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Everything posted by Kesaki_Inedia

  1. Serena: Oh wow his card is soo cute!!! ^_^ Zach and hiro laughed while Seth seemed kinda mad. Seth: No no you have it allll wrong. Duel monsters are not CUTE. Serena: Yes it is. admitt it he's so cute. Zach and Hiro looked at each other and fell over laughing. Seth shook his head. Seth: whatever. Let's get on with this duel. You people are wasting my time.
  2. It's too late now...sigh, and they seem so happy together.:twitch: so I'll kill them both and burn the evidence :devil:
  3. Flash looked at the window then turned back to Kittey. Flash: Hey when we get to Sintillia wanna cause havok? Kitty: What do you mean? Flash: Like toss ater ballons at unsuspecting victums and grafiti other ships. Kitty raised an eyebrow. Kitty: but wouldn't that get us caught? Flash: not if we're sneaky about it.
  4. Well, OtakuSennen, I did tell them. Both my sis and my crushes new girlfreind. How could they do this to me :bawl:
  5. 0.o typical :twitch: Anyways why I'm ranting on about this is because recently I had a humongounous crush on this one guy and I walk into my own room (which I share with my sister) to catch her on the phone hooking him up with a freind from church...:sigh:
  6. Why does it always seem that when I have a crush on some guy they end up going out with eigther my sister or one of my freinds? Why? WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY??????
  7. Well I just got back from a mission trip and I had a scary dream while there. Since we had to teach around these creepy places where weirdo's lived everyone had to have at least two people with them and every girl had to have at least one or two guys with them The dream: I dreamed that I was looking for someone and some guy came up behind me and poked me in the back with what felt like a gun. He kept whispering not to be told things to be when three guys from my youth group turned the corner and saw us. One of them charged the guy and he shot and killed them and so the other guys were freaked. Then (can't really remember) we went to like mcdonalds or some thing. :therock: I told my guyfreind this dream and the whole time we were he said he wasn't gunna let me out of his sight. guess the dream creeped him out too.
  8. Ok so my charachter. Uh... Name: Demizi Demon, hey it would be cool if she was on the toguro team wouldn't it? Yeah since until the last fight they only had 4 fighters. Would that be ok with you?
  9. Flash shook her head. Was Kitty ok? Flash sighed. [i] was it something I said? I mean I was just playing around when I said stuff about the killing spree... [/i] Flash: Hey Kitty! Kitty stopped and turned around. Kitty: What? Flash: Kitty, is there something wrong? You've been acting strangely. Kitty:Yeah everythings fine. Flash: No it's not. Come on. Tell me whats bothering you...
  10. dude I love this fanfiction. There's a place called fanfiction.net If you sign up with them you can post fanfictions there. I do. Not that they're any good *mumbles to self* Any ways it's tottaly free and it's a good way to show your fanfictions. *whoa did that not sound like a commercial?* o.0
  11. Flash noddded. Flash: good point. Flash looked at her bandage on her arm. It was a new one so it wasn't bloodstained. [i] I guess I won't be needing this anymore [/i] Flash slowly peeled it off. The wound was healing well enough on it's own. [i] It's all good shootin' from here [/i] She thought to herself. Everyone else started to load up the Ships. Kitty called out to her as they started to load. Kitty: Come on Flash! You don't want to be left behind do you? Flash: Oh, right! Coming!
  12. Profile Info: Name: Kerika Age:15 Pokemon: Flareon(Solar) Flareon(Flare Ninetails Houndoom Description: see pic. Bio:Will go the extra mile to find cool new fire pokemon! Important Extra Items: A backpack that carries her stuff. I'll get the pic. to ya l8terz
  13. Character Info- Name: Serena Age: 15 Height/Weight: 5' 5"/113 Lbs Bio: Just a cutesy girl who hangs out with Hiro.
  14. The other Scientists Went back to their work as one stepped up to Veedra. The scientest looked at her. Scientist: Are you here to see Prof. Redwood? Veedra nodded. V:Yes sir I am. Walk this way then. Veedra fallowed the Man to the area i which the others were talking with Prof. Redwood. Scientist: Excuse me professor but some one is here to see you. Redwood: V! so nice to see you again. V: pleasure is mine sir. Redwood: V I would like you to meet Lauren and Ivan((((is any one else here???))) Veedra nodded at both of them. V: nice to meet you. My name is Veedra, But you may call me V.
  15. Veedra ran fast through the woods. Many beedril chaced after her and her jolteon. V: Jolteon I don't think we can fight them all. Jolteon didn't say any thing but kept tring to protect her owner from the ten bedrill on thier tail. V: Hey look jolteon a house! ...or something. Vedra rushed up and opened the door of Professor Redwoods lab. She allowed Jolteon in but slammed the door in time to stop the beedril. She heaved a sigh of relief and turned to the people inside who were staring at her. She bowed her head. V: I apolagize for my actions. My jolteon and I were attacked by a swarm Of beedrill.
  16. ok so I think we can start this and just play around with the charachters not taken. People can still signup for the other roles though. So see ya in adventure arena. Oh I forgot to put what it's called. It's called YYH{Slave Trader}
  17. ok thats cool. Do we have to me a Shaman or can I play a Normal human Tag along? Name: Domi Age: 12 Height/Weight: 5' 2 / 103lbs. Description: pretty girl with brown hair and blonde highlights. Blue eyes. Wears a blue shirt with a lighter blue bandana on her head. Wears a skirt of the same color of her bandana. Side: good Bio: Domi is a cutsy type of girl. Since her parents are more "work oriented" Domi spends most of her time alone. Even so she is a very outgoing person. Domi has never met Dannerrio because she is not a Shaman. But for some reason. He fallows her around and protects her from random people and/or ghoasts. Ghost Name: Danerrio Ghost Appearence: An angel like appearence with the wings and long hair and all. His eyes are blue and so is his hair. SPecial Abilities: Nothing much. He's able to keep Domi alive with all he's got. (is this okay?)
  18. Can I be the cutsy girl that tags along?
  19. ok guys I'm not sure where we are so could someone please PM me with updates??? Oh and I'm back. :D
  20. Kitsune pulled away From yukara. Kitsune: Hisame, please. Don't go... Hisame: Kitsune, I have to. Kisune bowed her head. Thoughts soared through her mind as she tried to find something to say. Hisame sighed and started walking away. Kitsune(softly): no, That's not it. (louder) You don't have to. Hisame: Yes I do. She didn't stop. Kitsune: Your just afraid! Your too scared. Hisame stopped and turned around. Hisame: What? Kitsune: Your Too afraid to stay here. You think you can run away from your problem. You think you can use us as an excuse.
  21. I'm into it. Can't wait for the next chapter. go Logan.
  22. I had one where I was kidnapped by slave traders and they tatooed my leg (I felt it) with the mark of there trade and In the same dream I was raped. Although I'm a virgin so It's weird how my body knew how that felt 0.o
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