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Seichiro looked around dumbfounded. "Now where did she go?" There was a loud bang and a crack that almost split Seichiro's ears. "Eh...you wouldn't mind setting up another one, would you?" "ALREADY?!! I said be easy with these things not go overkill!!" He growled and stomped back to fix one up. He set it a bit farther back just out of curiosity. "There, now be careful!" "Why'd you push it back?" "...I don't know, just to see if you can hit it, I guess." "Can you hit it?" "No. I don't shoot." "Okay, watch closely." He took aim. [color=teal][i] As he fired, he looked almost like he was guiding the bullet with his eyes, like somehow the bullet responded to his will. When it hit, he turned and grinned. [/i][/color] "Set up another one?" "...you're hopeless."
James smiled. "Relax. I'm sure it was just a crazy dream." Mira nodded. "Yeah, but still..." "Don't worry. I won't let anything like that happen, and you know I won't." He smiled at her, and she smiled back. "Okay." She said at last. She cast a worried look back down the hall and struggled to stand up. They walked in silence down the hall. "Hey, I'm gonna get my normal clothes, and then we could head out to do something, okay?" "Sure." James cracked a grin and Mira nodded. James couldn't help but wonder about what had been happening after she left. [i] What could that dream have ment? What was that fax about, and what were those blueprints? And what about Matt? What's going on... [/i]
"I'll set one up, but be careful! These things are expensive!" Seichiro said to Hakaru as Zsuzsanna tapped him on the shoulder. "Do you work here?" He turned to her. "Yeah, I do." It suprised him to see so much buisness in one day, but he guessed they were there to impress Hakaru. ________- Sorry it's short, I just couldn't think of anything to write.
Seichiro looked at the man, and recognized it as Hakaru. "This place open?" "Yeah." Seichiro responded, turning his back to look for something in the front desk. Hakaru waited. Seichiro looked back at him. "What are you waiting for?" "How much is it?" "10 yen." "Really? That's a little too cheap. What's the catch?" "There isn't any. Just shoot and shut up." "...okay" He made his way to a lane and aimed his gun. "Yow! Hey!" A figure leaning on the wall of the collumn waved his hands back and fourth. "Don't shoot just yet!" He walked out of the column and spotted Seichiro who was giving him a funny look. "How did you get here?!" "Er... door." "Door?" "On the...roof." "Oh. You're not allowed to use that door." He sighed and went back to rummeging. The quiet sound of Anya's arrow soaring through the air was iterrupted by a loud bang. "What the heck was that?" Seichiro asked startled. "Just a gunshot." Hakaru said, holding up his smoking revolver. "What are you doing with a relic like that?"
[i][color=teal]Nobody will let it rest, Hakaru?s crash over the Nokiri Bridge seemed to be the only thing worth dwelling on. In this city, you can?t blame them.[/color][/i] Seichiro truged down the street as the rain continued to pour. The river that flew through the town was well on it?s way to overflowing, and most shops were closed down. Seichiro stood in front of a shop with a big torn sign on it, reading ?DeadEye Shooting Gallery? He sighed and opened the door. There was a large room inside, lined on one side by corridors leading to targets. On the far wall there was an employees only door, which Seichiro walked to. [i][color=teal] My real dad used to own this shop, but now I do. I use it more as a house than a buisness, the only customers are the teen couples who do god knows what in their lane, and the giddy screaming girls who just wanted to feel adventurous. [/color][/i] The ship hangars were all but busy, as they closed down maintenance due to rain. A ship in the middle seamed to welcome the rain like a much needed shower. The White letters on the side that read ?Galelayo? drizzled blissfully. [i][color=teal] It?s hard to imagine that The Galelayo was reduced to scrap metal just recently by the impact of the crash, and now already looks completed. Mr. Madagaskuro, my step father, is in charge of technical maintenence on all the ships, and he says the programs are shocked to hell. I guess that's fine with Hakaru, he seems to enjoy shifting through the mindless masses of people looking for his mercinary crew. [/color][/i] Seichiro walked up a flight of stairs to get to his house, and noticed a sign on the door: "Ro! Working overtime again. Sorry. ~Dad" Seichiro growled and headed back downstairs. He flipped a sign on the glass door that now read Open. He sat on the floor and punched an old boombox which started playing Greenbird (available on midi Here: [url]http://theotaku.com/cowboybebop/music.shtml[/url] ) [color=teal][i] Maybe if he was in Kananori, or a big wild city like it, it wouldn't sound too stupid. But here, now, he must be a moron...[/color][/i]
Kyru growled. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Kovu shot him a nasty look, but other than that ignored him. "Listen... you can't help these people, nobody can. It may be hard, but the only thing we can do, is kill them." "How can you say that?!" "It's nothing to get worked up about, this type of stuff happens all the time, whether you like it or not." "I don't care what you say, I'm going to do every thing in my power to help them." "Each and every one of them would kill you if they had the chance." "That's only because they're too blind to see the truth!" "This is the truth to them! Most of them will commit suicide, and anybody still alive will live a life of misery and torment. Besides, Kaguro has something they need, and he may try to manipulate them to his will. I know it's hard, but thats how things are."
