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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. sorry i was gone for a while. I can't find a place with digimon on it any suggestions or am I completely written off?
  2. While the others day was growing later, Rika's was just starting. Rika yawned as she looked out at the feild in her back yard. She sighed. Why would her mom move out in the country if her job was in the city? Rika's mom stepped outside in her robe and yawned. She saw rika and walked over to her. "Hey ,sweetie, I'm gunna go to work early today. okay?" Rika didn't look at her. She just stood there and looked at the still-dark sky. "whatever." "Come on Rika, why are you being like this. you can't stay mad at me forever." "Wanna bet?" she mumbled. Rika's mom sighed then put her hand on Rika's shoulder. "Why don't you come to work with me today?" Rika jerked her shoulder away from under her moms hand. "And do what? whatch you model bra's for Victoria secret? Oh yeah, that sounds like fun! Why don't you just leave me alone! i'm sic of this place! I want to go home!" Rika turned and ran twards the tree's at the back of the feild. Rika's mom's eyes welled up with tears. She turned and walked back into the house. she needed to get ready for work.
  3. ok well I'm back. here we go: -Tamer- Tamer name: Serena Megumi Age: 15 Female/Male: Girl! Creast&Digiegg given: Speed-Ice Digivice color: crystaly. Description: I'll get you a pic. in a minute. -Digimon- Fresh: SnowBotamon In-training: Nyaromon Rookie: Ice salamon Digiegg champion: IceNefertimon Champion: Snowgatomon Ultimate: IceAngewomon Mega: BlizzardOphanimon Moon: CresantAngewomon Star: crystalAngewoman Matrix: OmegaBlizzardOphanimon. I couldn't find any Ice types I liked so Is it okay that I made them up a little?
  4. Name: Nani Age: 12 Year: second Gender: female House Preference: Slytherin Good/Evil: good Wand: uh,...yeah sure a wand.... Pet: black cat. Personality: quiet and closed off. Biography: I'll finish this when i get back Appearance:
  5. i have to go some where today but will you save me a spot for speed-Ice? please?
  6. "who would pay 100,00 yen for iva?" Namaki said chuckling. the others laughed then i va stopped at looked over at Namaki. "Hey!" Namaki started laughing again and iva ran after her. "hey, whoa there's no killing the fellow prisoners here!" sain said Holding Iva back. Namaki stuck her tounge out and iva made the 'i'm gunna kill you and string your guts all over this cell' sign.' *back with our heros* (cough, ahem, cough) Come on guys i need y'all to post!!!!
  7. "Yeah, yeah Whatever." dereck retorted looking over his cards. Dereck smirked as he pulled out two cards. He put one card face down and put a monster in defence mode. "I bet your woundering what i put down eh, pretty boy?" "You are unbeleivably rude." "Yeah, whatevar stop stalling." "what would make you think i'm stalling?" Seth asked crossing his arms and smiling. Serena giggled. She knew what seth was doing. he was making Dereck madder. "What ever just move!"
  8. Serena blushed. "That's sweet of you...oh, but I haven't seen him anywhere. I'm hoping he-" "Hey Serena!" "Aww man." Serena frowned as Dereck came running up. he stopped and scowled as he noticed Seth. Seth crossed his arms and gave Dereck a challanging look. "I saw you and wounedered who you were rooting for out of these losers." Serena smiled sweetly and looked over at seth. "I'm rooting for seth." She stuck her tounge out at Dereck.
