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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. [URL]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/GabumonX.html[/URL] [URL]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/GarurumonX.html[/URL] [URL]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/WereGarurumonX.html[/URL] [URL]http://ca.geocities.com/digi_josied/digidex/MetalGarurumonX.html[/URL] Is this working for you?
  2. mmmm, i guess I'll give this a try... Name: Kitsune Yakuri DemonSpecies: kitsuneHanyou (part Fox,human,Dragon) Special Skills: Agility, And Sword Skills. weapon: A double edged sword. Instrument: Do I have to have one? if so..uh..A flute.
  3. oh well, i'll try to fix the links and they do end in mon it was just the way i saw it in the digidex. But I'll just call him Gabumon if you like...
  4. Hey! I am blackcat ying yang! Am I just invisible to you people. Did you see my post???!!!!???? Ahhhhh! *Now that I'm done ranting* Weeeell...Mabey you can. but not as Blackcat cause that would be me. But mabey as a freind of the five cats or *wink* wink* We need a bad guy...
  5. No to okami and No to dayday. Ok so here's the people that made it in....*drumroll* Everyone so far! Now if i can just get every one to promise to post until the end and not wait til' christmas to post then i'll start this.
  6. Name: Kenaki Age: 14 Digimon: GabumonX Digimon Attack/s: blue flame Digivice:blue D3 Digivolutions: GabumonX, GarurumonX, WeregarurumonX, MetalGarurumonX Bio: I'll get back to this. Description: Human: I'll get you a pic. Rookie: [URL=http://]ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/GabumonX.html[/URL] the others...[URL=http://]ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/GarurumonX.html[/URL] [URL=http://]ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/WereGarurumonX.html[/URL] [URL=http://]ca.geocities.com/digital_empiredex/digidex/MetalGarurumonX.html[/URL]
  7. Serenity stopped walking and sniffed the air. A sort of stinging smell reached her nose and chocked her lungs. it made her eyes water. "Do you guys smell that?" Every one stopped walking as well and turned to her. "What?" Nami asked sniffing. "It smells like..."Cat started sniffing as well. "Smoke." Serenity finished. Everyone who owned guns pulled them out and Serenity looked around to see where it was coming from. The gang all turned around as they heard a loud thudd behind them. then they looked up. there before them stood the largest demon they had ever seen as well as two smaller ones.
  8. You know what I thought about and I'll just let you keep white tiger since you seemed to have put thought into your signup. I'll just take blackcat. =p Name: Serena Megumi Age: 16 Gender: female Stone:BlackCat(yingyang) Description:Black hair with blue eyes. Wears a black t-shirt with bluejeans. Animal form description: Looks like a normal black cat but is the size of a tiger. Her fur is jet black, with white stripes under her eyes. personality: Clumbsy. She is always falling or getting herself in to some sort of trouble. She can sometimes be annoying but can be serious when she needs to.
  9. Serenity stepped out into the light jumping down from the tree. She didn't land too gracefully landing on her butt. "Ow. that was graceful..." Serenity noticed the gun and held up her hands. "Whoah watch out!" she said pointing at the gun. "You could hurt someone with that thing." "It'll be you if you don't tell us who you are." james growled. "Oh well thats not hard." she said dropping her hands. "I'm Serenity Hikari. er, uh...I live here...kinda..."
  10. um excuse me *cough* At the end of my post it said i choose white tiger Snow... and i failed to mention it, but you can't have any weapons. Since the dogs have taken over no one is alowed to have wepons. Were using powers to kick thier butt.;)
  11. Oh and also people your animal form does NOT have to be full animal. You could be werecat or human with catlike features if you like(ears tail ect.) just incase you were wondering.
  12. ooohh...so are we all clear that it was a demon now?
  13. [COLOR=deeppink]When you hear the word kitty you think of cute, sweet, nice little kittens. Right? [/COLOR] Yeah right. Five stones, five elements, five specieces of cats... Ancient scriptures tell of a curse. A curse in which dogs will turn against thier owners. rising up on back legs they will take over the world and treat humans as thier pets instead, Led by The top Dog, A strong rotriler named Sidaeus. these dogs gained powers of the curse using them to out do weapons of all destruction. A prophet saw visions of this and so sealed five stones each with a different element. And just for kicks a different specieces of cat. Tiger_Storm WhiteTiger_Snow Lion_Fire lynx_earth BlackCat_Ying/yang(yingyang is darkness and light) And now it's time forthe chosen humans to overthrow the dog empire. ----------------- Ok so signup. (sorry guys too many skittles and a new kitten has done this to me. Kitty kitty kitty) Name: Age: Gender: Stone: Description: Animal form description: personality: extra(if you feel like adding a bio or something. ------one person per stone. If someone has already picked it, too bad!---------- i'll post mine later i'm just gunna tell you now i choose WhiteTiger_snow. :p so there.
  14. did you just throw that at me?... ------------- Serenity winced with pain. She reached back to pull the dagger out of her arm as the guy bowed to the others. "thank you for helping me." He said bowing with a blood thirsty grin. he turned and started to advance on Serenity. serenity dropped the dagger but tried to catch it. "No!" she cried out tring to catch it but all it did was cut her hand. the demon guy just chuckled at her efforts. He extended claws from his hands and reached back to slice at her. Serenity held her hand out and and let her subconcious take over. A white aroura engulfed her body then shot strait at the demon. the demon screamed as the light tottaly decapited his body. All that was left was his blood which stained the tree and dripped down onto the ground. the girl dropped to the ground then sat tring to cath her breath. "Phew, that was close. oh wait he just posted before i could....uhm so now what?(edit) Also i think Yall are missin something 'cause i was just attacked by a demon....
