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Everything posted by Squall

  1. James looked at Mira. "You okay? You look like you just seen a ghost. And as pale as you are, you could probably double for one." She shook her head and forced a smile. "I'm good. No sweat." James still looked concerned. "Er... where are you headed next?" Mira asked, hoping to change the subject. It seemed to work, as James shrugged and looked up at the celing. "Tactical deployment and Stradegy, but I think I'll ditch to the hangars." Zeig snorted. "Are you that thick? Haven't you been listening? You step out of line, and the fac.'ll be sure to cut you a new one. On second thought... go ahead!" James looked stern at him. "We're in Combat training together tomorrow. You wanna dig your grave any deeper?" "Just try it!" They were at each other's throats in an instant. James made a move to stand up, but Mira pulled him back down. "Hey! Zeig is right! If anyone of us step a toe out of line, they'll be more than happy to cut it off!" James nodded. "Yes ma'am." James always did what Mira said, ever since they were little. She let him go and rubbed her arm. "Stupid cut." James suddenly remembered something. "Hey, has anyone heard about the new construction?" Charlotte was the only one who nodded. "Yeah. The one on the south-western side, they're rehousing the mechs there." "Why would they do that? The other hangar works just fine." "I dunno. I don't think I've ever seen the school this secretive. Also, They're remodeling all the hallways." "...weird."
  2. Ryu lit a cigarrette and smoked under a corner-side street light. Since the moon wasn't out, Ryu could control his urge to kill as many people as possible. He felt massive powers all around him, expecially from the place he had come from. Ryu sighed when they started to seperate. He didn't like too much power in one place, in fear that he may not be able to extinguish it all. The starry sky floated crisp and unclouded miles above. Ryu stared into it as a small but noticable energy creeped up behind him. "Hya, Ryu." Ryu looked back to see who was talking, his usuall cocky I-don't-give-a-hoot expression in place. He grinned. "Dr. Naomi. What a pleasnt suprise. Need another lab rat?" The energy belonged to a girl in a labcoat, with green eyes and blue hair in a bun. Her face went stern. "Can it. You were a failed experament, and I should clean up and kill you." "You make it sound like that's an option." "With a bomb in your intestinal track, it is one." "Right. And I still have the remote." Ryu grinned again, his head filling with memories about the arrival. "I can make another one faster than you can find the origional. I'm not here about that, though. I'm here about your mission." "Oh, that. I haven't seen 'her' yet, as you can probably guess." He grinned at her annoyed expression. "I'll kill her, though. Don't sweat it."
  3. "Oh joy and rapture." James said sarcasticly, spotting them. They walked over and Charlotte beckoned them to sit. Zeig growled as James sat across from him. Mira saw their stares and sighed. "Oh come on. Can't you two get along for five minutes?" "Nope." They said simutainiously. Charlotte shook her head. "Geez! There's something serious going on, and I'll be damned if it involves your petty fight! Now shake hands and call truce!" James looked at her like he had just swallowed a gallon of slime. "Get the **** out." "Are you serious?!" Charlotte gave a stern glare. Mira looked from them to Charlotte. "So, what exactly happened?" "I got to talk to Matt, he helped a girl who was injured and got in serious trouble for it." "No kidding?" "Nope. It's strange. Why would he get in trouble for helping an injured?" "Beats me. It's like they want each of us made into super soldiers." "Soldiers? You don't help wounded in war..." He manedged to get out, trying to grip Zeigs hand tighter than he did. "..Because there are no wounded. You get beaten, you reboot. I think they're training us to be pricks." "Hmmm...maybe. It doesn't seem right though. I read about the mech wars, entire civillizations fall and others take control, it doesn't sound right that not a single person dies." "Funny world, aint it?" ((There is death in war still, but Kakashki is so cutoff from the outside, that rebooting is the worse thing the students have learned to understand from war))
  4. Himura coughed up blood. His wings were bound and the attackers were moving in. He readied a necklace of dark blue beads. He stabbed himself in the stomach, and waited for the blood to drip onto the beads. They glew white and seperated, floating about him. [i] I didn't want to do this, but I HAVE to save the village! [/i] He weakly stood up, his sharp blue eyes showing clear against the rising sun. He was at full height, as officials and Enders combined approached with caution. Himura took a deep breath, and prepared to throw the beads. "HADOWADA!!" The beads flew from his hands. One of them passed through an ender, and clearly didn't affect it. It hit a building, and a dome of white light surrounded it. The same happened for all the buildings and townfolk. Himura gave a victorious smile, as he coughed and sputtered to the ground... ________________________ Inuyasha (PS InuYasha is ONE WORD!!) Prepared his decent into the forest, when the lights behind caught his attention. The hut he had put Kaira in was surrounded by light. He looked terrified and ran at the hut. "KAIRA!!!" It was too late, as the hut dissapeared, leaving only a bright red bead... ____________________ Kaira groggely awoke. Something had shook the hut something awful. She looked out the door and gasped. The buildings and the townsfolk floated in endless darkness, all very confused. "W-What in the world?"
