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Everything posted by Squall

  1. Ichiro waited until everyone was either sleeping or looking away, and took his chance to get away. [i] This is bogus. I'm not traveling with a group of weirdo's to god knows where, just because I had a bad feeling. Besides, he would be pissed if i betrayed him... [/i] He tried to step over Diago, which was a very bad move. Diago was up in a flash with his sword drawn. He instivtively slashed but Ichiro mandeged to dodge. He unsheathed his sword and readied for battle. "Oh, it's just you." Ichiro gave a fake grin. "Oh hi there! Don't worry you didn't just try to hack me into pieces it was a figment of your imagination!" He said sarcastically. "Well it serves you right for sneaking around like that! Where the hell are you going off to anyways?" "Off into the sunset, chiwawa boy!" "Who do you think you're calling chiwawa?!" "I think it's pretty damn obvious!" They both growled and tightened their grips on their sword. They waited, until Ichiro finally grinned. "Maybe later. See ya." He sheathed his sword and started walking away.
  2. OOC: This takes place after Kikaider01. Jiro is still alive and wandering. The city still struggles to clean up Armegeddon, the giant robot defeated by Kikaider. The army, of course, was the first to the sight to retrieve the blueprints, so they may one day have their own. There was a problem in delivering the file, and somehow the bluprints found there way to the black market. Potential of total destruction was distributed all over the world and sold to the highest bidder. Komyogi's legacy, the gemini, remained burried inside Misuko's house. Until... 12:00 am Misuko's House A balding figure in a white labcoat opened the rusty doors and looked around inside. His flashlight flickered on as he stepped across the dusty floor. [i] This is where those strange monster sightings came from. I wonder if maybe... [/i] He looked up and noticed a faint greenish glow coming from the upstairs hallway. He walked up the stairs and looked down the hall. All of the doors were shut, except for one on the far right, which was open a crack and lighting the glow. He opened the door, to find stacks upon stacks of notes and paper crammed into a little room. On the desk sat a computor that spewed the greenish glow. He hit a button on the computor, and a large blueprint flashed onto the screen. [i] It can't be! Is this what I think it is?... [/i] Name Age Bio Desc. Weapon (optional) Transformed Name Description Weapon
  3. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    "...I don't know. I'm not sure how I knew. If he does..." Kyru wasn't sure how Kaguro would respond. He remebered Mina comparing him to Kaguro at times, but couldn't see why. He looked amazingly cornball to Kyru. "Let's get going." Kovu said at last. "H-Haru may be in trouble." "Right. Are you sure you're okay? You look like hell." She nodded and tried to put on a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just spooked." He nodded and ran up the stairs. He wondered how Mina was fairing until they reached the top. A long hallway led to antoher staircase at the end. Something cast a shadow on the ground. Kyru walked forward, only to be greeted with a hard boot to the jaw. "Welcome, to my domain. This is where you die." The invisable figure cackled and made a sound like a sword being unsheathed. "Just flipping great." Kyru mumbled under his breath.
  4. A new one you say? That's going to rock. I personally loved almost every aspect to kikaider, but Misuko looks...muscular. Also, Kikaider was way too vain. (don't look at me!!) Kikaider 01 was definately different, but I still liked it. Except for the new ending theme, with the looooong scroll on kikaiders circuts and the boring music...
  5. James grinned with excitement as he activated the cockpit. A menu flashed before him as he scrolled down to manuverability. "Load Cooler program." He said, plugging in Bebo to a small cable. Just at that moment the screen went blank. "No! Not another one!" Kakashki Academy ran completely on solar power. The satellite it used was twice as big as the school. A few weeks ago, the satellite was hit by an orbiting space station and started malfunctioning ever since. Rolling power outs became common, as nobody was going up to fix it. James wondered when someone would, but until then would make do. The cockpits opened and James stepped out. "By school laws, all classmates are to remain in class. Please review for thursday's test in the meantime. James groaned and sat back in his cockpit. He looked at Bebo's screen and started playing a game he uploaded onto it.
  6. Ryu groggely sat up and looked around, pushing off the burlap. "This is real?" Chinkan looked back at him. "You're up. Yeah, this is all real. Why?" "...I keep waking up in a dream." He said quietly. He walked over to the table and took a seat. "Why did you bring me here?" "I wanted to kill you fairly." "Fairly? You may regret that." "If you'd like, I can kill you right now." He didn't respond, but stared into the soup in front of him. "...hey, why am I beat up?" Chinkan looked at him in shock. "Are you serious? You don't know?" "Sounds pretty stupid, but no." Chinkan told him what happened as he continuously paled. "I... did that?" "You really don't remember?" "In pieces. I remember being at an oprah, until I killed everyone, and then it's all scrambled..." He looked back down at his uneaten soup, pondering to himself...