  15. Ok well i missed my opening but... ------------------ Serenity looked down at the group from high up. She watched them almost excited by so many unaffected people. She didn't get excited though. that was dangerous. She wondered how long it would take them to notice her. Serenity tensed up as she felt hot breath at her back and neck. Screaming she knocked whoever was behind her out of the tree. the guy who fell picked himself up off the ground and smirked. he jumped right back up and proceeded to attack her. every one looked over at the scream. ----------------- hope thats ok.
  16. Sorry guys but i'm gunna drop outta this one it's two much to catch up on.
  17. Sign-Up mmm, i'll play a boy this time just for the heck of it. This'll be fun... Name: Derick Tsunami Age: 17 Gender: male Appearance: chill' for a while and I'll find ya a pic. ^.^ Bio: Although a shaman he's just tring to hide out as a normal teen. He and his spirit train in secret and haven't met another shaman yet. Spirit: Donavann Katsuka- um, I'll explain who he is as we go along. Personality: obnoxious, clumbsy, perverted, but can be sensitive and caring when he needs to be. love's girls.(what else needs to be said about that?)
  18. Sorry I didn't know this had started yet but i'll be back soon to post please don't forget me.
  19. Serena began to freak out. "hey? if those things go off will it-" Otogi finished her sentence. "Your gunna kill us!!!" "No fools." Kaiba hissed. "it will only kill those who have them strapped to thier duel disk." "Be careful Seth and hiro. Please don't lose." "Go Yugi. You can make it." otogi and serena looked at each other. "No way yugi has to win!" "Wanna bet? hiro and Seth are the best duelist i know they'll 'blow' Yugi and kaiba away." "we'll just see about that." "Your on!"
  20. Well if Seth's gunna be here... Name: Serena Megumi Age: 14 Deck Theme: Animals of the land Description: (she was cutesy in the other one but...) Kinda cutesy but with a bit of sport. Wears green wind pants with a white tank top and a green wind jacket either around her waist or over her tank top. Has a blue butterfly necklace. Is freindly to anyone which makes her a poor duelist. Would rather watch than duel,and she doesn't really know how, but she likes learning to duel. Rarest card: I'll get back to you.
  21. Obsidian smirked inwardly at the taunt but made no sign of it twards his two minions. Surely these two were smart ones. He had chosen the best out of the best and no one could convince him otherwords. Sure he could go after the chival five on his own, but he had [i] other [/i] buisness to do. "Surely I have already thought of that. My freind has a device simular to this one. though she has failed to disguise it so it was easy to duplicate it." A medalion just like that one of Ren's apeared in his hand. "take this and hunt them down."
  22. Serena helped Otogi up. "hi I'm serena." "And I'm Otogi, creater of Dungeon dice monsters." "OOO, I heard about those! Aren't you the guy who was completely defeated by-" otogi interrupted her. "yeah, Yeah." he waved his hand at her. "but it was pure luck." "mmhmm, sure." Otogi stuck his tounge out at her then turned to the duel. serena crossed her arms and turned her attention partly to the duel as well. "Jerk." "loser" "Look who's talking" they became entangled in thier argument again.
  23. Lady Sealena grabbed her head as she grew dizzy. [i] he knows i know and now he's playing with me. [/i] Sealena looked at herself in the mirror. She still looked young but she had lived way past a normal human life span. It was almost like a curse to the rulers of Kuriyama. but now she had lived her alotted time and was begining to feel her age. "why did he have to show up now. Of all times?" Sealena knew that even if they did defeat obsidian before he could take over the throne there was no hope for the kingdom. sealena being barren she bore no son's to take over the kingdom. If she even had a daughter it would be fine, but alas she didn't. Sealena sat down on her bed. she looked out the window. how was Ren doing with the quest?
  24. Name: Serenity hikari Age: 17 Gender: female Description: A young face. She dresses in all white. her outfit is made up of a white tank top under a white jacket and white pants. She wears a purity ring on her wedding finger. Blonde hair that flows allthe way to her waist and bright blue eyes. Bio: abandoned by her parents who were possesed by demonds she made it out of the city alive. She was possesed by a force unlike the demons taking over the city. this force keeps her pure and restricts her from anything thought as "sinful" She has decided to come back and try to save the city. She cannot have negitive feelings with out much pain. Is normally positive about any thing but cries at night because of her conflict within between human sin and the force inside her. Weapons: Assortments of guns or the power of the force inside her. is that better?
  25. Obsidian smirked as they entered and stood up. the fire light danced about the room and cast shadows where ever it wished. obsidians steel like eyes glinted with each flicker of the light. He alowed a bit of his hair to fall in his face as he adressed his Minions with thier quest. "My faithful minions." He began. His voice although cold and blood thirsty had a certain pleasure to it. almost like the thrill of facing death. "I have a...quest for you." Aoen and Calis both bowed and awaited for the rest. "Lady Sealena, a good old freind of mine, is having a reunion. Sadly I wasn't invited." he said with Mock hurt. "I wish for you two to, Shall i say... crash her party. " He grin grew. "kill the Chival five before they can get back together again." He wasn't going to make the same mistake again.
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