  5. Starfe nodded. "Looks like we're all here. We should go over the mission briefing." Valentine nodded and Angel looked boared. "Our goal is to disable the terrorist's means of launching the nuclear missle." "Wait. In the VR I was in, we should first confirm whether or not the terrorists even have the ability to make that launch." Angel said confused. "That's right, but not this time. As a United States of America launch control center, the mission control has complete and undisrupted power over our missles. There isn't a damn way in hell that they couldn't do it." "Where is mission control?" "At least seven miles below ground. A little 'add on' the former president thought necissary." "I took a good look at the number of sentries on each floor, it doesn't seem nearly enough to take over the White House and Mission Control." Starfe sighed. "The last I heard, Mission Control was still under United States control." "What?!" "Mission Control is connected to the white house through a long maze of hallways, id scans, traps, you name it. Not something a soldier would want to go through. MS decided to operate on comlink with the White House, and check in every half an hour, to avoid inconvienencies." Valentine growled and punched the wall. Great. All this mess, just from too many lazy ****s in office." "Couldn't of said it better myself. It seems that MS has been severed from all communications for the last seven hours." "But, if they wer'nt getting through with their comlink checkup, wouldn't they be alerted?" "Yes. MS operatives are trained to send an elite squad if a comlink is ignored for anywhere over ten seconds. Why they haven't come, that's another story."
  6. James could tell that Mira was on the edge of bawling. He wondered in bewilderment what had happened. "Look. I-er... I can go get some painkillers from the infimary." "No, that's not it. It...somethings going on. I just talked to Charlotte. Matt's in big trouble." "Bummer. What he do?" "I'm not sure, everythings been falling apart. We're supposed to meet Charlotte and Zeig for lunch." James's face went stern. "Zeig?" James and Zeig were almost legendary rivals. It was commonly heard through the halls "I hate that bum so much I may just pull a Zeig." or sometimes "He's Jamesing for a beating." They're fights were as often as they were epic, almost always ending in a tie. Mira shook her head. "Now's really not the time." "...can you at least slow down and tell me what in blazes has been going on?"
