting his hand behind his head. "Then what is it?" "We're cousins" Saina's mom explained. Namina and Saina's mouth's dropped open. "Huh?"
"oh." "listen." Namina stopped and strained her ears to hear the same sound she had heard before. "What is it?" "It sounds like...Ben." "Who is ben?" They turned the corner to see Ben and Saina's mother talking.
OOC walked home wouldve been fine lol Namina looked over at Saina. "I wounder who's after us." "remember how we're supposed to save X's son from some sorcerress." "yeah so, are you saying these guys might work for her?" Saina nodded.
ok I'll try to find a better pic. here's my character in her werewolf form. me likieze ^_^ [IMG]http://ew2.lysator.liu.se/zone/v/a/val777/playfulcgi.jpg[/IMG]
OOC thanks. Namina fumed and crossed her arms. "Ok, I think that's enough today." Saina looked up "aww but I'm having so much fun." Z held a finger up to his lips and whispered to them. "You both need to go home and act like everythings normal." "What's going on?" "someones whatching us..."
yeah sure. thats a good one. thanx ^_^
Name: Kasien Nick name: kitty{lol...oh, inside joke...} Age 15 Race: Werewolf Appearence: I'll get you a pic. Personality: sweet, nice and some times a little sassy. Power: animal comunication.
"Ahhhhh!" Namina started to run in circles. "Stop, drop and roll!" Saina shouted. Z grabbed namina by the back of her shirt and threw her in the water. X chuckled. "this is why we train at the beach." Namina moaned and climbed out of the water.
Aris picked up her bag and pulled out her armor. Her face mask she put on first it covered her nose and mouth but left her eyes open. She slid on her gloves that came up to her elbows and then strapped on her armor over them. She tested her movement then pulled out a throwing knife she held it up by the blade and picked up a pebble. She threw the pebble up and threw her knife at it. It hit dead in the middle and fell to the ground. "Hmmm my armor hinders my throwing skills." she looked down at her real target which had been a moth. instead of hitting it's wing she hit it's head. "poor creature..." she smiled and pulled her sword out of the ground. " I need something to eat." She looked around and found a forest. "Bingo..."
"My turn" Namina started focusing inward and closed her eyes. Her sword rushed backwards ta her knocking her down. It flared up and dissapeared. "ow..." Z shook his head." You need to learn not to focus so hard on your energy." "heh, my bad..."
OK even though I'm drowning in Rpgs I've decided to start a new one of my own. This one will be pretty laid back and you don't have to write whole paragraphs. The story is set around Jake who get transported from the real world to Saroria. Some one else can play Jake. I'll use my signup as a example Name: Jeni'va Side: Bad, become's good later. Age: 17 Appearance: like others of the assasinations clan she wears a cloak and has the markings of her clan. Uses a sword as her weapon. {I'll try to get you a pic.} Bio: Was abanodoned by her parants at the age of four. She was raised by the leader of the assasination Clan and was trained to be an extreemly skilled assasin. Her and Hawks job is to Kill Jake but they end up not wanting to. They become freinds with Jake and his crew and end up helping him. So the storylines kinda easy to fallow. Jake gets transported from the real world to save Saroria. He has to find five stones {special elemenal ones} and bring them...oh, well decide as the story unfolds and a dark evily person won't be able to destroy Saroria. Yeah I'll need a main bad guy that the leader of the assasin clan reports to. Oh and I mentioned HAwk in my bio. I'll need some one to play Hawk. If you don't understand something PM me or post it with your signup.
so when you gunna start this rpg?
Aris took out one of her throwing knifes. She threw it up several times and each time caught it by the blade with her pointer finger and thumb. Her other hand was placed on her hip. She wasn't wearing any of her armor today but planned to put it on later. Her shirt was sleeveless and short showing her belly. Her pants sat low on her hips and belled over her boots. Her hair was half up half to give 'some' inocence to her look. A spider made it's way past her feet. She watched it and caught her knife again by the blade and tossed it at the spider hitting it dead on. She smirked. "Spiders ar discusting creatures." She retrieved her knife and cleaned the spider from the tip.
"We'll start of with deducing your energy flow." "De whobe whatta?" "Controling it." "ahh gotcha."
The army of aliens came rushing out to the chant of we are the titans. *i love that movie* and stand in a line. Thier captian walks up to Captian. Evil Captian: Surrender. Captian: Never! Captian shoots him with the gunlady gave him. It barely shocks him. Evil Captian laughs evily. All the other aliens laugh. Captian: lady what kind of gun did you give me? Lady: I dunno. Falco told me to give it to you. Falco and Kamouri hive five.
Thanx. This helps alot. ^_^
*blinks for a minute* huh? is there an easier way to explain it? i'm too stupid to get it that fast...
I get high when I color with permanent markers. wich i seem to do alot. hehe. Also i can sometimes get high from boredom. If I sit around too long I halucinate. must be one of those mental imbalances things. (or it could be all those sharpies) ;)
You know those neat lil' banners people put after they post? :) Well how in the world do you get those things made and up and all the juicy details???!!!!!??:wigout: It's driving me crazy 'cause i wanna banner....but...I don't know how to make one :bawl:
Sign Up Final Dynasty (Made up game details are posted)
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Dynete's topic in Theater
Name: Aris negami Age: 16 Weapon: throwing knifes Aromor: mask (covers botom half of face) arm gloves, leg armor. Blood type: B is this good?