James could have kicked himself for leaving. Staying was just what the facilty wanted, to see them break the rules. And James let them win, rathered saving his own skin over... "James." Mira snapped him out of his thoughts. "Y-yeah?" "Why do you think they would do that? I mean, wouldn't they want us to progress and move forward?" She shook her head and wiped the still-streaming tears off her cheek. "I don't know, Mira. It really doesn't make sense..." [i] Don't think about it. [/i] James comanded himself. [i] Don't think about the skin tearing away in the path of all nine of those blades, don't think about his blood curtaling scream ripping through the air. Don't think about Mr. Tokoskai's pleased face. Don't think about Matt's pale expression. Don't think.... [/i] He felt his stomach to backflips, as he wished he was inside a cockpit. Things were so much easier there... [i] At least I don't have anymore classes today. [/i] He thought glumly.
"That was...entertaining." Ryu grinned, swishing a glass of blood around while looking out the window. "Wouldn't you agree?" Behind him was a hoared of pale faced red eyed people, who obviosly danced to his tune. Every floor was painted with blood and corpses, most of the windows were shut with metal shutters, and the door was wide open. One of Ryu's sevants came forward, his movements jerky and sluggish. "Y-y-y-y-yes...master..." Ryu grinned and turned away from the window and walked through the giant crowds of servants. "I only just recently found the purpose of such a large building. Of course, humans are so in love with their easy life, why wouldn't this building only be needed for entertainment? It does give me a good idea, though." He cackled and walked to an elevater and went down to another floor. This one was strewn with wiring and cameras, which gleamed to life as he entered. "What a funny day to make this announcement on. April 30, the day when George Washington first bequeathed librety and freedom onto this land of America." The large outside screen in the middle of town flickered on, with Ryu's smirking image. tv's in almost every apartment halted their usual shows, and gleamed with the same picture. Stirs of confusion rang through the air, as Ryu cleared his voice. "BROTHERS!!" He called out, sending a chill through the air. "The fourth great war is upon us! For too long have the pathetic humans reigned supreme. But that all changes today, my vampiric bretheren!! For we shall lead the world into a new era, an era where humans are nothing!!" The crowd around the big outdoor screen buzzed with screams and gasps. "There is only room for one ruler of this land, and that ruler is ME!! Join me as we ride upon the Wings of Chaos!!!" The police officer turned pale as he fiddled to dial on the phone. "S-s-s-s-sir! Get every force available! How many?! Well... let's start with the army, and go from there!" [color=indigo] That should stir things up a bit... [/color]
I hope this is okay, it's kinda weird.... Name: Buichi (meaning warrior, one) Age: 17 Race: Unknown Gender: male Appearance: Pale light blue skin and completely black eyes. White spikey hair and black bandanna. black open sweatshirt and white t-shirt. Blue jeans and dark blue boots. Bio: He is the result of sheer need for survival. His clan was once banished to the sea, where it was hoped to dround. Nobody knows exactly how it happened, but bany of them survived and built a home for themselves. Evolution was sped up thousands of years out of need and closeness of death, thus creating Buichi. He was an amazing swimmer, and with expanded lungs could stay underwater for hours at a time. He was banished from his home for being prophesized as the devil reincarnate. Became friends with Conrad after dueling him on the shore. Weapon: Silver curved schimitar. ----------------------- Sorry if thats a little too weird, I can change it if you have any objections.
