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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
Falco lady and Kamouri come back with Beutifly sharpened sticks spears bows and arrows. Captian blinks: Okay that was fast... Kikiro pulls out a wizards set. Captian: and what are you gunna do make them dissapear. Kikiro: no actually I was gunna turn them into bunnies and pull them out of my hat but if you insist on making them dissapere...
Namina looked up at Z. "Don't worry you don't have to escort me home. I'm a big girl." Z chuckled. "I'll walk home with you anyways." "Good because I have a bunch of questions that you are going to answer"
"Never the mind. Lets finish up for today." Z replied. "Can I go home now. I'm tired and my hand still hurts." Namina whined. "I guess we could let them off early today." "But only today"
"Whatever tactic we use if it doesn't include me and talking and them then I'm fine." Nadie said setting Mai down. "Good." Rad said. "Then you can shut up." Nadie stuck her tounge out at rad. Rad chuckled "I wouldn't want that nasty thing in my mouth either." Nadie pulled her tounge back in and crossed her arms "meanie"
"Next were going to start with creating your powers into attacks. That will be this weeks lesson." "What about next weeks?" "Defence" "Oh that doesn't sound too bad." Z and X looked at each other. They chuckled. Namina and Saina looked at each other nervously.
Lady looked up.: did you hear some kind of evil laugh belonging to an evil king who kills his own people? Kikiro looked at her: no Others shrugged. Lady: okay must've been my imagination. (two days later) Kamouri points: my finger points. Falco: that means the weapons must be over there. Captian runs tward the hill the weapons are at.: Yay finnally I can protect my self.
"What did he tell her?" Namina asked. "I have no idea, tha little brother of mine never thinks before he speaks." "Is my Mom gunna be okay?" "Yeah, she should be fine."
NAdie picked up the pace mabey a little too much. Because she was paying most attention to the weight she ran into evean who fell on Rad who had stopped. "Shhhh" Rad whispered sharply. "Why'd you stop?" Nadie hissed. Rad pointed infront of them into a clearing where many gaurds were standing. "Thats why." DaiShamar just couldn't resist. " Why don't you sweet talk them into letting us past." "If I didn't have Mai on my back I'd strangle you right now."
Saina's mom paid Namina no mind but looked up at Z. "And I bet your the one who brought this young lady down here." Z chuckled "Guilty" "Look lady, tey have a veeeerrrryyy important quest so why don't you go out and drink or bake cookies or what ever it is mom's are supposed to do." Namina said crossing her arms. Saina's mom look Namina strait in the eye."Young lady didn't your parents ever teach you some manners?" Namina waved her away. "They wern't around long enough." Z pushed Namina away. "Come on lets not be rude."
Sign Up The Fast and The Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
oh rats...now i don't get to slap guys around :bawl: Raiha you ruin my fun. lol. -
Ice caught up to the group with Frost fallowing. They both caught thier breaths. Ice: "Ha {breath} I beat {breath} you!" Frost: No {breath} way! You{breath} got a head {breath} start. Ice looked up at he others. "Hi I'm ice, nice to meet you."
Kirimasu turned the corner in the park and saw Dorrien. She couldn't take it anymore so she stormed over to him. "Cant you see the words on this letter?" she demanded.
Namina held up her hand. "Why can't I do it right?" "Your not focusing." "Whaddaya mean? I am too." "Yeah on your problems." "huh." "Stop thinking about your mom and try again." "fine." Namina held up her hand again and fucused. instead of focusing in her palm the flame started from the ground and worked its way around hr body and arm to her palm. Then it shot out in the water as far as the horizon. "OK mabey you shouldn't focus too hard." FAR OUT ON THE OCEAN A little old man is fishing and his boat gets sunk by the flame. OOC i couldn't resist.
Sign Up The Fast and The Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
Kesaki feels special all of a sudden. -
Kirimasu fumed as she walked down the street. Ever since her parents divorse her mother never paid attention to her. And what was the deal with all the councilers!?!
Nadie shifted Mai as she fel asleep. She grew hevier when she wasn't holding on. Rad was at the head of the group fallowed by Evean Nadie and last to watch over Nadie and Mai DaiShamar.
Captian: Can we please just find a way out of here? Kamouri:mmmm...okay. Falco: Mabey we can find the tribe elder and he can create a portal to your planet. Captian: how far is he? Falco: 10 days away.
"So are we leaving now?" Rad nodded. "Yes" Nadie and Dai said together." "Everyone got thier stuff?" evean asked. Nadie helped Mai onto her back." yep. all clear." "Lets go."
Sign Up The Fast and The Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
won't be a problem for me lol -
Namina held up her hands. "So what do I do? Shout KAmehameha, or sumthin?" "No. Put your hand out twards the sea and focus your energy that way." "Ok" Namina put her han palm up twards the sea and focused her energy. A flame started in her hand and grew bigger. "Wow I'm doing it it's...Burning me!" She began to scream and shoved her hand into the ocean's water. Steam rose up from where she put her hand. "it seems we have alot of work to do..."
Nadie was growing restless now. "So are we leaving now or not." Mai rubbed her eyes and yawned. "Well It still looks like Mai's tired so I'll carry her but I'll need some one to hold my weapon." "I'll hold" Dai voulenteered. "Ok, thanks." Nadie handed her gun over to DaiShamar.
Sign Up The Fast and The Furious: Race Wars, Hawaii
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Eclectic's topic in Theater
Name: Dominique "Domi" Syther Age 18 Bio: was raised by her father who loves motorcycles. Can't stand guys that 'hit on' girls because of thier looks. Has distant relitives in japan so she learned japanese. Personality: Flirts but realy wants a steady relationship. Loves motorcycles. Knows a bit of japanese. Description: wears sunglasses and a biker chick jacket. Wears tight leather pants and black boots. has black hair. weapon: Gun she straps to ankle under pants. Gang/team: n/a Motorcycle make: V-strom Color: black Other: has special mufflers to create lots of noise -
Namina closed her eyes and tried to concentrate. She didn't keep track of the time it felt like mabey two seconds had pased. She sunndenly felt inside of darkness and saw a red flame she reached out for it reaching in real life and grabbed it then she opened her eyes. "Congradulations" Z said "you found it" Namina looked up. "How long has it been?" "Two hours."
"I think kids should have a mom and a dad so I'm only taking care of MAi untill she's adopted by GOOD grown ups." NAdie Stated. "I don't think it would be too hard to find a husband." DaiShamar chuckled. "Don't start with that crap again!" "Girls please. Your gunna give us away." Evean hissed. "Sorry." Dai and Nadie replied.
"We'll be here forever." X said. "Oh, come on you know how gross those things get." "Ewwww" After a while Saina came back and sat back down beside Namina. "Ok. Now focus deep down searching for the power. This will not be easy." Namina puts her legs budda style and starts humming. "Your not funny"