  9. Rika ignored the phone as it rang repeatedly. Rika turned onto her somache and looked up from her pillow. She watched from her bedroom door as her mom picked up the phone. Rika's mom sighed and picked the phone up of the receiver. rika's mom rubbed the tiredness from her eyes before saying anything. "Dave this better be important it's five o' clock in the morning." Takato looked over at Lee while rika's mom talked and raised an eyebrow. "um, I'm looking for Rika. Is this the right number?" Rika caught eyes with her mom as she looked over at her. Rika looked away and looked at her wall. She had stopped talking to her mom ever since the move and now she even didn't make eye contact with her. "Yes, but she's sleeping right now. May i take a message?" "I am not!" Rika shouted jumping out of bed. "give me the phone." "Hold on a minute." rika's mom set the phone down and started to lecture Rika. "Your freinds don't need to be calling our house this early in the morning." "what freinds? They all live back in Japan! Besides Dave calls all the time!" "That's differnt. they're work calls." "Yeah, and my names Jane Doe. Give me the phone." Rika snatched the phone off the table and almost shouted into the phone." "this is Rika. What do you want." "That's the Rika I know" takato said into the phone chuckling. "Takato?" Rika asked. "How did you get this number?" "It was in the phone book." "the phone book?" Rika asked skepticaly. "Yeah. strange huh." "You do know your making an extreemly long distance call right?" "Yeah." "So what's up?" ------------------------------------- "So your telling me Lee saw His and his sisters digimon and they were evil?" Takato nodded then remebered he was on the phone. "that's right." "So what did you call me for?" "well your pretty tight with Renamon right?" "well I was..." "Have you noticed anything over there? Have you had sightings of Any digimon?" "No. sorry.." Rika said looking over at her mom who seemed very interested in this phone call. "Oh.." Takato said dissapointed. "Well I might call back later." "Ok." "Bye." Rika put the phone on the hook then walked back to her room. "Not so fast young lady." Her mom said stopping her. "what was that?' She asked pointed at the phone. rika smirked. "it's none of your buisness." she turned and slammed the door in her moms face. Rika looked at the clock on her bedside table. the digital numbers on it read 5:23. She desided to get up for the day and opened her drawers. she Changed into Her Camo-Cargo jeans and a dark green sleeveless turtle neck. She pulled on her air force ones and picked her divivice up off the top of her dresser. She looked at it and sighed. "are you finnaly coming back?" Rika asked quietly
  10. Kitty dodged another takle. "no way if you catch me you'll kill me!" "Come here right now and i'll kill you quickly!" Kitty managed to get her arm around Flashes neck and pull her to the ground. Flash struggled against Kitty while screaming and lauging. Kitty began to pretend to strangle Flash who pretended to be strangled. "Shouldn't some one help her?" Shin asked. "stangle Flash? Naw i think she can do that on her own." Jacen replied smirking.
  11. *bangs head against wall.* I hate to tell you but i still can't see it. But I know what KabukiSakuyamon looks like so i guess you can stop tring to please me now. :D
  12. heh, i keep forgetting your a yoai fanboy...heh. anyways no actually thats neve happened to me.
  13. Serena Had gotten up early that morning and dressed into her favorite out fit. She looked at herself in the mirror. Her outfit consited of a cute pink skirt and a white shirt that showed her belly with the word "Cutie" written across in pink letters. Serena pulled her hair up into a ponytail then fished around in her closet for her matching pink purse. serena got a ride with er dad to the tornament where she was dropped off. Serena looked around for any familar faces and then she saw Hiro. "Hey, Hiro!" She waved her arms to get his attention then ran over to him.
  14. Yay i'm married now!!! I love you Celly. heh... and off topic Charles your avatar disturbs me....
  15. "Oh..." Serena said looking up at the sky. "Well this is my house." Serena said stopping. "Uh..so um, bye." seth smiled. "So i'll be seeing you at the Tournament?" serena nodded. "Yeah, sure." Seth turned and walked away waving. "See ya there." Serena smiled. "Bye" She turned and walked into the house and shut the door.
  16. serena smiled and nodded. "sure. See ya around Rio!" Serena waved to Rio and took seths arm. "Yea sure. See ya." rio said putting his hands into his pockets and walking off. Serena pointed. "my house is down that way. just a few blocks." they started to walk off. Serena felt she needed to start conversation. "So what do you have against Hiro?" she asked.
  17. no sorry i don't but you might be able to send it to my email. [email]fireprincess_kesaki@yahoo.com[/email]
  18. the one for Sakuyamon. Uh preistess mode. Hey off topic a little. Wasn't there also a kabuki mode?
  19. Flash looked over at something she saw in the corner... "Oh wow that's pretty!" she said picking up a gold shiny object. "what is it?" Shin and Jacen asked at the same time. "It's a..It's a locket!" Flash admired it tring to find the latch to open it. Jacen walked over and took it from her. "whats so special about it?" "i don't know it's just pretty." Flash grabbed it back from him and continued to try and find the latch. "well let me see it. your opening it wrong!" "How do you know!" Flash and Jacen continued to fight over it. Shin rolled his eyes and got up from his seat. He walked over and took it from them and opened it. Flash and Jacen looked at each other and then at shin. "I knew that." they said together.
  20. kitsune winced "Ow must've hurt" yuraka "yeah it did" yuraka threw another bomb taking out a buncha guys. Kitsune gasped as a hand slipped it self over her mouth and the cold steel of a gun pressed itself against her kneck. the person behind her put his face beside hers and whispered into her ear. "don't move and i won't kill you." yuraka noticed something was wrong and turned around. "kitsune!" "don't move!" the guy shouted pushed the gun deeper into kitsunes kneck. yuraka slowed his movements. "Who are you?" "You haven't heard of me?" the guy asked. "why i'm none other than Vash the Stampede."
  21. sorry logan but the link won't work with my comp. Can you just pm me and write it out for me please?
  22. deep breaths. Be calm. [i] the sun is warm the grass is green [/i] I'm a pretty calm person. But if i get really mad i eigther bottle it up inside or cry.
  23. lol, roll s on floor laughing. You should be flattered dayday.
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