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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
Serena stepped back a little as the duel started. Why was hiro so mad at kaiba? She could tell Seth was asking himself the same thing, but seth kept his dignified face on to try and hide his confusion. Serena heard a noise and looked back. Seths eyes looked where she was looking too. "i'll be right back ok? i'm gunna make sure no one interrupts this duel." Seth turned to her. "how are you going to do that? you don't have a duel disk." serena looked down. "Oh yeah." [i] Darn [/i]
Serena turned her head at the sound of seth's voice. "Seth? Hey! We're up here!" She shouted. "Hold on i'll be there in a minute!" Seth Rushed up the stairs stopping halfway to catch his breath and then catching his breath again at the top. "next time I'm taking the elevator." "Hey Seth, what are you doing here." "I was about to ask you the same question. have you seen hiro?" "Yeah, he's going to challange kaiba." Seth thanked her and started off after him. "hey! Don't leave me here like Hiro did! Wait up!" Serena took off after him.
RPG Kuriyama{Part One} Finding the chival Five
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Kesaki_Inedia's topic in Theater
OOC: Horses eh? mmm...Sounds good to me!!^.^ IC: Obsidian's eyes were colder then the north Sectors Winter. He was gorgeous though. His coal black hair almost had a bit of shine to it as it flowed down his back and over his shoulder. Ironicly he was dressed in all white. He sipped at the wine in his goblet and smirked. "She knows" he said to himself. "I can feel her fear. She still remembers me." A new slave, one of the poor commoners of west section, looked up at him from her curled spot on the floor. "Yes, I see you, little one." he said coldly. "Crawl to me." the pale little girl crawled slowly over to him. he raked his fingers through her hair as if she were naught but a dog. When he calmed her shuddering he smaked her sending her sprawling. He chuckled at this then took another sip of his wine. He then threw his cup and spit at the girl. "Go fetch my minions. I need them. I have a little mission to intersep." -
OOC: ok people here we go. this RPG will be long so I'm breaking it down into two to three parts. Have fun with it! --------------- Emporess Sealenea looked worriedly out her window as the cloud in the distance grew dark and creeped closer. There hadn't been a storm in Kuriyama for thousands of years. Not since the first evil that had been wiped out by the Chival five. She winced as dark silver lightning shot from the ominous cloud and at random spots on the ground. She put her hand to her forehead and used her other one to steady her self against the window. Strong evil vibes surged from the cloud and she senced ever one of them. After all this time...has he come back? A gaurd pounded urgently at the door of her room requesting entrance. "enter" she choked out. "My Lady Sealenea, a messanger has sent news that..that Lord Obsidian has been sighted in the far east!" She almost shouted in a hurry. Sealenea frowned as she looked back at the cloud. so he is back.... "Ren" she said adressing the gaurd by name. "I have a quest for you. But you must go alone. I do not want the castle alerted or alarmed." Ren nodded "My wish is your command." "I want you to search the land for the decendants of the Chival Five." "But-my lady, How would I-" "With this..." Sealenea pulled from the palm of her hand a Medalion with four points on each side. It was attached to a long chain made of a heavey metal. "Visit the four sectors. If you are near them it will glow. Only the needle that points you in thier direction will not. It will stay as dull as it is now." She handed her the needle and sighed. "Please hurry. Hurry before he grows too strong..." Ren bowed and hurried away. Sealenea fell to the floor and began to sob. "not again"
Ok...taps fingers on desk. Since your probably screaming for me to start this, then if no one signs up for obsidian then I'll play him as well. So, I'll give it untill tomarrow and then PM you guys when it start. Thanks guys for signing up!! so far so good!!! Edit: ok so it's been two days now. I'll play obsidian. So I'll start this in a minute C'ya there!!
Well...Ren is actually a boy...But I guess for you we can make him a girl ^.^ He..uh, I mean SHE, is the emporess' top guard/worior person and the one who's sent on the mission to find the chival five. that's about all I can think of for now. I'm on a sugar high. *holds up cookie dough* this stuff rocks!!!
I'm still waiting for the due playing hiro to post..so I'm stuck until then. Sorry guys.
ok so this is great for now! You all made it. All we need is someone to play Obsidian and Ren and mabey two more minions... Don't worry stick Fairy your signup is great! I love the posting quality you guys have!!! Sorry, I'm kinda hyper.
ok ok, so I see that my banner making skills need a little..a lot more work,but you have to admitt it was good for my first one right?
IT's fine. What in the world is Oni daydya? and what background? :therock: I didn't put a background on it...
T-man Your signup is fine but you can't be a decendant of the Chival five and be old enough to have been thier brother. Please stay under 100. Thank you.
That was extreeme critisizim. I made it that dark on purpose! And the pics are blended like that because i did wanted it that way. I also stretched the pics and your not suposed to see the text above her hand. It's just there.