((Wait, where were you first? I think we were all in the quarters looking over Charlotte's comp. info, when she said the only friend she has is Zeig, and then theres a cut to Matt, and then we all left for the main hall. Wherever ppl were, I think it's pretty clear that everybody was there when Matt got pretty well torn up straight to heck))
James sighed. "what fun do they have planned for us now?" Mira looked to him and shrugged. "If it's the entire school, it can't be too bad. I would be a little more worried if they just called for us." "Don't jinx it, I enjoy living without an iron lung." James joked, but the others weren't so sure how farfetched that might be. One of the Kooblus stood idely behind, sometimes bragging through the crowd how he was ditching and they were all loosers for going, right up until Mr. Tinerto, the walking steroid case of a gym teacher hauled him up by his collar and dragged him all the way there. They reached the main hall in almost school record time for any assembaly, and waited for a reason for being gathered. James yawned and heard a groan beside him. Mira was pale and sweating. "Mira! What's wrong?! Are you-" "James, you know those really bad feelings you can't ignore, no matter what? I just got one..."
Name: Isamu Age: looks 17 (I don't know how Hydrans age) Gender: male Species: Hydran Appearance: Pale light blue skin on stream lined body, entirely dark blue eyes. Med length white hair and a bluish almost black bandanna. Dark blue thin tight open long sleeved shirt, slightly lighter pants and dark blue boots. Personality: quiet, brave, stubborn, and not very sensible Weapons and skills: Blue curved schimitar that is sheathed in a blue mandolin looking instument on his back, and above natural speed underwater. Bio: His father was obsessed with training him in every way he could, even to the point of killing his mother for interfearing. for many long years he trained mercelessly, until a group of Thaeds that hated his father burned him alive, and chained Isamu underwater to drown. He was saved, but by what he doesn't know. He came to on the shore with a letter cupped in his hand: [color=blue] I will be waiting.... [/color]
Name: Mirth Age 17 Gender male Appearance [url]http://absoluteanime.com/kikaider/saburo.jpg[/url] Weapons handgun Race human Extra Itmes A pair of sunglasses that he rarely takes off.
Its a war, they fight, and I really didn't help all that much. Name: Takku Age: 23 Gender: male Techniques: Karate, Judo, Jujitsu, katana Bio: Master of the Makidirida Dojo, he is a black belt in all of his feilds. His mother and father were dead as long as he could remember, and was tooken care of by a church nun, who was killed defending the church she served. Since then Takku pressed his arts to the limits, so he could fight against those who have destroyed his home. appearance: Very tall. Buff, with black hair and eyes. Wears a black jacket and white shirt, with blue pants and black boots.
Kyru got up and tried to overcome a wave of dizyness. [i]That stupid memory, it felt like I was really there, and then hurled back here.[/i] He looked to the town. A group of villagers were heading towards them. "How long do you think they are going to praise us?" Haru asked hopefully. Kyru hid his eyes by the shadow of his bangs, and hooked his thumbs in his jean pockets. "Praise?" They grouped in front of them, but instead of staring at the group stared in shock and disbelief at the empty space where the tower was. One of the women broke into a fit of tears. "My Baby! I can never see him again!" She wailed. Most of the crowd looked sick to their stomach's. Kovu looked confused. "I don't get it, why would they be so sad?" Kyru sighed. "it's because none of these peole wanted reality, they were so attatched to the illusions the tower brought them that they didn't want anything else. To them, we just killed everything precious to them." He brushed something off his eye, and slowly walked forward. "You people are MONSTERS!" Yelled a white haired man with bifocals. "We should kill them for what they've done!" SLASH! A plump women on the side of the crowd fell to the ground, Kyru's blade in the end of a swing. Kovu gasped. "KYRU! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!!" "These people are too far gone, we have to kill them or they will kill themselves from the inside." "NO!! Kyru, they can learn to adapt! You can't just kill them! Nobody should make that decision!" [i]...this has to be right...this is exactly what Kijiro would have done...[/i] "Sorry Kovu, but these people would thank me." Kovu stared at him for a moment. She thought what he said may have been true, at that moment they would have thanked him, but...they could move on, and be happy again...couldn't they?