  7. .hack//sign has comedy, just not in leaps and bounds. I think it was the first ep. when Tsukasa rides the puchigos into the wall over and over. And you can't forget Mimiru for most comic relief. I guess a little bit in Kikaider01 Ichiro can provide humor, but again, not in leaps and bounds (let alone hops and skips) I guess if you watched the show from Professor Gil's view, it would be hillarious. PS I almost forgot when Jiro learned how to play the guitar from that one student. That was pretty funny.
  8. "Starfe, are you familliar with the terrorist takeover of the white house three years ago?" "Of course." "Terrorists seal the gates and plan to blow up the white house if their leader wasn't freed from prision, your classic nightmare." "Before somebody went to far and pushed the wrong button. Then it became a Freddy Cougar movie." The white house stood, gleaming in the sunlight. Aside from the locked gates, you could never tell that something was wrong. "Exactly. Half of the explosives went off, devistating the white house and killing many people inside. The terrorists were nowhere to be found. The new president put all of his budgets on white house security, making it impossible for a double-jointed fly to get in undetected. That was true, until ten hours ago, when a group of terrorists took the white house captive, holding the president as hostage. They also plan to launch a nuclear missle straight into the heart of New York city." "Evacuation?" "No. The public is not aware of any of this." "What are there demands?" "20 billion dollars in cash, among other assorted items. But that doesn't matter. Your mission is to enter the white house and disarm the terrorists by any means necissary." "What's the insertion method?" "Parachute from a stealth jet. You will have three minutes to get on the ground before radar picks you up. The jet soared overhead, and then hovered over the white house. A figure was launched from the jet and immediately, a plastic see through parachute was deployed. "Now would be a good time to mention that many operatists from your unit will also be inside, but they will not come in with you." The wind picked up, blowing the figure and his parachute into the top dome. The figure landed on the wall and pushed off, detatching the small parachute. He did a flip and landed on the roof. He grabbed a small radio and dialed in his frequency. "This is Starfe. I'm on the roof."
  9. James woke up under seering light. He could see shadows moving across the room. "It looks like our little friend is awake. Should I retry the serum?" "No. It didn't work while he was dormant. Do we have the results to his annalysis?" "Negitive. The machines all stopped functioning. Too much metallic interfierence." "From what?" "W...where am I?" His head was gripped by a large hand. "Welcome to reality. Have a nice nap?" "Yeah. This chair works wonders." He joked. "Okay. cut the bull **** we need to know where your little friend is." "...Ch-Charlotte? I don't feel like telling you." James didn't know where she was, or how he knew her name. The man squeesed his head as hard as he could with one hand, but then suddenly stopped. He released his grip and flipped through a file. "Theft of an officer's firearm, assult with a deadly weapon, on officers, no less, and about two thousand murders... you have quite a rap sheet.? ?I never killed anyone!? I know, but the public needs someone to blame, and you?re it. ut tell us what we need to know, and it will all go away." "Sir. I broke through the interferince. Here is the annalysis." The man grabs a folder from the other man's hand and looks at the pictures. "What do you call this crap! I wasnt HIS annalysis, not a damn wirey scrambled piece of ****!" "That's his cat scan, sir." ?Hello, and welcome to good evening America, the up to the minute story on what is now being called ?The unknown Massacare?. For those of you just tuning in, murder in idaho (I think) has been popping up quite numerously. The death total is said to be *gasp* ? no less than? two thousand people in unrelated killings. This just in? I have received news that the prime suspect has been captured. Police suspect more killers, and have kept this man in questioning for several hours. The officer in charge had this to say: ?The suspect has refused to talk. It is true that none of the drugs have had any affect, but other measures are now being implied? ?The police were unable to identify?? James landed with a thud as two guards threw him in a cell. Hot tears trickled down his face as he balled up in a corner. He ran his finger through the dust on the wall, spelling something out. It was the only person he could blame, the only person he had talked to, what he thought of as the reason he was hear. He brought his arm back, when he had spelled it out, [i]Charlotte[/i]
