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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia
I'd have to add that ,Although for the longest time i tried to be mad at him for critisizing my posts, Now I keep tring to somehow impress him with good posting ability. (not that i have any) Quite strange.
Aww but i look bad in a swim suit. lol. Anyways, are you going to give us the theme for the story or can we just pull something off the top of our head. which could be scary. *starts thinking of cookies*
Ahh she stole your heart?!? How do you live. how does the blood flow. Anyways i'd have to say... I have no clue what so ever. But I do know that Perfect_Cell Taylor_Hewitt and dayday. I'm pretty sure theres more!Let me think about it for a while.
Well if there isn't... my PA's are divorced. They split when i was nine. Now I have no clue where my mom is and I live with my dad and stepmon. and step-sis and lil' bro :D
I'd have to say my favorite guy names are... Zack, Koji, Xero, and Dannerrio Zack: well i'm really not shure. mabey it's because it starts with a Z Koji: I'm going to name my first kid this. Xero; cause the Z is replace with an X Dannerrio: *blushes* this was the name of my imaginery freind. Girls... Azuri: I really like the name 'cause, Well I dunno it sounds cool spoken.
Serena sighed. Serena; will this battle ever end! Rio smiled. He was happy that the battle hadn't ended yet. Hiro smirked. hiro: alright but you asked for it. Hiro stepped back up to the platform and turned his dueling disk back on. He pulled out a card and looked at it. Hiro: i have the perfect card.
Dannerrio looked through all the books. He shook his head and then sat on the floor next to Domi. Domi looked around the room. "Wow, I'ts so cozy." Zone looked at her. "Most people are surprized and astonished when they come to houses like these. Exspecialy if it's bigger than thiers." "I never said it was bigger. In fact it's quiet small compared to mine." "your kidding me, right? Domi shook her head. "Nope. Although it's not cozy. There's stock people, and maids and buttlers, and all sorts of weirdo people there. And not one of them are realy looking out for you. even my babysitters ignored me" Domi rolled her eyes and looked around. "So where are your parents?"
How do you become a contestant. And you said something about a swim suit contest. if you don't show a pick of your self in one do you have to draw the anime caracter or can you just pull one off google?
kitsune looked over at Vash. Kitsune: Where you listening on us?!? Vash looked around. "Uh...zZzzzZZZzzz..." kitsune laughed. She rolled her eyes. "So whats your story?" yukara asked. "well, after my family was killed by a bunch of idiots i became an orphan and was raised by the sheriff. When He died I took over protecting the town."
Domi looked at the guys confused. Domi: so let me get this strait. just how many Shamen are out there? And if i'm a shaman then would i be called a shawoman? Domi went on and on with questions until Dannerrio put a hand on her shoulder. [i] whoa, calm down [/i] domi: sorry, I quess i went off a little there.
Vash pouted. "Thanks" Said hisame finding a spot to settle down. "But I'm pretty sure that if Vash tries anything I could take him." Hisame pulled out a gun and layed it near her. Vash smiled nervously. Kitsune sat down on a rock. She wasn't that tired and she was keeping first watch. Jacen, innocence, and Vash found spots as well. Yukara Sat down beside Kitsune. "Hey, I'm keeping first watch" she protested. "I know. I just didn't want to go to sleep just yet." kitsune nodded and looked up at the moon. "Hey...about earlier." Yukara's voice had dropped low so he didn't disturb the sleepers. "It's ok. I just don't know what to make of it. i mean, all my life I have loved everyone. My whole village. I was like...it's protector. but this...this is different" Yukara looked up as well. a couple of minutes of silence passed. Then he looked over at her. "So..are you saying you love me back?" kitsune sighed. "I guess so." She moved closer to him and allowed him to put his arm around her. She rested her head on his shoulder.
Serena: oh no! Care ful hiro! Rio looked back and forth. Rio: whose side are we on? Serena pointed at Hiro. Serena: His. Rio: oh...but things don't look so good for him. Serena: he'll make a comeback! i'm just sure of it!