I'm glad ppl showed up. Yes you may have a Castar gun, but please list the affect, because I kinda forgot... Sorry I was gone for the weekend, by the way. -------- Name: Seichiro Madagaskuro Age: 14 Gender: male Species human Desc. 5'9" feet tall, short for 14 years old, and tall for 13 years old, but his b-day was only a week ago. His hair is greyish black, not too long, but not short,(like Tsukasa's (the guy in my avatar) when everyone still thought he was a boy, except without the cap.) Hazel eyes and slightly pale skin. Black hooded sweatshirt (hood not on head) with the txt in bold white letters The Seatbelts across the chest. (The Seatbelts is the band that does all of Cowboy Bebop's music.) Blue jeans and red tennis shoes. Weapon(s) (futuristic): None, yet Bio: Just a plain resident of Makatatchi. His mother died after remarrying to a workahollic who was never home. His dad works at the ship hangar, so whenever he is home Seichiro never stops hearing about his work, which is probably why he knew about Hak looking for a group, and can find his way around a toolbox (but just barely)
Sorry, I've been out for a bit... ---------------- Ryu sits on a roof and fires bullets straight into the air, catching them between his fingers just before the pierce his skull. He waits for something, and apperently it came. "Finally. They're out of distance to sence me. I was getting boared." He stood up. The building he was on was a huge office building, probably the biggest one in the city. He casually strolled down the steps, twirling his magnum around on his finger.(he went shopping for supplies, A LOT of supplies) He reached the top floor, and waited as some workers started peering over their cubicle tops at him. He waited for just a moment... [i][color=darkblue]Every king needs his castle[/i][/color] He ran down the center hallway and started flicking grenades at any place he could get them. Screams and burning flesh filled the air within moments. Ryu could hear the frightenned screams from the floor below as a squad of guards came to "greet" him. They showered him with bullets the moment he was spotted, but he flipped out of the way, preducing a DD blade as he went. "Fun time!!" He yelled phsycotically.
Kanriku growled and rushed at Wolfgang. He dodged most of Kanriku's blows until he was forced back to the edge of the roof. "Now Die!!" Kanriku yelled, kicking Wolfgang off the side. He looked down after him, and he shot up like a bullet, crashing into Kanriku's jaw and sending him stumbeling backwards. He tripped and skidded on his back. He could see Wolfgang above him, almost stopped in mid-air. The glow of his eyes Burned like the moon. Kanriku flipped up and launched himself onto the fire escape and crashing through the window. He ran down the stairs and waited for Wolfgang to attack. Sweat mopped his brow and he was gasping for breath. Suddenly, there was a large rumble, and Wolfgang came crashing through the wall.