  7. Race: Prophet Knight Type: Demon Name: Sei'ichi'ro (Seh-eechee-ro) Age: 127 Gender: Male (or as close to one as demons get) Description: [img]http://www.shonenjump.com/images/manga_img_sl.jpg[/img] (Brownish peachy spikey hair, goggles above eyes strapped around his forehead. A mean look with sharp teeth and angry eyes. Skinny and short, with a purple shredded cape and black shorts. Demon spiked tail and brownish tan skin, semi-matching his hair.) Location: Town of Hell's Fire (very bad town) Weapon(s): Sorugimasa, the fabled sword of demons, said to have been used by the King of Demons before he was slain in battle. [url]http://www.theonering.net/scrapbook/view/1596[/url] Magic/Skills/Spells: Darkness Overcome {Dark} (Transforms into stronger and Faster form rarely uses) Personality: Rude, cold, short tempered, stubborn Bio: Sei'ichi'ro Can't remember a whole lot about his past. He can remeber being different, more normal once. It was dark on the one night he could remember vividly. Sei'ichi'ro trudged home in the pounding rain. It was about midnight, and sadly for him he was supposed to be in by ten. It was the only time Sei'ichiro could ever remember being afraid of anyone, this being fear of his father's wrath. His fear wasn't missplaced, though. Buichi was definately one to be frightened of, towering eight feet tall with buldging muscles. He reminded Sei'ichi'ro of one of those charicters you'd see in the common plays, the one that was mad bent on destroying the world until the knight saves the day and rescues the princess. On a twisting mountainside road the rain started to let up, which relieved the damp Sei'ichi'ro, who's teeth were chattering unceasably. It started to fog up in an icy mist just as quick as the rain stopping. It came to a point where Sei'ichi'ro couldn't see clearly five feet in front of him. A figure stood on the road, his sillohuette barely visible through the fog. Sei'ichi'ro Started by him, guessing it was just another traveler on his way through. He should have guessed it. The change in weather, the figure on the road at midnight, it would have been so obvious if he were to encounter that now. He heaved a large yawn and begged his feet to go faster to get him back home. Suddenly the black figure appeared in front of him. Sei'ichi'ro jumped back and tripped to the ground. The figure slowly approached and before he knew it, it was lights out. Sei'ichiro woke up on a forest altar on the outskirts of town. He felt different, like he would like nothing more than to burn down the forest and kill every living thing within. Soemthing didn't feel right. He couldn't place it until a thin tail waved in front of his eyes. He looked in shock, but a strange part of him wasn't suprised. Same went for the new razor sharp fangs in his mouth. Sei'ichi'ro thought about what happened, but came up with blanks. Beside him was the fabled Sorugimasa, along with a note. [i] Sei'ichi'ro, I bequeath this to you, as well as the title of a Prophet Knight of the Dark Army. Welcome to freedom ~Annonymus[/i] He grinned and picked up the sword. How could he refuse?
  8. "Gogogogogogogo!" James yelled as the wingly flew after him. He ran to the forest until they came to a large leafy tree. James grinned. "This is just stupid enough to work!" He ran up to the tree and catipulted off of it into Zoma. He hit her as hard as he could with the flat side of his sword. She fell to the ground with a nasty bleeding bruise on her forehead. James grinned and started to take off, but couldn't help but look back. he moaned and finally ran back to her. "Stupid guilty concience." He bandaged her head and layed it on a make do pillow, before taking off again. He examined the little sphere at the top off it. The clouds in the orb changed to a firey red when he jiggled it. He grinned and put it in his pocket. "I can probably pawn it for a good bit." He thought outloud.
  9. Something rang in the car. Charlotte looked around in confusion. Jakel popped open the glove compartment to reveal a red cellphone. He cautiosly pushed the button and held it up to his ear. "Hello?" "Hi. I'd like to speak to Charlotte, please." "What for?" "It's her friend, I thought she might like to know something." "What do you mean 'her friend?" Charlotte looked in amazement. [i] They couldn't be talking about... [/i] She snatched the cell phone out of his hand. "Hello?" "Is this Charlotte?" "Yes. Who is this?" "You haven't been keeping up with the news very well, have you?" "What do you want?!" "So much for gratitude. I called to tell you about your friend's diary." "My friend?" "I don't know what you called him." "W-what about him?" "He was a scientist, a very smart one at that. He worked for X." "X?" "I don't know what it's exact name was, nobody does. He created AI, and designed the core memory and motor skills." "..." "He created a ton of us! Most of us don't know if we're human or not, I had no idea. He must not have liked you very much, he knew he was going to die sooner or later." "Shut up! He loved me! I know he did!" "You're probably right. That's why he created Aries." "Aries?" "Check the diary for more." The phone went dead.