Yay my first attempt at a banner!!! *dances*
Emporess Sealenea looked worriedly out her window as the cloud in the distance grew dark and creeped closer. There hadn't been a storm in Kuriyama for thousands of years. Not since the first evil that had been wiped out by the Chival five. She winced as dark silver lightning shot from the ominous cloud and at random spots on the ground. She put her hand to her forehead and used her other one to steady her self against the window. Strong evil vibes surged from the cloud and she senced ever one of them. [i] After all this time...has he come back? [/i] A gaurd pounded urgently at the door of her room requesting entrance. "enter" she choked out. "My Lady Sealenea, a messanger has sent news that..that Lord Obsidian has been sighted in the far east!" he almost shouted in a hurry. Sealenea frowned as she looked back at the cloud. [i] so he is back.... [/i] "Ren" she said adressing the gaurd by name. "I have a quest for you. But you must go alone. I do not want the castle alerted or alarmed." Ren nodded "My wish is your command." "I want you to search the land for the decendants of the Chival Five." "But-my lady, How would I-" "With this..." Sealenea pulled from the palm of her hand a Medalion with four points on each side. It was attached to a long chain made of a heavey metal. "Visit the four sectors. If you are near them it will glow. Only the needle that points you in thier direction will not. It will stay as dull as it is now." She handed him the needle and sighed. "Please hurry. Hurry before he grows too strong..." Ren bowed and hurried away. Sealenea fell to the floor and began to sob. "not again" ------------------- Alrighty so you get the point right? Heres my charachter. [B]Emporess Sealenea[/B] Age: 4018 gender: female Description: Sealena wears her har in a long braid. Her bangs are purle as the rest of her hair is white. Although she is old She looks as if she is only 18. She wears a normal purple dress with a sort of robeish, darker purple cover. She wears a silver tiara. Bio-- She was alive during the Era of Obsidian. A time when Lord Obsidian took over her fathers land and killed him. Her being his oly daughter she was forced into early thronehood. Obsidian took advantage of this and wedded her. He tried several times to bed with her but she was found barren and could have no child. This angered Obsidian so he sold her off as a slave. She became freinds with her master and finnaly found happiness. He was a book seller and as she read the books she found out that Obsidians take over ha been profisised(sp?) and that Five Men of the land were gifted with the five elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Storm to save the land from Obsidians power. With the Kind merchants help she brought them together and gain her rightful place at the throne again. fill out your signup like mine. Name: Age: gender: Bio: Description: I need some one for: Fire earth wind water storm and some one to play Ren and Obsidian. eigther the person who plays obsidian can play his minions or someone can signup as minions. Oh yea rules: (1) You will NOT controll other charachters repetatively. (2) Your post must be at least a paragraph long.
OOC: Please originalimp write in complete sentences. What grade are you in? PLease, again, for the sake of this rpg, Write in complete, punctuated, sence making sentences. Thank you. IC: Kitsune stopped the Thomas she and yuraka had been sharing and quickly jumped off. She rushed to his side. "Yuraka!" Kitsune looked around to see who had shot him but the only people she could see was her gang. Jacen hurried over and looked around as well. "Snipers..." every one hit the ground as shots came fireing from no where. Kitsune dragged Yuraka, who was gaining conciousness(sp?), Behind a sand dune. She reached into her boot for her gun but noticed it was gone. "What the?"
Name: Leyla Kwak Persona: Barely smiles. She tries to keep from working with others but will when she has to. Leyla mostly sticks to her work and doesn't believe in 'breaks'. A hard worker she expects those around her to work as hard as her and gets pretty steamed when they play instead of working. Aliases: Kimi strider, Nakami Tsuka, Juu Shin, Stephanie Yokana, Namie Stuki, Donna gonnavan, Denise serene, Veronica ericson, Isis teven. [URL=http://ehjackson27.250free.com/leyla_kwak.jpg]ehjackson27.250free.com/leyla_kwak.jpg[/URL] Sorry, I thought it said no MORE than 5. Bad reading skills. I'll fix those...
Kitsune thought about it for a minute. "Are you sure? I mean I'm still so young and..." Yuraka kneeled down. "Please?" Kitsune smiled. "Yeah sure." Vash's eyes began to water and then he cried. "Oh that's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. " Vash then pulled out a ring of his own and took Hisame's hand. "Hisame will you marry me?" Hisame hit him over the head and crosed her arms. "Buzz off."
Serena rolled her eyes. "oh great." One of the guys with a gun pointed it in her face. "Shut up little girl or kiss your pretty face good bye!" "Oh yeah that's original" serena shot back rolling her eyes again. Serena then started forming a good Idea in her head. "Hey why are you two down here holding the guns while he gets to duel? Are you not as good as him?" The guy laughed. "No way. i'm just as good as him he just got the funner job." "Is he being paid more?" "No! we're all being paid the same." "Are you sure? how do you know that he's not lieing?"
