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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. Oh.. sorry... Ok Team Magma Name: Kerika Age 17 Pokemon: flareon Description: a hostile person indeed. Wheres Black and red.
  2. Lady: ooooo I haven't seen you around. The girl just blinks and tilts her head. Captian: Is she mute? Lady: They use remotes to talk on your planet? Captian: forget it... The girl: Hi I'm Kikiro! She extends her hand to shake it. Captian: I'm captian White. Lady: And I'm woman but you can call me bob. Captian: I thought your name was lady... Lady: Oh yea...I'm chris Captian: just call her lady...
  3. Name: Nadie Age :17 Gender Female Apperance and Bio: (uh oh) Cutsey. results were changed in test but she would have been top student. Is a big crybaby. really wants out this camp is harsh... Has hair in pigtals with baby blue bows. Wheres a dress. Hometown: Can't remember... Addition: She is very mature(even if she is a crybaby) and hates to see others in pain. Doesn't feel that grown ups are humans if they can do this to thier children... Don't worry my character won't be too baby. She learns whats up soon enough...
  4. I'll be jessie frum team rocket!!!
  5. A human looking woman wearing a cloak and carying two swords walks over to the captian. Woman: Nooooo Aliens!!! The captian looks at her.Uh, can you help me i'm kinda lost. Woman: Oh, ok my name is woman but you can call me....lady. Captian:....... Lady: so where do you wanna go?
  6. Ok guys i'll play. Name: Renamon Level:Rookie Digivolutions: Kuibymon (champ) Taomon (ult) Sakuyamon(mega) Personality: A little differnt from the renamon in the seris. Has alot more additude.
  7. Name: Kesaki Inedia age:14 Gender :Female Desc: Tall, mysterious girl. Brown hair blue eyes. Long sleeve red shirt under short sleeve unbuttoned black shirt. black pants tucked into brown boots. Red sports gloves. Bio:Mother died and father beats her. Strives to be the best digimon tamer to prove to her dad she's not a pathetic loser. hates to accept help from others. Digivice Color: Black and red Digimon: Karamon Rookie: karamon Desc: A kat-like animal that stands up un her back legs and is as tall as Tamer. Black Type: Virus Attack(s) Kara Flame Champion: FlameKaramon Desc: more humanish with a flamey design eyes bright gold. Type:Virus Attacks: Flame of Darkness Ultimate: Metal Karamon Desc:Flame Karamon with awsome armor...has a sword. Also wheres a type of mask over bottom half of face. type:Virus Attacks: Sword of Flame Mega: Beast Karamon desc: A cat like animal with three tails of flame and flames that wrap around her feet. Has sabre like teeth. Burns the ground with every step. Type: Virus Attacks: Flame of destruction and nightmare flame.
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