  10. The ice white hanger that towered almost as high as the big dome was filled with students. "Here we have the basic mech's foot booster, which operates on 1500 kilograms...." James did his best to stay awake through the mech mechanics class. He usually loved this class, as he did tinkering with gizmos of all sorts (hence the egg shaped puzzle he fiddled with in the cafeteria) but the senile professor had completely forgotten that they had this lecture a week ago. He looked longingly up at the clock and prayed the bell would sound soon. His gaze led to the towering mech in front of him and tried to picture Cooler in it's place. It brought a grin to his face, trying to imagine it being shipped out on the shuttle for space training with him waiting inside. The professor snapped him out of his image. "JAMES!" His head spun so fast to face the teacher that his neck cracked. "Hello James. Thank you for joining us. *snickers from the crowd* I was just about to show the class how to repair the booster system, that may come to save you an hour's worth of rebooting. Is that ok with you?" "No sweat. I'm all ears." He cockily grinned back at him.
  11. I've only played the nintendo game, so that's about all I know about Castlevainia... Name: James Starfe Age: 17 Weapon: Schimitar Appearance: Short white hair and green eyes. Black leather jacket, white shirt, and blue jeans. Black boots and gloves. Bio: His parents were never around much, so he got used to fending for himself. James never knew what happened, one day his father came home with his mother's body in his arms. He killed her, he said, and he didn't mean to, he was drunk, and he thought she was cheating on him.James really loved his mother. James killed his father without a second thought.
  12. Squall


    Name Ryden Age 2 (looks 14) Bio No memories of past, or of self... Desc. Black hair, falls to eyebrows in front and neck in back. blue jacket with yellow collar. Blue jeans and shoes. Green, almost glowing eyes. Weapon: beam sword, with odd powers. (optional) Transformed Name: Kikaider04 Description: blue and red design like kikaider. An arrow going down to his nose of unfinished glass part, outlined in black. same arrow on chest, and glass on forearms. Weapon: energy sword and fists
  13. Name: Ijimeru (japaneese for tourment) Appearance: Dark blue hair that falls messily around the back of his neck in back and his eyebrows in front. blue eyes and black eyebrows. Grey kikaider-style jacket and black shirt. Black pants and grey shoes/gloves. Transformed appearance: Copletely grey, with red eyes and black vertical stripes through eyes. grey body, white joints/fingers, black x across chest. Black belt line. Bio: Programmed: A child in the orphinage with no friends. Left the orphinage and grew up on the country side. True: Activated one week ago. weapons/attacks: Energy fists, energy cannon personality: Stubborn, untalketive but relaxed.
  14. Natsume's pretty cool. Her voice is also Milly Thompson's from Trigun, which freaked me out a bit. I use her a little bit but usually it's just b.rose and elk.
  15. Ichiro looked up at the treetops as he left the group. Numerous cracking twigs alerted his attention and he took off through the woods. He saw a figure and leaped out at it. He cocked his fist and readied to strike. "Not again!!" His fist stopped an inch before Mania's face. "Oh, it's just you." She looked up at the fist and sighed with relief. "What are you doing out here?" Ichiro asked. "I, um... well, what are you doing here?!" She hastily replied. Ichiro lowered his fist and pushed up his sunglasses. "I decided to ditch this. You?" "Uh..." She stammered, being right back where she started. "Not 'till you tell me your name!" She said in a victorious tone. "It's...Jinzo." He lied. "Are you going to tell me, or am I going to sit here waiting for an answer?"
  16. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    The staircases seemed to fly past them as they shot down the staircase. The silvery and the black liquids started shooting out of the walls. The rooms started to shake and morph with each step. The fake people in the rooms glared at them as they passed, Kyru getting one last glimpse of Kaguro. They reached the first floor, but there wasn't any door. "What the hell?!" "It sealed!" "We were washed in! There may have never been a door!" Kovu charged at the door and pounded on it with her staff. "It's no good! It's too thick!" [i][color=teal] Damn! What the hell are we going to do?! [/color] [color=indigo] Kyru... I would never belive you could be so blind. [/color] [color=teal]Who is this!?[/color] [color=indigo]Niether enemy nor friend. A guardian, if you will. There is no door, but there is no need. There is no barracade, for there is no tower. The wave, the stairs, everything but the final demon, was just an illusion...[/color][/i] Kyru looked dumbfounded for a second. "Kyru! Help us!" "...it isn't real..."
