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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. i'll be a student if i can play. name: Kereeko Namaki Age 14 wepons best with: none (complete rookie.) gender: female description; black hair and blue eyes. weares a white kimono and keeps it plain as a sign of purity. bio: her mother was a priestess and her father a samurai worrior. was never taught any kind of swordsmenship and after learning about her long dead father, left her mother to learn to fight.
  2. Nadie looked up as another kid was being dragged away for a beating. "I wish they would just leave us alone..." "yeah, me too." DaiShamar added. "So you said you wanted to get out of here too? I have a plan. but first we have to find Rad."
  3. kinika burst into tears again. "So it's you...Your the one who put me through all the pain!" She juspped up and began to swing at dimitri. She hit him but her hand went strait through him. "Your... a hollagram..." "Yes...The only reason people can't see me is because you don't want them to." but you said..." "It's too confusing. what you want is what i want. When i want that to be..." Kinika sat down again. "your right it is confusing." kinika didn't care about people seeing Dimitri anymore. so he became visable.
  4. kinika sat down at the base of a tree and put her head in her hands. She began sobbing. "Why...Why won't you let me have freinds..." dimitri appeared beside her and crossed his arms. "I haven't told you all this but when they found you you had skitzifrenia. they wanted to know how a chip would do if a 'crazy person had one implanted into thier head. The plan backfired." "So can others really see you?" if I wanted them to" "Is that why you won't let me make contact with anyone even you..." "No..." "Then why?" her headache began to stop. "Because I don't want you to find anyone else and forget about me..." Kinika looked up at him and sighed. " please go away I want to be alone..." "i can't" "And why not?" "Because i'm the chip inside your head..."
  5. lol dayday. yea that sounds cool but I wounder who would wanna play as him?
  6. Kinika looked up at the girl in the window and took her hand off her head. "Arggg. There's too many people!" She shouted dropping the candy bar and running. As she ran she saw more and more of her illusions. Thinking they were real people she began to freak out and ran into thew park to get away.
  7. Nadi noticed hurt in DaiShamar's eyes. "Ok nevermind you don't have to. My parents were killed when they tried to keep the government from taking me and my little brother. I never saw my little brother again. so now whenever i see the gaurds hurting younger children I can't help but fight back...i'm not a very vilent person...I usually don't jabber on like this eigther. Sorry." OOC: no it's fine, :wink:
  8. a gaurd steped up behind daiShamar and nadie. "hello there prtty girls. Why do you hang out with these two lozers?" one of the gaurds freinds lifted up Nadies skirt and whistled. "look jerk!" DaiShamar shouted punching the gaurd in the face. after they were both beaten Nadie wiped the blood from her mouth and looked up at DaiShamar. "look I'm sorry i wheeled on you, thanks for punching that gaurd. They think they can just bully us around. freinds?" she asked outstretching her hand.
  9. name:Serena Yami Age: 15 Gender Female Class: princess Weapon(s): her charming beauty, and knife throwing. history: Is a princess and under strict manners. Never fallows her dads orders though and now can use her techniques for something good instead of making her dad mad. Ran away not too long ago to track down Doraka after hearing about him. Also part of the reason she ran away is because of an arranged marrige. Apperance: black long hair that flows down her back over her sholders and partly in her face. Is extreemly beautiful and knows it. wears a tight full body outfit with a skirt over it that splits completely down the sides. Also wears a cloth cover over her chest and black boots that come up past her knees. Wears an arm bracelet and bracelets on her wrists.
  10. Nadie fallowed wondering if Rad had heard what she said. Mabey she didn't speak loud enough...
  11. "Come on kid take it or I'm leaving." her head ache kept getting worse. She needed to get away or someone might get hurt.
  12. Captian: This has to be some big bad dream! Lady: No I'm sorry we don't believe in that. Kiriko: I don't wanna die not today!
  13. Nadie looked over when they brought back rad. Tears filled her eyes. She was sick of all the beatings. She had a black eye from when she helped a little boy up after a gaurd punched him. She narrored her eyes. She walked over to rad. "I heard you shouting for us to esacape." she paused for a minute. "Well I'm in."
  14. i step down from being maiyu. I have too many rpg's going to keep up with.
  15. I think this would be cool if i knew what was going on but I don't know bunches about megaman...mabey if you explained it to me?
  16. It's the year 1527 and everyone has heard of the animae digimon. Every teen thats cool owns a digipet and can recite lines from all the episodes. So whats a digipet? A digipet is a costom digimon that humans hang out with and can fight other Tamers with. A few select humans have decided to use these pets for bad and have treated them badly. To add to that half of the pets turned against thier owners and are now causing havok on thier own. It's up to a few kids to stop this before the whole world is destroyed. No need to sign up! just explain what you and your digimon look like as you go. it's in the adventure fourum. Have fun!
  17. so when are you gunna start this?
  18. ok i'll dna with u! oh and hawkmons digivolvements are aquilamon, and (dna with gatomon) sylphimon
  19. another flash of lightning followed by an extreemly loud thunderclap. it distracted namina who looked up and saw the shadow again. Her lights went out and she could see the shadow with every flash of light.[COLOR=skyblue]who are you?[/COLOR] she asked stepping back the crystal in hand. [COLOR=crimson]who I am is not important.[/COLOR] came a voice that was deep.[COLOR=crimson]I need you to keep this crystal out of the hands of the darkness. It won't be easy hiding it with a human. [/COLOR] He created a ball of fire in his hand and stepped out of the window it opening by his command and shut it with his hand. [COLOR=skyblue]How did you talk without being...in-side? [/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Thats not important right now. They could have fallowed me.[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]They-[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]shhhh. Now take this.[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]Why what will it do?[/COLOR] [COLOR=crimson]Take it and do not fear it will give you power to fight should they find you.[/COLOR] questions raced through namina's head but she took it any way. another flash of lightning lit up the room showing that the person had wings. [COLOR=crimson]save your questions for later. i must find the others. i'n another flash of lightning he was gone...[/COLOR] [COLOR=skyblue]but wait what do i ...do with this?[/COLOR] she stared at the flame and wonder why it wasn't burning her. It began to grow bigger and climbed up her arm. it consumed her and she felt it burning through her skin. she couldn't cry out from the pain because it was almost just a warm sensation. Every thing went away and she seemed normal. She looked around and noticed the storm was ding down. She decided to go to sleep.
  20. namina steped back inside and stared at the crystal. The harder she loked the more she seemed to see some kind of dark cloud within the crystal...
  21. kinika hid the headache and dismissed it. she pulled out a candy bar and handed it to the boy. Her you can have this if you'll go away. She felt another tang of pain but winced only inwardly. She always got these head aches when dimitri got jealous..
  22. Name: Senaka (made up) Age 15 Race: Demon Animae: inuyasha Apperance: Black hair with red tips and red bangs. wears all black with flamy design. main techniques are used with fire. Bio: was once human but was cursed by naraku who had the power to make her human. now she's against all darkness.
  23. Kinika eyed him and kept her mouth shut. Dimitri couldn't take all the human contact so he left disapearing. kinika became more tense and a headache began to come over her...
  24. Kinika stared at the hand but didn't move. "i'm sorry but I do not wish to make physical contact with anyone...no offence." She looked to the side at dimitri who seemed to be very shaky. She could'nt touch alex, if she diddimitri would go crazy thats how he was. And for some reason when Dimitri went crazy... kinika shook off the idea. "you...feel different from other humans..." kinika said tring to figure something out about this person.
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