  10. Cool. Now I'm gonna start this. Anybody who still wants to join, signups are not closed.
  11. The train yard outside of the city was damp with rain. It was about midnight, the moon was one night away from being full. Most of the cars lay abandoned, except for one. This car, along with the cars on either sides, looked to be first class rooms. The red carpet matched the walls, and even the celing. A chandolier lit the room, showing an elaborate bed in one side. On the bed lay a dead corpse, surrounded by different colored stones and viles of liquid. "Nothing's out there. He moving!" A vampire near the window facing the small metropolis gave a nod towards the vampire standing beside the bed. The vampire ran his hands along the silky sheets, and to a dagger that lay on the pillow. "Funny. The true seperation of vampires and necromancers can not be truely seen." The vampire held up the dagger and cut a slit in his own arm. The dark red blood dripped into one of the viles. "Wolfgang, I have a bad feeling about this. Snake and Jack haven't come back yet. We should wait for them." The vampire grinned and shook his head. "I never liked them anyways." He nodded towards the other vampires, who came and grabbed the corpses arm's. Suddenly the door burst open, and two muddy damp and bloody vampires came in. "We got company!" [i] Although nobody remembers the war, humans still have a very distinct dislike for vampires. The train yard is Wolfgangs place to create the necromancers, and the city nearby found out weeks ago. They continuously send small groups of cops and civillians to attack them, but Wolfgang refuses to move. Night has become boundless slaughter, and the angels can only cry, tears of blood [/i]
  12. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Kyru looked around sharply for any sign of Haru. [i] I'm in a throne room. There's this weird demon in the throne. It's dead, but Kyru won't believe it, it's- [/i] His thought ended on a hanger. Kovu stopped at the edge of the stairs. "Damn! Where do you think there's a-" She stopped when she relized Kyru was staring at her. She looked back at him questionally, which made him look down at the floor. "What is it, Kyru?" "Nothing. It's just..." "just?" [i][color=teal] Should I tell her? [/i][/color] "Nothing. Glad you're back, that's all." Kovu looked at him confused as he avoided her eyes. She frowned. "I'll give you ten seconds." He shut his eyes tight. And reopened them. "This is all too scary. I keep thinking it's all just a nightmare." "What is it?" "Mangst." He said at last. Kovu's eyes looked in shock. "Dad? What about him?" "He was... Kaguro's friend. He commited sucide, probably on the night you watched him die." Kovu's eyes threatened tears. "He..." "It was before Kaguro went mad, I think. Kaguro didn't want him to go, but he had to." Kovu was almost at a point of breaking down. "He... did?" "He said it was the purpose of existance, for those who don't have a life. Or something like that." She went to her knees and put her face in her hands. "Oh my god... I can't belive he would. He wasn't the bet father in the world, he would often leave for weeks without a word and leave my mother and me alone. But, he was... he was still my dad, and I loved him." "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have-" "No, Kyru. I-I'm glad you told me, instead of keeping it a secret." "Would you like to talk about it?" "No, I'm fine." "...would you mind talking about it?" Kovu looked up at him, her tears runnig freely. He plopped down next to her. "It doesn't seem right. A family man with a daughter and wife killing himself." "Well... a little time before he died, he s-stopped talking. He was barely home, a-and it just seemed like he wasn't himself." "Can you tell me what he was like before that?"
  13. OOC: Sorry chichiri's girl. I just used it to identify who I was punching out. lol. "I'm nobody." Ichiro started to leave when Mania stopped him. "Not just yet." Her fist, which went flying into Ichiro's face, was suprisingly hard. "There. Now we're even." She said casually. He rubbed his cheek gingerly and grinned at Mania. "Nice punch." Philip cleared his throat, making Ichiro look at him. "Who are you?" "...Philip." Ichiro nodded. "I'm Mania." Mania told him. Ichiro started to leave again when he remembered something. "Hey. This isn't exactly a social place. What are both of you doing here?" "You first." Mania said, trying to avoid where she came from. "I... I really just had a boad feeling." Ichiro answered, sounding pretty stupid to himself.
  14. The streets flew by as James and the others (not including Snitch, who had stayed behind to show James he wasn't listening) bolted down the streets. It took a good five minutes to reach the bar, which was covered with demons. James looked to see full grown demons, which were very different from child demons. They stood on scroney legs which led up to fairly wide hips, and a pathetically small midsection. The upper body was an entirely different story. The arms buldged with muscles, that reminded James faintly of Spiegal. It's head still remained the same, like a watermelon perched on top of the body. "Cat! Let's do this!" Cat nodded, fixing on her claws, and they both jumped forward. James whipped out his knife and they slashed through the hoards. "They aren't going down!" Cat cried in a suprisingly serious tone. "Cut off their heads!" Serenity yelled. She never mentioned how to [b]reach[/b] their heads, though, for these demons stood a good seven feet tall. {Damen! We're here! Where are you?!} {James?... the kitchen... they overwhelmed me... I've lost alot of blood...} {Damen? Are you there? Damen!} James beckoned for Serenity. "Damen is in the kitchen!! We'll hold them down!!" Serenity nodded and went running. The demons on the roof looked to dive onto her. James pulled out the magnum and took aim. James thought the magnum clicked empty as Mirth manedged to blow them away. Serenity reached Damen in the kitchen and propped her up in her lap. She had passed out, so Serenity did her best to pick her up and get her outside.
