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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
[COLOR=coral]Tia looked over at Zed who was laying on his back. His hands were behind his head and he gazed up a the clouds as the wind blew them by. Tia was sitting up beside him and she pulled a blade of grass from out of the ground. Tia riped the blade of grass into tiny strands slowly then held them up and let the wind blow them away. Tia layed down beside her lover and snuggled up to him. She put her hand on his chest and layed her head on his shoulder.[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]Tia siged "Zed, whacha thinkin' about?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]Zed looked over at her. "Nothing really. I was just watching the clouds that's all.[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]Tia layed there in the peace for a minute and thought back to when they first met. She could remember how young they had been. She also remembered how thier parents didn't like the Idea of them being lovers. Her mind shifted to her family. She woundered how they were doing. Tia stood up.[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]"Where you goning?"[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]"hmmm, I thought I might find something to eat. Mabey there's some kind of fruit around."[/COLOR] [COLOR=coral]Zed stood up. "Allright I'll come along."[/COLOR] OOC: sorry logan the first post is always the hardest...
Mia woke up and began to squirm. "Here," Nadie set her down. "But you have to run fast got it?" Mia nodded. "Ok. Dai help me keep an eye on Mai now that she's awake"
Kinika suddenly got an idea. "I wounder if the chip has a mind of it's own. And mabey that's why some of our chips have taken on a form."
Sign Up The Fast and The Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
I'm dropping out of this rpg. Sorry but i'm in too many to work with -
The monkey glared at the captian and pulled out a spider. He dropped it on the captian and stepped back. Captian: Ahhhhhh spider! Get it off me get it off me. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mooooooommmmmmmyyyyyyy. zthe monkey keeps laughing.: hehe spider.
Kinika looked around. "So I guess we're all the same, huh? Kinda makes us freinds doen't it?" "You don't have many freinds do you?" "Besides dimitri...no."
"What do you mean by fighting styles?" Namina asked. "Well, since you have chosen the sword as your weapon you must learn how to weild it." "And to disable it." "Disable it?" "You don't plan to walk around with a sword of fire do you?" "Well, I guess that wouldn't work out right with the normal people here."
Namina started waving the sword around. "it doesn't do much." Z shook his head. You don't have a target," "Whaddaya mean?" Z and X created dummies from no where and gave them a bit of life. "Here fight these guys." Namina sliced ones head off with the sword. "Hey this is cool." She wasn't paying attention. A dummy jumped her from behind. "Ahh"
"Why would we have to seperate." Nadie asked shifting Mai. "To make us harder to find." Rad replied. "but then we would be voularanable (sorry don't know how to spell it) Dai replied. "believe me it will help alot."
"What do you mean a weapon?" Namina asked. "Well, whats your favorite weapon." "The sword." "Good now close your eyes and pretend your holding a sword." Namina closed her eyes. She put her hands out as though she was holding a sword. Fire spread in her hands and out to make a blade fire. She opened her eyes. "Whoa cool." X turned to Saina "your turn."
Captian: Hi Monkey: Hi Captian: Hi Monkey: hi Captian: Hey wait an minute monkeys can't talk! Monkey: Hey wait a minute monkeys can't talk!" Captian: Stop that. Monkey: Stop that! Captian: Stop it monkey: Stop it
Namina and Saina ran all the way down to the shore. They tried to catch thier breaths. "Your late." X said arms crossed. "I know I'm sorry." Z interrupted. "We don't have time. We have to hurry through training." "Why/" Namina asked. "Your enemies are here in the real world."
Falco: what are you doing? Lady: It's my mating call. Falco: good enough for me. kikiro: Blushes and giggles. kamouri: wanna...like...go see a movie or something? kikiro: sure. *blushes brighter* They walk off to a drive in. Captian: hey wait what about me?
{on the couch} Ben put in Princess Mononoke and everyone settled on the couch to watch the movie. Namina crossed her arms and watched the clock. 10:00. Mabey she could get away with going to bed. "Well it was nice to meet you Ben, g'night mom. Have fun." "Wait where are you going hun?" "Yeah the movies just getting good." Namina faked a yawn. "i'm tired i'm going to bed. Seeya." "Goodnight.' "Pleasant Dreams."
"No jacen I'm not." Dimitri pulled out a virtual knife and started to cut kinika's arm. "i can touch you so you have to be afraid. Fear will be your downfall. " He left. Kinika looked down at the blood. She stared at it for a minute and then the pain struck her. Tears filled her eyes. "He...He hurt me..."
You can hear much beating and screaming. Lady stops crying. "So like after all this is over you wanna hook up with falco and kamouri and go see a move." "Ok"
OOC: I had to bring the bad guy in some how. Ben came back and sat down smiling. Namina still hadn't eaten anything." I'm not hungry can I go to bed?" "That's okay" Ben replied. "i'm afraid i'm not much of a Cook" "no dear you cook fine." "How about a movie?" "Man I'll never get out of this night mare.
OOC nah i'll be else where. kinika jumped as someone touched her shoulder. She turned around to see Dimitri. Kinika: It's just you. Dimitri: No I'm not me anymore. You don't want me. Kinika: I never said that. Dimitri's eyes turned blood red."No You don't want me. your happier with out me. Kinika: Your not Dimitri.
{at the dinner table} "erie music in the background" (just kidding) Namina pokes at the food Ben cooked. "It's poisened isn't it." Namina's mother laughs "Come on dear it's okay just eat it." "I'd rather not." "May I ask where your bathroom is?" Ben asks. :"Sure hon, it's down the hall to your left." ------in the bathroom---- ????: so did you find the child? Ben: yes your majesty. I'm even dating her mother. ????: good. See if you can buddy up to her. I need you to get her to trust you. Ben: Yes Serana. I shall not fail you.
Captian: This place is too weird. Kikiro and lady begin to cry.: you hate our planet. Captian: You bet I do Kamori and Falco look at each other. They drag Captian into the forest. Kiriko and lady continue crying.
Namina walked into her house quietly incase her mom was sleeping. "Hi honey welcome home. have a seat please." Namina rolled her eyes "oh great a new "daddy" she mumbled. Namina's mom came out of the kitchen and sat on the couch beside Namina. "look sweety. I know I haven't been a very good mother lately so I thought we could hang out tonight for dinner." "Whoa mom look. your sober. I haven't seen you like this in a while." "Look namina I'm serious." "For real...A whole night just you and me?" "No. You me and Ben." Namina falls over animae style. "I knew there was a catch to this.."
Name: Kineria Age: 5000 Race: Angel Side: definately good. Apperance: Gold long flowing hair and white robes. Bio; was creted by god as one of the worriors to fight against demons for souls.
"Ok here's my stop. I don't think you should come in or my mom might try to make us a family." "Every man she see's eh?" "Yeah, She keeps thinking that someday dad will come back. Good luck on that one. This past year I think she's loosing her faith though because she's taken up drinking this year." "hmm. Well c'ya round kid."
Namina looked up at Z "So about this kid we're supposed to save, he has powers?" "Yes" "You have powers too right?" "Right." "So why don't you and X use your powers to save him?" "Our type of species cant use the crystals." "But human can?" "Bingo"
Nadie allowed Mai to fall back asleep on her lap. DaiShamar kneeled down beside them as evean and Rad pre pared to take out the gaurds. one, two, three shots. "Ok. There out. Lets move on." Nadie picked up Mai with DaiShamars help. And they started to move again.