Writing DigimonFanfic. {Ken's Creations}
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Kesaki_Inedia's topic in Creative Works
OK so this chapters kinda...i dunno you tell me what you think. Ken?s Creations Part two: Seperation. Tai sat up against a tree and looked up at the star lit sky. Beside him agumon began to stir. Tai looked down at his freind and smiled. The digidestined had all agreed to stay untill Agumon was completely healed. Soon he would be well rested and himself again. They had come to get Agumon but that had been faster than they expected to. All thanks to those two kids... Kari sat with her feet dangling over the cliff. She thought about the two strangers that had saved her life today. They seemed human. Thier eyes still lingered in her mind. Golden? Davis,Yolie, and Cody were all sleeping. Davis and yolie snoring. T.K. sat down beside Kari. ?Hey Kar whacha thinkin? about?? he asked. ?hmm? oh! I was just thinking about those two kids. What do you think?? ?Well, I didn?t get to see them since I was knocked out. But... Are you sure that they were human?? ?Yes, well, no...I don?t know. They Looked normal. Exept for thier eyes...? ?And thier strength.? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Ken fumed as he stared at the digidestined on the screen. He had them just where he wanted them and then those...those rebels stopped his plans. He would have destroyed them had he known they would get in the way. how would he be able to defeat them now? What was thier weakness? ------------------------------------------------------------------------- TAi sat there still deep in thought. Kari and T.K. had settled in to sleep. Tai kept first watch. His thoughts drifted to the battle earlier that day. How had Ken been able to control Skullgreymon? He must?ve updated his dark rings. Wait a minute! Ken wasn?t using a dark ring. Tai?s eyes widened. had ken actually found a way to control digimon with out actually controling them? T.K. slowly began to open his eyes. Why was he awaken? he sat up and searched his surroundings. Suddenly the ground began to shake. everyone was awaken and tossed around. They looked over to see Ken?s base float up off the ground and move far away untill they couldn?t see it anymore. ?What?s he doing?? whispered Tai. ?Nice to see you again.? remarked Ken stepping down off an airdramon. ?Ken!? shouted Tai. ?Why are you always so surprized to see me?? Ken chuckled snapping his fingers. The ground began to shake as five DarkTyrrannomons stepped out of the trees. Along with them was Tizakimon and a Master Tyrannomon. ?Ken, don?t you ever take a break?? Shouted Maria rushing out of the clearing and crossing her arms. on the other side came Shane. Ken smirked, his plan was working. Now he only had to attack. ?I knew you would show up.? he chuckled snapping his fingers one more time. Tizakimon rushed out from his spot twards Maria. ?DigiArmor energize!? ?Vee-mon Armor Digivolve to... Flamedramon the Fire of Courage!? ?Hawkmon Armor Digivolve to... Halsemon the Wings of Love!? ?Armadillomon Armor digivolve to... Digmon the drill of Power!? ?Gatomon Armor Digivolve to... Nefertimon the Angel of Light!? ?Patamon Armor Digivolve to... Pegasusmon Flying Hope!? The DarkTyrannomon Charged the digivolved Digimon and Master tyrannomon ran alongside Tizakimon as they went for Maria. Tai looked down at Agumon who was still knocked out and then to the kids. Why wouldn?t they move out of the way? Tai jumpped in front of Maria and shouted ?Move!? Maria pushed tai out of the Way then jumped over Tizakimon. ?Are you crazy?? she shouted at Tai. He stood up and was pushed again by Shane as he pushed him and Maria out of the Way of the Master Tyrranomon. ?Shane were gunna have to-? ?One step ahead of you.? They both pulled out digivices. Maria?s was black and blue and Shanes was Black and red. ?Shane Darkdigivolve to... Wolfeamon.? ?Maria Darkdigivolve to... Coyoteamon.? Tai stared up at them in Awe. Even the other digidestined looked over. Wolfeamon was a tall golden wolf with red tips on his Tail and ears. He stood on his back paws and his digivice was suppored around his waist with a black sash. his eyes shone an even brighter golden than before. Coyoteamon was a tad bit shorter than Wolfeamon and her fur was a Dark grey wth blue tips on her tail and ears. She too stood on her back paws and her digivice was supported by a black sash on her waist. Her eyes had changed to a bright blue outlined in gold. Ken smirked. he knew how much Shane and Maria hated to use thier digivolution abilities. ?Maria and I will take on these two gluttons. You take on the D-tyrannomon.? Wolfeamon shouted at the digidstined. Then he and Maria took on the MasterTyrranomon and Tizakimon. Davis looked at the others and blinked then he put on his battle look. ?All right guys,? Yolie gave him a mean look. ?Ahem, and gurls. Lets gett em?!!? Wolfeamon jumped just as Master Tyrannomon swun to hit him. Flipping over him Shane kicked him in the jaw. Coyoteamon