  17. OOC: Heh, the classic nightmare line was a little much :-) Starfe looked to both sides and ran along the roof to the edge. The bright green overly kept grass down below swayed in the breeze. Starfe jumped off the edge and clinged to the side. The windows were sealed tight and the curtains were drawn. Starfe worked his way to one of them and tried to kick it in. It didn't budge, but the sound was enough to attract a guard. He opened the window and peeked his head out. Starfe kicked him in the head and squeezed his way in. The guard lay unconcious on the floor. Starfe examined his body. He picked up what looked like an M-16 and took it's ammo. [i] American weaponry? [/i] He stealthly made his way down the hall and looked around the corner. "This is Starfe." He whispered to a small speaker on the inside of his jacket. "I am on the fith floor. Requesting rendevus (however it's spelled) point with other opratives. Do you read."
  18. Himura hovered around the clouds with a wild ferocious look in his eyes. He continued to swoop in and attack the so-called Enders. The villagers seemed quite amused at his slashing at thin air. The Enders came in thousands. A lady screemed as her husband suddenly fell to the ground dead. [i] Damn!! Nobody can see these things! How can I get them to run? [/i] An idea struck him as he soared down the street. His eyes glew a menacing blue which blended with his horrible bat like wings. "Get out of my way! I'll kill you all!!" It seemed to work as villagers started to run, terrified. The Enders swarmed him as he hacked through them all. The town security sealed off the street and started closing in. They did their best to latch onto him and keep him down, but Himura thundered upwards and sent them all flying. [i] This doesn't make sense! Why would Enders come here? Is there something they want? [/i]
  19. "Sir! We may have a lead on the suspects location!" "What?! How!" "Power lines rebooted due 79 miles west of their last sighting." "Good work." "Should I send a patallion?" "No. I don't want to loose any more men. Bring me the AI." "AI?" "That cat scan was wiring. We'll send him out instead." "Are you insane?" "No, but he might be. Have you looked at his cell?" James's dusty cell was a wreak. Where dust lay, he had wrote the word kill. The sink water and everything was spewn out, just for more places to write it. James sat in the corner of the room, his eyes turning full of hatred and insanity. He was brought to the man immediately. "What do you want now?" "I'm here to give you your wish. We know where your 'friends' are, and you are going to kill them." He didn't respond, but a vicious grin plastered across his face.
  20. Ryu sat boared in a large armchair and waited for the sun to go down. Across the room, Hakira lay curled up on one of the table chairs, which was a very odd sight. Her ears perked up and she looked over at him. "Why do you sleep like that?" "Hakira Tsukinara" "Pardon?" "...meow." He looked blankly at her as she scratched behind her ear with her foot. She yawned and stumbled off the chair. "Hello?" "Hello!" She mimicked. Carmize walked to Hakira and patted her head. "She can't speak. She's a clone and all she can say is her name and meow. I'm trying to help her speak but-" "Did anyone tell you that you talk too much?" "I'm sorry mr. Ryu, I thought you'd like to know. You looked like you were interested..." Ryu looked away and bit his lip like he had just swallowed a slug. [i] I hate kids [/i] It wasn't long until both Carmize and Hakira left, and the sun gave it's final wave over the horizon. Ryu grinned and lit a cigarette. [i] Time to get out of this freak house. [/i] He walked to the door and pushed it open. The streets were dark and almost abandoned. He remembered walking down the sidewalk with that burlap blanket over his head, and was glad that it was night. [i] I gotta remember to come back on the next full moon. [/i]
  21. outside of the bar. Except serenity, who is in the kitchen with Damen, who's lost a lot of blood and unconcious.