  15. OOC: Good eyes sic shape. Yeah bro3886 was off hitman. I always mistake it w/my school number, 6388. (don't know why, though) James was about to get back inside the cockpit when the bell rang. "Saved by the bell!" He started to take off when the professor called him back. "No. You'll stay late to do it." "Uh, no. See ya." James never let any teacher keep him late, let alone talk down to him. He bolted off the field, back inside. [color=teal] Your schedule reads calculous next. [/color] "Yeah, so?" [color=teal] Your Mech program has arrived, and as requested you have been transferred to mech manuvering [/color] "Sweet! I hated math." James walked down the hall. A small group of people in red uniforms were walking his direction. When the entire school, teachers included, are wearing blue uniforms, red stands out like blood on the carpet. It was the Kooblus gang; the normal bad a** group you see in every school. James gave a sigh of relief as they passed him. Most students couldn't care less about the Kooblus, unless they had special buisness with them. James's buisness was punching one of them for hitting on Mira, one thing James couldn't stand. Unlike most gangs, it wasn't bronze or toughness that made the Kooblus intimedating, it was their sheer persistance. Either they were all very loyal, or they were too stupid to quit; James was guessing on the second one. James finally got into his class and walked to the teacher's desk. "Student BR-" "Call me James." "Very well. 'Cooler' arrived. Show me your Bypedel Exo-" "Bebo." "Mister James! We can stand here arguing on titles all day while your program expires, or we can proceed!" The professor's voice was very strict and irratible. Her pale face was threatening color in an instant, though it was hard to see from under her loopy glasses. The 'cooler' program was James's mech. it came standard, but James's came very late. James held out his arm and Bebo downloaded the program.
  16. OOC: It looks like we meet in the Mountain pass Ichiro calmly walked through the forest. It was odd for him to be in there, because he usually hated the forest. He knelt down by a small pool's edge and stared into it. He kept asking himself what had drawn him here, and kept coming up with a bad feeling. His thoughts were interrupted by a rippeling in the water. He stared into it, when something pop behind him. Ichiro instinctevly turned around and launched his fist into the target, which turned out to be the princess. She crashed back into a tree, a large red bruise now swollen on her cheek. "...oh. Just some girl." Ichiro kneeled down next to her and waved his hand in front of her face. She stared blankly into it, probably knocked out. "If you're dead, you don't have to say anything. But if you're alive, could you give me a hint?"
  17. OOC: Moderators, I checked the past 30 days for a kikaider thread, and I couldn't find any. I'm pretty sure I didn't skip any. I really can't belive that Android Kikaider hasn't been posted about. It was the only humorless anime I have ever seen, a bad ending (in both android kikaider the animation AND kikaider01) cool fight scenes, and my personal favorite, except for .hack. Some things I wanted to discuss were... 1) did you see the transition between kik. animation and kik.01? Cause, [spoiler] in the last episode of the animation, Jiro walks through the forsest alone, while Misuko waits for him at home. Then in Kikaider01, Jiro and Misuko are riding on a motorcycle away from bat things, while the little kid is in a coma like state. [/spoiler] I know there is a transition, 'cause Kikaider 01 makes plenty of references to kikaider anime. (ie saburo/gil/komiogi/ect.) 2) in japan there seems to be a live action kikaider. It... it looks like... the power rangers...(sob) 3)rating and opinion on Kikaider
  18. *shrugs* yeah, I'm probably going twenty miles deeper w/this than needs be, lol. but at any rate, if they just could have gotten a better voice actor, none of this would be on trial. PS off topic, but when goku or somebody completely obliterates somebody, why don't they show up in the other world in peices? I think it'd be pretty cool, lol
