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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. We both have black hair dayday so we could be sisters. lol i tie in with everyone some how huh?
  2. Nadie put Mai down. She looked at DaiShamar. Mai just kept crying. "I don't realy think we could explain it." "She had to kill those people because they were going to kill us."
  3. Nadie made her way over to Mai and picked her up. Before too long she was surrounded by gaurds. "Oh crap" Dai came up behind one of the gaurds and snaped his neck then taking his gun began to shoot the others. "Nadie run!" "no problem, running"
  4. The other gaurds ran over to see what the commotion was about. "Oh crap!" "Lets get out of here!"
  5. Lady : it go "BOOOOOOOOMMMMM" Kikiro is biting captins leg tring to get the reeses back. Falco: oh.... Kamori: so do you want to weapons or not. captin Yeea shure. ahhhh my leg! you cannable!
  6. O.O.C I have a good idea. Nadie very nervously walked up to one of the gaurds. She pretended to be taking a casual walk then stopped. "Hi there." she said sweetly. DaiShamar slapped her hand to her forehead. "Oh brother" "Well, well, Whats a pretty girl like you doing up so early?" "I heard some kids were tring to escape. I thought I would come to see them get caught. Shurely someone would rat out on them." "Why would you wanna see your fellow prisoners get captured?" "Wouldn't you give up hope of escape? Besides they were leaving with out me." "So the little boy told you too, eh?" "Yep, what was the bugers name again?" "Scott. but don't worry I'm sure after we kill the escapers we'll kill him too." "Ok. well i'm gunna go back to sleep theres no excitement, here." "I could give you some excitement." the gaurd pulled her close to him with his arm and dropped his gun. "Heh, uh no thanks. I'm pretty tired as it is." she said nervously tring to pull away from him. "No I insist." O.O.C. ewwww
  7. The next day Namina couldn't wait around. So she went down to the shore as soon as she got up. She spent most of the day there. "Your early." "Hey Z" "I've noticed lately you don't seem to like your mother much." "She's not my mom I just live with her. What kinda mom drinks every night and day and brings home a different man every week tring to make us a happy "family" "What about your dad?" "What dad?"
  8. O.O.C. did you want me to go up to the gaurd or on the roof or what?
  9. "who is saina?" "Well if i told you that it would ruin your nights sleep." he chuckled. "Your not funny..." "See ya there." "Oh wait I wanted to ask you about the flame from the other night..." "You'll learn about that stuff soon enough."
  10. "I'm thinking it isn't 6:00 yet." Nadie stated. "You mean you did'nt look at a clock?" "No I thought you did." "You mean it could be 3:00 in the morning?" A gaurd walked by extreemly close to thier spot. "The kid said that they're meeting here at six." Nadie and Dai looked at each other in alarm.
  11. "So will I get to meet others with crystals?" "well, yes thats why i came." "Oh..." "you need to meet me at five p.m. tomarrow." "Why tomarrow?" "Because that's when X will have Saina meet you." "huh?"
  12. Kirimasu stared in horror as her mom shook her head again. mom: I'm telling you I don't see it. Kirimasu: But you have too! I can! Mom: Is this another one of those crys for help because of the divorce. Kirimasu: no! You don't understand I can see it and you can't! Mom: I'll make an appointment with your councilor. Kirimasu got very frustrated and slamed the door on her way out. She zipped up her wind breaker and walked down the street.
  13. If I sign up for Tia of the lovers do I have to play both of them or will someone else do that? I can do both, but I'd much rather just play Tia. The Lovers Tia and Zed Ages: 34(Tia) and 40(Zed) Specialties: Each can preform small spells, hand-to-hand combat Bios: Zed and Tai met in there teens.They don't talk much about their lives,so it is still a mystery. Zed and Tai met in the army.They came from diffrent kingdoms that were trying to defeat Jeric and Kilda together,even though the two kingdoms hated each other.They soon fell in love,but their parents forbided it.They soon ran away.They came to a spellcaster's kingdom,and learned about spells and magic.The left and learned that Jeric and Kilda had destoryed their kingdoms. ok i edited this to match aYakano's so, they're the same
  14. "Let's just keep low and mabey they won't see us." They made thier way to the meeting place. "Hey no way we're the only one's here!" Nadie exclaimed. "Shhhh!" DaiShamar put her hand over Nadie's mouth. "Don't give us away." she whispered sharply. "Dai-mommy I'm hungry." Mai said speaking up for the first time.
  15. "What are you doing in my kitchen! My mom can bring you home but you have leave when she does!" she picked up a bannana as though it would help her and prepare to get him out. "Whoa whoa. chill." said the guy stepping into the light. "Z. you scare the crap out of me." "Well it's not like I was in any danger." he chuckled looking down at the banana. Namina laughed and threw the banna back in the fruit basket. "So why exactly are you here?"
  16. Kamori: over younder hill. it's a two day hike though. Captin groand. kikiro: mmm these are good. Lady i'll say. Kikiro: I wounder how they got all that peanut butter inside the chocolate. Captian: where did you get those reese's? Kikiro: inside this pack I found beside your ship.
  17. O.O.C: if it takes me long to post on stuff it's because i have to fight my dad for the computer. Literaly. I mean fist fling and everything. Nevermind just kidding... DaiShamar Nadie and Mia all walked quietly to the meeting place. On the way they heard some shouting. They quickly dodged behind a steel board. "Where are they!?!" "i-I-don't know s-sir" "W-Well FIND THEM!" he yelled mocking the young gaurd. "yes-sir!" he saluted and ran off. "I think they're looking for us..." Nadie said not noticing she was shaking.
  18. yeah i caught that and changed it...thanx anyways.
  19. hey logan did you draw that yourself?
  20. Name: Ice Age 17 Power ice Emerald color: white Special skill: can minipulate snow and blizards weapon: Sword of the frozen heart.
  21. Namina fumed. She was so mad. Why would her mom do this to her again? "Hunny I'm going out with some freinds" she sang as she walked out the door. "typical" namina mubled. she went down stairs to get some thing to eat. But when she got there there was a man in the kitchen.
  22. O.O.C. sorry... Kamori didn't like to be boss around neither did Falco so they thought of ways to do away with Captin... Kikiro: i think he's kinda cute. Lady: which one? Kikiro: all of them! Lady and Kikiro burst out into a fit of gigigles. Captin: whats so funny? lady and kikiro: uh...nothing.
  23. Through out the night Nadie was still fuming from DaiShamars comment. She barely slept through the night because of the excite ment when morning came she met up with Mia and DaiShamar.
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