OOC: Hakira is still listening? wow, she posted like, once. I thought she was gone...wait...did you say she's sitting next to you?! Ryu and the lady continued to feed. The lady pulled out a syringe filled with black liquid. She stabbed Ryu in the arm with it and let the liquid into his bloodstream. They both jumped away from each other. "What the hell'd you do?!" "Strange. With the data I got from you, It seems your Luna form is much like an adrenaline rush. It is physically impossible to manipulate it, or stand it longer than it is supposed to last." "???" "The serum I gave you was made to bring out your Lunic form on random, and keep it there. It will be fun watching you die." "NO!!" Ryu fought to keep it in, but his muscles were already buldging and his hair was turning white. He screamed as his eyes began to glow. "I am sorry, Ryu, but I can't run the risk of you remembering." "Gasp...gasp... he-heh heh heh. I remember everything." The luna side of Ryu stood up to full height and grinned. "Marian. I can even remember your satisfaction in the lab. I hid those memories from Ryu, because he wouldn't understand that he can't survive without this power." "You...remember?!" "Yes. And thank you for that shot, I hated the full moon deal. Now I can show up at any time I want." "Hah! And I made sure you don't leave again. I hope you enjoy your last..." "HehehehAHAHAHAHAH! Do you think I didn't plan for that? No, I made myself quite an immune system, a work of art. You just broke the barrier, and now your time is up." He grabbed her around the throat and squeezed. From a distance, only shadows could be seen in the glare of the street light. Marian coughed one last time, and then went limp. Ryu tossed her aside. Suprisingly, he flicked back on his sunglasses and strolled leasurely down the streets. [i][color=darkblue] I can smell that wench Chinkan... I can not kill her tonight, though. Too soon. Maybe tomorrow night. Or even, if that fool Ryu sees her, day... [/color][/i]
OOC: Sorry 'bout that. They came out casually and walked down the hall. James grinned at them as they came out. "Allright. Let's split." They all walked casually down the hall. The halls were void of students, since they were all called on room lockdown (where nobody can leave their room, luckily Charlotte rigged their room sensors to detect vital activity) They creeped their way down the hall, making sure any teachers were carefully avoided. They finally got to a safe place to talk (which happened to be the janitors old supply closet, which he rarely came into since his supplies were raided weeks before). "Alright, we maneged to snag theese." Mira said, holding up the blueprints. The graphed picture was a large sphere, with many long straight poles out of one side. On the ends of the poles were smaller spheres. (something like O--o accept with more small spheres) "What in the world is this?" James proclaimed as Zeig snatched them out of his hands. "You moron it's a...ah...erm..." Charlotte took a look. "The structure almost looks familliar, but it must have like something I saw like, centuries ago." "That helps a whole lot. Check this out." Mira pulled out a faxed conversation. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ - - - Mr. X: and those bleeding heart libreals can't do a thing about it! Misc: Good work. Having the Faylen developed as a black project was pure brilliance. But we still need to keep this secret. If any other superpower finds out... Mr. X: Knee deep in hell. Also, some of them are progressing too fastly to keep control over. Misc: I want both eyes on them. Destroy them if they continue progressing at this rate. Mr. X: Yes sir! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- - - - "Umm... whats a Faylen?" "I dunno. What's a black project?" "Not a clue. Well, as much as these help, I think we need a little more." "Hey! We also got a disk!" It showed up encoded on Charlotte's laptop, in Binary numbers. "Aw geeze! This was fun. I can't decode this, and the computor class computors are two versions lower!" "Lucky us." James and Zeig waited at opposite sides of the hall. James looked boared until ateacher walked towards him. "Excuse me." "No can do miss. Somebody boobytrapped the school alarm to go off when somebody goes through.