lunged at Tizakimon but he just moved right out of the way. He crated a huge ball of fire in his hand and chunked it at maria. She put her arms up to block the blast but it pushed her back a little. Then she created her own blast in her hand... Ken watched quietly. He had a smirk barely visible on his lips. Flamedramon slashed at a dark ring. It was easily destroyed and the darktyrrannomon was set free. this was continued with the other digimon. why was this so easy? Tai watched the others speechless. Could they be Digimon if they looked so human before? Could they be human if they could digivolve? He debated this over and over again in this head. ?Katatonic storm!? she shouted throwing a beam of blue lightning at Tizakimon. It hit him and knocked him over. He got up and lunged at her. Wolfeamon kicked MasterTyrannomon in the jar knocking him over and the dark ring off of his neck. Ken snapped his fingers and Tizakimon stopped only 2 inches away from coyoteamon. She looked up from her blocking pose. Neighter one moved. Every one just starred at them. The other digimon went back to their rookie forms. So did wolfeamon to Shane. Tizakimon stepped back and walked over to Ken. ?What the?? ?it seems as though I am not winning here,? said ken smugly. He?s hiding something. thought shane to himself. ?It?s too quiet. what are you up to ken?? asked Tai sckepticaly. ?Can?t a guy retreat peacefully?? asked Ken smirking. Maria dropped her digivolvement. ?Now Tizakimon!? Shouted ken. Tizakimon rushed at Maria and grabbed her by the waist and threw her over his shoulder. ?Good?bye every one!? chukled Ken jumping on an airdramon and flying off. Tizakimon kept going. ?No, Maria!? shouted Shane chasing after them. He stopped. It was no use. ?Maria...? whispered Shane. -
Serena blinked then shrugged. [i] I'll never get how he does that [/i] She then noticed all her freinds weren't around. "Wha? Hey! Where'd everyody go?" Serena noticed the KAiba Corps building in the distance. "wow, I'm getting some strange vibes from that building." She started twards it. When she reached the doors she pulled on them only to find out that they were locked. "Hey! i want in..." She looked in through the window and saw the light of something . "There's some one in there." Serena went around back and snuck in through a back door. She snuck down the halls knowing that she had broken in. She didn't know why she did it but she was drawn in by something. As she turned the corner a hand reached out and covered her mouth. the guy pulled her against him and held her tight from struggling. "What are you doing here?" Serena just made muffled sounds tring to screamed and the guy laughed at her struggling efforts. a second guy walked up a and shook his head. "what are you doing here?" [i] i'm sick of that question already [/i] Serena stepped on the guys foot causing him to yell then bit his hand. "stupid little-" Serena just missed the second guy and started running. As she ran she saw hiro out of the corner of her eye. She stopped and looked over. [i] Hiro? [/i] the guys grabbed her from behind while she was distracted. "hiro!"
Dereck frowned as he handed over his cards then left. Serena smiled then looked around. "So what now?" ooc: I'm sorry but I don't have much to write for this. Please don't Smote me Harlequin I promise to make my next post much longer. also I apolagize for lack of posting. School started monday so I'm so busy with highschool. It's hecktic. so yeah...
Dereck looked at his hand. [i] no way! [/i] The confident smirk on Derecks face faded as her relized his fate. Dereck looked over the cards in his hand then tried to remember what he had put face down. [i] It's nothing good enough... [/i] Dereck placed his hand on his deck and hung his head. Dereck: I surrender. Seth: What? I'm afraid I didn't hear you. Dereck took a deep breath then raised his voice. Dereck: I said, I surrender. Good bye serena.
Serena looked at him for a while and then smiled. "So when do we get started?" She asked excitedly. "This soul worrior guy sounds awsome." Orion laughed. "Wow she seems eager to get started acira. Will you guys be staying to rest up for the night?" Acira nodded. "yes, I believe that would be best." Serena sat back in her chair dissapointed. "Aww, but there's training to be done. And badguys to fry. and-" "Whoa calm sown Serena." Orion interrupted.
"Bummer" Dereck pouted as he watched his monster be destroyed. Dereck looked pretty cool and calm as he searched his hand for a monster. [i] well it won't do much for killing that monster of his but at least it'll keep my life points safe. [/i] Dereck: Ok Snob. I put Gyakutenno Megumi in defense mode. atk/1800 def/ 2000 Dereck: And I put Mysterious puppeteerin defence mode as well. Take note his effect. [i] when the monster is summond (excluding special summon) the Life Points of this card's owner increase by 500 points for each monster on the feild. [/i]
Ok well here's the pic of my character. I'm all set now. thanks for being patient.