  22. The thing is, Outbreak isn't supposed to be different from the previous. It annoyed me when I saw the ratings for infection: New origional inventive looks good great gameplay deep story then looked at the almost exact same Mutation: Dull, similare without a hint of origionallity These would be on four disk sets, but first, I don't think I've ever seen a two disk set for PS2, second is the aspect of making 200 dollars (50 per game) instead of 75 for each set. PS Iknow how it all ends, and all that keeps you from the biggest spoiler I've seen, is curiosity: [spoiler] Do you really think I'm telling? Curiosity killed the cat you know... bwahahahahaha~~~ [/spoiler]
  23. I can see that many people didn't get Kikaider01, so here's the deal: [spoiler] DARK survived Kikaider and Komyogi's attack, and went on to build Armegeddon, Komiogi's legacy. Because of it's power (or something) The armegeddon needed a key and/or pilot, which Komyogi implanted into Masaru. There's a huge flip flop and weird unshown stuff, but Mitsuko, Masumaru, and Jiro find each other again and run from DARK to save Masaru. The new kikaiders awoke while they are runninng and join him. Prof. Gil is ressurected in the body of Hakaider, and brings with him three (or four) of his most trusted comrads. They try to capture the kikaiders and Masaru along with the forces of DARK. Mitsuko discovers that she's an androind (and probably Bijinder's sister) and get's killed by Gil, letting Masaru go to DARK. Armegeddon is awoken and the kikaiders try to stop it. DARK develops a circut that makes them follow orders (and gives them a cruel heart) and implants it into everyone but Jiro. When Jiro is captured they try to implant it into him, but the Gemini interfears, and gets a half and half deal, like the bad circut and the Gemini fighting for control. Jiro becomes pretty evil and kills his brothers to get to Gil, who's brain he shatters. (ps great timing, but he becomes human right there) Bijinder and Masaru survive and walk off into the sunset together. [/spoiler] There. Any confusing elements, ask. I'll be happy to answer or research it. :-) One confusing thing that can throw people off a bit, is Komyogi never had kids, he just created them all.
  24. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru didn't give Kovu a chance to respond. He charged at the demon and tried to slash it. It jumped back as Kyru grabbed Kovu's hand and bolted up the stairs. "It isn't real! We have to keep going!" The next level held a giant ogre which they did their best to avoid completely. After about three flights, they came to a throne room, just as Haru said. They slowly walked through, a figure on the throne watching them. Kyru looked on the throne, to see the demon they encountered near the beginning of the tower. "Suprised to see me?" "Not really. It made sense that you were an illusion too." "But, I am not. I am the illusion master! I create what you see before you." Kyru growled, making the demon smirk. "I can read your mind like an open book. Are you looking for this?" A large hourglass appeared with Haru inside. He was sleeping soundly in silvery liquid. "let him go!" Yelled Kovu, producing her staff. "Times up." The demon flipped the hour glass, and the liquid turned black. Haru's screams of terror echoed around the room. "To set him free, you have to kill me! But, there is no hope of that happening. Hahahahaha!"
  25. Himura stopped with such a jerk that he bit his tongue. [i] Two Kagome's?!!! [/i] He blinked stupidly for a second, and looked across the ground. A black haired girl on the ground held her side in pain. Himura looked on in terror, as a blue monsterous thing dug a needle into the lady's stomach. [i] ENDERS?!! [/i] He drew his double swords and swooped towards the ground. [i] How did they get here? [/i] Kikyo tried to hold in a scream as what looked like a bird man swooped next to her and tackled the thin air beside her. The pain stopped coming for a moment as he fought with empty space. It seemed he was victorious by the stop of movement as he turned towards Kikyo. "WHERE ARE THEY?!!" "What are you talking about?" He swore in fury and burst into the air. [i] Damnit! How did I miss them?! There all over! [/i] He swooped down again with his swords drawn.
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