OOC: I've been creating a bunch of class A loser rpg's lately, so I guess this would be redemption. (hopefully) Nothing special ever happens here, in Makatatchi. Taht's the name of the plain city I live in. You could say, that time was standing still, or even repeating itself. Every now and then, the starship hangars would gleem to life with another somebody who wanted to seek their fortune in the cosmo's. Fat chance. It's been years since mankind has inhabeted the entire solar system, and even spilled out to "the great beyond" as people have learned to call it. But I digress, that can never be connected to this town, it was in a world all its own, one that had stopped spinning and died long ago. That was until he showed up. Hakaru Tskokanaru, but he called himself Hak. His ship went down over the Nokiri bridge in the center of town, like a shooting star. Press was all over him in a second, a crashing ship was the biggest thing to hit this city for a very long time. Hak explained to anyone who would listen, that he and his ship, The Galelayo, were searching the cosmo's for "the end of the universe" where a fabled treasure was said to preside. I, me being Seichiro Madagaskuro, heard by chance that he was looking for a crew to join him and become merc's. He should have just packed up and left. Looking for merc's in this city, he must have been a complete moron. ~As you can guess, you start out either in or on your way to this city, and end up joining his group. This is alot like outlaw star, so set the mood on that. ~I need someone to play Hakaru. PM me if you're intirested. Name Age Gender Species (yeah, belive it or not, the galexy was inhabetid. There were tons of species, like the Neon, (a race of androids without a creator) Kurugi's (cat and moon based ppl) Makayanas (ancient and very spiritual), Delatorios (vampire like people) and a whole bunch more, just make one up or be human.) Desc. Weapon(s) (futuristic): Bio: I'll post mine later
Ryu's cigarette damply burned and smoked more than it should have. "Ryu, I want to know..." Ryu sighed. "Uh oh, serious time." The history between the two was a mile long. Ryu could only remeber a half. "You could have still been working at Area 773 if you didn't piss off Wiser." Snapshots of Ryu in a military uniform flooded Ryu's memory. "Why?" "...I don't know. I can't remember." "Can't remeber?" "I don't know who Wiser is, what area 773 is, or anything else. I don't even know who I'm supposed to kill." He looked her in the eye, and slowly wrapped his arms around her. "You... can't remeber." "No. I'm sorry." "Sorry?" She gave a vicious grin. "That only means my work is almost done." It took a moment for what she had said to regester, and two sharp fangs dug into his neck. He winced in agony. With a growl, he sealed the vampire snare and bit her neck as well. Both sides sucking blood, both feeding and being eaten, they could virtually exist forever. Neither side dared to let go, and thats why its called the snare.
They waited, and suddenly Kyru appeared in the sky. He fell to the fround, unconcious. "Took him long enough." Said Mina as Haru kneeled down beside him. "Hey!" He started smacking the side of Kyru's head. "Wake up already!" ~Memory Kaguro wept in the darkness. He watched Mina stumble closer to him. [i] How? How could I have done this? [/i] "Kaguro? Where are you?" "...There once was a tiger who lived a thousand lives..." Mina's eyes were tear struck. She couldn't find Kaguro, and was now stumbeling through empty blackness. "...one day, the tiger met a beautifal white girl tiger, and was very happy..." Mina couldn't follow his voice, because it rebounded off the walls from every angle. "...but one day, the white tiger died, and the boy tiger was very sad. He cried a thousand times, and then lay down to die..." Mina was starting to get worried. Her illumination spells weren't working, and Kaguro had been missing for weeks. "...The tiger never lived another life, the sadness overwhelming him." "Kaguro? Where are you?" He turned to leave. "I can't stay with you, Mina. I don't know what I may do next, and I don't want to hurt you." He turned around to say one last thing... "Hey Kyru! Wake your lazy *** up!" His eyes cracked open. "This tiger's on his last life." Mina turned to him, shock in her face. She recognised the line immediately, and almost broke down in tears...
Kyru readied himself to make the jump through the wall. "This isn't real...this isn't real..." He lept into the wall and rebounded back. "ow... feels real enough." He sighed. Mina was still trying to blasst her way through. "Mina! It's not real! Quit wasting your energy!" She looked at him for a moment and nodded. She closed her eyes and carefully walked forward. She passed through the wall, onto the other side. Kovu smiled at her, and staired into the empty space where the tower was. [i] C'mon Kyru... [/i] The tower started to shake worse, and Kyru started running up the stairs. [color=teal][i]I have to do this! [/color][/i] Kyru dodged a boulder as he ran up the third flight of stairs. Finally, he stopped. The image of Kaguro stood before him. "Kaguro!" "Ah! Just the boy I've been killing to see!" "Save the crap! I wanted to let you know, you will die! Your towers are falling, and soon you won't be able to hide." He laughed. "Oh Kyru. You have no imagination! This isn't my reign! This is not my Eden." "Eden?" "You'll know, soon enough." He dissapeared, leaving Kyru in the breaking tower. He looked frantically around for an exit, but there was none to be seen. He slashed wildly around. "Man! This is gonna be real weak if I get killed by something that isn't real!" He felt the floor give way and the room dissapear. He looked with suprise and relief, as he felt himself slip into another one of Kaguro's memories...