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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. Kinika heard two people over in the park. she tured the corner and saw no one. She scratched her head. "i could've sworn..."
  2. i guess some one could be long lost brothers or sisters... I also think people should put what they look like. I'll go back and put what I look like.
  3. Name: Dea Lucifes Age: 2046 looks 17 Race: demon Bio: works for lucifer himself. Has rebeled from him. Weapons: Possesion Timeline: revelations Red hair and eyes. wears black leather like jeans and black tank top. wears combat boots and carries a gun that she rarely uses.
  4. "Dai-mommy!" Mai hugged daiSahmar happy to see her still alive. "Where are the others?" she asked looking for the other teens.
  5. Lady and kikiro looked at him. "Ok we're in"
  6. "I'm not sure. She took a gun wound to the shoulder." She found a good place to hide out. "Stay here. I'm gunna go back for Dai, Ok. Do Not fallow me got it?" She waited for mai to nodd then took off leaving her behind a clump of trees.
  7. O.O.C: im giving up on that it's too much work!" Namina stepped in her mom was sleeping on the couch. "Well I guess she won't be out partying tonight." she said sarcasticly. "oh hi honey" she said sitting up. "Marks in the kitchen" "No way mom! Why'd you bring him here?" "Look sweety. I want us to be a family." "you said that last time with brad!" "Well this time it will be different." "You know it's kinda hard to be a family when your gone most of the time!" Namina ran up to her room not letting her mother fight back.
  8. After catching her breath Nadie ran infront of the gaurd carring away mai. Then with a kick in his soft spot caused him to drop mai. She picked her up and tried to run.
  9. Kinika's day was going great. She decided to take another walk in the park to meet some new people.
  10. "How can you?" kikiro asked " you've destroyed my planet and it's people!!!!!"
  11. "No Mia!" Nadie held her stomache and tried to run after Mia. "No you don't" The gaurd pulled her back by her neck and began to choke her.
  12. Nadie climbed down from the roof watching all this happen. "Don't! Put her down!" Nadie did what she would probably regret. she takled the gaurd half way through his shot at Daishamar and made him miss hitting Dai's shoulder. Then Nadie took a punch in the stomache.
  13. "oh..." nadie looked up and began to whine again. "man!" O.O.C i put namina up there sorry i've been going back and fourth between rpg's its supposed to me NADIE
  14. " I just got up here and we hafta get down all ready." Namina began to whine. This whole escaping thing wouldn't be easy for her. With DaiShamars help she helped the little girl off the roof and climbed down her self.
  15. Nadie covered Mia's ears while DaiShamar yelled at the guys. She helpped the little girl onto her back and used the rope (with much dificulty) to get onto the roof.
  16. Nadie stood up. She felt stupid. She wiped her face then with the help of the others burried the little boy. Then Nadie said a little prayer for the little boy and for them.
  17. Kinika thought about the boy for a minute then thought about how it must've been some one dimitri didn't let her get close to. She finished her coffee and stepped out side. She let the sunlight touch her skin and it felt great. she yawned. I wonder what time it is? she thought.
  18. Name: Kirimasu Naminikana Age: 14 Gender: female appearance: blue hair and blue eyes. wears a white long sleeve shirt with green wind pants. wheres a green wind jacket. keeps her hair pulled back into a braid and her bands hang in her face. Special item: a silver chain around her neck that connects to the shoulder of her jacket and falls down her right arm and attaches to the wrist of the jacket. on the part of her neck it has a blue jem she attached to it. (it brings out her eyes.)
  19. Nadie put her arm around the little girl. "i..I'm sorry but..." Nadie couldn't finish tears ran down her cheek and onto the little girls hair.
  20. ok thanx. Name: kuramika damina Age: 17 Time 2003 Dragon Soul:Shamaina Element: Galena weapon: bow and arrows. Bio: Just wanted to finish school. Who would have thought she would be chosen to save the world... is that good? I hope so.
  21. it was morning now. Kinika sat up. her head was pounding. Dimitri was no where to be found. good. she thought. They had another fight but it had never been like this before... Kinika stood and walked to the neaest cafe. She ordered up a coffee and sat in peace. This was great! but what happened to dimitri. by defying him had she finnally disabled the chip?
  22. nadie fell over something and stood up smoothing out her dress. "oh my gosh!" She had fallen over the body of a small boy. he began moaning and crying. She kneeled down and picked him up. "He has a bullet wound." DaiShamar noted. "it's ...it's too late." the little boy opened his eyes and looked up at her innocently. Then he took his last breath and died. "Nooo!" Nadie huged the little boy. "I am so ready to get out of this camp!"
  23. " Thanks" kinika stared up at dimitri who just couldn't take it. "i'm warning you Kinika!" "Of what!" her head ache became unbearable now and she faded out of conciousness. Dimitri too faded.
  24. "why would he want me to protect a crystal from someone?" namina asked herself as she got dressed. "Arg. i wish i knew the answers..." she looked out into the hallway to her mothers door. after partying all night her mom would sleep all day and it would be the same routine. namina grabbed the crystal on her way out. on the way out to the park she ran into the guy from the night before. He was wearing a long trench coat probably to hide his wings. "I need you to do me a favor." "Haven't I done enough keeping this protected?" "The crystal is for you to enter the realms of darkness." "huh?" the guy told her every thing the one guy had told saina. "So...who's kid is he?" "My brothers..." "oh..." The guy turned to leave but Namina stopped him. "Wait! whats your name?" "Call me Z." "and your brothers name?" "X"
  25. "So if i wanted to touch someone and you didn't want me to then i can't." "correct" dimitri sat down beside her. "but why i mean if it's my body..." Dimitri grew figity. "you not wanting to are you?" "yes! i want to shake someones hand!" "Well you can't! i don't want you too!" "wanna bet." kinika jumped up and ran through out the park tring to find some one. she found jacen. She grabbed his hand with out saying anything and held on. A piercing headache ran through her head. She held on anyways. Dimitri was visible and began shouting at her. "Stop this your gunna kill yourself!" "let me be my own person for once!" she kept holding jacens hand who seemed pretty disturbed.
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