  19. Okay, I think I'll start this tomorrow night. Everyone's accepted, but I need Eternal Otaku to get his desc. down.
  20. "I... I felt that, Chinkan. Now do you see? Do you remember the true joy of battle? The clashing of bone, and sinew." She continued to smile at him. The darkness that shown through the cracks in the roof of the subway slowly turned pink. "I'll see you sooner than you think." Ryu grin, and oddly started to shink. His hair began to change black again, and his eyes went from red, to their normal state, except now they were plastered in a mix of shock and groggyness. Chinkan stood up as Ryu came to a sit. He winced terribly at the many wounds in his body. "Where... what... who..." "Long story." Ryu looked to have been scared something awful. He tried to ask Chinkan something, but looked down at the tracks. His eyesight seemed to swim in blurs as he flicked on his sunglasses. "Luna?" Chinkan asked. "Ryu." His head continuously buzzed at him; his entire being roasting alive. [i] That wasn't a dream... [/i]
  21. Notice, Stryder comes and says how much time we have and tries to end the discussion, but now is a participant in this twisted disscussion. lol Anyways, shibatku's got a point. we really can't identify it as a boy because it is a son or a brother. I never saw it spelt, so they could have said Sun and broh-their for all we know. :-)
  22. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    Mina did her best to walk down the long hall. Kyru stupidly watched. "Uh... can I help?" "No. It's okay I'm fine." Mina seemed set on doing it alone, but Kyru was starting to get annoyed with the slow speed. "We need to get going. Haru may be in danger." Mina painfully nodded and limped down the hall. He almost laughed. "Here." He grabbed Mina's arm and lifted her over his back. "Hey. I said I got it." "But you didn't mean it. I think I got my horrible lying ability from you." He grinned and started running down the hall. Near the end Kyru set Mina down and they both investigated the room. Mina's mouth dropped in shock when she saw a familliar figure leaning on one of the pillars. "Ka-Kaguro..." "Mina. It's been so long..." Kyru unsheathed his sword in a heartbeat, but Kaguro instead started crying into Mina. "I'm sorry. T-this is all my fault. You have to help me." "Mina! Get away from there! It's a trap!" Mina couldn't resist but to comfort him. "It's o-" Kyru jumped in and smashed his sword through Kaguro's face, and then grabbed Mina's arm to bolt off through the next stairway. "Kyru! Let me go! This one is different!" "You'll thank me..."
  23. Squall

    Rain of Fire

    OOC Sorry for not posting. I've been looking for a picture of Saburo for a different RPG... Kyru looked nervous as one of the Kovu imposters drew closer. He grabbed Mina's hand and waited. She lunged as Kyru stuck his sword out. "Sword of the Leech!" He stuck the sword in and yanked it out. The imposter dissapeared and reapeared as seven more. Kyru screamed as the light energy penetrated his veins. He squeezed Mina's hand and concentrated on it getting to her. It finally started to flow into her as the kovu's started to slash at them. Kyru held Mina's hand tightly and tried to fling her over the group. He could hear her thud on the other side and started hacking through the Kovus. [i] I really hope that works. If her body rejects the energy... [/i]
  24. Ryu couldn't help but grin. "I'm outta grenades, so killing normal people wouldn't be much fun. Why not?" Chinkan grinned to match his, and they scaled to the roof. The pale moon was cut in half by the trees and houses in the distance. The light sent shadows across the two as they stood on opposite sides. Chinkan's hands glew with fire as a death dimension blade shot out of Ryu's wrist. In a signal that seemed only they could see, they took off sprinting at each other. They clashed and rebounded in close combat, neither one backing down or letting a weakness show through. They both flipped back, breathing heavily. "There. Now let's bring it up a notch." Ryu flipped off the side of the roof onto the fire escape next door. Chinkan dove after but missed and tumbled through the window. Ryu came crashing in to be kicked through the roof. Chinkan darted up and was met with a punch through the wall, into another apartment. Ryu launched himself through the hole but crashed through the floor before Chinkan could counter. In mere seconds they both came soaring out of the building before it collapsed. The two landed on the back of a delivery truck and fought on it until they reached the freeway. Ryu leaped from car to car, flipping some and causing many accidents. Chinkan followed closely behind. After a few minutes the fight led them through the road and onto a subway train. "That's good Chinkan..." Ryu came to a kneel before pushing himself back up. "I've been waiting for this for so long... come, make me feel truly alive!"
  25. "Eat THIS!!" Ryu crossed his arms slashed at Miazmodon. He came down with his cloak strung over his blades. Miazmodon stood on a rooftop, the cloak somehow still draped across him. He aimed carefully at Ryu. His cold blue lips twisted into a demented smile. "LUNA! GET DOWN!" Ryu looked to Chinkan. "What?" repeated gunshots filled the air as Ryu crashed against the wall. His eyes stopped flaming, as he looked at the moon. It hung over the hillside and dipped into the valleys. "m-magnificant. Tw-twenty minutes left." Chinkan looked to him in shock, but then up at Miazmodon. She growled and started scaling the side. Ryu watched, thinking to himself. [i] I didn't have... enough vampire blood... the only thing I overlooked... I would have been able to... defeat both weaknesses... and become... undefiable... [/i]
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