Writing Digimon: Two Worlds, One Destiny [Go Time]
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Patronus's topic in Creative Works
I love it! mabey the bandai dudes or what ever will pay you big $$$ to turn it into a new series. Well it was just a thought... -
So when you get all the judges will you post for contestants or do people tring out have to PM you? And can the story be about anything. wow, i should sign up for the miss 20 questions pagent. lol.
Serena rolled her eyes. [i] duelist. [/i] While they got started serena noticed someone watching from a distance. [i] that's weird. I haven't seen him around. [/i] For a minute Serena debated on whether or not she should talk to him or not. The other two startted to summon thier monsters while Zack walked up beside her. Serena waved at Rio. Serena: Hey! Over here. Come on over don't be shy. Rio looked at her and then blushed. He looked around and then started to walk over.
Domi rolled her eyes and smiled. She was starting to like this freind thing. Domi: so can like other people see the goasts or..what? Zone: no only shaman can. Domi: but i couldn't see Dannerrio until you guys came along. Soo...Does that make me a shaman 'cause i can see him now?
Flash sat down on the couch and laid her head back. She stared up at the ceiing. Kitty sat down on the couch oppiste of her. Flash sighed. Flash: hey kitty... Kitty: yeah? Flash: do you think this is all really worth it I mean...Well i have a confession. Kitty: What are you talking about? Flash: I only joined up with yall to get out of trouble. But for some reason now I keep getting more into trouble...
Namaki winced as he carried Nami over. [i] no! Nami! [/i] The demons brought the two girls to Serigan. Demon 1: We caught the runaways. Serigan raised an eyebrow. Serigan: when did they escape? Secretly he had known. He always seemed to know but he was amused at the demons eagerness to please him. The second demon nodded. Demon 2: yeah, and we caught them in the act. [i] he makes us sound like we're the criminals [/i] Namaki thought scowling. Serigan shook his head. Serigan: well, chain them up in thier cells. Oh and, tell the one gaurding the cell to come to me. He has been shrinking on his duties. The two demons grinned at each other. They loved it when other demons were killed.
Domi noticed whispering but didn't pay it anymind. She then turned to the others. Domi: hey, I have to go. My parents..will be worried [i] no they won't they'll be too busy working [/i] But if you'd like to come along I'm sure they won't mind. [i] I heard that. Why did you choose to lie? [/i] Domi: [i] please don't tell them. [/i] she thought.
Domi: too shy! Zone looked at his goast. Zone(whispering) she has a bit of a anger problem. Dannerrio looked at her nervously. [i] well what would you have done if you heard voices in your head? [/i] Domi: probably freak [i] exzactly [/i]
Domi stared at all of them. Domi; oh my gosh are you crazy???!!!??? what were you tring to do kill me?!? Zone: of course not I was just tri- awk. Domi picked him up by the shirt colar. Domi; don't you ever hit me again! She punched him and dropped him. Zone: so much for gratitude. Domi: And you! Always fallowing me and not once letting me know who you are! Dannerrio looked down ashamed. Domi; Well? Arn't you going to say sorry or something? Dannerrio shook his head. And motioned. then he gave it up and spoke to her telepathicly. [i] I can not speak. [/i] Domi: oh. Shinjikyo: What did he say. Domi: he can't speak...
Any one here ever liked a girls so much that ..........
Kesaki_Inedia replied to Crazy Ace's topic in General Discussion
lol noodle boy! *takes out fishing rod* I know how ya feel but if you stick to one person it becomes a humongounous gamble. I say you should just go to school and when you graduate then go after some one. And if you die before you find some one then lucky you 'cause dating is the devil 0.o -
Serena: wow more temples? Orion nodded. Serena: so that would mean like, more training like the kind you gave me. Orion chuckled. Orion: no much harder training. Serena looked a little dismayed. Serena: Harder? Acira grinned. Acira: Don't worry. I bet you can master it. Serena: for real?
:rolleyes: again with the no freinds. Well personally I love to be on the computer whenever I can. I also like to rent chick flix and laugh at them. I can't stand romantic movies. they always end up...mushy. I also like Basketball. A sport I just recently grew to like.
what!!! Taylor I'm your freind. Don't make me come over there!